955 resultados para Pm, poultry by-product meal
Una soca de Lactobacillus salivarius resistent a la rifampicina, CTC2197, es va assajar com a probiòtic en pollastres, estudiant la seva capacitat de prevenir la colonització de Salmonella enteritidis C-114 en pollastres. Quan la soca probiòtica es va administrar via oral juntament amb S.enteritidis C-114 directament al proventricle en pollets Leghorn de 1 dia, el patògen fou eliminat completament després de 21 dies. Els mateixos resultats es van obtenir quan la soca es va administrar a través del menjar i l'aigua a més de la inoculació directa al proventricle. La inclusió de L.salivarius CTC2197 en el menjar del primer dia va mostrar que una concentració de 105 UFC g-1 era suficient per assegurar la colonització dels tracte gastrointestinal dels pollets després de 1 setmana. No obstant, entre els 21 i 28 dies, L.salivarius CTC2197 no va ser detectable en el tracte gastrointestinal d'alguns pollets, mostrant que seria necessària més d'una dosis per assegurar la seva presència fins al final de l'etapa d'engreix. La liofilització i la congelació per glicerol o llet descremada com a agents crioprotector, van semblar mètodes adequats per preservar la soca probiòtica. La inclusió de L.salivarius CTC2197 en un pinso comercial va semblar ser un bon mètode per subministrar-lo en granja, tot i que la soca va mostrar sensibilitat a les temperatures utilitzades durant l'emmagatzematge del pinso i a les incubadores dels pollets. A més, la supervivència va millorar després de diverses reinoculacions en pinso.
La sang és un subproducte amb un alt potencial de valorització que s'obté en quantitats importants en els escorxadors industrials. Actualment, la majoria de sistemes de recollida de la sang no segueixen unes mesures d'higiene estrictes, pel que esdevé un producte de baixa qualitat microbiològica. Conseqüentment, l'aprofitament de la sang és una sortida poc estimulant des del punt de vista econòmic, ja que acostuma a perdre les qualitats que permetrien l'obtenció de productes d'alt valor afegit. El capítol I del present treball s'inclou dins d'un projecte que proposa la inoculació de bacteris de l'àcid làctic (LAB) com un cultiu bioconservador de la sang, un sistema senzill i de baix cost que cerca l'estabilitat de la sang, tant microbiològica com fisicoquímica, durant el període del seu emmagatzematge. El capítol II s'emmarca dins d'un projecte que cerca la millora de l'aprofitament integral de la sang que, en el cas de la fracció plasmàtica, es centra en l'estudi de la funcionalitat dels seus principals constituents. Conèixer la contribució dels components majoritaris ha de permetre la millora de la funcionalitat dels ingredients alimentaris derivats. Els resultats presentats en aquesta tesi poden ajudar a la valorització de la sang porcina d'escorxadors industrials, mitjançant els coneixements adquirits pel que fa a la millora del seu sistema de recollida i del desenvolupament d'ingredients alimentaris amb interessants propietats funcionals.
Nos últimos anos estudos efectuados com frutos vermelhos têm revelado a sua riqueza em compostos bioactivos,sobretudo devido a presença de compostos polifenólicos. Neste trabalho foram avaliados os sub-produtos da ginja (Prunus cerasus L.) resultantes da indústria do licor de Óbidos, através da determinação do seu conteúdo em compostos fenólicos totais e, em particular, em antocianinas. As amostras de folhagens (pedúnculos e folhas) e de bagaço (película e película+caroço) foram extraídas por maceração através de 2 métodos de extracção diferentes, utilizando o etanol e o metanol como solventes. Na generalidade observaram-se diferenças significativas entre os teores em fenóis totais e antocianinas, quer dos extractos obtidos a partir de diferentes fracções (folhagem ou bagaço), quer dos extractos obtidos a partir da mesma fracção mas utilizando diferentes solventes. Os extractos das folhagens apresentaram valores de fenóis totais mais elevados que os extractos de bagaço. O metanol foi o solvente mais eficaz na extracção dos fenóis totais e das antocianinas para todas as amostras em estudo. Para as amostras de bagaço as amostras sem caroço (amostras de película) foram as que apresentaram valores mais elevados de fenóis totais e de antocianinas. Os resultados obtidos apontam no sentido dos sub-produtos agro-industriais analisados poderem constituir uma promissora fonte de compostos polifenólicos de custo reduzido, com potencial para aplicação em formulações dermocosméticas. Estudos futuros serão efectuados para avaliar o potencial destes resíduos como ingrediente antioxidante.
