845 resultados para Propositions didactiques
The aim of the current study is to examine the influence of the channel external environment on power, and the effect of power on the distribution network structure within the People’s Republic of China. Throughout the study a dual research process was applied. The theory was constructed by elaborating the main theoretical premises of the study, the channel power theories, the political economy framework and the distribution network structure, but these marketing channel concepts were expanded with other perspectives from other disciplines. The main method applied was a survey conducted among 164 Chinese retailers, complemented by interviews, photographs, observations and census data from the field. This multi-method approach enabled not only to validate and triangulate the quantitative results, but to uncover serendipitous findings as well. The theoretical contribution of the current study to the theory of marketing channels power is the different view it takes on power. First, earlier power studies have taken the producer perspective, whereas the current study also includes a distributor perspective to the discussion. Second, many power studies have dealt with strongly dependent relationships, whereas the current study examines loosely dependent relationships. Power is dependent on unequal distribution of resources rather than based on high dependency. The benefit of this view is in realising that power resources and power strategies are separate concepts. The empirical material of the current study confirmed that at least some resources were significantly related to power strategies. The study showed that the dimension resources composed of technology, know-how and knowledge, managerial freedom and reputation was significantly related to non-coercive power. Third, the notion of different outcomes of power is a contribution of this study to the channels power theory even though not confirmed by the empirical results. Fourth, it was proposed that channel external environment other than the resources would also contribute to the channel power. These propositions were partially supported thus providing only partial contribution to the channel power theory. Finally, power was equally distributed among the different types of actors. The findings from the qualitative data suggest that different types of retailers can be classified according to the meaning the actors put into their business. Some are more business oriented, for others retailing is the only way to earn a living. The findings also suggest that in some actors both retailing and wholesaling functions emerge, and this has implications for the marketing channels structure.
This doctoral dissertation takes a buy side perspective to third-party logistics (3PL) providers’ service tiering by applying a linear serial dyadic view to transactions. It takes its point of departure not only from the unalterable focus on the dyad levels as units of analysis and how to manage them, but also the characteristics both creating and determining purposeful conditions for a longer duration. A conceptual framework is proposed and evaluated on its ability to capture logistics service buyers’ perceptions of service tiering. The problem discussed is in the theoretical context of logistics and reflects value appropriation, power dependencies, visibility in linear serial dyads, a movement towards the more market governed modes of transactions (i.e. service tiering) and buyers’ risk perception of broader utilisation of the logistics services market. Service tiering, in a supply chain setting, with the lack of multilateral agreements between supply chain members, is new. The deductive research approach applied, in which theoretically based propositions are empirically tested with quantitative and qualitative data, provides new insight into (contractual) transactions in 3PL. The study findings imply that the understanding of power dependencies and supply chain dynamics in a 3PL context is still in its infancy. The issues found include separation of service responsibilities, supply chain visibility, price-making behaviour and supply chain strategies under changing circumstances or influence of non-immediate supply chain actors. Understanding (or failing to understand) these issues may mean remarkable implications for the industry. Thus, the contingencies may trigger more open-book policies, larger liability scope of 3PL service providers or insourcing of critical logistics activities from the first-tier buyer core business and customer service perspectives. In addition, a sufficient understanding of the issues surrounding service tiering enables proactive responses to devise appropriate supply chain strategies. The author concludes that qualitative research designs, facilitating data collection on multiple supply chain actors, may capture and increase understanding of the impact of broader supply chain strategies. This would enable pattern-matching through an examination of two or more sides of exchange transactions to measure relational symmetries across linear serial dyads. Indeed, the performance of the firm depends not only on how efficiently it cooperates with its partners, but also on how well exchange partners cooperate with an organisation’s own business.
