838 resultados para Post-traumatic stress
The purpose of the study is to investigate social workers experiences of compassion fatigue as well as their thoughts about health and risk factors in the area. The method used is a qualitative interview study in which eight social workers, investigating child welfare matters, were individually interviewed. The study shows that most of the social workers describe their own experiences of burnout but not of secondary traumatic stress. The most important support for not suffer from compassion fatigue is to be supported and the possibility to ventilate with colleagues and managers. However, the social workers consider that the risk of burnout is primarily due to a heavy workload in terms of the number of cases and high staff turnover. Finally, the study indicates that social workers do not have experience of secondary traumatic stress because they are using tools that prevent this. However, the risk of experiencing burnout is high since they have not found strategies for managing workplace stress.
This study tested whether aggressive behaviour can predict individual variation in stress responses of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. We used a mirror test to measure tendency to aggressive behaviour, and calculated the attack frequency and time until the first attack (latency) for each fish. One day later, we measured plasma cortisol and glucose, and two days later, we measured ventilatory frequency (VF) (pre-confinement responses). Immediately after the VF measure, we subjected the same fish to 30 min confinement, followed by measurements of cortisol, glucose, and VF (post-confinement responses). We found that post-confinement stress cortisol, glucose, and VF were higher than pre-confinement responses. Attack frequency was negatively correlated with VF and latency was positively correlated with baseline glucose and VF. Thus, we conclude that attack frequency and latency to a mirror reflection could be used to predict baseline levels of physiological stress indicators in Nile tilapia.
The meta-analysis was used to evaluate the performance of piglets in post-weaning period, without imposition of sanitary challenge and fed diets containing blood plasma, obtained by spray-dried process (SDBP). Piglets are faced with normal challenges in post-weaning period such as environmental stress and the substitution of the liquid diet to a solid one. References regarding sanitary challenges were disregarded in this study. Only data regarding normal and expected challenges were considered. Data were obtained from indexed journals with information extracted from the material, methods and results sections of pre-selected scientific articles. First, the database was analyzed graphically to observe the distribution of data and presence of outliers. Afterwards correlation analysis and variance-covariance analyses were carried out. The database contained a total of 23 articles. The average initial weight of the piglets was 8.02. kg (4.00-9.28. kg) and the average initial age was 27 days (14-32 days). The average duration of feeding diets containing spray-dried blood plasma (SDBP) was 9 days (6-28 days). SDBP increased the feed conversion by 20.2% (P<0.05) during the initial period. Feed conversion during the total period was 10.2% higher (P<0.05) for animals fed with SDBP. Average daily weight gain and daily feed intake were not affected (P>0.05) during the entire period, but average daily gain was higher (P<0.05) for animals fed with SDBP during the initial period. The initial age of supplementation influenced the average daily weight gain and average daily feed intake of animals fed with SDBP. Better results were obtained than those obtained for animals up to 35 days of age fed diets without added SDBP supplementation. In early post-weaning period for piglets weaned up to 35 days of age, the SDBP supplementation positively influenced the average daily weight gain and feed conversion. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Anxiety is an important component of the psychopathology of the obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). So far, most interventions that have proven to be effective for treating OCD are similar to those developed for other anxiety disorders. However, neurobiological studies of OCD came to conclusions that are not always compatible with those previously associated with other anxiety disorders. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to review the degree of overlap between OCD and other anxiety disorders phenomenology and pathophysiology to support the rationale that guides research in this field. RESULTS: Clues about the neurocircuits involved in the manifestation of anxiety disorders have been obtained through the study of animal anxiety models, and structural and functional neuroimaging in humans. These investigations suggest that in OCD, in addition to dysfunction in cortico-striatal pathways, the functioning of an alternative neurocircuitry, which involves amygdalo-cortical interactions and participates in fear conditioning and extinction processes, may be impaired. CONCLUSION: It is likely that anxiety is a relevant dimension of OCD that impacts on other features of this disorder. Therefore, future studies may benefit from the investigation of the expression of fear and anxiety by OCD patients according to their type of obsessions and compulsions, age of OCD onset, comorbidities, and patterns of treatment response.
