958 resultados para Quantum Chromodynamics, Helicity Rates, One-Loop Corrections, Bremsstrahlung Contributions, Heavy Quarks, Standard Model
We show that the S parameter is not finite in theories of electroweak symmetry breaking in a slice of anti-de Sitter five-dimensional space, with the light fermions localized in the ultraviolet. We compute the one-loop contributions to S from the Higgs sector and show that they are logarithmically dependent on the cutoff of the theory. We discuss the renormalization of S, as well as the implications for bounds from electroweak precision measurements on these models. We argue that, although in principle the choice of renormalization condition could eliminate the S parameter constraint, a more consistent condition would still result in a large and positive S. On the other hand, we show that the dependence on the Higgs mass in S can be entirely eliminated by the renormalization procedure, making it impossible in these theories to extract a Higgs mass bound from electroweak precision constraints.
We develop the superfield approach to the effective potential in three dimensions and calculate the one-loop and two-loop Kahlerian effective potential in commutative and noncommutative cases. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Path-integral representations for a scalar particle propagator in non-Abelian external backgrounds are derived. To this aim, we generalize the procedure proposed by Gitman and Schvartsman of path-integral construction to any representation of SU(N) given in terms of antisymmetric generators. And for arbitrary representations of SU(N), we present an alternative construction by means of fermionic coherent states. From the path-integral representations we derive pseudoclassical actions for a scalar particle placed in non-Abelian backgrounds. These actions are classically analyzed and then quantized to prove their consistency.
We expect to observe parton saturation in a future electron-ion collider. In this Letter we discuss this expectation in more detail considering two different models which are in good agreement with the existing experimental data on nuclear structure functions. In particular, we study the predictions of saturation effects in electron-ion collisions at high energies, using a generalization for nuclear targets of the b-CGC model, which describes the ep HERA quite well. We estimate the total. longitudinal and charm structure functions in the dipole picture and compare them with the predictions obtained using collinear factorization and modern sets of nuclear parton distributions. Our results show that inclusive observables are not very useful in the search for saturation effects. In the small x region they are very difficult to disentangle from the predictions of the collinear approaches. This happens mainly because of the large uncertainties in the determination of the nuclear parton distribution functions. On the other hand, our results indicate that the contribution of diffractive processes to the total cross section is about 20% at large A and small Q(2), allowing for a detailed study of diffractive observables. The study of diffractive processes becomes essential to observe parton Saturation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We perform an analysis of the electroweak precision observables in the Lee-Wick Standard Model. The most stringent restrictions come from the S and T parameters that receive important tree level and one loop contributions. In general the model predicts a large positive S and a negative T. To reproduce the electroweak data, if all the Lee-Wick masses are of the same order, the Lee-Wick scale is of order 5 TeV. We show that it is possible to find some regions in the parameter space with a fermionic state as light as 2.4-3.5 TeV, at the price of rising all the other masses to be larger than 5-8 TeV. To obtain a light Higgs with such heavy resonances a fine-tuning of order a few per cent, at least, is needed. We also propose a simple extension of the model including a fourth generation of Standard Model fermions with their Lee-Wick partners. We show that in this case it is possible to pass the electroweak constraints with Lee-Wick fermionic masses of order 0.4-1.5 TeV and Lee-Wick gauge masses of order 3 TeV.
