304 resultados para Plasmonic caustics


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The exact propagator beyond and at caustics for a pair of coupled and driven oscillators with different frequencies and masses is calculated using the path-integral approach. The exact wavefunctions and energies are also presented. Finally the propagator is re-calculated through an alternative method, using the δfunction. © 1992 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Plasmon-enhanced spectroscopic techniques have expanded single-molecule detection (SMD) and are revolutionizing areas such as bio-imaging and single-cell manipulation. Surface-enhanced (resonance) Raman scattering (SERS or SERRS) combines high sensitivity with molecularfingerprint information at the single-molecule level. Spectra originating from single-molecule SERS experiments are rare events, which occur only if a single molecule is located in a hot-spot zone. In this spot, the molecule is selectively exposed to a significant enhancement associated with a high, local electromagnetic field in the plasmonic substrate. Here, we report an SMD study with an electrostatic approach in which a Langmuir film of a phospholipid with anionic polar head groups (PO 4 -) was doped with cationic methylene blue (MB), creating a homogeneous, two-dimensional distribution of dyes in the monolayer. The number of dyes in the probed area of the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film coating the Ag nanostructures established a regime in which single-molecule events were observed, with the identification based on direct matching of the observed spectrum at each point of the mapping with a reference spectrum for the MB molecule. In addition, advanced fitting techniques were tested with the data obtained from micro-Raman mapping, thus achieving real-time processing to extract the MB single-molecule spectra. © 2013 Society for Applied Spectroscopy.


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Relative to the Er3 +:gold-nanoparticle (Er3 +:Au-NP) axis, the polarization of the gold nanoparticle can be longitudinal (electric dipole parallel to the Er3 +:Au-NP axis) or transverse (electric dipole perpendicular to the Er3 +:Au-NP axis). For longitudinal polarization, the plasmon resonance modes of gold nanoparticles embedded in Er3 +-doped germanium-tellurite glass are activated using laser lines at 808 and 488 nm in resonance with radiative transitions of Er3 + ions. The gold nanoparticles were grown within the host glass by thermal annealing over various lengths of time, achieving diameters lower than 1.6 nm. The resonance wavelengths, determined theoretically and experimentally, are 770 and 800 nm. The absorption wavelength of nanoparticles was determined by using the Frohlich condition. Gold nanoparticles provide tunable emission resulting in a large enhancement for the 2H11/2 → 4I13/2 (emission at 805 nm) and 4S 3/2 → 4I13/2 (emission at 840 nm) electronic transitions of Er3 + ions; this is associated with the quantum yield of the energy transfer process. The excitation pathways, up-conversion and luminescence spectra of Er3 + ions are described through simplified energy level diagrams. We observed that up-conversion is favored by the excited-state absorption due to the presence of the gold nanoparticles coupled with the Er3 + ions within the glass matrix. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo computacional para análise do espalhamento eletromagnético de nanoestruturas plasmônicas isoladas. O Método dos Momentos tridimensional (MoM-3D) foi utilizado para resolver numericamente a equação integral do campo elétrico, e o modelo de Lorentz-Drude foi usado para representar a permissividade complexa das nanoestruturas metálicas. Baseado nesta modelagem matemática, um algoritmo computacional escrito em linguagem C foi desenvolvido. Como exemplo de aplicação e validação do código, dois problemas clássicos de espalhamento eletromagnético de nanopartículas metálicas foram analisados: nanoesfera e nanobarra, onde foram calculadas a resposta espectral e a distribuição do campo próximo. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com resultados calculados por outros modelos e observou-se uma boa concordância e convergência entre eles.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo a aplicação de um método de migração com amplitudes verdadeiras, considerando-se um meio acústico onde a velocidade de propagação varia linearmente com a profundidade. O método de migração é baseado na teoria dos raios e na integral de migração de Kirchhoff, procurando posicionar de forma correta os refletores e recuperar os respetivos coeficientes de reflexão. No processo de recuperação dos coeficientes de reflexão, busca-se corrigir o fator de espalhamento geométrico de reflexões sísmicas primárias, sem o conhecimento a priori dos refletores procurados. Ao considerar-se configurações fonte-receptor arbitrárias, as reflexões primárias podem ser imageadas no tempo ou profundidade, sendo as amplitudes do campo de ondas migrado uma medida dos coeficientes de reflexão (função do ângulo de incidência). Anteriormente têm sido propostos alguns algoritmos baseados na aproximação de Born ou Kirchhoff. Todos são dados em forma de um operador integral de empilhamento de difrações, que são aplicados à entrada dos dados sísmicos. O resultado é uma seção sísmica migrada, onde cada ponto de reflexão é imageado com uma amplitude proporcional ao coeficiente de reflexão no ponto. No presente caso, o processo de migração faz uso de um modelo com velocidade que apresenta uma distribuição que varia linearmente com a profundidade, conhecido também como gradiente constante de velocidade. O esquema de migração corresponde a uma versão modificada da migração de empilhamento por difração e faz uso explícito da teoria do raio, por exemplo, na descrição de tempos de trânsito e amplitudes das reflexões primárias, com as quais a operação de empilhamento e suas propriedades podem ser entendidas geometricamente. Efeitos como o espalhamento geométrico devido à trajetória do raio levam a distorção das amplitudes. Estes efeitos têm que ser corregidos durante o processamento dos dados sísmicos. Baseados na integral de migração de Kirchhoff e na teoria paraxial dos raios, foi derivada a função peso e o operador da integral por empilhamento de difrações para um modelo sísmico 2,5-D, e aplicado a uma serie de dados sintéticos em ambientes com ruído e livre de ruído. O resultado mostra a precisão e estabilidade do método de migração em um meio 2,5-D como ferramenta para obter informação sobre as propriedades de refletividade da subsuperfície da terra. Neste método não são levados em consideração a existência de caústicas nem a atenuação devido a fricção interna.