The goods-dominated marketing model has major shortcomings as a guiding marketing theory. Its marketing mix approach is mainly geared towards buying and does not include consumption as an integral part of marketing theory. Although it is during the process of consuming goods and services that value is generated for customers and the foundation for repeat purchasing and customer relationships are laid, this process is left outside the scope of marketing. The focus in service marketing is not on a product but on interactions in service encounters. Consumption has become an integral part of a holistic marketing model. Other than standardized goods-based value propositions can be better understood when taking a servicebased approach. It is concluded that marketing based on a goods logic is but a special case of marketing based on a service logic and applicable only in certain contexts with standardized products.
The discussion of a service-dominant logic has made the findings of decades of service marketing research a topic of interest for marketing at large. Some fundamental aspects of the logic such as value creation and its marketing implications are more complex than they have been treated as so far and need to be further developed to serve marketing theory and practice well. Following the analysis in the present article it is argued that although customers are co-producers in service processes, according to the value-in-use notion adopted in the contemporary marketing and management literature they are fundamentally the creators of value for themselves. Furthermore, it is concluded that although by providing goods and services as input resources into customers’ consumption and value-generating processes firms are fundamentally value facilitators, interactions with customers that exist or can be created enable firms to engage themselves with their customers’ processes and thereby they become co-creators of value with their customers. As marketing implications it is observed that 1) the goal of marketing is to support customers’ value creation, 2) following a service logic and due to the existence of interactions where the firm’s and the customer’s processes merge into an integrated joint value creation process, the firm is not restricted to making value propositions only, but can directly and actively influence the customer’s value fulfilment as well and extend its marketing process to include activities during customer-firm interactions, and 3) although all goods and services are consumed as service, customers’ purchasing decisions can be expected to be dependant of whether they have the skills and interest to use a resource, such as a good, as service or want to buy extended market offerings including process-related elements. Finally, the analysis concludes with five service logic theses.
Tourism is one of important livelihoods in Lapland. Christmas tourism was launched in the early 1980s and it became a success story - being labelled as the most epochal tourism product in Finland. Hence, today Christmas tourists are one of the most significant foreign groups arriving to Lapland during the winter season and contributing considerably to the economics of the northeastern periphery of the EU. Christmas tourism concentrates around Father Christmas who uses reindeer for transportation. The Sämi are the only indigenous people in the EU. They are all stereotypically perceived to be reindeer herders. Somehow these three, that is, Santa Claus, reindeer and the Sämi, have been incorporated into same fairytale dominion. In practice, this has happened by using the most visible cultural but also significant identity marker of the Sämi, the Sämi costume. This, in turn, has created controversy over authenticity due to manners in which the costume is used in tourism - often in imitational, mismatched forms by non-Sämi. In this thesis, after relevant literature review I intend to establish how the Sâmi are represented in Christmas tourism through visual data consisting of ten images from three foreign sources. Then I clarify why and to whom it matters of how the Sâmi are represented in Christmas tourism with the aid of 65 questionnaires and nineteen expert interviews collected mainly in the Finnish Sâmi Home Region in October 2009. Through the multiplicity of the voices of various interest and ethnic groups and by using critical discourse analysis I attempt to give an overview of the respondents' opinions and look at some preliminary solutions to the controversy. Based on my data, the non-Sami appear to accept the Sami costume usage in Christmas tourism most readily. Consequently, respect and attitudinal changes have become the respondents' propositions in addition to common set of rules of how the Sami image could be appropriated without violating the integrity of the Sami people, or a similar system of S¿m¡ Duodji trademark guaranteeing the authenticity of the tourism products. Additionally, though half of the interviewees explicate Sami presence in Christmas tourism by adding local flavour to otherwise commercial enterprise, the other half see no rationale to connect facts with fiction, that is, the Sami with Santa Claus.
