929 resultados para Propagation and acclimatization


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Micro cracking during service is a critical problem in polymer structures and polymer composite materials. Self-healing materials are able to repair micro cracks, thus their preventing propagation and catastrophic failure of structural components. One of the self-healing approaches presented in the literature involves the use of solvents which react with the polymer. The objective of this research is to investigate a procedure to encapsulate solvents in halloysite nanotubes to promote self-healing ability in epoxy. Healing is triggered by crack propagation through embedded nanotubes in the polymer, which then release the liquid sovent into the crack plane. Two solvents were considered in this work: dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and nitrobenzene. The nanotubes were coated using the layer-by-layer technique of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes: cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and sodium polyacrylate. Solvent encapsulation was verified by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), analysis thermogravimetry (TGA), adsorption and desorption of nitrogen and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The introduction of the solvent DMSO into the cavity of the nanotubes was confirmed by the techniques employed. However, was not verified with nitrobenzene only promoted clay aggregation. The results suggest that the CTAB reacted with the halloystite to form a sealing layer on the surface of the nanotubes, thus encapsulating the solvent, while this was not verified using sodium polyacrylate.


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The Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) is a class of fuel cells that is capable of generating very high levels of power at high temperatures. SOFCs are used for stationary power generation and as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems. In spite of all the beneficial features of the SOFC, the propagation of ripple currents, due to nonlinear loads, is a challenging problem, as it interferes with the physical operation of the fuel cell. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the cause of ripples and attempt to eliminate or reduce the ripple propagation through the use of Active Power Filters (APF). To this end, a systematic approach to modeling the fuel cell to account for its nonlinear behavior in the presence of current ripples is presented. A model of a small fuel cell power system which consists of a fuel cell, a DC-DC converter, a single-phase inverter and a nonlinear load is developed in MATLAB/Simulink environment. The extent of ripple propagation, due to variations in load magnitude and frequency, are identified using frequency spectrum analysis. In order to reduce the effects of ripple propagation, an APF is modeled to remove ripples from the DC fuel cell current. The emphasis of this thesis is based on the idea that small fuel cell systems cannot implement large passive filters to cancel the effects of ripple propagation and hence, the compact APF topology effectively protects the fuel cell from propagating ripples and improves its electrical performance.


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Presented are the design and results of a reconfigurable UWB filtenna with sharp dual bandnotch at WiMAX 3.5 GHz and WLAN 5.8 GHz bands. The filtenna is formed by placing three loop resonators in an UWB antenna. The resonators are fitted with Graphene based switches which introduce reconfigurability. The filtenna was simulated electromagnetically and with Graphene based switches in switches OFF and switches ON states. Presented results show a passband from 2.81–12.27 GHz in OFF state and ON state results in sharp dual bandnotch within the passband at 3.45 and 5.95 GHz at a return loss of 2–2.5 dB. The gain and efficiency in both states has also been given and is reduced in ON state at the dual bandnotch. The radiation patterns in E- and H-planes are stable.


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This paper presents the layout and results of a compact inkjet-printed filtenna operating at the S-band, ISM and UWB frequencies. The filtenna has a wide passband and, alongside, rejects WiMAX 3.5 GHz, WLAN 5.8 GHz and ITU service 8.2 GHz bands. The filtenna is simulated, printed using silver nanoparticle ink on flexible Kapton substrate and measured. Obtained simulation and measurement results agree well with each other. Measured return loss of the filtenna is more than 10 dB for 1.6–10.85 GHz and triple bandnotch, measuring at an average of 1.87 dB, are present at the unwanted bands. Radiation patterns, as well as the gain and efficiency of the filtenna have also been presented; with the average values being 3.4 dBi and 90 % respectively for the passband and averaging at −1.0 dBi and 22 % respectively for the three rejected bands.


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A new wideband transition between substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) and rectangular waveguide (RWG) that resembles a right angle waveguide E-bend at Ku/K band is presented. The transition has removable but stable mounting, requires only PCB fabrication and has adaptable quality and bandwidth characteristics depending on the number of substrate layers used.


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New challenges posed by global environmental change have motivated scholars to pay growing attention to historical long-term strategies to deal with climate extremes. We aim to understand long-term trends in community responses to cope with droughts, to explain how many preindustrial societies coevolved with local hydro-climatic dynamics and coped with climate extremes over time. The specific goals of this work are: (1) to analyze how local communities experienced droughts over long periods of time and (2) to document the spectrum of recorded community responses to drought. Our research covers over one century (1605-1710) of responses to drought in the community of Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain. Data were collected through archival research. We reviewed and coded 2076 village council minutes. Our results show that the local community adopted a mixture of symbolic, institutional, and infrastructural responses to drought and that drought-related decisions varied through time. We discuss adaptation strategies on the basis of the distinct physical signals of drought propagation and the role of nonclimatic historical factors, such as warfare and public debt, in shaping responses. We conclude that long-term perspectives on premodern history and comparable empirical studies are fundamental to advance our understanding of past social responses to hydro-climatic extremes.