No século XXI as fábricas produzem mais do que necessário, os fabricantes competem entre eles pelo mercado de consumo e são pressionados para vender. Para não ficarem com produtos em stock, recorrem a diversas técnicas de marketing, entre elas a inserção de obsolescência planificada nos seus produtos no ato da criação. A presente dissertação pretende estudar o comportamento de compra face à obsolescência planificada. O conceito de obsolescência planificada divide-se em três (3) tipologias: tecnológica, por qualidade, e psicológica. Quando um modelo mais recente do mesmo produto é colocado no mercado, este pode ser colocado com base em inovações tecnológicas reais ou melhoramentos superficiais fictícios. Em ambos os casos é considerado obsolescência tecnológica. Se um produto avaria antes do tempo ou é utilizada matéria-prima de qualidade inferior ou defeituosa, o fabricante introduziu obsolescência por qualidade no produto. Por fim, existe a obsolescência psicológica. Neste caso o problema não é do produto, pois continua funcional, mas sim do consumidor. Este está psicologicamente cansado do produto e opta pela sua substituição. O que se pretende estudar é o comportamento humano adotado face ao conceito. Terá a sociedade consumidora conhecimento deste assunto tabu? Este e outros fatores serão questionados e estudados nos capítulos seguintes.
This paper states that even though the Antarctic Treaty is a remarkable instrument for peaceful collaboration and scientific research, it is, basically, a by-product of the Cold War that reaffirms a particular status quo. This paper explores whether the ATS will meet the needs of an emerging world order. Particularly, the paper evaluates the ATS in the face of new global challenges, both internal and external to the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) itself, as well as power shifting processes on a world scale, climate change and the changing interests of new states. China is a key component in understanding this issue because its Antarctic engagement is entering a new phase one that challenges current multilateral provisions. China’s Antarctic program will be analyzed within the framework of International Relations approaches and theories.
An inventory of heavy metal inputs (Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Cr, As and Hg) to agricultural soils in England and Wales in 2000 is presented, accounting for major sources including atmospheric deposition, sewage sludge, livestock manures, inorganic fertilisers and lime, agrochemicals, irrigation water, industrial by-product 'wastes' and composts. Across the whole agricultural land area, atmospheric deposition was the main source of most metals, ranging from 25 to 85% of total inputs. Livestock manures and sewage sludge were also important sources, responsible for an estimated 37-40 and 8-17% of total Zn and Cu inputs, respectively. However, at the individual field scale sewage sludge, livestock manures and industrial wastes could be the major source of many metals where these materials are applied. This work will assist in developing strategies for reducing heavy metal inputs to agricultural land and effectively targeting policies to protect soils from long-term heavy metal accumulation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Neem leaves, neem cake (a by-product left after the extraction of oil from neem seed) and a commercially refined product aza (azadirachtin) extracted from seed were evaluated. Aqueous extracts of crude neem formulations used as a seedling dip treatment significantly reduced the number of females and egg masses in roots whereas the refined one did not. A split-root technique was used to demonstrate the translocation of active compounds within a plant and their subsequent effect on the development of nematodes. When applied to the root portion all formulations significantly reduced the number of egg masses and eggs per egg mass. Whereas on the untreated root portion, neem cake at 3% w/w and aza at 0.1% w/w significantly reduced the number of egg masses as compared with neem leaves at 3% w/w, aza at 0.05% and control. All the neern formulations significantly reduced the number of eggs per egg mass on' the untreated root portion. The effect of neem leaves and cake on the development of root-knot nematodes was tested at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 16 weeks after their application to soil. Even after 16 weeks all the treatments significantly reduced the galling index and number of egg masses but their effectiveness declined over time. After storing neem leaves, cake and aza for 8 months under ambient conditions the efficacy of neem leaves and aza, against root-knot nematodes, remained stable whereas that of cake declined. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two types of neem formulations, crude and refined, were tested. The crude form was neem leaves and neem cakes (a by-product left after the extraction of oil from neem seed) and one of the neem-refined products was "aza". The protective and curative soil application of these formulations significantly reduced the number of egg masses and eggs per egg mass on tomato roots. Protective application of neem crude formulations (leaves and cake) did not reduce the invasion of juveniles whereas aza at 0.1% w/w did. Curative application of neem formulations significantly reduced the number of egg masses and eggs per egg mass as compared with the control. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background and aims Unilateral incompatibility (UI) occurs when pollinations between species are successful in one direction but not in the other. Self-incompatible (SI) species frequently show UI with genetically related, self-compatible (SC) species, as pollen of SI species is compatible on the SC pistil, but not vice versa. Many examples of unilateral incompatibility, and all those which have been studied most intensively, are found in the Solanaceae, particularly Lycopersicon, Solanum, Nicotiana and Petunia. The genus Capsicum is evolutionarily somewhat distant from Lycopersicon and Solanum and even further removed from Nicotiana and Petunia. Unilateral incompatibility has also been reported in Capsicum; however, this is the first comprehensive study of crosses between all readily available species in the genus. Methods All readily available (wild and domesticated) species in the genus are used as plant material, including the three genera from the Capsicum pubescens complex plus eight other species. Pollinations were made on pot-grown plants in a glasshouse. The number of pistils pollinated per cross varied (from five to 40 pistils per plant), depending on the numbers of flowers available. Pistils were collected 24 h after pollination and fixed for 3-24 h. After staining, pistils were mounted in a drop of stain, squashed gently under a cover slip and examined microscopically under ultra-violet light for pollen tube growth. Key results Unilateral incompatibility is confirmed in the C. pubescens complex. Its direction conforms to that predominant in the Solanaceae and other families, i.e. pistils of self-incompatible species, or self-compatible taxa closely related to self-incompatible species, inhibit pollen tubes of self-compatible species. Conclusions Unilateral incompatibility in Capsicum does not seem to have arisen to prevent introgression of self-compatibility into self-incompatible taxa, but as a by-product of divergence of the C. pubescens complex from the remainder of the genus. (C) 2004 Annals of Botany Company.
Feed samples received by commercial analytical laboratories are often undefined or mixed varieties of forages, originate from various agronomic or geographical areas of the world, are mixtures (e.g., total mixed rations) and are often described incompletely or not at all. Six unified single equation approaches to predict the metabolizable energy (ME) value of feeds determined in sheep fed at maintenance ME intake were evaluated utilizing 78 individual feeds representing 17 different forages, grains, protein meals and by-product feedstuffs. The predictive approaches evaluated were two each from National Research Council [National Research Council (NRC), Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle, seventh revised ed. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA, 2001], University of California at Davis (UC Davis) and ADAS (Stratford, UK). Slopes and intercepts for the two ADAS approaches that utilized in vitro digestibility of organic matter and either measured gross energy (GE), or a prediction of GE from component assays, and one UC Davis approach, based upon in vitro gas production and some component assays, differed from both unity and zero, respectively, while this was not the case for the two NRC and one UC Davis approach. However, within these latter three approaches, the goodness of fit (r(2)) increased from the NRC approach utilizing lignin (0.61) to the NRC approach utilizing 48 h in vitro digestion of neutral detergent fibre (NDF:0.72) and to the UC Davis approach utilizing a 30 h in vitro digestion of NDF (0.84). The reason for the difference between the precision of the NRC procedures was the failure of assayed lignin values to accurately predict 48 h in vitro digestion of NDF. However, differences among the six predictive approaches in the number of supporting assays, and their costs, as well as that the NRC approach is actually three related equations requiring categorical description of feeds (making them unsuitable for mixed feeds) while the ADAS and UC Davis approaches are single equations, suggests that the procedure of choice will vary dependent Upon local conditions, specific objectives and the feedstuffs to be evaluated. In contrast to the evaluation of the procedures among feedstuffs, no procedure was able to consistently discriminate the ME values of individual feeds within feedstuffs determined in vivo, suggesting that the quest for an accurate and precise ME predictive approach among and within feeds, may remain to be identified. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The advantages of bimetallic nanoparticles as C - C coupling catalysts are discussed, and a simple, bottom- up synthesis method of core - shell Ni - Pd clusters is presented. This method combines electrochemical and 'wet chemical' techniques, and enables the preparation of highly monodispersed structured bimetallic nanoclusters. The double- anode electrochemical cell is described in detail. The core - shell Ni - Pd clusters were then applied as catalysts in the Hiyama cross- coupling reaction between phenyltrimethoxysilane and various haloaryls. Good product yields were obtained with a variety of iodo- and bromoaryls. We found that, for a fixed amount of Pd atoms, the core - shell clusters outperform both the monometallic Pd clusters and the alloy bimetallic Ni - Pd ones. THF is an excellent solvent for this process, with less than 2% homocoupling by-product. The roles of the stabiliser and the solvent are discussed.