Tourism is one of important livelihoods in Lapland. Christmas tourism was launched in the early 1980s and it became a success story - being labelled as the most epochal tourism product in Finland. Hence, today Christmas tourists are one of the most significant foreign groups arriving to Lapland during the winter season and contributing considerably to the economics of the northeastern periphery of the EU. Christmas tourism concentrates around Father Christmas who uses reindeer for transportation. The Sämi are the only indigenous people in the EU. They are all stereotypically perceived to be reindeer herders. Somehow these three, that is, Santa Claus, reindeer and the Sämi, have been incorporated into same fairytale dominion. In practice, this has happened by using the most visible cultural but also significant identity marker of the Sämi, the Sämi costume. This, in turn, has created controversy over authenticity due to manners in which the costume is used in tourism - often in imitational, mismatched forms by non-Sämi. In this thesis, after relevant literature review I intend to establish how the Sâmi are represented in Christmas tourism through visual data consisting of ten images from three foreign sources. Then I clarify why and to whom it matters of how the Sâmi are represented in Christmas tourism with the aid of 65 questionnaires and nineteen expert interviews collected mainly in the Finnish Sâmi Home Region in October 2009. Through the multiplicity of the voices of various interest and ethnic groups and by using critical discourse analysis I attempt to give an overview of the respondents' opinions and look at some preliminary solutions to the controversy. Based on my data, the non-Sami appear to accept the Sami costume usage in Christmas tourism most readily. Consequently, respect and attitudinal changes have become the respondents' propositions in addition to common set of rules of how the Sami image could be appropriated without violating the integrity of the Sami people, or a similar system of S¿m¡ Duodji trademark guaranteeing the authenticity of the tourism products. Additionally, though half of the interviewees explicate Sami presence in Christmas tourism by adding local flavour to otherwise commercial enterprise, the other half see no rationale to connect facts with fiction, that is, the Sami with Santa Claus.
This thesis studies the basic income grant proposal in Namibia. The proposal suggests a monthly grant of N$100 (approximately 10€) to all those Namibian citizens who do not receive the state pension. This thesis concentrates on the Basic Income Grant (BIG) Coalition and on its work. The formation and transformation of the coalition during the time period between 2003 and 2009 is analyzed with the help of data collected during two field work periods in 2008 and 2009. The data includes interviews, newspaper articles, observations and other background material. The analysis of this material is mainly conducted from organizational viewpoint. The final part of the thesis applies the results to the theory of Mosse, whose propositions about policy and practice will be discussed in relation to the basic income grant pilot project. The thesis argues that social legitimacy has been a vital resource for the work of the BIG Coalition and it has sought for it in various ways. The concept of social legitimacy originates from the resource dependence perspective of Pfeffer and Salancik, who propose that organizations are dependent on their environments, and on the resources provided by the surrounding environment. This thesis studies the concept of social legitimacy in the context of resource dependence theory. Social legitimacy is analyzed in the relations between the coalition and its environment, in the formation of the coalition, in the responses towards criticism, and finally in relation to the propositions concerning policy and practice. The work of the coalition in the pilot project will be analyzed through the propositions of Mosse concerning policy and practice. The results will describe and analyze key events in the formation of the BIG Coalition from the South African proposal until the end of the basic income pilot project. This BIG pilot project conducted in 2008-2009 is one of the most well-known activities of the coalition. The clashes between the coalition and its environment will be analyzed through four case studies. It will be shown that the project has been conducted in order to gain more legitimacy to the basic income grant proposal. The conclusion questions the legitimacy of the BIG Coalition as a research and development organization, and requests for more transparent research on the basic income proposal in Namibia.
In this paper I will offer a novel understanding of a priori knowledge. My claim is that the sharp distinction that is usually made between a priori and a posteriori knowledge is groundless. It will be argued that a plausible understanding of a priori and a posteriori knowledge has to acknowledge that they are in a constant bootstrapping relationship. It is also crucial that we distinguish between a priori propositions that hold in the actual world and merely possible, non-actual a priori propositions, as we will see when considering cases like Euclidean geometry. Furthermore, contrary to what Kripke seems to suggest, a priori knowledge is intimately connected with metaphysical modality, indeed, grounded in it. The task of a priori reasoning, according to this account, is to delimit the space of metaphysically possible worlds in order for us to be able to determine what is actual.
