966 resultados para Poluição Sonora


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From the second half of the twentieth century the state bega n to use exaction beyond your fiscalist character, also as a means of alignment deformities economic and social balance, influencing in different directions, according to economic, social and political policy. It is what is usually called the extrafiscalit y. It is in light of this phenomenon and the constitutional perspective, the present work aims to analyze item IV of article. 8 of Law n. 6.967/96, regulatory Property Tax Vehicle Automotive (property taxes) in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, in view of its possible incompatibility with the principles of the Basic Statute and with international guidelines for protection of the environment The problem of this research is Seated in art. 225 of the Constitution, which provides that everyone has the right to an ecologically balanced environment. From the reading of this standard, extracted it is the responsibility of the state protecting the environment, which requires the adoption of suitable actions to that end. However, we look to state law cited follows th e constitutional path, since it exempts the collection of property taxes automotive vehicles with over 10 years of manufacturing, which could encourage the conservation of a fleet of old vehicles, mostly more polluting and harmful to the environment and hu man health. Would the state legislature oblivious to the constitutional principles and the global trend of environmental preservation? Thus questions whether such an incentive for more polluting vehicles, emitting more gases in the atmosphere. Moreover, th e international community is already moving through important conventions in an attempt to minimize and control global warming and climate change. Predicting the theme in CF/88 demonstrates that the country is no stranger to the issue. Thus, the work is a retelling of Law No. 6.967/96 order to check whether it is compatible with the existing system. The methodology consists of a documentary, deductive, dialectical literature. At the end of the survey, it was found that provide a tax benefit to these vehicle s is encouraged to maintain them in circulation and contribute to the increase in air and noise pollution, in addition to the traffic problems generated. Thus, this potiguar anything standard can be expressed extrafiscality because the medium and long term there is encouragement and worsening environmental problem. Despite the ability to pay clause, but this remission is an affront to legally protected interests. Thus, this device goes in reverse order compared to the values of the legal system and in relat ion to sustainable development. Modern Tax Law should be used as a tool to achieve the purposes collimated by the State, and not otherwise. It was noticed that the vast majority of Brazilian states does not follow this rule, including Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais have no such exemption. Therefore, the RN State does not constitute a model for sustainable public policies, nor example of environmental protection by state law.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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This study suggests sonorous ambiences from the propose of images configured according to the description in “A Visagem da Moça Caetana” by Ariano Suassuna in order to create individual sonorous possibilities that may help musicians to play the piece. The cycle, composed in 1996 (for voice, viola, cello, bass clarinet/clarinet), is formed by three untitled songs. Its text is an excerpt from the “Folheto XLIV”, from the Romance d’A Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, and describes a sentence of death illustrated by symbols of the Armorial imagery, with neologisms and the peculiar accent from the Sertão in northeast Brazil. In addition to the analysis of technical difficulties to play, this study informs interpreters of the sonorous timbre and texture used by Nelson Almeida to describe tradition through contemporary musical language. The metaphors and transgressions of reason in Suassuna’s book were explored to create three image compositions so that they may lead interpreters to the sonorous description of the inanimate objects and the affections to which the poetry refers, expanding any technical-interpretative indications limited by musical notation. This research used the Visagem scores, the literature on the theme, discussions with the musicians that played the piece, interviews with Almeida, and composers’ reports. To illustrate the theory, the three images are available, printed as woodcut in cordel literature.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar se no Brasil exista a relação da hipótese da curva ambiental de Kuznets, onde atividades que degradam o meio ambiente vão diminuindo após certo ponto de renda per capita atingido. Essa teoria será verificada através de um modelo estimado por mínimos quadrados ordinários com as variáveis de emissão de CO2 e a renda per capita e seus termos ao quadrado e ao cubo. Segundo os resultados obtidos, o Brasil ainda não apresenta este padrão de curva de Kuznets.


