1000 resultados para Petróleo e Gás Natural
A edição número 1 do Cadernos FGV Projetos foi lançada em setembro de 2006 com o tema Energia & Petróleo. A publicação traz uma entrevista exclusiva com José Sérgio Gabrielli, presidente da Petrobras, além de artigos e informações que levantam temas como matriz energética, presença crescente dos combustíveis renováveis, uso mais intenso de gás natural e gargalos para a expansão da oferta de energia.
O presente estudo versa sobre os fatores tecnológicos e ambientais que vêm resultando no crescimento da produção de gás natural não convencional nos EUA. Os objetos de analise principais serão as políticas públicas, assim como a dinâmica entre os atores sociais e o ambiente propício que fora criado para que houvesse o adensamento do fomento e do estímulo às inovações tecnológicas sucedidas no setor.
O mercado de gás liquefeito de petróleo brasileiro passou por profundas mudanças após a desregulamentação governamental iniciada a partir da segunda metade da década de 1990. Neste período, a intervenção estatal foi substituída por um modelo de livre concorrência que impulsionou a expansão das quatro principais empresas do setor para uma atuação nacional. Estes movimentos criaram um novo cenário competitivo no mercado. Após uma década destas mudanças, e apesar da forte competição entre as quatro grandes companhias que detém 86 % do mercado, a liderança do segmento residencial em cada estado brasileiro continua sendo exercida pela mesma marca do passado (ou sua sucessora). Este fato indica a necessidade das companhias adotarem uma nova abordagem de marketing para alterar de maneira significativa a percepção do consumidor em relação à sua preferência de marca. Logo, o conhecimento dos fatores críticos na escolha de botijões de gás para uso residencial é fundamental para esta mudança. Este estudo propõe uma nova abordagem das estratégias de mercado na indústria do GLP no Brasil, baseada numa perspectiva antropológica, que tenha como pilar o estudo do consumo doméstico deste produto como um processo de natureza cultural e simbólica, contradizendo a visão utilitarista que o estrutura como um simples reflexo de uma razão prática, fundamentada em critérios econômicos. Para atingir este objetivo, o pesquisador realizou uma análise do comportamento do consumidor de botijões de gás para uso doméstico apoiado nos principais estudos sobre o consumo na base da pirâmide, abordando os aspectos culturais brasileiros que possuem influência relevante nesta decisão de compra. Este estudo também contemplou os principais conceitos sobre a formação de hábitos de compra bem como a teoria sobre a lógica dominante em serviços. Os dados primários foram obtidos no município de Petrópolis/RJ, através de metodologia qualitativa, utilizando as entrevistas em profundidade como técnica de coleta de dados. Como resultado deste trabalho, foi proposto pelo autor um modelo teórico para explicar o fenômeno de compra do botijão de gás para uso doméstico no Brasil. Este modelo explica que a formação do hábito de compra do botijão de gás tem início na transmissão familiar da preferência por determinada marca para os membros mais novos da família, através do convívio e observação da rotina de escolha. Em seguida a nova consumidora experimenta o produto habitual da família e confirma as promessas de serviço embutidas na preferência familiar. Após esta fase, a consumidora consolida a preferência e coloca a recompra do botijão de gás no modo automático, disparando o loop do hábito de consumo deste produto. Segundo esta proposta, apenas uma dissonância cognitiva gerada pelo não cumprimento da promessa de serviço prestado é capaz de interromper o loop do hábito de compra da marca preferida pela família.
Após uma sequência histórica de ciclos econômicos no Brasil, desde o final da década de 90, o país presencia a abertura do setor do Petróleo ligado à descoberta do pré-sal e o volume imensurável das reservas naturais. Esse marco pôde determinar o início de um dos mais relevantes e diversificados ciclos de industrialização na história econômica do Brasil. Mesmo nesse ramo de negócio, um mercado de gigantes, de multinacionais, de grandes players com estratégias inovadoras e múltiplos know-how's insubstituíveis, é fato conhecido, principalmente para os profissionais dessa seara, que muitas empresas de petróleo possuem inúmeros fatores críticos com urgente necessidade de melhoria. O objetivo principal desta dissertação é fazer inicialmente uma breve análise estratégica e mercadológica da subsidiária brasileira de um grupo multinacional do ramo de Petróleo e Gás especializado em tecnologia de fluidos de perfuração de poços de petróleo, com presença em mais de vinte países. Após imersão no contexto, realizar a análise detalhada de um processo em especial, a primeira vista sem importância, que ao ser estudado, monitorado e mapeado, pôde ser ajustado, redesenhado e implementado, apresentando ganhos substanciais para a corporação relacionados à competitividade e lucratividade.