O exame da admissibilidade financeira e orçamentária de proposições na Assembleia Nacional da França
Analisa o controle da admissibilidade financeira de proposições legislativas, com impacto nas contas públicas na Assembleia Nacional da França. Compara, subsidiariamente, com o caso brasileiro referente à Câmara dos Deputados. Expõe a atuação das diferentes instituições do Estado francês envolvidas no exame de admissibilidade financeira. Investiga as competências e o processo legislativo relacionados, especificamente no que tange à Assembleia Nacional. Detalha os critérios e os conceitos relativos ao exame, adotados por aquela casa legislativa e consigna a evolução histórica recente dos principais aspectos do controle de admissibilidade na França.
Estudo descritivo, desenvolvido sob o enfoque do novo institucionalismo, que trata do sobrestamento de pauta resultante da aplicação das regras constitucionais e regimentais. Busca identificar as razões da gênese desse instituto no presidencialismo brasileiro, assim como entender seu papel tanto na tramitação das proposições para as quais foi concebido, quanto nos trabalhos dos Plenários das Casas do Congresso Nacional. Procura compreender os mecanismos por meio dos quais o sobrestamento de pauta, além de garantir a apreciação célere de algumas proposições consideradas urgentes, contribui decisivamente para transformar o chefe do Poder Executivo no principal controlador da agenda do processo legislativo brasileiro.
Busca consolidar e aprofundar os estudos já realizados relativos à produção legislativa decorrente do poder conclusivo com a finalidade de verificar a efetividade desse instituto, além de averiguar o almejado fortalecimento do papel das comissões na produção legislativa federal. Para tanto, analisa as proposições que se transformaram em norma jurídica nas legislaturas posteriores à promulgação da Constituição de 1988 até o primeiro ano da 53ª Legislatura (2007). Analisa, também, qualitativamente, a produção legislativa nesse período, utilizando a teoria alemã de legislação simbólica, de acordo com a tipologia de Harald Kindermann.
[ES] La privatización de una empresa conlleva un profundo proceso de reforma, que incluye la introducción de nuevas prácticas de gobierno. La revisión de trabajos teóricos y empíricos realizada nos permite confirmar que no existe un análisis sistemático de los cambios en la gestión que tienen lugar tras la privatización de una empresa pública.
Estudo exploratório sobre a ação parlamentar feminina na Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal, realizado por meio da análise do conteúdo de proposições voltadas a atender demandas específicas das mulheres. Buscou-se examinar a autoria das proposições em relação ao sexo do propositor e avaliar a relevância das proposições destinadas às mulheres na produção individual e coletiva dos parlamentares, além de discutir seu conteúdo temático e refletir sobre a correlação entre a quantidade e o conteúdo das proposições de gênero e a origem partidária de seus autores. Os resultados indicam que parlamentares do sexo feminino atuam mais sobre gênero do que os homens, com concentração de proposições sobre os temas “Políticas Públicas para Mulheres” e “Educação e Sensibilização para Gênero”. As mulheres também foram coautoras da maioria das proposições coletivas, estabelecendo alianças mais amplas e diversas do que os homens ao legislar sobre gênero. Em relação à origem partidária das parlamentares, os resultados revelam que a atuação dos partidos políticos sobre as questões de gênero qualifica a ação parlamentar das Deputadas sobre o tema.