A considerable amount of evidence has accumulated to support the view that the very long chain omega 3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) have beneficial cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory properties and that levels of their consumption are insufficient in most Western diets. More recently, attention has been given to the possibility that the precursor omega-3 PUFA, alpha linolenic acid (ALNA), may share some of the beneficial actions of EPA/DHA on human health. Further research into the metabolism and physiological actions of ALNA, and comparisons with EPA/DHA, is needed before conclusions regarding the optimal amounts and types of omega-3 PUFA for human health can be defined. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which arises as a metabolic by-product of rumen hydrogenation and which is found in foods of animal origin, has been proposed to possess potent health promoting properties, but much of this research has been conducted in experimental animals. There is an urgent need for complementary studies in human volunteers, to confirm the putative anti-carcinogenic, anti-atherogenic, anti-lipogenic and immuno-suppressive properties of CLA.
[Et3NH]4[Mo8O26] reacted with MgCl2 giving the triethylammonum magnesium β-octamolybdate(VI) salt [Et3NH]2[Mg(H2O)6Mo8O26]·2H2O (3) and the triethylammonium hydronium β-octaamolybdate(VI) salt [Et3NH]3[(H3O)Mo8O26·2H2O (4), respectively. A small amount of [Et3NH]2[Mo6O269] was formed as a by-product. The salts 3 and 4 were characterized by X-ray crystallography. The [Mg(H2O)6Mo8O26]2− moiety in 3 is polymeric, with each octahedral [Mg(H2O)6]2+ ion sandwiched between two β[Mo8O26]4− ions, being hydrogen bonded to three terminal MOO oxygen atoms on one face of each β[Mo8O26]4− ion. The X-ray crystal structure of 4 corresponds to the reported previously. IR and conductivity data are given for 3 and 4.
Milk oligosaccharides are believed to have beneficial biological properties. Caprine milk has a relatively high concentration of oligosaccharides in comparison to other ruminant milks and has the closest oligosaccharide profile to human milk. The first stage in recovering oligosaccharides from caprine milk whey, a by-product of cheese making, was accomplished by ultrafiltration to remove proteins and fat globules, leaving more than 97% of the initial carbohydrates, mainly lactose, in the permeate. The ultrafiltered permeate was further processed using a 1 kDa ‘tight’ ultrafiltration membrane, which retained less than 7% of the remaining lactose. The final retentate was fractionated by preparative scale molecular size exclusion chromatography, to yield 28 fractions, of which oligosaccharide-rich fractions were detected somewhere between fractions 9/10 to 16/17, suitable for functionality and gut health promotion testing. All fractions were evaluated for their oligosaccharide and carbohydrate profiles using three complementary analytical methods.
Avian intestinal spirochetosis (AIS) results from the colonization of the ceca and colorectum of poultry by pathogenic Brachyspira species. The number of cases of AIS has increased since the 2006 European Union ban on the use of antibiotic growth promoters, which, together with emerging antimicrobial resistance in Brachyspira, has driven renewed interest in alternative intervention strategies. Probiotics have been reported as protecting livestock against infection with common enteric pathogens, and here we investigate which aspects of the biology of Brachyspira they antagonize in order to identify possible interventions against AIS. The cell-free supernatants (CFS) of two Lactobacillus strains, Lactobacillus reuteri LM1 and Lactobacillus salivarius LM2, suppressed the growth of Brachyspira pilosicoli B2904 in a pH-dependent manner. In in vitro adherence and invasion assays with HT29-16E three-dimensional (3D) cells and in a novel avian cecal in vitro organ culture (IVOC) model, the adherence and invasion of B. pilosicoli in epithelial cells were reduced significantly by the presence of lactobacilli (P < 0.001). In addition, live and heat-inactivated lactobacilli inhibited the motility of B. pilosicoli, and electron microscopic observations indicated that contact between the lactobacilli and Brachyspira was crucial in inhibiting both adherence and motility. These data suggest that motility is essential for B. pilosicoli to adhere to and invade the gut epithelium and that any interference of motility may be a useful tool for the development of control strategies.