966 resultados para Plasma physics, PIC, Ion Acceleration, TNSA


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A procedure is presented for fitting incoherent scatter radar data from non-thermal F-region ionospheric plasma, using theoretical spectra previously predicted. It is found that values of the shape distortion factor D∗, associated with deviations of the ion velocity distribution from a Maxwellian distribution, and ion temperatures can be deduced (the results being independent of the path of iteration) if the angle between the line-of-sight and the geomagnetic field is larger than about 15–20°. The procedure can be used with one or both of two sets of assumptions. These concern the validity of the adopted model for the line-of-sight ion velocity distribution in the one case or for the full three-dimensional ion velocity distribution function in the other. The distribution function employed was developed to describe the line-of-sight velocity distribution for large aspect angles, but both experimental data and Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the form of the field-perpendicular distribution can also describe the distribution at more general aspect angles. The assumption of this form for the line-of-sight velocity distribution at a general aspect angle enables rigorous derivation of values of the one-dimensional, line-of-sight ion temperature. With some additional assumptions (principally that the field-parallel distribution is always Maxwellian and there is a simple relationship between the ion temperature anisotropy and the distortion of the field-perpendicular distribution from a Maxwellian), fits to data for large aspect angles enable determination of line-of-sight temperatures at all aspect angles and hence, of the average ion temperature and the ion temperature anisotropy. For small aspect angles, the analysis is restricted to the determination of the line-of-sight ion temperature because the theoretical spectrum is insensitive to non-thermal effects when the plasma is viewed along directions almost parallel to the magnetic field. This limitation is expected to apply to any realistic model of the ion velocity distribution function and its consequences are discussed. Fit strategies which allow for mixed ion composition are also considered. Examples of fits to data from various EISCAT observing programmes are presented.


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In the auroral zone, ionospheric plasma often moves horizontally at more than 1 km s−1, driven by magnetospheric electric fields, but it has usually been assumed that vertical velocities are much smaller. On occasions, however, plasma has been seen to move upwards along the magnetic field line at several hundred m s−1. These upward velocities are associated with electric fields strong enough to heat the ion population and drive it into a non-thermal state1,2. Here we report observations of substantial upwards acceleration of plasma, to velocities as high as 500 m s−1. An initial upthrust was provided by a combined upwelling of the neutral atmosphere and ionosphere but the continued acceleration at greater heights is explained by a combination of enhanced plasma pressure and the 'hydrodynamic mirror force'3. This acceleration marks an important stage in the transport of plasma from the ionosphere into the magnetosphere.


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Three rapid, poleward bursts of plasma flow, observed by the U.K.-POLAR EISCAT experiment, are studied in detail. In all three cases the large ion velocities (> 1 kms−1) are shown to drive the ion velocity distribution into a non-Maxwellian form, identified by the characteristic shape of the observed spectra and the fact that analysis of the spectra with the assumption of a Maxwellian distribution leads to excessive rises in apparent ion temperature, and an anticorrelation of apparent electron and ion temperatures. For all three periods the total scattered power is shown to rise with apparent ion temperature by up to 6 dB more than is expected for an isotropic Maxwellian plasma of constant density and by an even larger factor than that expected for non-thermal plasma. The anomalous increases in power are only observed at the lower altitudes (< 300 km). At greater altitudes the rise in power is roughly consistent with that simulated numerically for homogeneous, anisotropic, non-Maxwellian plasma of constant density, viewed using the U.K.-POLAR aspect angle. The spectra at times of anomalously high power are found to be asymmetric, showing an enhancement near the downward Doppler-shifted ion-acoustic frequency. Although it is not possible to eliminate completely rapid plasma density fluctuations as a cause of these power increases, such effects cannot explain the observed spectra and the correlation of power and apparent ion temperature without an unlikely set of coincidences. The observations are made along a beam direction which is as much as 16.5° from orthogonality with the geomagnetic field. Nevertheless, some form of coherent-like echo contamination of the incoherent scatter spectrum is the most satisfactory explanation of these data.