Stress in der Post-Akquisitionsphase begünstigt die Gedächtniskonsolidierung emotional erregender Informationen. Das Zusammenspiel von noradrenerger Aktivierung und Cortisol auf Ebene der Amygdala ist hierbei von entscheidender Bedeutung. rnIn dieser Studie wird untersucht, ob dieser Effekt durch das Ausmaß der kardiovaskulären bzw. der subjektiv erlebten Stressreaktivität beeinflusst wird. 49 Probanden (Alter: 23.8 Jahre; 32 Frauen) wurden je 52 Gesichter, davon 50% mit ärgerlichem sowie 50 % mit glücklichem Ausdruck präsentiert. Sofort nach Akquisition wurde bei 30 Probanden akuter Stress durch den sozial evaluierten Kaltwassertest (SECPT; Eintauchen der dominanten Hand in eiskaltes Wasser für 3 Minuten unter Beobachtung) induziert, bei 19 Probanden wurde eine Kontrollprozedur ohne Stress durchgeführt. Die 30 Probanden der SECPT-Gruppe wurden post-hoc zum einen anhand der individuellen Blutdruckreaktivität und zum zweiten anhand der Stärke der subjektiv bewerteten Stressreaktivität per Mediansplit in zwei Subgrupen unterteilt (High Responder, Low Responder). rnDer erste Wiedererkennungstest fand 30 Minuten nach der Akquisitionsphase, ein weiterer 20 Stunden später statt. Zu den Testzeitpunkten wurden jeweils 26 der initial präsentierten Gesichter mit neutralem Gesichtsausdruck gezeigt sowie 26 neue neutrale Gesichter. rnDie Kontrollgruppe und die Gruppe der High Responder (basierend auf der kardiovaskulären Reaktivität) zeigten ein besseres Erinnerungsvermögen für die initial positiv präsentierten gesichter, wohingegen die Gruppe der Low Responder ein besseres Gedächtnis für die initial negativ präsentierten Gesichter aufwies. rnStress scheint abhängig von der Stärke der kardiovaskulären Reaktion zu valenzspezifischen Konsolidierungseffekten zu führen. Hierbei könnten viszerale Afferenzen z.B. der arteriellen Baroreflexe eine Rolle spielen. rn
A 8-year-old boy showed a traumatic ventricular septal rupture following a blunt chest trauma, and was scheduled for elective catheter closure. Two weeks later, a follow-up echocardiogram revealed a pseudoaneurysm of the anterior wall of the left ventricle. Because of the apical location of the VSD, it was decided to proceed with transcatheter occlusion. After successful VSD closure, the patient was taken to the operation room for surgical repair of the left ventricular pseudoaneurysm. Symptoms and signs seen in patients with ventricular pseudoaneurysms appear to be discrete and variable, and a high clinical index of suspicion with a very close echocardiographic follow-up is strongly recommended after occurrence of a blunt cardiac trauma. The combined 'hybrid' approach of transcatheter closure of the intraventricular rupture followed by surgical closure of the pseudoaneurysm allows for a less invasive and efficient management of this rare combination of post-traumatic ventricular free wall and septal rupture in a child.
Post-traumatic sleep-wake disturbances are common after acute traumatic brain injury. Increased sleep need per 24 h and excessive daytime sleepiness are among the most prevalent post-traumatic sleep disorders and impair quality of life of trauma patients. Nevertheless, the relation between traumatic brain injury and sleep outcome, but also the link between post-traumatic sleep problems and clinical measures in the acute phase after traumatic brain injury has so far not been addressed in a controlled and prospective approach. We therefore performed a prospective controlled clinical study to examine (i) sleep-wake outcome after traumatic brain injury; and (ii) to screen for clinical and laboratory predictors of poor sleep-wake outcome after acute traumatic brain injury. Forty-two of 60 included patients with first-ever traumatic brain injury were available for follow-up examinations. Six months after trauma, the average sleep need per 24 h as assessed by actigraphy was markedly increased in patients as compared to controls (8.3 ± 1.1 h versus 7.1 ± 0.8 h, P < 0.0001). Objective daytime sleepiness was found in 57% of trauma patients and 19% of healthy subjects, and the average sleep latency in patients was reduced to 8.7 ± 4.6 min (12.1 ± 4.7 min in controls, P = 0.0009). Patients, but not controls, markedly underestimated both excessive sleep need and excessive daytime sleepiness when assessed only by subjective means, emphasizing the unreliability of self-assessment of increased sleep propensity in traumatic brain injury patients. At polysomnography, slow wave sleep after traumatic brain injury was more consolidated. The most important risk factor for developing increased sleep need after traumatic brain injury was the presence of an intracranial haemorrhage. In conclusion, we provide controlled and objective evidence for a direct relation between sleep-wake disturbances and traumatic brain injury, and for clinically significant underestimation of post-traumatic sleep-wake disturbances by trauma patients.