The synthesis and study of the chemiluminescence parameters and thermal stability of 1,2-dioxetanes containing a spirofenchyl substituent are reported. Three fenchyl-substituted 1,2-dioxetanes were synthesized by photooxygenation of the corresponding alkenes, obtained by Barton-Kellogg olefination of the readily available (-)-fenchone. The fenchyl-substituted 1,2-dioxetanes showed thermal stabilities similar to those of the corresponding spiroadamantyl-substituted derivatives, although being slightly more labile with respect to unimolecular decomposition than the latter derivatives, which are widely utilized as labels in a great variety of chemiluminescent immunoassays. Fluoride induced decomposition of one triggerable fenchyl 1,2-dioxetane derivative showed kinetic parameters similar to those of the corresponding adamantyl-substituted derivative. The chemiluminescence quantum yields in the one percent range are also similar to that of other widely utilized chemiluminescence systems as the luminol reaction. These results indicate that fenchyl-substituted 1,2-dioxetanes can potentially be utilized as a cheaper alternative to substitute the corresponding spiroadamantyl derivatives in bioanalytical applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recent investigations of various quantum-gravity theories have revealed a variety of possible mechanisms that lead to Lorentz violation. One of the more elegant of these mechanisms is known as Spontaneous Lorentz Symmetry Breaking (SLSB), where a vector or tensor field acquires a nonzero vacuum expectation value. As a consequence of this symmetry breaking, massless Nambu-Goldstone modes appear with properties similar to the photon in Electromagnetism. This thesis considers the most general class of vector field theories that exhibit spontaneous Lorentz violation-known as bumblebee models-and examines their candidacy as potential alternative explanations of E&M, offering the possibility that Einstein-Maxwell theory could emerge as a result of SLSB rather than of local U(1) gauge invariance. With this aim we employ Dirac's Hamiltonian Constraint Analysis procedure to examine the constraint structures and degrees of freedom inherent in three candidate bumblebee models, each with a different potential function, and compare these results to those of Electromagnetism. We find that none of these models share similar constraint structures to that of E&M, and that the number of degrees of freedom for each model exceeds that of Electromagnetism by at least two, pointing to the potential existence of massive modes or propagating ghost modes in the bumblebee theories.
A atividade postal se constitui numa das formas mais antigas de prestação de serviços da história da humanidade e tem início com a necessidade de comunicação das pessoas. O setor postal se organiza de acordo com a legislação dos Países, normalmente, em prestação de serviços públicos, a exemplo do que ocorre no Brasil. A realidade mercadológica do mundo tem mudado o relacionamento das organizações com os seus clientes, principalmente em função da globalização. O setor postal Brasileiro experimenta estas mudanças e passa a dedicar mais atenção aos clientes, através das atividades que desenvolve. Uma das maneiras de conferir se a atividade produz o resultado que se espera é a medição. E, analisando o caso dos Correios da Bahia, encontrou-se a oportunidade de implementar um modelo de avaliação de desempenho e gestão que poderá reorientar as atividades da organização, considerando outras variáveis além das operacionais, como financeiras, do ambiente interno, dos clientes e da responsabilidade social da organização. O caso foi estudado a partir de três modelos de avaliação de desempenho e gestão, com a opção por um deles. A escolha do modelo está vinculada aos objetivos do estudo, que são voltados à análise crítica dos indicadores de desempenho e a conseqüente proposição de um modelo capaz de corrigir desvios e adequar o processo de gestão. Dentre os modelos analisados, encontram-se o Quantum (HRONEC), o Capital Intelectual (STEWART) e o Balanced Scorecard (KAPLAN & NORTON), sendo que este último foi o proposto para o acompanhamento da gestão. Em razão das características e particularidades dos Correios da Bahia, foi sugerida uma alteração na arquitetura original do Balanced Scorecard, sendo incluída a perspectiva da responsabilidade social e do aspecto legal no campo das medições. O modelo é composto por cinco perspectivas com seus respectivos objetivos estratégicos, vinculados aos fatores críticos de sucesso e foi adaptado da obra Organização voltada para a estratégia dos autores KAPLAN & NORTON (2001). Com a adoção do modelo proposto é possível que as distorções verificadas na pesquisa sejam corrigidas e a gestão dos Correios da Bahia seja conduzida para o futuro de forma equilibrada.
A unified growth theory is developed that accounts for the roughly constant living standards displayed by world economies prior to 1800 as well as the growing living standards exhibited by modem industrial economies. Our theory also explains the industrial revolution, which is the transition from an era when per capita incomes are stagnant to one with sustained growth. This transition is inevitable given positive rates oftotal factor productivity growth. We use a standard growth mode1 with one good and two available techno10gies. The first, denoted the "Malthus" technology, requires 1and, labor and reproducible capital as inputs. The second, denoted the "Solow" technology, does not require land. We show that in the earIy stages of development, only the Malthus technology is used and, due to population growth, living standards are stagnant despite technological progresso Eventually, technological progress causes the Solow technology to become profitable and both technologies are employed. At this point, living standards improve since population growth has less influence on per capita income growth. In the limit, the economy behaves like a standard Solow growth model.
