924 resultados para RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES


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Doctoral dissertation for Ph.D. degree in Sustainable Chemistry


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Infraventus – Internationalizing a Renewables Business to Kenya Infraventus is a renewable energy development company, with a consolidated experience, since 1988, in developing, constructing and operating projects mainly in Portugal, but also in other countries: Spain, Poland, France, Australia, Finland and Panama, and is now regarding Kenya as a possible destiny. Kenya is the biggest economy of East Africa, with a growing GDP around 5% and a low level of electric grid coverage thru its territory, 33% of national access to electricity. Kenya energy policy is intended to promote the investment in renewables; wind and sun are existing resources in good measures. Kenya is an interesting destiny to Infraventus, but has many risks. The objective of this dissertation is to evaluate the possible advantages of this investment and risks and propose recommendations about how to mitigate them considering alternative entry mode


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Based on the report for the unit “Métodos Interactivos de Participação e Decisão A” (Interactive methods of participation and decision A), coordinated by Prof. Lia Maldonado Teles de Vasconcelos and Prof. Nuno Miguel Ribeiro Videira Costa. This unit was provided for the PhD Program in Technology Assessment in 2015/2016.


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The recent proposals presented by EPA aimed to reduce the dependency of fossil fuels and to lower current emissions levels, hoping to gradually shift electric generation units to renewable energy sources. Actually, the Final Rule Proposal announcement day exhibited a negative Abnormal Return on Fossil Fuels but the following days had positive Abnormal Returns, mostly due to legislative change perceived by financial markets which eased up implementation periods of the proposed measures in the Final Rule when compared to the Draft Rule. Oppositely, Renewables and Solar Portfolios exhibited negative Cumulative Abnormal Returns over the period surrounding the Final Rule.


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The construction industry is responsible for high energy and raw materials consumption. Thus, it is important to minimize the high energy consumption by taking advantage of renewable energy sources and reusing industrial waste, decreasing the extraction of natural materials. The mortars with incorporation of phase change materials (PCM) have the ability to regulate the temperature inside buildings, contributing to the thermal comfort and reduction of the use of heating and cooling equipment, using only the energy supplied by the sun. The simultaneous incorporation of PCM and fly ash (FA) can reduce the energy consumption and the amount of materials landfilled. However, the addition of these materials in mortars modifies its characteristics. The main purpose of this study was the production and characterization in the fresh and hardened state of mortars with incorporation of different contents of PCM and FA. The binders studied were aerial lime, hydraulic lime, gypsum and cement. The proportion of PCM studied was 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% of the mass of the sand. The content of fly ash added to the mortars was 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% of the mass of the binder. It was possible to observe that the incorporation of PCM and fly ash in mortars caused differences in properties such as workability, microstructure, water absorption, compressive strength, flexural strength and adhesion.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Industrial


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores


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Some o f the biggest issues facing humanity in the 21st century include energy security, global warming and resource scarcity. These issues will affect every nation and Ireland is no exception. There is much research underway to uncover technologies that will allow the world to overcome such problems, but none offer the flexibility o f biomass. Unlike other sustainable technologies, which offer a solution to one or at most two o f the above problems, biomass as demonstrated by the author, can play a part in mitigating all o f the above problems. It has been known for some time that biomass can be used in various ways as a form o f renewable energy, but with the development o f biorefineries biomass can be used to produce material as well as fuel products. In this report the author has looked at the viability and benefits o f biomass, bioenergy and biorefining in Ireland. The author has demonstrated that such technologies when implemented correctly are sustainable from an economic, environmental and societal point o f view. The author has shown in this thesis that abundant supplies o f biomass make bio re fineries a viable business opportunity in Ireland and has shown how a number o f biorefinery scenarios have the potential to be extremely profitable. The author has evaluated the profitability o f material product-based bio re fineries as well as fuel productbased configurations. The author demonstrated that value-added co-products help to make bio refineries profitable even when excise-relief is not granted on bio fuels. In this thesis the author has revealed some o f the problems that bioenergy and biorefineries have had to overcome to date and examines challenges that remain for bioenergy and biorefining, and looks at the future opportunities for bio fuels. This report concludes that biomass and biorefining has exciting business potential while offering unique opportunities to mitigate the problems o f the future.


