525 resultados para Proverbs, Basque
La asignatura de Competitividad Internacional Urbana (ciu) del programa de Gestión y Desarrollo Urbanos (gdu) de la Universidad del Rosario ha sido desde 2009, cuando asumí su dirección y orientación, un reto permanente de aprendizajes tan estimulantes y variados cuantas ciudades y atributos hay por descubrir en el inmenso mundo de lo urbano-rural-regional. Si bien la competitividad es un asunto urbano-regional antes que nacional, la mayor parte de los enfoques y de las consiguientes referencias bibliográficas abordan la competitividad a nivel nacional siendo relativamente escasas las publicaciones sobre la competitividad urbana. Así, los documentos abordan una descripción general de las ciudades, las causas de las crisis y las consecuencias para la ciudad y su estructura económica, analizadas a partir de los impactos sobre el mercado laboral, los precios de la vivienda, el desarrollo del turismo, entre otros, y las diversas estrategias que adoptaron para afrontar la crisis y convertirla en una oportunidad de desarrollo.
Estudiar las funciones que a la imagen se le han asignado en los diversos métodos que han surgido para el aprendizaje del euskera. Comprobar si los autores de los métodos de euskera han tenido en cuenta el elemento imagen. La enseñanza de idiomas. Es un trabajo teórico que se divide en los siguientes apartados: evolución de la didáctica de idiomas: primeros usos de la imagen. Método tradicional de Gramática-Traducción. El método directo. Audiolingual y audiovisual. La comunicación y los sistemas funcionales como 'The communicative approach', el eclecticismo, la ingeniería transaccional y la sugestiopedía. La imagen en la didáctica de idiomas: necesidad de la imagen. Relación entre imagen y lengua. Funciones de la imagen en la enseñanza de idiomas: el material audiovisual. Aplicaciones prácticas de la fotografía. Utilización en base al grado de dominio del idioma. La imagen en algunos métodos de euskera: 'Methode Basque', 'Nuevo método de euskera básico', 'Euskera, hire laguna', 'Euskalduntzen', 'Hitz egin'. Fuentes bibliográficas. Libros de texto de euskera. Análisis teórico. 'Methode Basque': usa el método tradicional de Gramática-Traducción; aparecen algunas imágenes que están contextualizadas por el texto escrito; la imagen no tiene función didáctica. 'Nuevo método de Euskera Básico': se basa en el uso de la imagen como recurso didáctico y se piensa que el mejor medio para aprender un idioma es acostumbrarse a pensar en él. 'Euskera, hire laguna': está basado en el texto escrito y la labor explicativa del profesor, siendo las imágenes decorativas. 'Euskalduntzen': antes de que el alumno hable o escriba es necesario aprender a escuchar o a pensar en Euskera. 'Hitz egin': la secuencia de aprendizaje es: oír, entender, hablar, leer y escribir. Usa dibujos para evitar la traducción. Sería necesario crear un archivo de imágenes en el que queden reflejados los distintos niveles por los que pasa el alumno en el proceso de aprendizaje, debido a que sin la observación de los elementos visuales que forman parte del contexto en el que se da el acto lingüístico, éste no será comprendido, ya que la imagen es capaz de crear ella misma un texto verbal. El material visual didáctico debe tener un grado de calidad que viene dado por: el grado de conocimiento que del idioma tiene el alumno; de la composición y la calidad misma de la imagen.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Durante los tres últimos cursos, la asignatura troncal Agrupaciones Musicales de la titulación de Maestro/a en Educación Musical que se imparte en la Escuela de Magisterio de Bilbao (Universidad del País Vasco-EHU), ha girado en torno a la participación en un concierto con Oskorri. Este grupo folk, considerado como uno de los mejores de la península, lleva a cabo desde hace trece años el proyecto “The Pub ibiltaria” cuyo objetivo es la recuperación y difusión de las canciones tradicionales vascas. Para ello, cada año presenta un programa de 16 ó 17 canciones y pide la colaboración de músicos para tocar en el concierto, que se graba en directo, y en el que el público participa cantando. El concierto se desarrolla en el marco de la fiesta de Santo Tomás, una fiesta muy popular y concurrida que se celebra en Bilbao el 21 de diciembre
La comunicación presenta las principales conclusiones que se están extrayendo del proceso de puesta en marcha de los nuevos Grados de Pedagogia y Educacion Social en la Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad del País Vasco. Se explican el diseño de las nuevas titulaciones basado en un Esquema Modular, los pasos dados en la Coordinación Docente y se subrayan experiencias como la Actividad Interdisciplinar de Módulo, en un contexto de cambio de la gestión organizacional. Se recogen también las experiencias del Módulo 1 y el Módulo 2 durante el curso 2010-11, y los resultados de las evaluaciones realizadas por los equipos docentes y los alumnos
The overall significance of the construction and building services sector internationally cannot be overemphasised. In the UK, the industry currently accounts for 10% gross domestic product (GDP) and employs 2 million people, which is more than 1 in 14 of the total workforce. However, regardless of its output (approximately £65 billion annually) there has been a steady decline in the number of trade entrants into the construction and building services sector. Consequently, the available ‘pool of labour’ is inadequately resourced; productivity is low; the existing labour force is overstressed; there is an increase in site deaths; and a long-term labour shortage is envisaged. Today, the evidence seems to suggest that multiskilling is a tentative redress for ameliorating the skills crisis in the construction and building sectors. A 43-year time-series of data on 23 manpower attributes was evaluated as part of this investigation. The developed linear regression models show that the concept of multiskilling obeys the ‘law of diminishing returns'. That is, a weak relation was found between construction output and a three or more combination of manpower attributes. An optimisation model is prescribed for traditional trades.