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In this work, a sensor was built up with smart material based on polymer brush and gold nanoparticles. The modified electrode functionalized with polyacrylic acid (PAA) tethered to indium tin oxide (ITO) and covered with gold nanoparticle (ITO/PAA/Au) demonstrated switchable interfacial properties discriminating different pHs. The switchable electrochemical and plasmonic process was characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemistry impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The optical excitations of elongated graphene nanoflakes of finite length are investigated theoretically through quantum chemistry semiempirical approaches. The spectra and the resulting dipole fields are analyzed, accounting in full atomistic details for quantum confinement effects, which are crucial in the nanoscale regime. We find that the optical spectra of these nanostructures are dominated at low energy by excitations with strong intensity, comprised of characteristic coherent combinations of a few single-particle transitions with comparable weight. They give rise to stationary collective oscillations of the photoexcited carrier density extending throughout the flake and to a strong dipole and field enhancement. This behavior is robust with respect to width and length variations, thus ensuring tunability in a large frequency range. The implications for nanoantennas and other nanoplasmonic applications are discussed for realistic geometries.


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This manuscript reports on the fabrication of plasmonic substrates using cathodic arc plasma ion implantation, in addition to their performance as SERS substrates. The technique allows for the incorporation of a wide layer of metallic nanoparticles into a polymer matrix, such as PMMA. The ability to pattern different structures using the PMMA matrix is one of the main advantages of the fabrication method. This opens up new possibilities for obtaining tailored substrates with enhanced performance for SERS and other surface-enhanced spectroscopies, as well as for exploring the basic physics of patterned metal nanostructures. The architecture of the SERS-active substrate was varied using three adsorption strategies for incorporating a laser dye (rhodamine): alongside the nanoparticles into the polymer matrix, during the polymer cure and within nanoholes lithographed on the polymer. As a proof-of-concept, we obtained the SERS spectra of rhodamine for the three types of substrates. The hypothesis of incorporation of rhodamine molecules into the polymer matrix during the cathodic arc plasma ion implantation was supported by FDTD (Finite-Difference Time-Domain) simulations. In the case of arrays of nanoholes, rhodamine molecules could be adsorbed directly on the gold surface, then yielding a well-resolved SERS spectrum for a small amount of analyte owing to the short-range interactions and the large longitudinal field component inside the nanoholes. The results shown here demonstrate that the approach based on ion implantation can be adapted to produce reproducible tailored substrates for SERS and other surface-enhanced spectroscopies.


