999 resultados para RELATIVISTIC ELECTRONS


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Experiments are reported which show that currents of low energy ("cold") electrons pass unattenuated through crystalline ice at 135 K for energies between zero and 650 meV, up to the maximum studied film thickness of 430 bilayers, indicating negligible apparent trapping. By contrast, both porous amorphous ice and compact crystalline ice at 40 K show efficient electron trapping. Ice at intermediate temperatures reveals metastable trapping that decays within a few hundred seconds at 110 K. Our results are the first to demonstrate full transmission of cold electrons in high temperature water ice and the phenomenon of temperature-dependent trapping.


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In this article, we describe general trends to be expected at short times when an excess electron is generated or injected in different room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs). Perhaps surprisingly, the excess electron does not localize systematically on the positively charged cations. Rather, the excess charge localization pattern is determined by the cation and anion HOMO/LUMO gaps and, more importantly, by their relative LUMO alignments. As revealed by experiments, the short-time (ps/ns) transient UV spectrum of excess electrons in RTILs is often characterized by two bands, a broad band at low energies (above 1000 nm) and another weaker band at higher energies (around 400 nm). Our calculations show that the dry or presolvated electron spectrum (fs) also has two similar features. The broad band at low energies is due to transitions between electronic states with similar character on ions of the same class but in different locations of the liquid. The lower-intensity band at higher energies is due to transitions in which the electron is promoted to electronic states of different character, in some cases on counterions. Depending on the chemical nature of the RTIL, and especially on the anions, excess electrons can localize on cations or anions. Our findings hint at possible design strategies for controlling electron localization, where electron transfer or transport across species can be facilitated or blocked depending on the alignment of the electronic levels of the individual species.


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Very collimated bunches of high energy electrons have been produced by focusing super-intense femtosecond laser pulses in submillimeter under-dense plasmas. The density of the plasma, preformed with the laser exploding-foil technique, was mapped using Nomarski interferometry. The electron beam was fully characterized: up to 10(9) electrons per shot were accelerated, most of which in a beam of aperture below 10(-3) sterad, with energies up to 40 MeV. These measurements, which are well modeled by three-dimensional numerical simulations, validate a reliable method to generate ultrashort and ultracollimated electron bunches. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Efficient production of coherent harmonic radiation from solid targets relies critically on the formation of smooth, short density scalelength plasmas. Recent experimental results (Dromey et al 2009 Nat. Phys. 5 146) suggest, however, that the target roughness on the scale of the emitted harmonic wavelength does not result in diffuse reflection-in apparent contradiction to the Rayleigh criterion for coherent reflection. In this paper we show, for the first time, using analytic theory and 2D PIC simulations, that the interaction of relativistically strong laser pulses with corrugated target surfaces results in a highly effective smoothing of the interaction surface and consequently the generation of highly collimated and temporally confined XUV pulses from rough targets, in excellent agreement with experimental observations.


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We demonstrate experimentally that the relativistic electron flow in a dense plasma can be efficiently confined and guided in targets exhibiting a high-resistivity-core-low-resistivity-cladding structure analogous to optical waveguides. The relativistic electron beam is shown to be confined to an area of the order of the core diameter (50 mu m), which has the potential to substantially enhance the coupling efficiency of electrons to the compressed fusion fuel in the Fast Ignitor fusion in full-scale fusion experiments.


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When a pulse of light reflects from a mirror that is travelling close to the speed of light, Einstein's theory of relativity predicts that it will be up-shifted to a substantially higher frequency and compressed to a much shorter duration. This scenario is realized by the relativistically oscillating plasma surface generated by an ultraintense laser focused onto a solid target. Until now, it has been unclear whether the conditions necessary to exploit such phenomena can survive such an extreme interaction with increasing laser intensity. Here, we provide the first quantitative evidence to suggest that they can. We show that the occurrence of surface smoothing on the scale of the wavelength of the generated harmonics, and plasma denting of the irradiated surface, enables the production of high-quality X-ray beams focused down to the diffraction limit. These results improve the outlook for generating extreme X-ray fields, which could in principle extend to the Schwinger limit.


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We report the first systematic observations of relativistic self-phase-modulation (RSPM) due to the interaction of a high intensity laser pulse with plasma. The plasma was produced in front of a solid target by the prepulse of a 100 TW laser beam. RSPM was observed by monitoring the spectrum of the harmonics generated by the intense laser pulse during the interaction. The multipeaked broadened spectral structure produced by RSPM was studied in plasmas with different density scale lengths for laser interactions at intensities up to 3.0x1019 W cm(-2) (a=p(osc)/m(e)c=4.7). The results are compared with calculated spectra and agreement is obtained.


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All ionizing radiations deposit energy stochastically along their tracks. The resulting distribution of energies deposited in a small target such as the DNA helix leads to a corresponding spectrum in the severity of damage produced. So far, most information about the probable spectra of DNA lesion complexity has come from Monte Carlo studies which endeavour to model the relationship between the energy deposited in DNA and the damage induced. The aim of this paper is to establish methods of determining this relationship by irradiating pBR322 plasmid DNA using low energy electrons with energies comparable with the minimum energy thought to produce critical damage. The technique of agarose gel electrophoresis has been used to ascertain the fraction of DNA single- and double-strand breaks induced by monoenergetic electrons with energies as low as 25 eV. Our data show that the threshold electron energy for induction of single-strand breaks is