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Due to the global crisis o f climate change many countries throughout the world are installing the renewable energy o f wind power into their electricity system. Wind energy causes complications when it is being integrated into the electricity system due its intermittent nature. Additionally winds intennittency can result in penalties being enforced due to the deregulation in the electricity market. Wind power forecasting can play a pivotal role to ease the integration o f wind energy. Wind power forecasts at 24 and 48 hours ahead of time are deemed the most crucial for determining an appropriate balance on the power system. In the electricity market wind power forecasts can also assist market participants in terms o f applying a suitable bidding strategy, unit commitment or have an impact on the value o f the spot price. For these reasons this study investigates the importance o f wind power forecasts for such players as the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Independent Power Producers (IPPs). Investigation in this study is also conducted into the impacts that wind power forecasts can have on the electricity market in relation to bidding strategies, spot price and unit commitment by examining various case studies. The results o f these case studies portray a clear and insightful indication o f the significance o f availing from the information available from wind power forecasts. The accuracy o f a particular wind power forecast is also explored. Data from a wind power forecast is examined in the circumstances o f both 24 and 48 hour forecasts. The accuracy o f the wind power forecasts are displayed through a variety o f statistical approaches. The results o f the investigation can assist market participants taking part in the electricity pool and also provides a platform that can be applied to any forecast when attempting to define its accuracy. This study contributes significantly to the knowledge in the area o f wind power forecasts by explaining the importance o f wind power forecasting within the energy sector. It innovativeness and uniqueness lies in determining the accuracy o f a particular wind power forecast that was previously unknown.


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En el presente estudio se han analizado las posibilidades de reducción del impacto ambiental que genera el consumo de energía en el Monasterio budista Sakya Tashi Ling del Parque del Garraf, mediante la mejora de la eficiencia energética de los edificios y la producción de la energía consumida a partir de fuentes de energía renovables. Se ha realizado un inventario exhaustivo de los flujos energéticos de entrada del Monasterio: electricidad y combustibles fósiles, y el análisis de estos datos ha permitido observar que la mayor parte del consumo energético del Monasterio tiene como uso final la iluminación. El consumo total de energía se ha cuantificado en 138 kWh/m2/año y la emisiones de CO2 en 177 kg CO2/m2/año. A partir de estos datos se ha estudiado la posibilidad de reducir el consumo y abastecer la demanda energética del Monasterio a través de fuentes de energía renovable como las placas solares fotovoltaicas o las calderas de biomasa. Para alcanzar este objetivo se han propuesto tres escenarios posibles con costes económicos y resultados muy distintos. A diferencia de los escenarios “Edificio Energía Plus” y “Edificio Energía 0”, el tercer escenario propuesto, que trataba de alcanzar el triple objetivo del Plan 20/20/20 (producir a partir de fuentes renovables el 20% de la energía consumida, aumentar en una 20% la eficiencia energética y reducir en un 20% las emisiones de CO2 derivadas del uso de la energía) ha resultado ser muy viable económicamente: la inversión necesaria se amortizaría en tan sólo 5 años.


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En el present estudi s’ha analitzat si és possible l’autosuficiència energètica al barri projectat de La Plana de Sitges a partir de fonts renovables d’energia. S’ha realitzat un anàlisi de l’oferta potencial del barri de La Plana, format per habitatges unifamiliars i plurifamiliars, serveis i equipaments i s’ha comparat el potencial de producció energètica dels recursos renovables locals a cada subsistema i pel sistema de La Plana. Diferenciant si són una Oferta estàndard (4.000 MWh/a) seguint la Normativa d’ecoeficiència de Sitges o bé una Oferta renovable (19.000 MWh/a) segons un Ecobarri proposat en aquest projecte a partir d’energia solar fotovoltaica i tèrmica. En l’estudi de la demanda, diferenciant entre una Demanda estàndard (39.000 MWh/a), respon al total de La Plana seguint el consum d’un habitatge tipus de la mitjana catalana (ICAEN, 2002) i una Demanda eficient (20.800 MWh/a) seguint un model de baix consum projectat en un Ecobarri de Barcelona. (Vallbona, 2009). Per analitzar de forma detallada les variables d’oferta i demanda, s’han proposat quatre escenaris diferents on es valoren l’autosuficiència energètica del sistema de la Plana i aspectes ambientals d’emissions derivades de la utilització de l’energia. El primer escenari és l’estàndard i és el resultat d’analitzar conjuntament una oferta i una demanda estàndard. Al segon escenari conflueixen una Oferta Estàndard i una Demanda Eficient. En el tercer escenari coincideixen una Oferta Renovable i una Demanda Estàndard. El quart i últim escenari respon a la proposta d’Ecobarri on l’Oferta és renovable i la Demanda eficient. Tanmateix, s’ha realitzat un estudi sobre els aspectes econòmics de La Plana que s’estimen en uns beneficis per la venda de l’energia d’uns 5 milions d’euros anuals i uns costos d’instal·lació de 80 milions d’euros. Finalment s’ha constatat que és possible assolir una autosuficiència del 90% a l’escenari Ecobarri (oferta renovable - demanda eficient). Mitjançant la instal·lació de sistemes de captació solar a les cobertes, cobrint el 100% de la demanda d’ACS, i captadors solars FV, ambdues estratègies són viables i representen beneficis econòmics i una reducció d’emissions de l’ordre de 13.700 Tn CO2 equivalents anuals que suposen un estalvi del 88% respecte un escenari d’oferta i demanda estàndard.