With the new discoveries of oil and gas, the exploration of fields in various geological basins, imports of other oils and the development of alternative fuels, more and more research labs have evaluated and characterized new types of petroleum and derivatives. Therefore the investment in new techniques and equipment in the samples analysis to determine their physical and chemical properties, their composition, possible contaminants, especification of products, among others, have multiplied in last years, so development of techniques for rapid and efficient characterization is extremely important for a better economic recovery of oil. Based on this context, this work has two main objectives. The first one is to characterize the oil by thermogravimetry coupled with mass spectrometry (TG-MS), and correlate these results with from other types of characterizations data previously informed. The second is to use the technique to develop a methodology to obtain the curve of evaluation of hydrogen sulfide gas in oil. Thus, four samples were analyzed by TG-MS, and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). TG results can be used to indicate the nature of oil, its tendency in coke formation, temperatures of distillation and cracking, and other features. It was observed in MS evaluations the behavior of oil main compounds with temperature, the points where the volatilized certain fractions and the evaluation gas analysis of sulfide hydrogen that is compared with the evaluation curve obtained by Petrobras with another methodology
In Brazil and around the world, oil companies are looking for, and expected development of new technologies and processes that can increase the oil recovery factor in mature reservoirs, in a simple and inexpensive way. So, the latest research has developed a new process called Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) which was classified as a gas injection IOR. The process, which is undergoing pilot testing in the field, is being extensively studied through physical scale models and core-floods laboratory, due to high oil recoveries in relation to other gas injection IOR. This process consists of injecting gas at the top of a reservoir through horizontal or vertical injector wells and displacing the oil, taking advantage of natural gravity segregation of fluids, to a horizontal producer well placed at the bottom of the reservoir. To study this process it was modeled a homogeneous reservoir and a model of multi-component fluid with characteristics similar to light oil Brazilian fields through a compositional simulator, to optimize the operational parameters. The model of the process was simulated in GEM (CMG, 2009.10). The operational parameters studied were the gas injection rate, the type of gas injection, the location of the injector and production well. We also studied the presence of water drive in the process. The results showed that the maximum vertical spacing between the two wells, caused the maximum recovery of oil in GAGD. Also, it was found that the largest flow injection, it obtained the largest recovery factors. This parameter controls the speed of the front of the gas injected and determined if the gravitational force dominates or not the process in the recovery of oil. Natural gas had better performance than CO2 and that the presence of aquifer in the reservoir was less influential in the process. In economic analysis found that by injecting natural gas is obtained more economically beneficial than CO2
With the increasing of energetic consumption in the worldwile, conventional reservoirs, known by their easy exploration and exploitation, are not being enough to satisfy this demand, what has made necessary exploring unconventional reservoirs. This kind of exploration demands developing more advanced technologies to make possible to exploit those hydrocarbons. Tight gas is an example of this kind of unconventional reservoir. It refers to sandstone fields with low porosity, around 8%, and permeabilities between 0.1 and 0.0001 mD, which accumulates considerable amounts of natural gas. That natural gas can only be extracted by applying hydraulic fracturing, aiming at stimulating the reservoir, by creating a preferential way through the reservoir to the well, changing and making easier the flow of fluids, thus increasing the productivity of those reservoirs. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is analyzing the recovery factor of a reservoir by applying hydraulic fracturing. All the studies were performed through simulations using the IMEX software, by CMG (Computer Modelling Group), in it 2012.10 version