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O cancro é um dos maiores causadores globais de mortalidade e morbilidade, ocorrendo cerca de 14 milhões de novos casos por ano e 8,2 milhões de mortes anuais com esta patologia, números que tendem a aumentar 70% nas próximas duas décadas. A característica tumoral mais nefasta é a sua capacidade de metastização para outros órgãos, um mecanismo que pode ser despoletado pela falha dos mecanismos normais de controlo de crescimento, proliferação e reparação celulares, que facilita o processo de transformação de células normais em células cancerígenas. A oncogénese processa-se em três etapas, a iniciação, a promoção e a progressão e pode ter origem em células estaminais cancerígenas, que regulam as capacidades de propagação e recidiva do tumor. As neoplasias hematológicas resultam de alterações genéticas e /ou epigenéticas que conduzem à desregulação da proliferação, ao bloqueio da diferenciação e/ou à resitência à apoptose. Para além dos fatores de risco exógenos, como agentes carcinogénicos físicos, químicos e biológicos, existem também fatores endógenos, incluindo características genéticas, que podem alterar a predisposição para o aparecimento de neoplasias, bem como influenciar a resposta à terapêutica. Uma das terapêuticas aplicadas no tratamento do cancro é a quimioterapia. Os fármacos administrados a doentes oncológicos seguem normalmente o percurso de absorção, distribuição, metabolização e eliminação. Este curso pode sofrer alterações caso as proteínas transportadoras e metabolizadoras necessárias não atuem corretamente. Para um melhor conhecimento da influência das alterações provocadas por variações nos genes que codificam proteínas transportadoras de efluxo (MDR1, MRP1), proteínas de influxo (OCTN2) e proteínas metabolizadoras (UCK2), o objetivo deste trabalho consistiu na avaliação de polimorfismos nos genes MDR1, MRP1, OCTN2 e UCK2 e da sua relação com a predisposição para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas. Para isto, foram utilizadas amostras de 307 doentes com neoplasias hematológicas, 83 de Síndrome Mielodisplásica (SMD), 63 Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA), 16 de Síndrome Mielodisplásica/Neoplasias Mieloproliferativas (SMD/NMP), 77 de Mieloma Múltiplo (MM) e 68 de Gamapatia Monoclonal de Significado Indeterminado (MGUS) e 164 de controlos não neoplásicos e/ou indivíduos saudáveis. As amostras de ADN foram extraídas do sangue periférico com protocolo adequado. De forma a determinar os genótipos correspondentes a cada amostra, realizaram-se técnicas de RFLP-PCR e ARMS-PCR. Posteriormente, calcularam-se estatisticamente as frequências alélicas e genotípicas relativas às variantes polimórficas dos genes MDR1, MRP1, OCTN2 e UCK2 e verificou-se se estavam em Equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. De seguida, avaliou-se a força de associação entre as formas polimórficas e o risco de desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas, através do cálculo do risco relativo por análise de regressão logística. Avaliaram-se ainda os perfis genéticos e a possível relação com o desenvolvimento e progressão da neoplasia com recurso a regressão logística e análise de Kaplan-Meier. De um modo geral as frequências alélicas e genotípicas não se revelaram alteradas comparativamente ao esperado. A análise do odds ratio associado ao polimorfismo rs1045642 do gene MDR1 revelou que o genótipo CT pode constituir um fator de risco aumentado de 1,84x para o desenvolvimento de Gamapatias Monoclonais e 2,27x para o desenvolvimento de Mieloma Múltiplo. Por outro lado, a presença de genótipos portadores do alelo T têm um efeito protetor no desenvolvimento de MM (OR=0,41). O cálculo do risco associado ao polimorfismo rs4148330 do gene MRP1 revela que o genótipo AG é um fator protetor (OR=0,50) para o desenvolvimento de LMA, assim como o alelo G (OR=0,50). Além disso, verificámos que existe uma associação de risco de desenvolver neoplasia com o polimorfismo rs2185268 do gene UCK2. De facto, a presença dos genótipos CC e AC representam um fator de risco 4,59x aumentado para o desenvolvimento de SMD/NMP. O polimorfismo rs274561 do gene OCTN2 não apresenta relação com o risco relativo de desenvolvimento neoplásico. Da avaliação da influência dos polimorfismos em estudo na sobrevivência global dos doentes, podemos assumir que a presença do genótipo GG relativo ao polimorfismo rs2185268 do gene UCK2 representa uma diminuição da sobrevivência em 11 meses. Os resultados obtidos a partir do nosso estudo permitem-nos concluir que os polimorfismos podem ser fatores relevantes na predisposição para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas e na progressão destas doenças.