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A global, time-dependent, three-dimensional, coupled ionosphere-thermosphere model is used to predict the spatial distribution of non-thermal plasma in the F-layer. It is shown that, even for steady-state conditions with Kp as low as 3, the difference between the ion and neutral velocities often exceeds the neutral thermal speed by a factor, D', which can be as large as 4. Theoretically, highly non-Maxwellian, and probably toroidal, ion velocity distributions are expected when D' exceeds about 1.5. The lack of response of the neutral winds to sunward ion drifts in the dawn sector of the auroral oval cause this to be the region most likely to contain toroidal distributions. The maximum in D' is found in the throat region of the convection pattern, where the strong neutral winds of the afternoon sector meet the eastward ion flows of the morning sector. These predictions are of interest, not only to radar scientists searching for non-thermal ionospheric plasma, but also as one possible explanation of the initial heating and upward flows of ions in the cleft ion fountain and nightside auroral oval, both of which are a major source of plasma for the magnetosphere.


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The effect of a prolonged period of strongly northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) on the high-latitude F-region is studied using data from the EISCAT Common Programme Zero mode of operation on 11–12 August 1982. The analysis of the raw autocorrelation functions is kept to the directly derived parameters Ne, Te, Ti and velocity, and limits are defined for the errors introduced by assumptions about ion composition and by changes in the transmitted power and system constant. Simple data-cleaning criteria are employed to eliminate problems due to coherent signals and large background noise levels. The observed variations in plasma densities, temperatures and velocities are interpreted in terms of supporting data from ISEE-3 and local riometers and magnetometers. Both field-aligned and field-perpendicular plasma flows at Tromsø showed effects of the northward IMF: convection was slow and irregular and field-aligned flow profiles were characteristic of steady-state polar wind outflow with flux of order 1012 m−2 s−1. This period followed a strongly southward IMF which had triggered a substorm. The substorm gave enhanced convection, with a swing to equatorward flow and large (5 × 1012 m−2 s−1), steady-state field-aligned fluxes, leading to the possibility of O+ escape into the magnetosphere. The apparent influence of the IMF over both field-perpendicular and field-aligned flows is explained in terms of the cross-cap potential difference and the location of the auroral oval.


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A method for quantifying diffusive flows of O+ ions in the topside ionosphere from satellite soundings is described. A departure from diffusive equilibrium alters the shape of the plasma scale-height profile near the F2-peak where ion-neutral frictional drag is large. The effect enables the evaluation of , the field-aligned flux of O+ ions relative to the neutral oxygen atom gas, using MSIS model values for the neutral thermospheric densities and temperature. Upward flow values are accurate to within about 10%, the largest sources of error being the MSIS prediction for the concentration of oxygen atoms and the plasma temperature gradient deduced from the sounding. Downward flux values are only determined to within 20%. From 60,000 topside soundings, taken at the minimum and rising phase of the solar cycle, a total of 1098 mean scale-height profiles are identified for which no storm sudden commencement had occurred in the previous 12 days and for which Kp was less than 2o, each mean profile being an average of about six soundings. A statistical study ofdeduced from these profiles shows the diurnal cycle of O+ flow in the quiet, topside ionosphere at mid-latitudes and its seasonal variations. The differences betweenand ion flux observations from incoherent scatter radars are considered using the meridional thermospheric winds predicted by a global, three-dimensional model. The mean interhemispheric flow from summer to winter is compared with predictions by a numerical model of the protonospheric coupling of conjugate ionospheres for up to 6 days following a geomagnetic storm. The observed mean (of order 3 × 1016 ions day−1 along a flux tube of area 1 m2 at 1000 km) is larger than predicted for day 6 and the suggested explanation is a decrease in upward flows from the winter, daytime ionosphere between the sixth and twelfth days.


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Topside ionospheric profiles are used to study the upward field-aligned flow of thermal O+ at high latitudes. On the majority of the field lines outside the plasmasphere, the mean flux is approximately equal to the mean polar wind measured by spacecraft at greater altitudes. This is consistent with the theory of thermal light ion escape supported, via charge exchange, by upward O+ flow at lower heights. Events of larger O+ flow are detected at auroral latitudes and their occurrence is found to agree with that of transversely accelerated ions within the topside ionosphere and the magnetosphere. The effects of low altitude heating of O+ by oxygen cyclotron waves, driven by downward field-aligned currents, are considered as a possible common cause of these two types of event.