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The anomalies in the anti-Stokes to Stokes intensity ratios in single-molecule surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering were investigated. Brilliant green and crystal violet dyes were the molecular probes, and the experiments were carried out on an electrochemically activated Ag surface. The results allowed new insights into the origin of these anomalies and led to a new method to confirm the single-molecule regime in surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Moreover, a methodology to estimate the distribution of resonance energies that contributed to the imbalance in the anti-Stokes to Stokes intensity ratios at the electromagnetic hot spots was proposed. This method allowed the local plasmonic resonance energies on the metallic surface to be spatially mapped.


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Physicochemical experimental techniques combined with the specificity of a biological recognition system have resulted in a variety of new analytical devices known as biosensors. Biosensors are under intensive development worldwide because they have many potential applications, e.g. in the fields of clinical diagnostics, food analysis, and environmental monitoring. Much effort is spent on the development of highly sensitive sensor platforms to study interactions on the molecular scale. In the first part, this thesis focuses on exploiting the biosensing application of nanoporous gold (NPG) membranes. NPG with randomly distributed nanopores (pore sizes less than 50 nm) will be discussed here. The NPG membrane shows unique plasmonic features, i.e. it supports both propagating and localized surface plasmon resonance modes (p SPR and l-SPR, respectively), both offering sensitive probing of the local refractive index variation on/in NPG. Surface refractive index sensors have an inherent advantage over fluorescence optical biosensors that require a chromophoric group or other luminescence label to transduce the binding event. In the second part, gold/silica composite inverse opals with macroporous structures were investigated with bio- or chemical sensing applications in mind. These samples combined the advantages of a larger available gold surface area with a regular and highly ordered grating structure. The signal of the plasmon was less noisy in these ordered substrate structures compared to the random pore structures of the NPG samples. In the third part of the thesis, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy was applied to probe the protein-protein interaction of the calcium binding protein centrin with the heterotrimeric G-protein transducin on a newly designed sensor platform. SPR spectroscopy was intended to elucidate how the binding of centrin to transducin is regulated towards understanding centrin functions in photoreceptor cells.


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In this work, metal nanoparticles produced by nanosphere lithography were studied in terms of their optical properties (in connection to their plasmon resonances), their potential application in sensing platforms - for thin layer sensing and bio-recognition events -, and for a particular case (the nanocrescents), for enhanced spectroscopy studies. The general preparation procedures introduced early in 2005 by Shumaker-Parry et al. to produce metallic nanocrescents were extended to give rise to more complex (isolated) structures, and also, by combining colloidal monolayer fabrication and plasma etching techniques, to arrays of them. The fabrication methods presented in this work were extended not only to new shapes or arrangements of particles, but included also a targeted surface tailoring of the substrates and the structures, using different thiol and silane compounds as linkers for further attachment of, i.e. polyelectrolyte layers, which allow for a controlled tailoring of their nanoenvironment. The optical properties of the nanocrescents were studied with conventional transmission spectroscopy; a simple multipole model was adapted to explain their behaviour qualitatively. In terms of applications, the results on thin film sensing using these particles show that the crescents present an interesting mode-dependent sensitivity and spatial extension. Parallel to this, the penetrations depths were modeled with two simplified schemes, obtaining good agreement with theory. The multiple modes of the particles with their characteristic decay lengths and sensitivities represent a major improvement for particle-sensing platforms compared to previous single resonance systems. The nanocrescents were also used to alter the emission properties of fluorophores placed close to them. In this work, green emitting dyes were placed at controlled distances from the structures and excited using a pulsed laser emitting in the near infrared. The fluorescence signal obtained in this manner should be connected to a two-photon processes triggered by these structures; obtaining first insight into plasmon-mediated enhancement phenomena. An even simpler and faster approach to produce plasmonic structures than that for the crescents was tested. Metallic nanodiscs and nanoellipses were produced by means of nanosphere lithography, extending a procedure reported in the literature to new shapes and optical properties. The optical properties of these particles were characterized by extinction spectroscopy and compared to results from the literature. Their major advantage is that they present a polarization-dependent response, like the nanocrescents, but are much simpler to fabricate, and the resonances can be tailored in the visible with relative ease. The sensing capabilities of the metallic nanodiscs were explored in the same manner as for the nanocrescents, meaning their response to thin layers and to bio-recognition events on their surface. The sensitivity of these nanostructures to thin films proved to be lower than that of the crescents, though in the same order of magnitude. Experimental information about the near field extension for the Au nanodiscs of different sizes was also extracted from these measurements. Further resonance-tailoring approaches based on electrochemical deposition of metals on the nanodiscs were explored, as a means of modifying plasmon resonances by changing surface properties of the nanoparticles. First results on these experiments would indicate that the deposition of Ag on Au on a submonolayer coverage level can lead to important blue-shifts in the resonances, which would open a simple way to tailor resonances by changing material properties in a local manner.