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No âmbito de um projeto realizado para a Administração Portuária do Porto da Figueira da Foz, foram recolhidos dados geofísicos no offshore da costa da Figueira da Foz, utilizando um sistema combinado de sonar de varrimento lateral e de sísmica de alta resolução com o objetivo de compreender a distribuição de sedimentos ao longo do fundo marinho e assim entender melhor a sua origem. Os dados de varrimento lateral foram processados, analisados e representados em mosaicos recorrendo ao software integrado TRINTON Prespective. Foram colhidas 10 amostras de sedimentos de fundo que foram analisadas do ponto de vista granulométrico e que foram usadas para a calibração dos mosaicos do sonar de varrimento lateral de modo a produzir um mapa semi-quantitativo de classificação dos sedimentos de fundo. Os dados de reflexão sísmica foram processados e analisados através dos softwares SPW e RadExPro. Os mapas de sonar de varrimento lateral produzidos (mosaicos) mostram uma relação entre o tamanho de grão e composição dos depósitos de plataforma interna e os processos geológicos que ocorrem na zona costeira adjacente. Também se verifica uma relação entre a orientação da costa e a sua consequente exposição às ondas incidentes, e como isso afeta e altera a distribuição do tamanho grão. Neste contexto, a interpretação combinada dos mosaicos do sonar de varrimento lateral com os dados de granulometria e a batimetria dos sedimentos permitiram uma cartografia interpretativa detalhada da morfologia do mar, uma melhor compreensão do controlo da linha costeira na propagação das ondas e correntes e, por conseguinte, na transferência de sedimento no litoral. Os dados de sísmica permitem ainda verificar a espessura das várias camadas geológicas em profundidade.


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The most native fruit trees are belonging to Myrtaceae family, which it have as main marketing potential their fruit. Despite the wide acceptance of the fruits of these native fruit cultura, the establishment of commercial orchards is still necessary, because if it prevails extraction in the forest. To start the cultivo in the orchard, the first point is on the mother plant choice, which should provide superior characteristics when compared to other genotypes. Then, it is necessary to choose the method to can produce satisfactory amount of seedlings and preferably without it to lose the mother plant characteristics. For this, it adopts the asexual thechniques, with option for grafting, cuttings and air layering. These techniques when tested with native fruits tree, it proved limiting in theses results, with this, it should to test other it to recommend its use, especially, those fruit native of higher potential as jabuticaba tree, pitanga tree, sete capote tree and araça amarelo tree. The aim of this study was to test the use of asexual propagation through mini-cuttings in these native fruit trees, according to the time of collection, the mini-cutting length and concentration of IBA, as well as, it to relate the results of rooting with tryptophan extracted at certain times. The work was carried out at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, Brazil. The samples were collected each two months. The mini-cutting were prepared with 6 or 8 cm, with a pair of leaves reduced to 25% of the original size. The mini-cuttings had their base immersed in liquid solution of indole-butyric acid (IBA) in the concentrations of 0, 3000 and 6000 mg L-1 and then were placed in tubes containing commercial substrate. The experimental design was completely randomized with factorial 2 x 3 x 6 (mini-cutting length x IBA concentration x time of collection), with four replications, it being each plot varied according to the amount of shoots obtained by period time. After 120 days, the rooting and callus formation (%), average number of roots per mini-cutting and the average length of the roots were evaluated. After 60 days of these evaluations, the survival of mini-cuttings rooted after transplant was evaluated. It was evaluated also the production of mini-cuttings of each size in each period time. At the end of the experiment it was evaluated the percentage of survival of mother plantlets. For analysis of tryptophan was used materials branches, leaves and twigs with leaves, taken from the materials used for the production of mini-cutting. It was recommended for hybrid jabuticaba tree the use mini-cutting with eight cm, treated with 6000 mg L-1 of IBA and collected in June. For jabuticaba tree of cabinho and araça amarelo tree the period for propagation by mini-cuttings should be in August, regardless of IBA concentration and length of the mini-cutting. In the jabuticaba tree sabara and sete capote tree is important to obtain more satisfactory results realized the collect in October or December, with the same independence of other levels tested in other factors. However, for sete capote tree should test other techniques to increase the efficiency of propagation. And with pitanga tree recommended to the collection in June, but with 6cm the application of 3000 mg L-1 of IBA and 8 cm with 6000 mg L-1 of IBA.