This article argues that two movements in constant interplay operate within the historical trajectory of the Spanish language: the localization that becomes globalized and the globalization that becomes localized. Equally, this article illustrates how, at the same time that Spanish is expanding in the world, new idiosyncratic and localized forms of the language are emerging. This article deals with the issues of standardization and language ideology, language contact, and redefinition of identities. The article focuses on three geographic loci: Spain, where Spanish opposes Catalan, Basque, and Galician; the United States, where migrants' Spanish dialects converge and confront English and each other; and finally, Latin America, where Spanish is in contact with Portuguese, indigenous, and Afro-Hispanic languages. The concepts that structure the discussion explain both language expansion and contraction as well as the conflict and constant negotiation between a language's standardized forms and its regional and social varieties.
This article reports on a study investigating the relative influence of the first and dominant language on L2 and L3 morpho-lexical processing. A lexical decision task compared the responses to English NV-er compounds (e.g., taxi driver) and non-compounds provided by a group of native speakers and three groups of learners at various levels of English proficiency: L1 Spanish-L2 English sequential bilinguals and two groups of early Spanish-Basque bilinguals with English as their L3. Crucially, the two trilingual groups differed in their first and dominant language (i.e., L1 Spanish-L2 Basque vs. L1 Basque-L2 Spanish). Our materials exploit an (a)symmetry between these languages: while Basque and English pattern together in the basic structure of (productive) NV-er compounds, Spanish presents a construction that differs in directionality as well as inflection of the verbal element (V[3SG] + N). Results show between and within group differences in accuracy and response times that may be ascribable to two factors besides proficiency: the number of languages spoken by a given participant and their dominant language. An examination of response bias reveals an influence of the participants' first and dominant language on the processing of NV-er compounds. Our data suggest that morphological information in the nonnative lexicon may extend beyond morphemic structure and that, similarly to bilingualism, there are costs to sequential multilingualism in lexical retrieval.
To identify chemical descriptors to distinguish Cuban from non-Cuban rums, analyses of 44 samples of rum from 15 different countries are described. To provide the chemical descriptors, analyses of the the mineral fraction, phenolic compounds, caramel, alcohols, acetic acid, ethyl acetate, ketones, and aldehydes were carried out. The analytical data were treated through the following chemometric methods: principal component analysis (PCA), partial least square-discriminate analysis (PLS-DA), and linear discriminate analysis (LDA). These analyses indicated 23 analytes as relevant chemical descriptors for the separation of rums into two distinct groups. The possibility of clustering the rum samples investigated through PCA analysis led to an accumulative percentage of 70.4% in the first three principal components, and isoamyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, copper, iron, 2-furfuraldehyde (furfuraldehyde), phenylmethanal (benzaldehyde), epicatechin, and vanillin were used as chemical descriptors. By applying the PLS-DA technique to the whole set of analytical data, the following analytes have been selected as descriptors: acetone, sec-butyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, methanol, isoamyl alcohol, magnesium, sodium, lead, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, 4-hydroxy3,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde (syringaldehyde), methaldehyde (formaldehyde), 5-hydroxymethyl-2furfuraldehyde (5-HMF), acetalclehyde, 2-furfuraldehyde, 2-butenal (crotonaldehyde), n-pentanal (valeraldehyde), iso-pentanal (isovaleraldehyde), benzaldehyde, 2,3-butanodione monoxime, acetylacetone, epicatechin, and vanillin. By applying the LIDA technique, a model was developed, and the following analytes were selected as descriptors: ethyl acetate, sec-butyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, isoamyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, caramel, catechin, vanillin, epicatechin, manganese, acetalclehyde, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid, 2-butenal, 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid, cyclopentanone, acetone, lead, zinc, calcium, barium, strontium, and sodium. This model allowed the discrimination of Cuban rums from the others with 88.2% accuracy.
