419 resultados para Physical-activity Behavior
Physical activity and pregnancy: cardiovascular adaptations, recommendations and pregnancy outcomes.
Regular physical activity is associated with improved physiological, metabolic and psychological parameters, and with reduced risk of morbidity and mortality. Current recommendations aimed at improving the health and well-being of nonpregnant subjects advise that an accumulation of > or =30 minutes of moderate physical activity should occur on most, if not all, days of the week. Regardless of the specific physiological changes induced by pregnancy, which are primarily developed to meet the increased metabolic demands of mother and fetus, pregnant women benefit from regular physical activity the same way as nonpregnant subjects. Changes in submaximal oxygen uptake (VO(2)) during pregnancy depend on the type of exercise performed. During maternal rest or submaximal weight-bearing exercise (e.g. walking, stepping, treadmill exercise), absolute maternal VO(2) is significantly increased compared with the nonpregnant state. The magnitude of change is approximately proportional to maternal weight gain. When pregnant women perform submaximal weight-supported exercise on land (e.g. level cycling), the findings are contradictory. Some studies reported significantly increased absolute VO(2), while many others reported unchanged or only slightly increased absolute VO(2) compared with the nonpregnant state. The latter findings may be explained by the fact that the metabolic demand of cycle exercise is largely independent of the maternal body mass, resulting in no absolute VO(2) alteration. Few studies that directly measured changes in maternal maximal VO(2) (VO(2max)) showed no difference in the absolute VO(2max) between pregnant and nonpregnant subjects in cycling, swimming or weight-bearing exercise. Efficiency of work during exercise appears to be unchanged during pregnancy in non-weight-bearing exercise. During weight-bearing exercise, the work efficiency was shown to be improved in athletic women who continue exercising and those who stop exercising during pregnancy. When adjusted for weight gain, the increased efficiency is maintained throughout the pregnancy, with the improvement being greater in exercising women. Regular physical activity has been proven to result in marked benefits for mother and fetus. Maternal benefits include improved cardiovascular function, limited pregnancy weight gain, decreased musculoskeletal discomfort, reduced incidence of muscle cramps and lower limb oedema, mood stability, attenuation of gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational hypertension. Fetal benefits include decreased fat mass, improved stress tolerance, and advanced neurobehavioural maturation. In addition, few studies that have directly examined the effects of physical activity on labour and delivery indicate that, for women with normal pregnancies, physical activity is accompanied with shorter labour and decreased incidence of operative delivery. However, a substantial proportion of women stop exercising after they discover they are pregnant, and only few begin participating in exercise activities during pregnancy. The adoption or continuation of a sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy may contribute to the development of certain disorders such as hypertension, maternal and childhood obesity, gestational diabetes, dyspnoea, and pre-eclampsia. In view of the global epidemic of sedentary behaviour and obesity-related pathology, prenatal physical activity was shown to be useful for the prevention and treatment of these conditions. Further studies with larger sample sizes are required to confirm the association between physical activity and outcomes of labour and delivery.
Aim: To describe changes in leisure time and occupational physical activity status in an urban Mediterranean population-based cohort, and to evaluate sociodemographic, health-related and lifestyle correlates of such changes. Methods: Data for this study come from the Cornellè Health Interview Survey Follow-Up Study, a prospective cohort study of a representative sample (n¿=¿2500) of the population. Participants in the analysis reported here include 1246 subjects (567 men and 679 women) who had complete data on physical activity at the 1994 baseline survey and at the 2002 follow-up. We fitted Breslow-Cox regression models to assess the association between correlates of interest and changes in physical activity. Results: Regarding leisure time physical activity, 61.6% of cohort members with ¿sedentary¿ habits in 1994 changed their status to ¿light/moderate¿ physical activity in 2002, and 70% who had ¿light/moderate¿ habits in 1994 did not change their activity level. Regarding occupational physical activity, 74.4% of cohort members who were ¿active¿ did not change their level of activity, and 64.3% of participants with ¿sedentary¿ habits in 1994 changed to ¿active¿ occupational physical activity. No clear correlates of change in physical activity were identified in multivariate analyses. Conclusion: While changes in physical activity are evident in this population-based cohort, no clear determinants of such changes were recognised. Further longitudinal studies including other potential individual and contextual determinants are needed to better understand determinants of changes in physical activity at the population level.