Analisa o fenômeno da má redação das leis sob a ótica do processo legislativo, a partir do exame das etapas de elaboração e de votação da Redação Final das proposições sujeitas à apreciação do Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados. O objetivo é verificar se as incoerências textuais, de forma e de conteúdo, são ocasionadas também pela votação da redação presumida, a par da inobservância das regras e preceitos de Técnica Legislativa. O trabalho mostra que a prática da votação da redação presumida pode provocar lapsos e incoerências no texto final, pelo encerramento da apreciação da matéria sem a possibilidade de sanear erros materiais ou formais porventura existentes. Além disso, propõe que a própria legitimidade do processo e, por conseguinte, do ato legislativo final, estaria maculada, pela impossibilidade de se atestar a conformidade entre a Redação Final e o real conteúdo deliberado pelo Plenário, podendo o texto não espelhar a real intenção do legislador. O trabalho inicia com as noções de Técnica Legislativa, de forma a caracterizar a importância do aspecto formal e da adequada apresentação escrita das proposições legislativas. Em seguida, descreve o atual processo de elaboração e de votação da Redação Final e as suas consequências para a redação e a legitimidade dos textos legais. Para isso, foram analisadas diversas Questões de Ordem acerca do assunto e realizada uma breve pesquisa, que contempla as proposições aprovadas pelo Plenário neste ano de 2011 (até 26/10/11), para verificar a quantidade de modificações introduzidas e a possibilidade de ocorrência de deficiências redacionais em razão da não apresentação do texto da Redação Final antes de considerá-lo definitivamente aprovado. Na sequência, faz um estudo de caso do processo de votação da Lei da "Ficha Limpa". Por fim, apresenta proposta de modificação, no sentido de contribuir para o debate e consequente aperfeiçoamento do referido processo.
Analisa o posicionamento dos integrantes do Congresso Nacional frente às negociações para a formação da Área de Livre Comércio das Américas (ALCA), a concentrar sua atenção sobre o Senado Federal, com eventuais incursões pela Câmara dos Deputados. O período por nós delimitado compreende, respectivamente, o lançamento da proposta pela integração continental, ocorrida na I Cúpula das Américas, nos EUA, em 1994, até o ano de 2005, em que se evidenciou a paralisação do processo negociador. Dois fatores estimularam-nos a realizar esta tarefa. Primeiro, colocar à prova a tese, disseminada pelo senso comum, de que o Parlamento não demonstra interesse por questões ou assuntos internacionais. Segundo, fornecer uma contribuição à escassa bibliografia disponível a respeito da relação entre os congressistas e a produção da política externa brasileira de integração regional, em particular. Apesar de não ignorarmos o papel predominante do Poder Executivo na formulação e condução da política externa nacional, e nem a comprovada carência de mecanismos participativos e decisórios formais à disposição do Parlamento para atuar nas diferentes facetas deste plano, procuramos aferir em que medida a atividade parlamentar se restringe ou não, na prática, ao seu exercício constitucional de aprovar ou rejeitar matérias sobre política exterior, conforme nos aponta o senso comum. O caráter polêmico das negociações e dos debates ocorridos no Brasil a respeito da conformação da ALCA, ao longo de mais de uma década, levou-nos a questionar qual teria sido o posicionamento dos congressistas com relação ao assunto, ou seja, se teriam manifestado interesse em se envolver mais intensamente com a questão, ou se reservado a debatê-la somente na ocasião em que fosse submetida, na forma de um acordo, à sua apreciação. A elaboração do presente trabalho orientou-se pela pretensão em alcançar respostas para duas perguntas formuladas por nós: a ausência de mecanismos formais de participação parlamentar nas negociações sobre a ALCA teria refletido um suposto desinteresse dos senadores pela questão? Em que medida esta referida ausência não teria impelido o Parlamento a buscar influenciar o processo por outros meios, ou até mesmo fomentado demandas pela ampliação de seu papel constitucional no tratamento de questões externas? Para tentar responder a tais perguntas, servimo-nos especialmente dos apanhamentos taquigráficos dos pronunciamentos realizados pelos senadores; de proposições elaboradas pelos congressistas e de atas e notas tquigráficas de audiências públicas promovidas por Comissões do Congresso Nacional.