Childhood traumatic events may lead to long-lasting psychological effects and contribute to the development of complex posttraumatic sequelae. These might be captured by the diagnostic concept of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) as an alternative to classic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). CPTSD comprises a further set of symptoms in addition to those of PTSD, namely, changes in affect, self, and interpersonal relationships. Previous empirical research on CPTSD has focused on middle-aged adults but not on older adults. Moreover, predictor models of CPTSD are still rare. The current study investigated the association between traumatic events in childhood and complex posttraumatic stress symptoms in older adults. The mediation of this association by 2 social-interpersonal factors (social acknowledgment as a survivor and dysfunctional disclosure) was investigated. These 2 factors focus on the perception of acknowledgment by others and either the inability to disclose traumatic experiences or the ability to do so only with negative emotional reactions. A total of 116 older individuals (age range = 59–98 years) who had experienced childhood traumatic events completed standardized self-report questionnaires indexing childhood trauma, complex trauma sequelae, social acknowledgment, and dysfunctional disclosure of trauma. The results showed that traumatic events during childhood were associated with later posttraumatic stress symptoms but with classic rather than complex symptoms. Social acknowledgment and dysfunctional disclosure partially mediated this relationship. These findings suggest that childhood traumatic stress impacts individuals across the life span and may be associated with particular adverse psychopathological consequences.
For decades, the international community has recognized that youth are some of the most vulnerable to mental and emotional distress within the intractable and cyclical nature of identity-based violent conflict. Exposure to traumatic stressors within these intergroup conflicts poses unique risks not only to the neurological and social development of youth, but also to the capacities of youth to fully participate in peacebuilding interventions. The peacebuilding field has yet to strongly consider how traumatic stress affects dynamics within programs for youth and how these programs may need to modify expectations of youth’s cognitive, social, and emotional functioning to account for the traumatic dimensions of political and social violence. Through a qualitative analysis of practitioner reflections gathered from an online survey distributed worldwide, this study explores how practitioners conceptualize and approach issues of traumatic stress in peacebuilding programs focused on youth in conflict-affected contexts. The objective is to identify the working assumptions undergirding practitioner conceptualizations and approaches to traumatic stress and gaps in trauma interventions in peacebuilding programs for youth. The implications of these findings will support efforts to enhance trauma-sensitive peacebuilding practice by revisiting and reconsidering preexisting norms.
Objectives : To provide a preliminary clinical profile of the resolution and outcomes of oral-motor impairment and swallowing function in a group of paediatric dysphagia patients post-traumatic brain injury (TBI). To document the level of cognitive impairment parallel to the return to oral intake, and to investigate the correlation between the resolution of impaired swallow function versus the resolution of oral-motor impairment and cognitive impairment. Participants : Thirteen children admitted to an acute care setting for TBI. Main outcome measures : A series of oral-motor (Verbal Motor Production Assessment for Children, Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment, Schedule for Oral Motor Assessment) and swallowing (Paramatta Hospital's Assessment for Dysphagia) assessments, an outcome measure for swallowing (Royal Brisbane Hospital's Outcome Measure for Swallowing), and a cognitive rating scale (Rancho Level of Cognitive Functioning Scale). Results : Across the patient group, oral-motor deficits resolved to normal status between 3 and 11 weeks post-referral (and at an average of 12 weeks post-injury) and swallowing function and resolution to normal diet status were achieved by 3-11 weeks post-referral (and at an average of 12 weeks post-injury). The resolution of dysphagia and the resolution of oral-motor impairment and cognitive impairment were all highly correlated. Conclusion : The provision of a preliminary profile of oral-motor functioning and dysphagia resolution, and data on the linear relationship between swallowing impairment and cognition, will provide baseline information on the course of rehabilitation of dysphagia in the paediatric population post-TBI. Such data will contribute to more informed service provision and rehabilitation planning for paediatric patients post-TBI.
