793 resultados para Portuguese municipalities


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The amount of textual information digitally stored is growing every day. However, our capability of processing and analyzing that information is not growing at the same pace. To overcome this limitation, it is important to develop semiautomatic processes to extract relevant knowledge from textual information, such as the text mining process. One of the main and most expensive stages of the text mining process is the text pre-processing stage, where the unstructured text should be transformed to structured format such as an attribute-value table. The stemming process, i.e. linguistics normalization, is usually used to find the attributes of this table. However, the stemming process is strongly dependent on the language in which the original textual information is given. Furthermore, for most languages, the stemming algorithms proposed in the literature are computationally expensive. In this work, several improvements of the well know Porter stemming algorithm for the Portuguese language, which explore the characteristics of this language, are proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm executes in far less time without affecting the quality of the generated stems.


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Fundamental questions in economics are why some regions are richer than others, why their economic growth rates vary, whether their growth tends to converge and the key factors that contribute to the variations. These questions have not yet been fully addressed, but changes in the local tax base are clearly influenced by the average income growth rate, net migration rate, and changes in unemployment rates. Thus, the main aim of this paper is to explore in depth the interactive effects of these factors (and local policy variables) in Swedish municipalities, by estimating a proposed three-equation system. Our main finding is that increases in local public expenditures and income taxes have negative effects on subsequent local income growth. In addition, our results support the conditional convergence hypothesis, i.e. that average income tends to grow more rapidly in relatively poor local jurisdictions than in initially “richer” jurisdictions, conditional on the other explanatory variables.


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This cross country study examines the potential environmental predictors of consumers' green behaviour. It uses consumer’s self reported environmental behavioural intentions and examines its potential influence on corporate practice of social responsibility (CSR). A conceptual model was developed and was subjected to empirical verification using survey research design. It was hypothesised that CSR improves green behavioural purchase intension. PLS was used to estimate the measure of respondents’ overall perception of green products and their intention to purchase. It was found that in both countries, Australia and Portugal, CSR influenced purchase intentions. In both cases there was evidence of association between CSR and the consumers’ intention to purchase environmentally safe products.


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The practice of comparing nations on subjective wellbeing (SWB) is becoming commonplace, with many countries ranked by economists and social scientists alike according to average levels of SWB based on survey responses. Such large, multi-national population surveys have the potential to generate insights into the causes and correlates of SWB within different cultural groups, as well as inform policy regarding how to improve the wellbeing of citizens. At the heart of these large-scale research endeavors are SWB measures that function equivalently between the various participating cultural groups. For this reason, it is concerning that their remains a paucity of research that supports measurement equivalence for many SWB instruments commonly employed. Thus, it remains unclear whether variations in SWB across cultures reflect true differences, or whether these differences reflect measurement biases (e.g., response bias inherent within a particular cultural group). The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric equivalence of the Personal Wellbeing Index–School Children (PWI-SC) in convenience samples of Australian and Portuguese adolescents using multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis. Participants comprising the Australian sample were 1104 Victorian high-school students aged between 12 and 19 years (M = 14.42, SD = 1.63). Participants comprising the Portuguese sample were 573 high-school students living in Portugal aged between 12 and 18 years (M = 14.32, SD = 1.72). The results demonstrated strict factorial invariance between both versions of the PWI-SC, suggesting that this scale measures the same underlying construct in both samples. Moreover, these findings provide preliminary support for quantitative comparisons between Australian and Portuguese adolescents on the SWB variable as valid.


