993 resultados para Peces de ríos
[ES] Se observa que la mera presencia de buceadores con equipo autónomo de respiración tiene un efecto de atracción sobre los peces, incrementándose en el área de actividad del buceador a medida que se prolonga el tiempo de la inmersión. Sin embargo, si la actividad de buceo se hace en apnea, el efecto sobre la abundancia de peces en el área es el contrario.
Programa de Doctorado: Sanidad Animal y Seguridad Alimentaria
[ES]¿Qué hay en las aguas profundas de El Hierro? La organización de conservación marina Oceana presenta los hallazgos efectuados en el Mar de las Calmas con un robot submarino (ROV) capaz de descender a 1.000 metros. Estas imágenes revelan desde fondos de anguilas jardineras a arrecifes vivos de corales blancos de profundidad, de la freza del tamboril oceánico a rocas cubiertas de ostras gigantes. Durante la presentación se mostrarán hallazgos de interés mundial, como el primer vídeo obtenido de un pez transparente de seis ojos. Se describirán las profundidades al sur de la isla, explicando sus necesidades de protección, y se enseñarán imágenes de tiburones de aguas profundas, peces trípode, crinoideos, esponjas carnívoras y erizos de cuero, entre otras.
Programa de doctorado: Medio Ambiente y Gestión de Recursos Marinos. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
Discovery of the Nox family has led to the concept that ROS are “intentionally” generated and are biologically functional in various cell types. Over the last decades, ROS have been shown to be involved in several physiological and pathological processes and ROS producing enzymes have been suggested as a target for drug development. The mechanism involved in the prosurvival effect of cytokines on the human acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines M07e and B1647 is investigated. A decrease in intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) content, glucose transport activity and cell survival was observed in the presence of inhibitors of plasma membrane ROS sources, such as DPI and apocynin, and by small interference RNA for NOX2 in M07e cells. Furthermore, Nox generated ROS are required to sustain B1647 cell viability and proliferation; in fact, antioxidants such as EUK-134 or Nox inhibitors and siRNA direct cells to apoptotic cell death, suggesting that manipulation of cellular NOX2 and NOX4 could affect survival of leukemic cells. Moreover, hydrogen peroxide has been long thought to be freely diffusible but recent evidence suggest that specific mammalian aquaporin homologues (AQP8) possess the capacity to channel H2O2 across membrane. In this thesis is shown that inhibition of aquaporins diminishes intracellular ROS accumulation either when H2O2 is produced by Nox enzymes or when is added exogenously to the medium. These data suggest that specific inhibition of Nox enzymes and AQP8 could be an interesting novel anti-leukemic strategy.
Lo sviluppo hardware nel campo della robotica ha raggiunto negli ultimi anni livelli impressionanti ed è in continua crescita, e di pari passo si è espansa l’eterogeneità delle forme che può assumere, dalle tipologie basate su movimento a terra ai droni volanti, fino a forme più sofisticate di robot umanoidi che cercano di emularne il comportamento. Se da un lato ora possiamo disporre di hardware sempre più potente ed efficiente a costi sempre minori, dall’altro programmare il comportamento che un robot deve tenere nelle svariate circostanze in cui può imbattersi, nel poter portare a compimento il proprio obbiettivo, risulta essere sempre più complesso. Dopo una breve introduzione alla robotica e alle difficoltà che deve affrontare e una panoramica sui robot, cosa siano e come siano strutturati, fulcro della tesi sarà l’esposizione delle caratteristiche principali di ROS, Robot Operating System, come piattaforma di sviluppo software nel campo della robotica, e si concluderà con un semplice caso di studio in cui ne verrà messo in mostra concretamente l’utilizzo.
The decreased incidence of cardiovascular disease in premenopausal women has been attributed, at least partially, to protective effects of estrogens. However, premenopausal women with diabetes mellitus are no longer selectively protected. High-glucose (HG) conditions have previously been shown to abolish the antimitogenic effects of 17β-estradiol (E(2)) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs).
Abstract Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been demonstrated to play an important role as signaling and regulating molecules in human adipocytes. In order to evaluate the differential modulating roles of antioxidants, we treated human adipocytes differentiated from human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells with MitoQ, resveratrol and curcumin. The effects on ROS, viability, mitochondrial respiration and intracellular ATP levels were examined. MitoQ lowered both oxidizing and reducing ROS. Resveratrol decreased reducing and curcumin oxidizing radicals only. All three substances slightly decreased state III respiration immediately after addition. After 24 h of treatment, MitoQ inhibited both basal and uncoupled oxygen consumption, whereas curcumin and resveratrol had no effect. Intracellular ATP levels were not altered. This demonstrates that MitoQ, resveratrol and curcumin exert potent modulating effects on ROS signaling in human adipocyte with marginal effects on metabolic parameters.