980 resultados para Poincaré sphere


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Neutron spectra unfolding and dose equivalent calculation are complicated tasks in radiation protection, are highly dependent of the neutron energy, and a precise knowledge on neutron spectrometry is essential for all dosimetry-related studies as well as many nuclear physics experiments. In previous works have been reported neutron spectrometry and dosimetry results, by using the ANN technology as alternative solution, starting from the count rates of a Bonner spheres system with a LiI(Eu) thermal neutrons detector, 7 polyethylene spheres and the UTA4 response matrix with 31 energy bins. In this work, an ANN was designed and optimized by using the RDANN methodology for the Bonner spheres system used at CIEMAT Spain, which is composed of a He neutron detector, 12 moderator spheres and a response matrix for 72 energy bins. For the ANN design process a neutrons spectra catalogue compiled by the IAEA was used. From this compilation, the neutrons spectra were converted from lethargy to energy spectra. Then, the resulting energy ?uence spectra were re-binned by using the MCNP code to the corresponding energy bins of the He response matrix before mentioned. With the response matrix and the re-binned spectra the counts rate of the Bonner spheres system were calculated and the resulting re-binned neutrons spectra and calculated counts rate were used as the ANN training data set.


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Many advantages can be got in combining finite and boundary elements.It is the case, for example, of unbounded field problems where boundary elements can provide the appropriate conditions to represent the infinite domain while finite elements are suitable for more complex properties in the near domain. However, in spite of it, other disadvantages can appear. It would be, for instance, the loss of symmetry in the finite elements stiffness matrix, when the combination is made. On the other hand, in our days, with the strong irruption of the parallel proccessing the techniques of decomposition of domains are getting the interest of numerous scientists. With their application it is possible to separate the resolution of a problem into several subproblems. That would be beneficial in the combinations BEM-FEM as the loss of symmetry would be avoided and every technique would be applicated separately. Evidently for the correct application of these techniques it is necessary to establish the suitable transmission conditions in the interface between BEM domain and FEM domain. In this paper, one parallel method is presented which is based in the interface operator of Steklov Poincarè.


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Use of a spherical grid as electron collector at the anodic end of a tether, as recently proposed, is considered. The standard analysis of space-charge limited current to a solid sphere (with neither magnetic nor plasma-motion effects), which has been shown to best fit TSS1R in-orbit results at very high bias, is used to determine effects from grid transparency on current collected; the analysis is first reformulated in the formalism recently introduced in the two-dimensional analysis of bare-tethers. A discussion of the electric potential created by a spherical grid in vacuum is then carried out; it is shown that each grid-wire collects current well below its maximum OML current, the effective grid transparency being close to its optical value. Formulae for the current to a spherical grid, showing the effects of grid transparency, is determined. A fully consistent analysis of electric potential and electron density, outside and inside the grid, is completed.


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Throughout the development and maturation of the American democratic experience, religiously inspired conduct has contributed significantly to democratically progressive political concerns such as the abolition of slavery and campaigns for civil rights, but also the encouragement and perpetuation pf anti-democratic practices such as the institution of slavery and policies of racial segregation. It may be rarely admitted, but there is no essential conceptual affinity between conduct proper to democratic political association. It may, therefore, be useful in our own political circumstances to try to determine boundaries for conduct that expresses and satisfies compatibly both religious and democratic commitments. Perhaps most Americans do recognize – if not in their own cases, at least in reference to the beliefs and actions of others – that religiously inspired conduct is neither thereby justified morally or legally nor absolved from further critical appraisal. Certainly, the history of American legal practice shows that religious belief or inspiration does not serve as acceptable legal defense for conduct charged as criminal infraction. The U.S. Constitution contains only two references to religion: the non-establishment clause prohibits governmental institutionalization of religious beliefs or liberty rights – is limited in scope and application both by other constitutional rights of individuals and by constitutionally authorized powers of government. As the U.S.S.C. has repeatedly held, individual constitutional features must be understood in a manner that harmonizes all stated and implied constitutional features, not by unbridled abstractions of selected phrases. Under the American legal system, there is no absolute or unlimited right to free exercise of religion: not everything done publicly under religious inspiration is legally permissible; what is otherwise illegal conduct is not legalized by religious inspiration. In important respects, general features of the legal boundaries concerning religiously inspired conduct in public life are reasonably clear; nevertheless, broader issues concerning further moral or ethical constraints upon religiously inspired conduct remain unresolved and rarely addressed explicitly.


