1000 resultados para Project Apollo (U.S.)


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An upper Aptian to middle Albian series of volcaniclastic rocks more than 300 m thick was drilled at Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin. On the basis of textural and compositional (bulk-rock chemistry, primary and secondary mineral phases) evidence, the volcaniclastic unit is subdivided into a lower (below 830 m sub-bottom) and an upper (about 670-760 m) sequence; the boundary in the interval between is uncertain owing to lack of samples. The rocks are dominantly former vitric basaltic tuffs and minor lapillistones with lesser amounts of crystals and basaltic lithic clasts. They are mixed with shallow-water carbonate debris (ooids, skeletal debris), and were transported by mass flows to their site of deposition. The lower sequence is mostly plagioclase- and olivine-phyric with lesser amounts of Ti-poor clinopyroxene. Mineralogical and bulk-rock chemical data indicate a tholeiitic composition slightly more enriched than N-MORB (normal mid-ocean ridge basalt). Transport was by debris flows from shallow-water sites, as indicated by admixed ooids. Volcanogenic particles are chiefly moderately vesicular to nonvesicular blocky shards (former sideromelane) and less angular tachylite with quench plagioclase and pyroxene, indicating generation of volcanic clasts predominantly by spalling and breakage of submarine pillow and/or sheet-flow lavas. The upper sequence is mainly clinopyroxene- and olivine-phyric with minor plagioclase. The more Ti-rich clinopyroxene and the bulk-rock analyses show that the moderately alkali basaltic composition throughout is more mafic than the basal tholeiitic sequence. Transport was by turbidity currents. Rounded epiclasts of crystalline basalts are more common than in the lower sequence, and, together with the occurrence of oxidized olivine pseudomorphs and vesicular tachylite, are taken as evidence of derivation from eroded subaerially exposed volcanics. Former sideromelane shards are more vesicular than in the lower sequence; vesicularity exceeds 60 vol.% in some clasts. The dominant clastic process is interpreted to be by shallow-water explosive eruptions. All rocks have undergone low-temperature alteration; the dominant secondary phases are "palagonite," chlorite/smectite mixed minerals, analcite, and chabazite. Smectite, chlorite, and natrolite occur in minor amounts. Phillipsite is recognized as an early alteration product, now replaced by other zeolites. During alteration, the rocks have lost up to 50% of their Ca, compared with a fresh shard and fresh glass inclusions in primary minerals, but have gained much less K, Rb, and Ba than expected, indicating rapid deposition prior to significant seafloor weathering.


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A diatom biostratigraphy is presented for middle Miocene through Quaternary sediments recovered from the Chatham Rise east of New Zealand's South Island. The upper 590 m of the 639.5-m composite-section Site 594 represents approximately 16 m.y. and is characterized by moderately to very poorly preserved diatoms of antarctic to temperate affinity. Pliocene through Quaternary assemblages are poorly preserved and dominated by antarctic-subantarctic species which provide detailed biostratigraphic control. Recognized are 11 of 14 zones of the middle upper Miocene to Quaternary Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zonation (NSD 7-NSD 20) of Ciesielski (1983; this chapter). Four Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zones (NSD 3-NSD 6) are recognized in the lower middle Miocene to middle upper Miocene of Site 594. Assemblages of this interval have a mixed high-latitude and temperate affinity; however, poor preservation limits correlation to high- and temperate-latitude zonal schemes. Neogene North Pacific diatom zones and subzones of NNPD 3 through NNPD 5 (Barron, in press, b) are correlated to Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zones NSD 3 through NSD 7: the upper portions of the Actinocyclus ingens Zone (NNPD 3) is correlative to the upper Nitzschia maleinterpretaria Zone (NSD 3); the Denticulopsis lauta Zone (NNPD 4) and Subzones a and b are correlative to the lower Coscinodiscus lewisianus Zone (NSD 4); and the D. hustedtü-D. lauta Zone (NNPD 5) and its Subzones a through d encompass the upper C. lewisianus Zone (NSD 4), N. grossepunctata Zone (NSD 5), N. denticuloides Zone (NSD 6), and the lower D. hustedtii-D. lauta Zone (NSD 7). A major disconformity spans the late Gilbert to early Gauss Chron (3.9-2.8 Ma). A second disconformity brackets the Miocene/Pliocene boundary; the section missing covers late Chron 5 and the early Gilbert chron (5.5-4.6 Ma). The remainder of the siliceous-fossil-bearing Miocene sediments at Site 594 appear to be correlative to lower paleomagnetic Chronozone 5 through upper Chronozone 16. Uppermost lower Miocene or lowermost middle Miocene sediments in the basal 50 m of Hole 594A are barren of diatoms.