Aims: We performed a randomised controlled trial in children of both gender and different pubertal stages to determine whether a school-based physical activity (PA) program during a full schoolyear influences bone mineral content (BMC) and whether there are differences in response for boys and girls before and during puberty. Methods: Twenty-eight 1st and 5th grade classes were cluster randomised to an intervention (INT, 16 classes, n=297) and control (CON; 12 classes, n=205) group. The intervention consisted of a multi-component PA intervention including daily physical education during a full school year. Each lesson was predetermined, included about ten minutes of jumping or strength training exercises of various intensity and was the same for all children. Measurements included anthropometry (height and weight), tanner stages (by self-assessment), PA (by accelerometry) and BMC for total body, femoral neck, total hip and lumbar spine using dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Bone parameters were normalized for gender and tanner stage (pre- vs. puberty). Analyses were performed by a regression model adjusted for gender, baseline height, baseline weight, baseline PA, post-intervention tanner stage, baseline BMC, and cluster. Researchers were blinded to group allocation. Children in the control group did not know about the intervention arm. Results: 217 (57%) of 380 children who initially agreed to have DXA measurements had also post-intervention DXA and PA data. Mean age of prepubertal and pubertal children at baseline was 9.0±2.1 and 11.2±0.6 years, respectively. 47/114 girls and 68/103 boys were prepubertal at the end of the intervention. Compared to CON, children in INT showed statistically significant increases in BMC of total body (adjusted z-score differences: 0.123; 95%>CI 0.035 to 0.212), femoral neck (0.155; 95%>CI 0.007 to 0.302), and lumbar spine (0.127; 95%>CI 0.026 to 0.228). Importantly, there was no gender*group, but a tanner*group interaction consistently favoring prepubertal children. Conclusions: Our findings show that a general, but stringent school-based PA intervention can improve BMC in elementary school children. Pubertal stage, but not gender seems to determine bone sensitivity to physical activity loading.
Promotion de l'activité physique par le praticien [Promotion of physical activity by the physician].
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of structured physical exercise programs during pregnancy on the course of labor and delivery. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a systematic review and metaanalysis using the following data sources: Medline and The Cochrane Library. In our study, we used randomized controlled trials (RCT) that evaluated the effects of exercise programs during pregnancy on labor and delivery. The results are summarized as relative risks. RESULTS: In the 16 RCTs that were included there were 3359 women. Women in exercise groups had a significantly lower risk of cesarean delivery (relative risk, 0.85; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.73-0.99). Birthweight was not significantly reduced in exercise groups. The risk of instrumental delivery was similar among groups (relative risk, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.82-1.22). Data on Apgar score, episiotomy, epidural anesthesia, perineal tear, length of labor, and induction of labor were insufficient to draw conclusions. With the use of data from 11 studies (1668 women), our analysis showed that women in the exercise groups gained significantly less weight than women in control groups (mean difference, -1.13 kg; 95% CI, -1.49 to -0.78). CONCLUSION: Structured physical exercise during pregnancy reduces the risk of cesarean delivery. This is an important finding to convince women to be active during their pregnancy and should lead the physician to recommend physical exercise to pregnant women, when this is not contraindicated.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to measure the associations of physical activity and one of its components, sport and exercise, with at-risk substance use in a population of young men. METHOD: Baseline (2010-2012) and follow-up (2012-2013) data of 4748 young Swiss men from the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) were used. Cross-sectional and prospective associations between at-risk substance use and both sport and exercise and physical activities were measured using Chi-squared tests and logistic regression models adjusting for covariates. RESULTS: At baseline, logistic regression indicated that sport and exercise is negatively associated with at-risk use of cigarettes and cannabis. A positive association was obtained between physical activity and at-risk alcohol use. At baseline, sport and exercise was negatively associated with at-risk use of cigarettes and cannabis at follow-up. Adjusted for sport and exercise, physical activity was positively associated with at-risk use of cigarettes and cannabis. CONCLUSION: Sport and exercise is cross-sectionally and longitudinally associated with a low prevalence of at-risk use of cigarettes and cannabis. This protective effect was not observed for physical activity broadly defined. Taking a substance use prevention perspective, the promotion of sport and exercise among young adults should be encouraged.