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Esta tese busca discutir problemas relacionados às finanças públicas municipais no país. Um aprimoramento de nosso federalismo fiscal, com maior descentralização de recursos e implementação de regras de transferências federativas com maiores incentivos pró-eficiência – aumentando os incentivos pró-obtenção de melhores resultados sociais por parte das unidades subfederadas – pode se revelar instrumento importante na melhoria de nossas condições sociais. Para isto, dividiu-se esta tese em quatro partes distintas. No primeiro capítulo, discutem-se os impactos das receitas petrolíferas sobre as finanças públicas municipais. As mudanças legais ocorridas no país na década de noventa do último século - relativas ao setor petrolífero - levaram a crescente (e concentrada) transferência de recursos do setor para os estados e municípios brasileiros. A forte sensação que estes estariam sendo desperdiçados de alguma forma vem suscitando discussões sobre a necessidade de se reformular sua distribuição. As recentes descobertas de megacampos petrolíferos no pré-sal do litoral brasileiro somente intensificaram este processo. Buscou-se identificar os efeitos destas transferências sobre as variáveis fiscais municipais no país. Detectou-se que não ocorreu substituição tributária, ou seja, estes recursos não diminuíram o esforço arrecadatório dos municípios. Em compensação, tanto os recursos cuja distribuição é bem mais concentrada (referentes aos royalties excedentes) quanto aqueles mais bem-distribuídos (referentes aos royalties originais) levaram as prefeituras a aumentar seus gastos correntes (piorando sua composição do ponto de vista social) e diminuir seus investimentos. O contrário parece ocorrer com os recursos cuja distribuição se dá de forma intermediária (os royalties referentes às participações especiais). No segundo capítulo, discute-se o impacto das receitas petrolíferas sobre a proficiência dos alunos até a quarta série primária das escolas públicas municipais. As receitas petrolíferas – agregadas ou não – não se mostraram estatisticamente significativas na explicação do desempenho observado pelos alunos da quarta série primária das escolas municipais em português ou matemática. Este resultado, entretanto, deve ser olhado com cautela, uma vez que não é trivial identificar como (e o tempo necessário) estes efeitos seriam gerados. Entretanto, diferentes fontes de receitas municipais impactariam de forma diferenciada as proficiências observadas nos testes de português e matemática, explicitando a necessidade de se entender melhor estas diferenças para se desenhar mecanismo mais eficiente de repasse de recursos constitucionais aos municípios. No terceiro capítulo, estudam-se os impactos das emancipações municipais ocorridas na década de 90 sobre o bem-estar das populações locais. Devido à Constituição Federal de 1988, o número de municípios no Brasil multiplicou-se fortemente na década de 90 do último século. Mais de mil municípios foram criados em todo o país, fazendo seu número ultrapassar a casa dos 5.500. Este processo tem sido interpretado de forma bastante negativa. Baseado em evidências anedóticas, se pressupõe que os atores políticos locais o utilizaram para se apropriar de maior parcela dos recursos transferidos de outros níveis governamentais. Entretanto, nenhum esforço mais sistemático foi realizado buscando calcular, de maneira efetiva, os resultados sociais líquidos deste processo. É isto que se busca fazer aqui, utilizando dados sobre os municípios mineiros - cujo número passa de 723 em 1991 para 853 em 2000. Foram detectados impactos positivos relacionados a diversas variáveis educacionais e de saúde. Ao mesmo tempo, o contrário ocorreu com os indicadores de pobreza e indigência. Este resultado mostra que o movimento observado de emancipação municipal talvez tenha sido bastante benéfico, sinalizando para a existência de mercados políticos eficientes nestas localidades, o que indicaria a necessidade de se manter uma maior autonomia local relativa a processos de emancipação de distritos. Por fim, no quarto capítulo, analisam-se os impactos de lei (implementada em Minas Gerais) que buscou aumentar os incentivos pró-eficiência das prefeituras municipais a partir das transferências federativas. Buscando melhorar as condições de vida dos municípios mineiros, o governo estadual mineiro instituiu, em 1995, a lei 12.040, conhecida como Lei Robin Hood. Esta permitia que 25% dos recursos de ICMS a serem distribuídos aos municípios mineiros se dessem sobre resultados observáveis em diversas áreas tais como saúde, educação, conservação ecológica, entre outras. Ou seja, esta instituía, em relação a estas transferências, um contrato de alto poder com os municípios relacionados às políticas públicas implementadas. O estudo destas transferências (relativas à educação e saúde) mostrou resultados dúbios. Resultados positivos relativos à educação e à saúde parecem ocorrer em todo o estado, mas os incentivos dados poderiam ser bem maiores - faz-se necessário um refinamento das regras da partilha destas transferências. Dada a relativa escassez deste tipo de contrato em transferências federativas, seja no Brasil, seja no restante do mundo, este resultado aponta a necessidade de utilização de instrumentos de maior poder nas relações federativas, buscando incrementar as condições de vida locais.


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We exploit a discontinuity in Brazilian municipal election rules to investigate whether political competition has a causal impact on policy choices. In municipalities with less than 200,000 voters mayors are elected with a plurality of the vote. In municipalities with more than 200,000 voters a run-off election takes place among the top two candidates if neither achieves a majority of the votes. At a first stage, we show that the possibility of runoff increases political competition. At a second stage, we use the discontinuity as a source of exogenous variation to infer causality from political competition to fiscal policy. Our second stage results suggest that political competition induces more investment and less current spending, particularly personnel expenses. Furthermore, the impact of political competition is larger when incumbents can run for reelection, suggesting incentives matter insofar as incumbents can themselves remain in office.


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This manuscript demonstrates that voters have nothing to be afraid of when new hard budget constraint legislation is implemented. Our claim is that this kind of legislation reduces the asymmetry of information between voters and incumbents over the budget and, as a consequence, the latter have incentives to increase the supply of public goods. As a nationwide institutional innovation, the Fiscal Responsibility Law (FRL) is exogenous to all municipalities; therefore, there is no self-selection bias in its implementation. We show that public goods expenditure increases after the FRL. Second, this increase occurs in municipalities located in the country’s poorest region. Third, our findings can be extended to the supply of public goods because the higher the expenditure with health and education, the greater the probability of incumbents being re-elected. Finally, there exists a “de facto” higher supply of public goods in education (number of per capita classrooms) after the FRL.