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Air pollution can threat the environment and public health, and is assess by pollutant ́s concentration measurements in order to verify whether the limits set by environmental agencies are being respected. However, these measures do not indicate immediately the impacts to living beings. To faced this problem, plants are been investigated as potential bioindicators of air pollution and, among them, stand out bromeliads Tillandsia genus which colonize various substrates,. obtaining water and nutrients from the atmosphere directly. In this context, this research assessed the potential of epiphytic bromeliad Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L. found in urbanized areas of the city of Curitiba - PR as a bioindicator of urban air pollution. According to vehicle traffic, five sample points were selected and classified. Points P1 and P2 were classified as high-traffic vehicle due presenting trucks and urban transport; point P3 was classified as moderate traffic due the predominance of private vehicles and urban transport; and points P4 and P5 were classified as low-traffic, presenting circulation of private vehicles only. There were analyzed the abundance of T. recurvata, morphophysiological parameters (leaf area, leaf specific area, sclerophylly index, percentage dry weight / fresh weight, chlorophyll (a + b), analysis of structural mesophyll organization) and the heavy metals accumulation (Fe, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn). The abundance analysis and the results obtained for metals analysis were correlated with the intensity of vehicular traffic, directing the sampling points P1 > P2 = P3 > P4 = P5. This result demonstrate that the abundance of T. recurvata is greater in urban air pollution impacted areas, thus indicating that T. recurvata absorbs and accumulates metals and can be used in biomonitoring of urban air pollution in areas impacted by vehicular traffic. Morphophysiological parameters analyzed shows that the internal plant ́s structure is not significantly impacted by urban air pollution due plant ́s adptations. The presence of absorbing scales, the CAM metabolism pathway and it ́s store water ability, among other features, demonstrate their potential as bio-indicator in urban areas, especially regarding heavy metals accumulation .


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O presente estudo analisa a associação entre partículas inaláveis (PM10) à superfície e determinadas situações meteorológicas, com base em dados (1999-2003) de concentração de partículas finas e grosseiras de estações de qualidade do ar da região de Lisboa e observações meteorológicas. Associaram-se os episódios de poluição a situações sinópticas, com base em cartas de superfície do modelo do Centro Europeu de previsão a médio prazo (ECMWF). Os episódios que ocorrem com maior frequência no Inverno estão associados a um anticiclone. Depressões de origem térmica e vales que se estendem do Norte de África ocorrem poucas vezes, mas a probabilidade de se verificar um episódio com essas situações é elevada. Para cinco destes episódios analisaram-se campos do modelo ECMWF (escala sinóptica) e do modelo ALADIN (mesoscala). As elevadas concentrações de partículas associadas aos episódios estudados resultaram de uma forte influência do nível850 hPa, corroborados pelo modelo de retro-trajectórias do KNMI. ABSTRACT; The present study analyses the relationship between particles (PM10) and specific meteorological patterns based on fine and coarse particles concentration data (1999 to 2003) from the Lisbon area air quality network and meteorological observations. Associations were established between PM10 events and synoptic patterns based on surface fields from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) Model. Winter events occur mainly under high pressure conditions. Thermal lows and troughs over North Africa affecting the lberian Península occur less frequently; however, the probability of a PM event with this synoptic pattern is high. Meteorological fields from the ECMWF model (synoptic scale) and the ALADIN model (mesoscale) were analyzed for five of these episodes. The 850 hPa level is quite relevant for determining high PM10 concentrations at the surface, as confirmed by KNMI trajectory model.


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Ahora que el mundo de la creación ha asumido que la originalidad de la creación artística está directamente relacionada con la asimilación y reelaboración de otras voces, más o menos reconocibles según los casos, ciertos desarrollos tecnológicos han puesto en manos de la mayoría la posibilidad de modificar y recombinar originales para expresar nuevos propósitos: cortar y pegar forma parte de las habilidades modernas. En el mundo de la música popular esta realidad se hace extraordinariamente compleja al combinarse dos elementos: el fortalecimiento de ciertas culturas musicales, como el rap y la electrónica, que se basan en la reelaboración de materiales previos y la transformación del mercado discográfico que ha hecho que las compañías se vuelquen en el control del uso de los temas sobre los que tienen derechos. La gestión de los derechos de propiedad intelectual es la nueva tierra prometida para una industria discográfica con números en recesión desde que la música se insertó en el paradigma digital. En este marco, la gestión de la propiedad intelectual plantea serios desafíos a la existencia de una cultura musical común: nuestra memoria musical, la misma que exploran los autores de los nuevos géneros postmodernos, es un almacén en manos privadas, que sólo ceden el acceso a cambio de onerosos precios. Esta comunicación abordará esta peligrosa amenaza para la cultura común, ya que el caso de la música es paradigmático de la situación de cambio de las industrias culturales contemporáneas.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Integridade de Materiais da Engenharia, 2016.