As can be inferred by the title of its study The constitutional principle of sustainable development and the utilization of hidrical resources in the oil industry the transcribed pages are dedicated to the approach of the mentioned subjects which, despite being apparently different, will be shown intrinsically connected as goes by the study. The superation of this first step by the reader will lead to an important perception of the title: that the situation requires, urgently, a defined posture, a complete conduct change and, therefore, a modification of the paradigms currently establisheds. To brake barriers, modifying what is lived by, is the ultimate goal. For that, there is no unique path, linear, but there were broached the development themes, the hidrical resources theme and oil and natural gas industry at the necessary points to achieve, by the end, a comprehension for the Brazilian Federal Republic goals in the search for the application of these juridical norms. The ones whom lay down over this study shall notice that, more than a simple approach over these themes (which are still less worked and searched in Brazil), the heavy critic of an instituted and pacifically accepted reality, directly offensive of the constitutional principles. The debate evolves from punctual and specific aspects, it gains life, flies, searching how the juridical order equalizes the economic model to the environment defense. Standing by the possibility of conciliation among constitutional principles, the remodeling of an economic segment is defended, aligning it to the sustainable limits. Development, sustainable, becomes means and goals to the implementation of liberty, capacitating everyone to achieve their goals of life, their libertments, fruit of the inherent antagonism of the Constitution the sustainable development offers, while an axiological vector, a new reality to the economic order, turning it into a motriz element to the fortification of constitutional normative force and for the national development
The underground natural gas found associated or not with oil is characterized by a mixture of hydrocarbons and residual components such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen gas (N2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), called contaminants. The H2S especially promotes itself as a contaminant of natural gas to be associated with corrosion of pipelines, to human toxicity and final applications of Natural Gas (NG). The sulfur present in the GN must be fully or partially removed in order to meet the market specifications, security, transport or further processing. There are distinct and varied methods of desulfurization of natural gas processing units used in Natural Gas (UPGN). In order to solve these problems have for example the caustic washing, absorption, the use of membranes and adsorption processes is costly and great expenditure of energy. Arises on such findings, the need for research to active processes of economic feasibility and efficiency. This work promoted the study of the adsorption of sulfide gas in polymer matrices hydrogen pure and modified. The substrates of Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and sodium alginate (NaALG) were coated with vanadyl phosphate compounds (VOPO4.2H2O), vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), rhodamine B (C28H31N2O3Cl) and ions Co2+ and Cu2+, aiming to the adsorption of hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S). The adsorption tests were through a continuous flow of H2S in a column system (fixed bed reactor) adsorption on a laboratory scale. The techniques used to characterize the adsorbents were Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), the X-ray diffraction (XRD) electron microscopy (SEM). Such work indicates, the results obtained, the adsorbents modified PMMA, PVC and NaALG have a significant adsorptive capacity. The matrix that stood out and had the best adsorption capacity, was to ALG modified Co2+ with a score of 12.79 mg H2S / g matrix
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O estudo do conteúdo de foraminíferos de 8 amostras de sedimentos superficiais coletados em manguezal do norte da Ilha do Cardoso, sul do Estado de São Paulo, no verão (período chuvoso) de 2001, ao longo de um transecto no sentido da Baía de Trapandé para o interior, revelou dois segmentos distintos: a) uma planície inferior lamosa, com menor tempo de exposição sub-aérea e maior diversidade específica, dominada por Ammotiumcassis, A.salsum, Arenoparrella mexicana e Trochamminainflata, com abundância expressiva de Caroniaexilis na parte mais baixa e de Miliammina fusca na parte mais alta; b) uma planície superior arenosa, com maior tempo de exposição sub-aérea e menor diversidade, dominada por M. fusca e com abundância expressiva de T. inflatana parte mais baixa. Os sedimentos investigados são colonizados por foraminíferos exclusivamente aglutinantes, representados por 21 espécies de 16 gêneros. Dados de abundância relativa, riqueza, diversidade e equitatividade das espécies ao longo do transecto são apresentados, bem como os valores de salinidade, pH, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura, medidos a partir da água intersticial dos sedimentos no momento da coleta das amostras. São feitas comparações com um estudo anterior, similar, que focalizou amostras coletadas, nos mesmos pontos, no inverno (período seco) de 2002. Os resultados obtidos interessam às análises de sistemas estuarinos modernos e antigos, bem como a projetos envolvidos com o diagnóstico do estado de conservação de áreas litorâneas, sendo úteis ao Setor de Petróleo e Gás