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a governmentally-led center based child care physical activity program (Youp'la Bouge) on child motor skills.Patients and methods: We conducted a single blinded cluster randomized controlled trial in 58 Swiss child care centers. Centers were randomly selected and 1:1 assigned to a control or intervention group. The intervention lasted from September 2009 to June 2010 and included training of the educators, adaptation of the child care built environment, parental involvement and daily physical activity. Motor skill was the primary outcome and body mass index (BMI), physical activity and quality of life secondary outcomes. The intervention implementation was also assessed. RESULTS: At baseline, 648 children present on the motor test day were included (age 3.3 +/- 0.6, BMI 16.3 +/- 1.3 kg/m2, 13.2% overweight, 49% girls) and 313 received the intervention. Relative to children in the control group (n = 201), children in the intervention group (n = 187) showed no significant increase in motor skills (delta of mean change (95% confidence interval: -0.2 (-0.8 to 0.3), p = 0.43) or in any of the secondary outcomes. Not all child care centers implemented all the intervention components. Within the intervention group, several predictors were positively associated with trial outcomes: 1) free-access to a movement space and parental information session for motor skills 2) highly motivated and trained educators for BMI 3) free-access to a movement space and purchase of mobile equipment for physical activity (all p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This "real-life" physical activity program in child care centers confirms the complexity of implementing an intervention outside a study setting and identified potentially relevant predictors that could improve future programs.Trial registration: Trial registration number: clinical trials.gov NCT00967460 http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00967460.
If many harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle on health are well known, we still need to better understand how effectively promoting regular physical activity in the general population. Among the currently explored strategies, screening for sedentary lifestyle and promoting physical activity in the primary care setting seem promising. Despite recommendations from governmental agencies and professional associations in favor of physical activity counseling, this approach has not been widely adopted so far. This article summarizes the steps taken in Switzerland with an aim of developing physical activity counseling in the primary care setting. It describes how the early implication of primary care physicians influenced in a concrete way the development of a project dedicated to that task.
OBJECTIVE: Little is known regarding health-related quality of life and its relation with physical activity level in the general population. Our primary objective was to systematically review data examining this relationship. METHODS: We systematically searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and PsycINFO for health-related quality of life and physical activity related keywords in titles, abstracts, or indexing fields. RESULTS: From 1426 retrieved references, 55 citations were judged to require further evaluation. Fourteen studies were retained for data extraction and analysis; seven were cross-sectional studies, two were cohort studies, four were randomized controlled trials and one used a combined cross sectional and longitudinal design. Thirteen different methods of physical activity assessment were used. Most health-related quality of life instruments related to the Medical Outcome Study SF-36 questionnaire. Cross-sectional studies showed a consistently positive association between self-reported physical activity and health-related quality of life. The largest cross-sectional study reported an adjusted odds ratio of "having 14 or more unhealthy days" during the previous month to be 0.40 (95% Confidence Interval 0.36-0.45) for those meeting recommended levels of physical activity compared to inactive subjects. Cohort studies and randomized controlled trials tended to show a positive effect of physical activity on health-related quality of life, but similar to the cross-sectional studies, had methodological limitations. CONCLUSION: Cross-sectional data showed a consistently positive association between physical activity level and health-related quality of life. Limited evidence from randomized controlled trials and cohort studies precludes a definitive statement about the nature of this association.