Une langue est comme un être vivant. Elle porte les traces des avis, des sentiments, de la joie et des déceptions de nos ancêtres. En même temps elle reflète les toutes tous derniers modes de vie et la manière de penser et d’agir dans la vie quotidienne. Ce sont sa grammaire, ses mots, ses proverbes et ses citations qui en témoignent. Ses sons soulignés par l’intonation et la prosodie nous laissent presque deviner l’esprit de vitalité, de mélancolie ou d’élégance de la langue et de ces locuteurs. Mais est-ce qu’il est possible de trouver aussi les traces des événements historiques et sociaux dans l’évolution d’une langue? Cette question est centrale dans ce mémoire qui suit l’évolution du français à partir du latin parlé dans l’Antiquité et en comparaison avec celle d’autres langues notamment celle du suédois.
The corpus of this work constitutes an analysis the literary work As Filhas do Arco-Íris, by Eulício Farias de Lacerda, considering object of study myths, legends and popular stories as estruturant elements of the romance. The unchainment of this reading considers aspects of the oral tradition as starting point for the rupture tradition. In that perspective, it became fundamental to describe aspects of the popular culture that consolidated the Brazilian Literature during the 20th century. Like this, it was necessary to understand the development of oral elements and the structuring of the folk-tales, pointing out that As Filhas do Arco-Íris was built in a especial way with regionalist characteristics, following the parameters of the romances published among the years 1930 and 1950. In the researched work, it was noticed a narrative that gathers stories, legends, myths, proverbs and oral locutions. In this, it reveals that the Brazilian literary production grew in aesthetics and thematic. Like this, As Filhas do Arco-Íris is an exercise of the experience regionalist inserted in the contemporary novel, because even with your first publication in 1980, the narrative is configured to the molds of a Romance de 30
This work presents a surveyabout the short stories of Sagarana. first book by Guimarães Rosa, publishedin 1946, and that marked the Brazilian litterature definitely, since we are in front of a new construction of the language, linked to the establishment of a new Portuguese, trough the association between the cult speech and the speech from the sertão, always with a pretence sensitivity that rouses when joins archaisms, neologisms, regional expressions and literary language. Among the nine short stories that made up the work, we will select the following ones, to be analysed: "O Burrinho Pedrês", Traços Biográficos de Lalino Salãthiel ou A volta do marido pródigo , "São Marcos" and A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga". Among the hypothesis that organize and surround this work, we will approach the narrative aesthetics, the creative process and the orallity, i.e., how Rosa trans1ate the oral world, rescuing the archaizing speech in the written narrative construction.We will choose for the establishment of developed questions in this ressearch the theories of Paul Zumthor, Câmara Cascudo, Sílvio Romero, Antonio Candido and Alfredo Bosi, among others. Therefore, we will see, through the narrative reading, how the popular parlances are used, which they are linked. The citations that show the popular tradition presence will be pointed out, through anecdotes, folk songs, legends, myths, folktales and proverbs. Therefore, we, readers, will see the popular tradition presence, that will show itself, and the Rosa's thinking will be known through language art, what is the result of the writer's deliberate choice. We will see the popular experience turned to art
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population data for forensic purposes are still scarce for some populations, which may limit the evaluation of forensic evidence especially when the rarity of a haplotype needs to be determined in a database search. In order to improve the collection of mtDNA lineages from the Iberian and South American subcontinents, we here report the results of a collaborative study involving nine laboratories from the Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (GHEP-ISFG) and EMPOP. The individual laboratories contributed population data that were generated throughout the past 10 years, but in the majority of cases have not been made available to the scientific community. A total of 1019 haplotypes from Iberia (Basque Country, 2 general Spanish populations, 2 North and 1 Central Portugal populations), and Latin America (3 populations from São Paulo) were collected, reviewed and harmonized according to defined EMPOP criteria. The majority of data ambiguities that were found during the reviewing process (41 in total) were transcription errors confirming that the documentation process is still the most error-prone stage in reporting mtDNA population data, especially when performed manually. This GHEP-EMPOP collaboration has significantly improved the quality of the individual mtDNA datasets and adds mtDNA population data as valuable resource to the EMPOP database (www.empop.org). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is involved in both ozone destruction and global warming. In agricultural soils it is produced by nitrification and denitrification mainly after fertilization. Nitrification inhibitors have been proposed as one of the management tools for the reduction of the potential hazards of fertilizer-derived N2O. Addition of nitrification inhibitors to fertilizers maintains soil N in ammonium form, thereby gaseous N losses by nitrification and denitrification are less likely to occur and there is increased N utilization by the sward. We present a study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) and of the slurry additive Actilith F2 on N2O emissions following application of calcium ammonium nitrate or cattle slurry to a mixed clover/ryegrass sward in the Basque Country. The results indicate that large differences in N2O emission occur depending on fertilizer type and the presence or absence of a nitrification inhibitor. There is considerable scope for immediate reduction of emissions by applying DCD with calcium ammonium nitrate or cattle slurry. DCD, applied at 25 kg ha-1, reduced the amount of N lost as N2O by 60% and 42% when applied with cattle slurry and calcium ammonium nitrate, respectively. Actilith F2 did not reduce N2O emissions and it produced a long lasting mineralization of previously immobilized added N.