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A novel nanosized and addressable sensing platform based on membrane coated plasmonic particles for detection of protein adsorption using dark field scattering spectroscopy of single particles has been established. To this end, a detailed analysis of the deposition of gold nanorods on differently functionalized substrates is performed in relation to various factors (such as the pH, ionic strength, concentration of colloidal suspension, incubation time) in order to find the optimal conditions for obtaining a homogenous distribution of particles at the desired surface number density. The possibility of successfully draping lipid bilayers over the gold particles immobilized on glass substrates depends on the careful adjustment of parameters such as membrane curvature and adhesion properties and is demonstrated with complementary techniques such as phase imaging AFM, fluorescence microscopy (including FRAP) and single particle spectroscopy. The functionality and sensitivity of the proposed sensing platform is unequivocally certified by the resonance shifts of the plasmonic particles that were individually interrogated with single particle spectroscopy upon the adsorption of streptavidin to biotinylated lipid membranes. This new detection approach that employs particles as nanoscopic reporters for biomolecular interactions insures a highly localized sensitivity that offers the possibility to screen lateral inhomogeneities of native membranes. As an alternative to the 2D array of gold nanorods, short range ordered arrays of nanoholes in optically transparent gold films or regular arrays of truncated tetrahedron shaped particles are built by means of colloidal nanolithography on transparent substrates. Technical issues mainly related to the optimization of the mask deposition conditions are successfully addressed such that extended areas of homogenously nanostructured gold surfaces are achieved. Adsorption of the proteins annexin A1 and prothrombin on multicomponent lipid membranes as well as the hydrolytic activity of the phospholipase PLA2 were investigated with classical techniques such as AFM, ellipsometry and fluorescence microscopy. At first, the issues of lateral phase separation in membranes of various lipid compositions and the dependency of the domains configuration (sizes and shapes) on the membrane content are addressed. It is shown that the tendency for phase segregation of gel and fluid phase lipid mixtures is accentuated in the presence of divalent calcium ions for membranes containing anionic lipids as compared to neutral bilayers. Annexin A1 adsorbs preferentially and irreversibly on preformed phosphatidylserine (PS) enriched lipid domains but, dependent on the PS content of the bilayer, the protein itself may induce clustering of the anionic lipids into areas with high binding affinity. Corroborated evidence from AFM and fluorescence experiments confirm the hypothesis of a specifically increased hydrolytic activity of PLA2 on the highly curved regions of membranes due to a facilitated access of lipase to the cleavage sites of the lipids. The influence of the nanoscale gold surface topography on the adhesion of lipid vesicles is unambiguously demonstrated and this reveals, at least in part, an answer for the controversial question existent in the literature about the behavior of lipid vesicles interacting with bare gold substrates. The possibility of formation monolayers of lipid vesicles on chemically untreated gold substrates decorated with gold nanorods opens new perspectives for biosensing applications that involve the radiative decay engineering of the plasmonic particles.