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El present projecte té com objecte realitzar una casa que sigui eficient energèticament a partir d’una casa ja construïda, modificant així tot el que sigui necessari per poder aconseguir una millora del comportament bioclimàtic de la casa i una major independència dels subministraments de la xarxa pública (electricitat i gas). El projecte es divideix en tres fases clarament diferenciades: una primera consistent en realitzar una recerca dels sistemes constructius que fan que una casa funcioni millor i sigui més eficient a nivell energètic (façana ventilada, forjat sanitari, coberta enjardinada ,etc) i també consistent en realitzar un estudi dels sistemes o mètodes de producció d’energia més ecològics (energia solar, geotèrmia, energia eòlica, etc), que facin la casa més autònoma en quan a les energies i subministraments de la xarxa pública de distribució (electricitat i gas); una segona fase consistient en triar els sistemes constructius i de producció d’energia tenint en compte la informació obtinguda de la recerca inicial i aplicar aquests sobre una casa unifamiliar amb sistemes constructius i de producció d’energia tradicional (façana amb obra vista, calefacció amb caldera a gas i radiadors,etc) elegida a l’atzar; i una tercera i última fase consistent en fer un comparatiu econòmic entre el cost de construcció de la casa amb sistemes tradicionals i de la casa eficient. Després és farà una estimació de l’estalvi energètic d’una i de l’altra casa, i amb tot això es valorarà si són amortitzables les despeses que s’han realitzat per aconseguir aquests estalvis energètics


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L’objectiu del projecte no és un altre que el de col·laborar enl’organització d’un esdeveniment que tasca final la d’informar, sensibilitzar ipromocionar productes innovadors i energèticament eficients per la llar. Peraixò, es realitzarà un estudi d’algunes tecnologies d’ús domèstic, perintentar trobar les més adequades, eficients, ecològiques i que donin mésfacilitats a l’hora d’estalviar econòmicament en el seu ús habitual.L’activitat es desenvoluparà durant la Setmana Europea de l’Energia, ambel suport de l’Institut Català de l’Energia (ICAEN), en centres comercials dela província de Barcelona, per tal de donar a conèixer i fer més accessiblesuna diversitat de productes ecològics que facilitin l’estalvi econòmic a nivelldomèstic.


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Biofuels are becoming an alternative to non-renewable energy sources but we know little about the economic mechanisms influencing their prices. This paper studies the interrelationships between the spot prices of oil and those of agricultural commodities used as biofuel feedstocks. Using daily data since 1988, we identify a co-movement after 2005 that does not appear for other food-related commodities and is not due to general economic variables. We also find traces of the co-movement in the prices of a large biofuel stock. The results amount to the first systematic piece of empirical evidence linking spot oil and agricultural markets via the emergence of biofuels.


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The simultaneous etherification of isobutene and isoamylenes with ethanol has been studied using macroreticu-lar acid ion-exchange resins as catalyst. Most of the experiments were carried out over Amberlyst-35. In addition,Amberlyst-15 and Purolite CT-275 were also tested. Chemical equilibrium of four chemical reactions was studied:ethyl tert-butyl ether formation, tert-amyl ethyl ether formation from isoamylenes (2-methyl-1-butene and 2-methyl-2-butene) and isomerization reaction between both isoamylenes. Equilibrium data were obtained in a batchwisestirred tank reactor operated at 2.0 MPa and within the temperature range from 323 to 353 K. Experimental molarstandard enthalpy and entropy changes of reaction were determined for each reaction. From these data, the molarenthalpy change of formation of ethyl tert-butyl ether and tert-amyl ethyl ether were estimated. Besides, the chemical equilibrium between both diisobutene dimers, 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene and 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene, wasevaluated. A good agreement between thermodynamic results for the simultaneous etherification carried out in thiswork and those obtained for the isolated ethyl tert-butyl ether and tert-amyl ethyl ether systems was obtained.