In order to assess the contribution of the thermogenic effect of feeding and muscular activity to total energy expenditure, nine premature infants were studied for 2 consecutive days during which time repeated measurements of energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry were performed throughout the day, combined with a visual activity score based on body movement. The infants were growing at 16.6 +/- 4.0 g/kg/day (mean +/- SD) and received 110 +/- 8 kcal/kg/day metabolizable energy (milk formula) and 522 +/- 40 mgN/kg/day. Their total energy expenditure was 68 +/- 4 kcal/kg/day indicating that 41 +/- 7 kcal/kg/day was retained for growth. Based on the combination of energy + N balances it was estimated that 80% of the weight gain was fat-free tissue and 20% was fat tissue. The rate of energy expenditure measured minute-by-minute was significantly and linearly correlated with the activity score in both the premeal (r = 0.75;p less than 0.001) and the postmeal periods (r = 0.74; p less than 0.001) with no difference in the regression slope, but with a significant difference in intercept. In preset feeding schedules the latter allowed an estimation of the thermogenic effect without the confounding effect of activity. This was found to be 3.1 +/- 1.8% when expressed as a percentage of metabolizable energy intake. However when the "classical" approach was used as a comparison (integration of extra energy expenditure induced by the meal), the thermogenic effect was found to be greater, i.e. 9.5 +/- 3.8% of the meal's metabolizable energy, due to the superimposed effect of physical activity in the postprandial state.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
BACKGROUND: Black women are at greater risk of obesity than are white women, perhaps because of their lower levels of physical activity. OBJECTIVE: We compared free-living activity energy expenditure (AEE) in sedentary white and black women (in overweight and normal-weight states) and in never-overweight control subjects. DESIGN: Subjects included 46 women (23 white, 23 black) studied while overweight and after reaching a normal weight and 38 female control subjects (23 white, 15 black). Diet, without exercise training, resulted in a mean weight loss of 13 kg and a body mass index (in kg/m(2)) < 25. Body composition, sleeping energy expenditure, free-living total energy expenditure, and the energy cost of activity and aerobic capacity were assessed before and after weight loss under 4-wk, diet-controlled, weight-stable conditions and in the control subjects. AEE was defined as above-sleep energy expenditure. RESULTS: No significant racial differences in body composition, before or after weight loss, were found. After weight loss, AEE and aerobic capacity increased in the white women and decreased in the black women (P < 0.05 and P < 0.02, respectively). After weight loss, but not before, the white women had a significantly higher mean AEE than did the black women (2448 +/- 979 and 1728 +/- 1373 kJ/d, respectively; P < 0.05), approximating AEEs in the white (2314 +/- 1105) and black (2310 +/- 1251) control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Relative to the responses of the white women to diet-induced weight loss, the black women became less fit and less physically active. Induction of a normal body weight in overweight black women appeared to produce a more obesity-prone state, favoring weight relapse.
OBJECTIVES: To compare daily energy expenditure between RA patients and matched controls, and to explore the relationship between daily energy expenditure or sedentariness and disease-related scores. METHODS: One hundred and ten patients with RA and 440 age- and sex-matched controls were included in this study. Energy expenditure was assessed using the validated physical activity (PA) frequency questionnaire. Disease-related scores included disease activity (DAS-28), functional status (HAQ), pain visual analogue scale (VAS) and fatigue VAS. Total energy expenditure (TEE) and the amount of energy spent in low- (TEE-low), moderate- (TEE-mod) and high-intensity (TEE-high) PAs were calculated. Sedentariness was defined as expending <10% of TEE in TEE-mod or TEE-high activities. Between-group comparisons were computed using conditional logistic regression. The effect of disease-related scores on TEE was investigated using linear regression. RESULTS: TEE was significantly lower for RA patients compared with controls [2392 kcal/day (95% CI 2295, 2490) and 2494 kcal/day (2446, 2543), respectively, P = 0.003]. A significant difference was found between groups in TEE-mod (P = 0.015), but not TEE-low (P = 0.242) and TEE-high (P = 0.146). All disease-related scores were significantly poorer in sedentary compared with active patients. TEE was inversely associated with age (P < 0.001), DAS-28 (P = 0.032) and fatigue VAS (P = 0.029), but not with HAQ and pain VAS. CONCLUSION: Daily energy expenditure is significantly lower in RA patients compared with matched controls, mainly due to less moderate-intensity PAs performed. Disease activity and fatigue are important contributing factors. These points need to be addressed if promoting PA in RA patients is a health goal. Trial registration. ClinicalTrials.gov, http://clinicaltrials.gov, NCT01228812.
La littérature indique que parmi les différents moyens de promotion de l'activité physique, le conseil par le médecin constitue une voie efficace. La formation PAPRICA, suivie à ce jour par env. 200 médecins, a pour but de promouvoir l'activité physique des patients par les médecins de premier recours. La présente recherche étudie la mise en oeuvre par les médecins des acquis de cette formation. Les données ont été recueillies grâce à un questionnaire à tous les participants, ainsi qu'à des entretiens téléphoniques auprès d'un échantillon plus restreint. Les principaux thèmes abordés concernent les apports de la formation, la pratique effective au cabinet et la satisfaction du médecin. [Auteurs, p. 7]