No Brasil, o mercado de crédito corporativo ainda é sub-aproveitado. A maioria dos participantes não exploram e não operam no mercado secundário, especialmente no caso de debêntures. Apesar disso, há inúmeras ferramentas que poderiam ajudar os participantes do mercado a analisar o risco de crédito e encorajá-los a operar esses riscos no mercado secundário. Essa dissertação introduz um modelo livre de arbitragem que extrai a Perda Esperada Neutra ao Risco Implícita nos preços de mercado. É uma forma reduzida do modelo proposto por Duffie and Singleton (1999) e modela a estrutura a termo das taxas de juros através de uma Função Constante por Partes. Através do modelo, foi possível analisar a Curva de Perda Esperada Neutra ao Risco Implícita através dos diferentes instrumentos de emissores corporativos brasileiros, utilizando Títulos de Dívida, Swaps de Crédito e Debêntures. Foi possível comparar as diferentes curvas e decidir, em cada caso analisado, qual a melhor alternativa para se tomar o risco de crédito da empresa, via Títulos de Dívida, Debêntures ou Swaps de Crédito.
The bean is a nutrient demanding plant, either due to the small and shallow root system or due to the short cycle. A study with doses of lime and boron was conducted and correlations were made between two types of leaf (+ 1 and + 3) of the bean with the contents of these elements in plants and production, aiming to establish the most appropriate leaf for diagnosis of nutritional status. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions employing bean seeds cv. BRS Talisma. Lime rates considering the saturation of bases (70%), were calculated as zero, half the standard dose, dose to increase V = 70% (default), one and a half and twice the standard dose, while the boron amounts used were: zero, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8 and 2.4 mg B dm(-3). At the time of flowering, diagnostic leaves + 1 and + 3 (mature leaves from the apex) were collected along with sampling of a plant (aerial part) per pot and the measurement of production. Through correlations it was verified that nutrients, calcium, magnesium and boron in the leaf + 3 showed higher correlation coefficients with levels in the plant and production data.
Conduziram-se dois experimentos em laboratório avaliar o efeito da palha da cana- de-açúcar na acidez do solo. A palha da cana foi adicionada nas doses de 0, 20, 40, e 76 g kg-1 na superfície de um latossolo roxo distrófico acondicionado em colunas de PVC. O solo foi incubado a capacidade de campo durante 0, 7, 14, 45, e 90 dias. Após cada incubação, o solo das colunas foram subdividido e amostrado nas seguintes frações 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, e 20-25 cm. Com o aumento da dose da palha da cana verificou-se aumento do pH CaCl2 do solo e decréscimo do alumínio trocável até a camada de 15 cm de solo da coluna de PVC. A contribuição de compostos orgânicos para a destoxificação do Al aumentou com o acréscimo das doses da palha da cana. O crescimento da raiz das plantas trigo usadas como planta indicadora aumentou com o acréscimo das doses da palha de cana. O máximo de crescimento da raiz foi até a camada de 15 cm de solo depois de oito dias para a maior dose de palha da cana-de-açúcar.
We employ finite elements methods for the approximation of solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equations describing the deconfinement transition in quantum chromodynamics. These methods seem appropriate for situations where the deconfining transition occurs over a finite volume as in relativistic heavy ion collisions. where in addition expansion of the system and flow of matter are important. Simulation results employing finite elements are presented for a Ginzburg-Landau equation based on a model free energy describing the deconfining transition in pure gauge SU(2) theory. Results for finite and infinite system are compared. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We update the indirect bounds on anomalous triple gauge couplings coming from the non-universal one-loop contributions to the Z --> width. These bounds, which are independent of the Higgs boson mass, are in agreement with the standard model predictions for the gauge boson self-couplings since the present value of R-b agrees fairly well with the theoretical estimates. Moreover, these indirect constraints on Delta g(1)(Z) and g(5)(Z) are most stringent than the present direct bounds on these quantities, while the indirect limit on lambda(Z) is weaker than the available experimental data.
The muon transverse polarization in the K+-->mu(+)nugamma process induced by the electromagnetic final state interaction is calculated in the framework of the standard model. It is shown that one loop contributions lead to a nonvanishing muon transverse polarization. The value of the muon transverse polarization averaged over the kinematical region of E(gamma)greater than or equal to20 MeV is equal to 5.63x10(-4).