988 resultados para Pembroke, Anne Clifford Herbert, Countess of, 1590-1676.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Pub. suspended from 1915-Apr. 1922 inclusive
No. 1-<34> also called année 1-<3>
1902-1904 also called année 1-3
1863 in 2 parts: Science pratique (in 2v.) and Science pure (in 1v.); these form t. 1-3 of the entire set
26-34 années combined in t. 26-28
Mode of access: Internet.
At head of title: Margot Asquith.
Mode of access: Internet.
No.#7-63# called also année 2-#4#
Shipping list no.: 97-0031-P.
O culto a Nossa Senhora de Nazaré é uma devoção popular muito antiga em Belém do Pará, quase tão antiga quanto a cidade, pois esse culto se consolidou na mesma época em que se constituiu o município de Belém e o Estado do Pará. A população de devotos cresceu junto com a população dos habitantes da cidade. Tal fato propiciou que essa devoção popular se enraizasse profundamente na cultura paraense, penetrando até a auto-imagem do paraense católico, moldando a sua identidade cultural. A maior expressão desse culto é a grande romaria que os devotos realizam todos os anos no mês de outubro, que é conhecida como Círio de Nazaré e reúne uma média de dois milhões de pessoas, aproximadamente. O Círio de 2002 foi o recorte etnológico dessa pesquisa que disserta sobre as práticas cotidianas dos devotos no seu culto a Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, sobre como a religiosidade popular insere-se no dia-a-dia dos indivíduos, influenciando as representações sociais e recebendo a influência delas também, em um processo dialético.(AU)
Characters’ identities are integral to how audiences relate to them. But what happens when the character suddenly alters his or her outward appearance? Are they still the same person? This thesis seeks to argue that disguise does not alter a character’s true nature, as evidenced by Pyrocles in Sir Philip Sidney’s The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia and the Prince in Margaret Cavendish’s The Convent of Pleasure. Both Pyrocles’ suit of Philoclea and the Prince’s suit of Lady Happy are successful because, however subversive they appear at first, they ultimately adhere to societal norms of the time. The relationship between the cross-dressed prince and his love interest in both works only appears to subvert heteronormative expectations for the time, but ultimately adheres to these societal norms once the disguised character’s true identity is revealed to his chosen partner.
Replication of eukaryotic chromosomes initiates at multiple sites called replication origins. Replication origins are best understood in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where several complementary studies have mapped their locations genome-wide. We have collated these datasets, taking account of the resolution of each study, to generate a single list of distinct origin sites. OriDB provides a web-based catalogue of these confirmed and predicted S.cerevisiae DNA replication origin sites. Each proposed or confirmed origin site appears as a record in OriDB, with each record comprising seven pages. These pages provide, in text and graphical formats, the following information: genomic location and chromosome context of the origin site; time of origin replication; DNA sequence of proposed or experimentally confirmed origin elements; free energy required to open the DNA duplex (stress-induced DNA duplex destabilization or SIDD); and phylogenetic conservation of sequence elements. In addition, OriDB encourages community submission of additional information for each origin site through a User Notes facility. Origin sites are linked to several external resources, including the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) and relevant publications at PubMed. Finally, a Chromosome Viewer utility allows users to interactively generate graphical representations of DNA replication data genome-wide. OriDB is available at www.oridb.org.