With the new discoveries of oil and gas, the exploration of fields in various geological basins, imports of other oils and the development of alternative fuels, more and more research labs have evaluated and characterized new types of petroleum and derivatives. Therefore the investment in new techniques and equipment in the samples analysis to determine their physical and chemical properties, their composition, possible contaminants, especification of products, among others, have multiplied in last years, so development of techniques for rapid and efficient characterization is extremely important for a better economic recovery of oil. Based on this context, this work has two main objectives. The first one is to characterize the oil by thermogravimetry coupled with mass spectrometry (TG-MS), and correlate these results with from other types of characterizations data previously informed. The second is to use the technique to develop a methodology to obtain the curve of evaluation of hydrogen sulfide gas in oil. Thus, four samples were analyzed by TG-MS, and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). TG results can be used to indicate the nature of oil, its tendency in coke formation, temperatures of distillation and cracking, and other features. It was observed in MS evaluations the behavior of oil main compounds with temperature, the points where the volatilized certain fractions and the evaluation gas analysis of sulfide hydrogen that is compared with the evaluation curve obtained by Petrobras with another methodology
In Brazil and around the world, oil companies are looking for, and expected development of new technologies and processes that can increase the oil recovery factor in mature reservoirs, in a simple and inexpensive way. So, the latest research has developed a new process called Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) which was classified as a gas injection IOR. The process, which is undergoing pilot testing in the field, is being extensively studied through physical scale models and core-floods laboratory, due to high oil recoveries in relation to other gas injection IOR. This process consists of injecting gas at the top of a reservoir through horizontal or vertical injector wells and displacing the oil, taking advantage of natural gravity segregation of fluids, to a horizontal producer well placed at the bottom of the reservoir. To study this process it was modeled a homogeneous reservoir and a model of multi-component fluid with characteristics similar to light oil Brazilian fields through a compositional simulator, to optimize the operational parameters. The model of the process was simulated in GEM (CMG, 2009.10). The operational parameters studied were the gas injection rate, the type of gas injection, the location of the injector and production well. We also studied the presence of water drive in the process. The results showed that the maximum vertical spacing between the two wells, caused the maximum recovery of oil in GAGD. Also, it was found that the largest flow injection, it obtained the largest recovery factors. This parameter controls the speed of the front of the gas injected and determined if the gravitational force dominates or not the process in the recovery of oil. Natural gas had better performance than CO2 and that the presence of aquifer in the reservoir was less influential in the process. In economic analysis found that by injecting natural gas is obtained more economically beneficial than CO2
With the increasing of energetic consumption in the worldwile, conventional reservoirs, known by their easy exploration and exploitation, are not being enough to satisfy this demand, what has made necessary exploring unconventional reservoirs. This kind of exploration demands developing more advanced technologies to make possible to exploit those hydrocarbons. Tight gas is an example of this kind of unconventional reservoir. It refers to sandstone fields with low porosity, around 8%, and permeabilities between 0.1 and 0.0001 mD, which accumulates considerable amounts of natural gas. That natural gas can only be extracted by applying hydraulic fracturing, aiming at stimulating the reservoir, by creating a preferential way through the reservoir to the well, changing and making easier the flow of fluids, thus increasing the productivity of those reservoirs. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is analyzing the recovery factor of a reservoir by applying hydraulic fracturing. All the studies were performed through simulations using the IMEX software, by CMG (Computer Modelling Group), in it 2012.10 version
Petroleum biodegradation in reservoirs is a process caused by different microorganisms affecting many oil deposits which modifies the oil composition in a quasi-stepwise process starting from n-alkanes and isoprenoids through to diasteranes. This causes oil souring and increased viscosity, sulfur and metal content, having a direct impact on oil production and refining costs.