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The authors present here a summary of their investigations of ultrathin films formed by gold nanoclusters embedded in polymethylmethacrylate polymer. The clusters are formed from the self-organization of subplantated gold ions in the polymer. The source of the low energy ion stream used for the subplantation is a unidirectionally drifting gold plasma created by a magnetically filtered vacuum arc plasma gun. The material properties change according to subplantation dose, including nanocluster sizes and agglomeration state and, consequently also the material electrical behavior and optical activity. They have investigated the composite experimentally and by computer simulation in order to better understand the self-organization and the properties of the material. They present here the results of conductivity measurements and percolation behavior, dynamic TRIM simulations, surface plasmon resonance activity, transmission electron microscopy, small angle x-ray scattering, atomic force microscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy. (C) 2010 American Vacuum Society [DOI: 10.1116/1.3357287]


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Thin silicon nitride films were prepared at 350 degrees C by inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition on Si(100) substrates under different NH(3)/SiH(4) or N(2)/SiH(4) gas mixture. The chemical composition and bonding structure of the deposited films were investigated as a function of the process parameters, such as the gas flow ratio NH(3)/SiH(4) or N(2)/SiH(4) and the RF power, using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The gas flow ratio was 1.4, 4.3, 7.2 or 9.5 and the RF power, 50 or 100 W. Decomposition results of Si 2p XPS spectra indicated the presence of bulk Si, under-stoichiometric nitride, stoichiometric nitride Si(3)N(4), oxynitride SiN(x)O(y), and stoichiometric oxide SiO(2), and the amounts of these compounds were strongly influenced by the two process parameters. These results were consistent with those obtained from N 1s XPS spectra. The chemical composition ratio N/Si in the film increased with increasing the gas flow ratio until the gas flow ratio reached 4.3, reflecting the high reactivity of nitrogen, and stayed almost constant for further increase in gas flow ratio, the excess nitrogen being rejected from the growing film. A considerable and unexpected incorporation of contaminant oxygen and carbon into the depositing film was observed and attributed to their high chemical reactivity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, an investigation was conducted on amorphous hydrogenated-nitrogenated carbon films prepared by plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition. Glow discharge was excited by radiofrequency power (13.56 MHz, 40 W) whereas the substrate-holder was biased with 25 kV negative pulses. The films were deposited from benzene, nitrogen and argon mixtures. The proportion of nitrogen in the chamber feed (R-N) was varied against that of argon, while keeping the total pressure constant (1.3 Pa). From infrared reflectance-absorbance spectroscopy it was observed that the molecular structure of the benzene is not preserved in the film. Nitrogen was incorporated from the plasma while oxygen arose as a contaminant. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that N/C and O/C atomic ratios change slightly with R-N. Water wettability decreased as the proportion of N in the gas phase increased while surface toughness underwent just small changes. Nanoindentation measurements showed that film deposition by means of ion bombardment was beneficial to the mechanical properties of the film-substrate interface. The intensity of the modifications correlates well with the degree of ion bombardment. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work describes an investigation of the properties of polymer films prepared by plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition. Films were synthesized from low pressure benzene glow discharges, biasing the samples with 25 W negative pulses. The total energy deposited in the growing layer was varied tailoring simultaneously pulse frequency and duty cycle. The effect of the pulse characteristics on the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the films was studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and nanoindentation, respectively. Analysis of the deconvoluted C 1s XPS peaks demonstrated that oxygen was incorporated in all the samples. The chemical modifications induced structural reorganization, characterized by chain cross-linking and unsaturation, affecting material properties. Hardness and plastic resistance parameter increased under certain bombardment conditions. An interpretation is proposed in terms of the total energy delivered to the growing layer. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polymer films, deposited from acetylene and argon plasma mixtures, were bombarded with 150 keV He+ ions, varying the fluence, Phi, from 10(18) to 10(21) ions/m(2). Molecular structure and optical gap of the samples were investigated by infrared and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopies, respectively. Two-point probe was employed to determine the electrical resistivity while hardness was measured by nanoindentation technique. It was verified modification of the molecular structure and composition of the films. There was loss of H and increment in the concentration of unsaturated carbon bonds with Phi. Optical gap and electrical resistivity decreased while hardness increased with Phi. Interpretation of these results is proposed in terms of chain crosslinking and unsaturation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ti-6Al-4V alloy is one of the most frequently used Ti alloys with diverse applications in aerospace and biomedical areas due to its favorable mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Meanwhile, its surface can stiffer intense corrosion caused by wear processes due to its poor tribological properties. Thus in the present study, PIII processing of Ti-6Al-4V alloy was carried out to evaluate its corrosion resistance in 3.5% NaCl solution. Two different sets of Ti-6Al-4V samples were PIII treated, varying the plasma gases and the treatment time. The corrosion behavior is correlated with the surface morphology, and the nitrogen content. SEM micrographs of the untreated sample reveal a typical two-phase structure. PIII processing promotes surface sputtering and the surface morphology is completely different for samples treated with N-2/H-2 mixture and N-2 only. The highest penetration of nitrogen (similar to 88 nm), corresponding to 33% of N-2 was obtained for the sample treated with N-2/H-2 mixture for 1:30 h. The corrosion behavior of the samples was investigated by a potentiodynamic polarization method. A large passive region of the polarization curves (similar to 1.5 V), associated with the formation of a protective film, was observed for all samples. The passive current density (similar to 3 x 10(-6) A cm(-2)) of the PIII-treated Ti-6Al-4V samples is about 10 times higher than for the untreated sample. This current value is still rather low and maintains good corrosion resistance. The anodic branches of the polarization curves for all treated Ti-6Al-4V samples demonstrate also that the oxide films break down at approximately 1.6 V, forming an active region. Although the sample treated by N-2/H-2 mixture for 1.30 It has thicker nitrogen enriched layer, better corrosion resistance is obtained for the PIII process performed with N, gas only. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Surfaces of silicon wafers implanted with N and C, respectively, and aluminum 5052 implanted with N alone by plasma immersion ion implantation WHO were probed by a nanoindentor and analyzed by the contact-angle method to provide information on surface nanohardness and wettability. Silicon nitride and silicon carbide are important ceramic materials for microelectronics, especially for high-temperature applications. These compounds can be synthesized by high-dose ion implantation. The nanohardness of a silicon sample implanted with 12-keV nitrogen PIII (with 3 X 10(17) cm(-2) dose) increased by 10% compared to the unimplanted sample, in layers deeper than the regions where the formation of the Si,N, compound occurred. A factor of 2.5 increase in hardness was obtained for C-implanted Si wafer at 35 keV (with 6 X 10(17) cm(-2) dose), again deeper than the SiC-rich layer, Both compounds are in the amorphous state and their hardness is much lower than that of the crystalline compounds, which require an annealing process after ion implantation. In the same targets, the contact angle increased by 65% and 35% for N- and C-implanted samples, respectively. Compared to the Si target, the nitrogen PIII-irradiated Al 5052 (wish 15 keV) showed negligible change in its hydrophobic character after ion implantation. Its near-surface nanohardness measurement showed a slight increase for doses of 1 X 10(17) cm(-2). We have been searching for an AlN layer of the order of 1000 A thick, using such a low-energy PIII process, but oxide formation during processing has precluded its synthesis. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrochemical corrosion measurements of AISI H13 steel treated by Pill process in 3.5% (wt) NaCl solution were investigated. So far the corrosion behavior of AISI H 13 steel by Pill has not been studied. The electrochemical results are correlated with the surface morphology, nitrogen content and hardness of the nitride layer. Ion implantation of nitrogen into H 13 steel was carried out by Pill technique. SEM examination revealed a generalized corrosion and porosity over all analyzed sample surfaces. Penetration of nitrogen reaching more than 20 gm was achieved at 450 degrees C and hardness as high as 1340 HV (factor of 2.7 enhancement over standard tempered and annealed H 13) was reached by a high power, 9 h Pill treatment. The corrosion behavior of the samples was studied by potentiodynamic polarization method. The noblest corrosion behavior was observed for the samples treated by PIII at 450 degrees C, during 9 h. Anodic branches of polarization curves of PIII processed samples show a passive region associated with the formation of a protective film. The passive region current density of PIII treated H13 samples (3.5 x 10(-6) A/cm(2)) is about 270 times lower than the one of untreated specimens, which demonstrates the higher corrosion resistance for the Pill treated H 13 samples. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.