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Pebble-sized basaltic and glassy clasts were extracted from seamount-derived volcaniclastic debris flows and analyzed for various trace elements, including the rare earths, to determine their genetic relationships and provenance. All the clasts were originally derived from relatively shallow submarine lava flows prior to sedimentary reworking, and have undergone minor low-grade alteration. They are classified into three petrographic groups (A, B, and C) characterized by different phenocryst assemblages and variable abundances and ratios of incompatible elements. Group A (clast from Hole 585) is a hyaloclastite fragment which is olivine-normative and distinct from the other clasts, with incompatibleelement ratios characteristic of transitional or alkali basalts. Groups B and C (clasts from Hole 585A) are quartz-normative, variably plagioclase-clinopyroxene-olivine phyric tholeiites, all with essentially similar ratios of highly incompatible elements and patterns of enrichment in light rare earth elements (chrondrite-normalized). Variation within Groups B and C was governed by low-pressure fractionation of the observed phenocryst phases, whereas the most primitive compositions of each group may be related by variable partial melting of a common source. The clasts have intraplate chemical characteristics, although relative to oceanic hot-spot-related volcanics (e.g., Hawaiian tholeiites) they are marginally depleted in most incompatible elements. The source region was enriched in all incompatible elements, compared with a depleted mid-ocean-ridge basalt source.


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Corg and Norg contents in the acid insoluble mineral fraction were studied in sediments of Site 593. Both decrease systematically from Recent to early Miocene over 425 m of carbonate facies. C/N ratios (7-11) are typically marine and indicate that residual organic matter, bound to clay minerals, was originally scavenged from the marine habitat rather than being of terrigenous origin. Variations of Corg and Norg are almost entirely controlled by rates of sedimentation, which gradually increase from Recent to early Miocene. Preliminary results of carbohydrate distribution indicate that epigenetic and diagenetic processes alter both the concentrations and the ratios of individual monomers with depth. Total carbohydrate concentrations in the samples diminish from 91 µg/g sediment at 18 m sub-bottom depth to 49 µg/g at 335 m. In contrast, sugars in the acid insoluble residue increase with depth, suggesting release of structural polysaccharides and their subsequent association with clay minerals. Ratios of arabinose to fucose, which are about 6:1 in Recent carbonaceous sediments intercepted by sediment traps, vary from 1:1 in the youngest sample to 1:2.5 in the oldest.


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Radiolarians are very rare in all Leg 90 sites. They are relatively more frequent only in Neogene sediments from Sites 586 and 594, and in Eocene sediments at Site 592. In this chapter radiolarian abundances are recorded as comparative percentages for 92 Neogene morphotypes at Site 586B. Relative abundances only are estimated at Sites 592 and 594, where preservation is poor to moderate. A tentative correlation of radiolarian events at Hole 586B and Site 594 shows that only a few species can be found in both tropical and subantarctic areas. New evolutionary lineages are proposed. 1. Middle Miocene eucyrtids like Eucyrtidium teuscheri group evolved into a widespread species (E. teuscheri teuscheri) ranging from middle Miocene to Holocene and a temperate species (E. teuscheri orthoporus) ranging from middle Miocene to early Pleistocene. 2. Phormostichoartus pitomorphus appears to be a temperate descendant of the cosmopolitan P. fistula and disappears in early Pleistocene time. 3. The discovery of Lamprocyrtis daniellae n.sp. calls into question the lineage L. heteroporos -> L. nigriniae. 4. The evolution of Lamprocyclas maritalis from an ancestor group (L. aff. maritalis) is located in the early part of the Pterocanium prismatium Zone.