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This paper investigates the causes of municipalities secession in Brazil. The theoretical model proposes that the median voter is not fully informed about the efficiency effect of secession on public good provision and uses the break up decision undertaken by neighbor’s municipalities within the state to account for his voting. Our empirical results confirms that prediction


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This paper investigates the impact of foreign direct investment on the productivity performance of domestic firms in Portugal. The data comprise nine manufacturing sectors for the period 1992-95. Relatively to previous studies, model specification is improved by taking into consideration several aspects: the influence of the “technological gap” on spill-overs diffusion and the choice of its most appropriate interval; sectoral variation in the coefficients of the spill-overs effect; identification of constant, idiosyncratic sectoral factors by means of a fixed effects model; and the search for inter-sectoral positive spillover effects. The relationship between domestic firms productivity and the foreign presence does take place in a positive way, only if a proper technology differential between the foreign and domestic producers exists and the sectoral characteristics are favourable. In broad terms, spillovers diffusion is associated to modern industries in which the foreign owned establishments have a clear, but not too sharp, edge on the domestic ones. Besides, other specific sectoral influences can be pertinent; agglomerative location factors being one example.


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This paper estimates the impact of the use of structured methods on the quality of education of the students in primary public school in Brazil. Structure methods encompass a range of pedagogical and managerial instruments applied to the education system. In recent years, several municipalities in the State of São Paulo have contracted out private educational providers to implement these structured methods in their schooling system. Their pedagogical proposal involves structuring curriculum contents, elaboration and use of teachers and students textbooks, and training and supervision of the teachers and instructors. Using a difference in differences estimation strategy, we find that the fourth and eighth grader students in the municipalities with structured methods performed better in Portuguese and Math than students in municipalities not exposed to the methods. We find no differences in approval rates. However, a robustness check is not able to discard the possibility that unobserved municipal characteristics may affect the results.


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O presente artigo estuda a relação entre corrupção e discricionariedade do gasto público ao responder a seguinte pergunta: regras de licitação mais rígidas, uma proxy para discricionariedade, resultam em menor prevalência de corrupção nos municípios brasileiros? A estratégia empírica é uma aproximação de regressões em dois estágios (2SLS) estimadas localmente em cada transição de regras de licitação, cuja fonte de dados de corrupção é o Programa de Fiscalização por Sorteio da CGU e os dados sobre discricionariedade são derivados da Lei 8.666/93, responsável por regular os processos de compras e construção civil em todas as esferas de governo. Os resultados mostram, entretanto, que menor discricionariedade está relacionada com maior corrupção para quase todos os cortes impostos pela lei de licitações.


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This paper has two purposes. First, to construct efficiency scores in tax collection for Brazilian municipalities in 2004, taking into consideration two outputs: amount of per capita local tax collected -tax revenue- and the size of local informal economy- tax base. This methodology eliminates the price- effect of tax collection. Second, using the rules established on the Brazilian Constitution in 1988 to transfer unconditional funds among municipalities as instrument, to estimate the relationship between intergovernmental transfers and efficiency in tax collection. We conclude that transfers affect negatively the efficiency in tax collection, leading to a reinterpretation of the flypaper effect.


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This study assesses the impact of unconditional transfer resources on the health indicators of Brazilian municipalities. This transfer refers to the Participation Fund of Municipalities (FPM) where at least 15% of its value should be spent on public health. Based on a discontinuity of the rules of transfers, we explore Regression Discontinuous Design for the years 2002 to 2010, and find: (i) no significant effect of FPM on mortality reduction; (ii) a robust and significant reduction in morbidity, treated municipalities – on the right side of thresholds – on average have a per capita rate of morbidity 0.00821% lower than those on the left side of the cutoff points; (iii) the mechanisms through which a reduction on morbidity could be operated would be due to estimated increases in preventive measures such as consultations and medical and nurses visits, these were bigger for the treated group in, respectively, 0.32%, 0.038% and 0.039%.


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We estimate the effects of unconditional (full fiscal decentralization) versus conditional (partial fiscal decentralization) block grants on local public spending in Brazilian municipalities. Our results suggest that the effect of unconditional and conditional transfers do not differ statistically. Their combination promotes a full crowding-in effect on aggregate public spending — i.e., for $1 of unconditional and conditional grant receipts; we find $1 of additional local public expenditures, greater than the corresponding effect of local income, providing further evidence for the flypaper effect. Moreover, the effect of unconditional transfers on education (health) spending is smaller than the effect of conditional education (health) transfers but greater than the corresponding effect of local income. We consider four strategies to identify causal effects of federal grants and the local income on fiscal responses regarding Brazilian local governments: (i) a fuzzy regression discontinuity design, (ii) Redistributive rules of education funds, (iii) Oil and Gas production, and (iv) Rainfall deviations from the historical mean.