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskan har stor del i den nära patientvården och förväntas vara en god lyssnare genom sitt personcentrerade vårdgivande. Händelser som är traumatiska drabbar förutom den direkt berörda patienten även sjuksköterskan genom sekundär exponering. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa förekomst av STS hos sjuksköterskor samt beskriva hur det påverkar vårdkvalitet och personcentrerad vård. Metod: Litteraturstudie med en översikt av relevanta artiklar i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Resultatet baseras på 14 artiklar som uppfyllde inklusionsoch kvalitetskrav. Resultat: Sjuksköterskan påverkas av STS på flera plan, både professionellt och personligt. Vårdkvaliteten blir lidande om STS påvisas. Den personcentrerade vården utgör grunden i sjuksköterskans yrkesutövande men om medvetenhet saknas för STS finns risken att sjuksköterskan påverkas så till den grad att hen väljer att sjukskriva sig och/eller byta arbetsplats. Slutsats: STS är ett relativt okänt begrepp och det kan vara svårt att se tecken på begynnande symtom. Sjuksköterskan kan utsättas för STS oberoende arbetsplats. Detta kan sänka effekten i yrkesutövandet genom personliga symtom som; irritabilitet, trötthet, minskad empati, depression, återupplevelser av tidigare upplevda traumatiska händelser med flera. Arbetsplatsens ledarskap inverkar på identifieringen av sjuksköterskans utveckling/hanterande av STS.
This study used a 25-item questionnaire to examine the perceptions of 128 people with a close interest in bereavement and its literature. The study is part of a project to identify key aspects and the bereavement process. Subjects were asked to rate their perceptions of key bereavement phenomena with regards their frequency in the acute and later stages of bereavement. Descriptive results are presented and discussed, and a profile of phenomena perceived to be common to both stages is outlined.
There are increasing numbers of refugees worldwide, with approximately 16 million refugees in 2007 and over 2.5 million refugees resettled in the United States since the start of its humanitarian program. Psychologists and other health professionals who deliver mental health services for individuals from refugee backgrounds need to have confidence that the therapeutic interventions they employ are appropriate and effective for the clients with whom they work. The current review briefly surveys refugee research, examines empirical evaluations of therapeutic interventions in resettlement contexts, and provides recommendations for best practices and future directions in resettlement countries. The resettlement interventions found to be most effective typically target culturally homogeneous client samples and demonstrate moderate to large outcome effects on aspects of traumatic stress and anxiety reduction. Further evaluations of the array of psychotherapeutic, psychosocial, pharmacological, and other therapeutic approaches, including psychoeducational and community-based interventions that facilitate personal and community growth and change, are encouraged. There is a need for increased awareness, training and funding to implement longitudinal interventions that work collaboratively with clients from refugee backgrounds through the stages of resettlement.
The research aimed to identify positive behavioural changes that people may make as a result of negotiating the aftermath of a traumatic experience, thereby extending the current cognitive model of posttraumatic growth (PTG). It was hypothesised that significant others would corroborate survivor’s cognitive and behavioural reports of PTG. The sample comprised 176 participants; 88 trauma survivors and 88 significant others. University students accounted for 64% of the sample and 36% were from the broader community. Approximately one third were male. All participants completed the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory [PTGI] and open ended questions regarding behavioural changes. PTGI scores in the survivor sample were corroborated by the significant others with only the Appreciation of Life factor of the PTGI differing between the two groups (e.g., total PTGI scores between groups explained 33.64% of variance). Nearly all of the survivors also reported positive changes in their behaviour and these changes were also corroborated by the significant others. Results provide validation of the posttraumatic growth construct and the PTGI as an instrument of measurement. Findings may also influence therapeutic practice for example, the potential usefulness of corroborating others.