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Cretaceous benthic foraminifers from Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin, western Pacific Ocean, provide an environmental and tectonic history of the Basin and the surrounding seamounts. Age diagnostic species (from a fauna of 155 benthic species identified) range from late Aptian to Maestrichtian in age. Displaced species in sediments derived from the tops and flanks of nearby seamounts were deposited sporadically on the Basin floor well below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) at abyssal depths of 5000 to 6000 m. These depths, characterized by an indigenous assemblage of benthic foraminifers, recrystallized radiolarians, fish debris, and sponge spicules, existed in the Mariana Basin from late Aptian to the present. Early Albian and older edifice-building volcanism had reached the photic zone with associated shallow-water bank or reef environments. By middle Albian, the dominant source areas subsided to outer-neritic to upper-bathyal depths. Major volcanic activity ceased and fine-grained sediments were deposited by distal turbidites, although intermittent volcanism and the influx of rare neritic material continued until the late Albian. By the Cenomanian to Turonian, upper- to middle-bathyal depths were reached by the dominant source areas, and the sediments recovered from this interval include organic carbon-rich layers. Rare benthic foraminifers from the Coniacian-Santonian interval indicate a continuation of dominantly middle-bathyal source areas. A change in sedimentation during the Campanian-Maestrichtian from older zeolitic claystone to abundant chert in the Campanian, and nannofossil chalk and claystone in the Maestrichtian resulted from migration of the site beneath the equatorial productive zone due to northwestward plate motion. The appearance of rare middle-neritic and upper-bathyal species in the Maestrichtian interval associated with volcanogenic debris gives evidence of the remobilization and downslope transport of pelagic deposits due to thermally induced uplift. Episodic redeposition of shallow-water material during the Aptian-Albian was produced by edifice-building volcanism perhaps combined with eustatic lowering of sea level. The Cenomanian-Turonian pulse coincided with a low global sea-level stand as does the transported material during the Coniacian-Santonian. The Maestrichtian pulse was caused by renewed midplate volcanism that extended over a large area of the central Pacific.


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A moderate-resolution isotope stratigraphy (with an average of one sample per 17,500 yr.) derived from the benthic foraminifer Uvigerina (or Cibicides), the planktonic foraminifer Globigerina bulloides, and calcareous nannofossil concentrates is presented for the entire Quaternary (and latest Pliocene) section of mid-upper bathyal calcareous oozes from DSDP Site 593, western Challenger Plateau, south Tasman Sea. Superimposed on a trend of gradually increasing average delta18O values through the Pleistocene, reflecting the progressive buildup of polar ice sheets, is a record of highfrequency but generally low amplitude (0.5-1?) isotope fluctuations in the early Quaternary (1.9-1.0 m.y.), followed by a greatly increased intensity (1.5-2.0 ?) of glacial-interglacial fluctuations during the late Quaternary (< 1.0 m.y.). The standard late Quaternary isotope stages 1 to 24 are mainly resolvable. Significant excursions in both delta18O and delta13C values at various times during the Quaternary are suggested to be due to periodic, fundamental changes in ocean circulation properties over the plateau. For example, intensified upwelling of Antarctic Intermediate Waters during several glacial periods is indicated by the convergence of benthic and planktonic foraminiferal delta18O data, and productivity variations may account for certain delta13C spikes in the record. With increasingly higher resolution analysis this core will provide a useful Quaternary isotope reference section for southern temperate waters in the southwest Pacific, centered on New Zealand.


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Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from northeast Atlantic DSDP Sites 609, 610, and 611 have been interpreted with reference to modern assemblages known to be linked with the overlying bottom-water masses. It is shown that the water masses in the late Miocene to Pleistocene were similar to those of today. The distribution of the water masses changed with time, however. Antarctic Bottom Water ("AABW"), which at present is restricted to the area south of the Azores, reached as far north as the Gibbs Fracture Zone in the early Pliocene. Increased production of North Atlantic Deep Water in the late Pliocene displaced the AABW to the south


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The Leg 81 basalts, drilled either from the margins ("dipping reflectors" sequence: Holes 552, 553A, and 554A) or from the "continental" side (Hole 555) of the Rockall Plateau microcontinent, are strongly light rare-earth element (LREE) depleted oceanic tholeiites. The basalts from the four holes are almost similar. Most of their primary characteristics have been preserved, although they have suffered alteration by seawater. From the petrological and mineralogical points of view, they resemble deep-ocean-floor basalts but show some peculiarities (occurrence of pigeonite and ilmenite as normal components of the groundmass differentiation sequences toward ferrobasalts). Their geochemical characteristics are dominated by their extreme depletion in the most hygromagmaphile elements (Th, Ta, La, and Nb), the concentrations of which are sometimes lower than the corresponding chondritic values. Leg 81 basalts are thus clearly different from continental tholeiites (flood basalts): Possible equivalents in the Thulean Tertiary Magmatic Province include the LREE-depleted tholeiites from the Upper Basaltic Series of the Faeroe Islands and the Preshal Mhor basalt type from the British Tertiary Province.