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This study was carried out to isolate and determine bacterial agents in outer lesions of sturgeons in Shahid Dr. Beheshti sturgeon propagation and rearing center in Gilan province. Five species of sturgeons were studied from viewpoint of lesions. A number of 167 specimens of Beluga, 76 specimens of Persian sturgeon, 27 specimens of Russian sturgeon, 42 specimens of stellate and finally 23 specimens of ship had bacterial lesions in different outer parts of their bodies. After sampling and purification, bacterial cultures and biochemical tests were done. After the isolation of bacteria from lesions, Edwardsiella tarda was selected by means of PCR. To obtain molecular acceptance, a pair of E. tarda special primer, forward primer ETa2-351 and reverse primer (Edwsp-780r) were reproduced. A number of 12 E. tarda DNA sample were identified by PCR. After molecular diagnosis, Persian sturgeon challenged with E. tarda for determination of pathogenesis. Challenge method was done by means of injection of different dilutes of E. tarda into dorsal muscle. Sampling of hematopoietic organs (kidney, spleen and liver) were carried out and located in Boin's fixator to perform pathology survey. Also, in order to survey of existence and effect of E. tarda, sampling of kidney for bacterial culture was done by molecular and biochemical methods. Results showed that the most lesions in all five species belonged to abdominal surface. Skin and scutes of this part were involved in comparison with other parts. Also, It was removed some samples from lesions to pathological survey. Microscopic observations showed some levels of destruction of epidermis layers, necrosis of dermis cells and destruction of muscular layer of skin. On the other hand, invasion of inflammatory cells and haemorrhagic in dermis were clear. Based on biochemical results, Aeromonas sobria, A cavia . A. hydrophila , Acinetobacter lowffii , A.baumanni , A.cakoaceticus, Pseudomonas putida , P fluorescens , P.aeruginosa , Serratia marcescens , Escherichia coli , Enterobacter aerogenes , Edwardsiella tarda , Proteus mirabilis , kelebsiella oxytoca and Staphylococcus sp. were isolated from outer lesions. Results of PCR confirmed that E. tarda was before and after challenge in 200 bp range. LD50, 96h was determined 1.2 x 10^5 (CFU/ml). Pathological experiments showed lesions in the kidney, including hemorrhages, degeneration of glumeruli and tubular epithelia, degeneration and necrosis of interestitium tissue, accumulation of protein casts in the tubular lumen. It was observed haemorhages, engorged blood vessels, congestion of sinusoids, increased of melanine, melano macrophage centers, degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes in the liver. In the spleen, it was recorded congestion, degeneration, necrosis changes in the white and red pulpa, blood engorged and detachment of ellipsoid wall.


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The French research EMACOP project aims at characterising wave power nearby onshore structures. This paper presents the application of the non-hydrostatic wave-flow model SWASH to wave propagation and transformation on two hot spots in Brittany. The numerical simulations were performed for dominant wave conditions and three tide levels. The results of wave simulations allow us to characterise wave energy resources and define Wave Energy Converters (WEC)'s promising positions on both sites.


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Poster presented at the 22nd International HIV Dynamics and Evolution. Budapest, Hungary, 13-16 May 2015


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Half-Unit-Biased format is based on shifting the representation line of the binary numbers by half Unit in the Last Place. The main feature of this format is that the round to nearest is carried out by a simple truncation, preventing any carry propagation and saving time and area. Algorithms and architectures have been defined for addition/substraction and multiplication operations under this format. Nevertheless, the division operation has not been confronted yet. In this paper we deal with the floating-point division under HUB format, studying the architecture for the digit recurrence method, including the on-the-fly conversion of the signed digit quotient.


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In vitro propagation of pineapple produces uniform and disease-free plantlets, but requires a long period of acclimatization before transplanting to the field. Quicker adaptation to the ex vitro environment and growth acceleration of pineapple plantlets are prerequisites for the production of a greater amount of vigorous, well-rooted planting material. The combination of humic acids and endophytic bacteria could be a useful technological approach to reduce the critical period of acclimatization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the initial performance of tissue-cultured pineapple variety Vitória in response to application of humic acids isolated from vermicompost and plant growth-promoting bacteria (Burkholderia spp.) during greenhouse acclimatization. The basal leaf axils were treated with humic acids while roots were immersed in bacterial medium. Humic acids and bacteria application improved shoot growth (14 and 102 %, respectively), compared with the control; the effect of the combined treatment was most pronounced (147 %). Likewise, humic acids increased root growth by 50 %, bacteria by 81 % and the combined treatment by 105 %. Inoculation was found to significantly increase the accumulation of N (115 %), P (112 %) and K (69 %) in pineapple leaves. Pineapple growth was influenced by inoculation with Burkholderia spp., and further improved in combination with humic acids, resulting in higher shoot and root biomass as well as nutrient contents (N 132 %, P 131 %, K 80 %) than in uninoculated plantlets. The stability and increased consistency of the host plant response to bacterization in the presence of humic substances indicate a promising biotechnological tool to improve growth and adaptation of pineapple plantlets to the ex vitro environment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)