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Over four hundred years ago, Sir Walter Raleigh asked his mathematical assistant to find formulas for the number of cannonballs in regularly stacked piles. These investigations aroused the curiosity of the astronomer Johannes Kepler and led to a problem that has gone centuries without a solution: why is the familiar cannonball stack the most efficient arrangement possible? Here we discuss the solution that Hales found in 1998. Almost every part of the 282-page proof relies on long computer verifications. Random matrix theory was developed by physicists to describe the spectra of complex nuclei. In particular, the statistical fluctuations of the eigenvalues (“the energy levels”) follow certain universal laws based on symmetry types. We describe these and then discuss the remarkable appearance of these laws for zeros of the Riemann zeta function (which is the generating function for prime numbers and is the last special function from the last century that is not understood today.) Explaining this phenomenon is a central problem. These topics are distinct, so we present them separately with their own introductory remarks.


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Con la ayuda de los grupos de homología – que él mismo había definido – Poincaré dio una clasificación completa de las superficies topológicas, y posteriormente intentó clasificar, con ayuda de estos grupos y también del grupo fundamental, las variedades topológicas de cualquier dimensión. Una de las preguntas que se planteó fue si toda variedad topológica 3-dimensional simplemente conexa era homeomorfa a la esfera S3. Esta pregunta – conocida como la conjetura de Poincaré – ha sido objeto de estudio durante casi 100 años, y ha impulsado de modo notable el desarrollo de la Topología Algebraica. La conjetura se extendió a dimensiones arbitrarias y se fue resolviendo en todas las dimensiones salvo en la dimensión 3 que era aquella en la que había sido originariamente planteada. Por fin en el año 2003, Perelman resolvió la famosa conjetura. Los objetivos de este trabajo son los siguientes: hacer un estudio histórico de la Conjetura de Poincaré y de la clasificación de las variedades topológicas, definir con precisión los conceptos que se usan en la clasificación de las variedades topológicas, presentar una selección de los principales resultados, y por último, construir ejemplos de variedades topológicas que justifiquen el desarrollo de esta teoría.


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“The Franco-German friendship is rich in memories and gestures that are at once important and symbolic, and that characterize the exceptional nature of the relationship between our two countries,” reflects former French economics minister and European Commission President Jacques Delors. Such symbolic acts and joint memories are not primarily about cooperation in specific instances. Rather, more generally, they denote what it means to act together. They lend significance to a relationship; they signify what is “at stake,” or what it is “all about.” They are about a deeper and more general social purpose underlying specific instances of cooperation. They are about the value and intrinsic importance that social relations incorporate. Symbols contribute to the institutionalization of social meaning and social purpose in dealing with one another. In this paper I clarify the concept of “predominantly symbolic acts and practices among states,” systematically explore such acts for the bilateral Franco-German relationship between the late 1950s and the mid-1990s, and scrutinize the specific meaning and effects that these practices have helped to generate and perpetuate.


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IMB (Irvine, Michigan, Brookline), a collaboration between the University of Michigan, the University of California at Irvine, and the U.S. Department of Energy, was an experiment designed to determine the ultimate stability of matter. PMT [photomultiplier tubes] hits from SN [supernovae] event projected onto sphere.


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"A sketch of Hahnemann and his wife / by Helen Berkley."--p. [xxi]-xliii.


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At headof title: F. Gouttenoire de Toury.


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Issued with the editor's Kommentar Deutschlands Freispruch von der Schuld am Kriege and Der "Tiger": die Kriegsreden Georges Clémenceaus.


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