987 resultados para Pb-isotopes


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Tomando-se como base o nível crescente de exigência do consumidor por frutas de mesa, as características de qualidade das uvas 'Itália', 'Festival' ('Superior Seedless'), 'Benitaka' e 'Isabel', expostas à venda em três redes de supermercados, na cidade de João Pessoa - Paraíba - Brasil, foram avaliadas em dezembro de 2007. Inicialmente, foram selecionados e treinados julgadores que estabeleceram e definiram os seguintes atributos sensoriais de importância: tonalidade e uniformidade de cor, aroma, firmeza, presença de sementes, suculência, doçura, acidez, sabor e qualidade global. Os diâmetros, comprimentos e pesos das bagas estavam condizentes com os parâmetros comerciais ou varietais. Os conteúdos de sólidos solúveis (SS), com exceção da uva 'Benitaka', apresentaram-se em conformidade com os padrões comerciais. Apenas a cultivar Festival, com a menor acidez titulável (AT), apresentou relação SS/AT aceitável. Foram realizadas três sessões de análises descritivas quantitativas (ADQ), nas quais a uva 'Itália' foi a de melhor sabor e, em conjunto com a apirênica 'Festival', apresentou maiores doçuras e qualidade global. A cultivar Isabel apresentou a cor mais forte , enquanto a Festival foi a melhor no atributo semente. Aplicou-se o Teste de Preferência por Ordenação, no qual as uvas 'Itália' e 'Festival' foram as preferidas.


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O Brasil destaca-se no cenário mundial como um dos maiores produtores de manga (Mangifera indica L.). No entanto, perdas significativas são observadas em todas as etapas da cadeia produtiva, sobretudo na comercialização varejista, sendo estas correlacionadas em quase sua totalidade à incidência de doenças fúngicas. Neste sentido, objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a incidência natural de Lasiodiplodia theobromae, agente causal da podridão peduncular, e aspectos da qualidade pós-colheita de mangas 'Tommy Atkins', comercializadas no mercado atacadista da Empresa Paraibana de Abastecimento e Serviços Agrícolas (EMPASA) de Campina Grande-PB. Para a determinação da incidência natural da doença, coletaram-se 40 frutos no estádio de maturação 'de vez', de quatro diferentes estabelecimentos de comercialização, que foram encaminhados ao Laboratório de Fitopatologia (CCA/UFPB). Após sanificação, os frutos foram mantidos sob condições ambientes (28 ± 2 ºC e UR 75 ± 6%) por oito dias, determinando-se o aparecimento dos primeiros sintomas e sinais do patógeno. As características de qualidade foram determinadas através da coleta de 10 frutos de cada estabelecimento de comercialização da EMPASA. Os frutos foram transportados ao Laboratório de Biologia e Tecnologia Pós-Colheita (CCA/UFPB), onde foram avaliados quanto aos teores de Sólidos Solúveis (SS), Acidez Titulável (AT), Relação SS/AT e pH. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. A manga comercializada no mercado atacadista da EMPASA de Campina Grande apresentou baixo conteúdo de SS e elevada AT, caracterizando fruto no início da maturação. Os frutos apresentaram 88,9% de incidência natural de podridão peduncular no oitavo dia de armazenamento, o que compromete a qualidade do produto no varejo, constituindo-se em uma causa das elevadas perdas pós-colheita.


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Al Sur del pico de Bassegoda existe una mineralización estratiforme de galena, esfalerita y pirita con calcopirita y arsenopirita, en forma de diseminaciones y lentejones masivos, situadas dentro de un tramo de 10 metros de micaesquistos y dolomias negras. Estos niveles mineralizados se hallan en el contacto entre micaesquistos y dolomias masivas que contienen piroclastos cidos. Tanto el tipo de depósito como la litologia encajante, permiten correlacionar esta mineralización con un conjunto de concentraciones metalicas estratiformes y estratoligadas del Cambro-Ordovicico del NE de Cataluña.


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From the early 17th century to the 1970s southern right whales, Eubalaena australis, were subject to intense exploitation along the Atlantic coast of South America. Catches along this coast recorded by whalers originally formed a continuum from Brazil to Tierra del Fuego. Nevertheless, the recovery of the population has apparently occurred fragmentarily, and with two main areas of concentration, one off southern Brazil (Santa Catarina) and another off central Argentina (Peninsula Valdés). This pattern suggests some level of heterogeneity amongst the population, which is apparently contradicted by records that traced individuals moving throughout the whole geographical extension covered by the species in the Southwest Atlantic. To test the hypothesis of the potential occurrence of discrete subpopulations exploiting specific habitats, we investigated N, C and O isotopic values in 125 bone samples obtained from whaling factories operating in the early 1970s in southern Brazil (n = 72) and from contemporary and more recent strandings occurring in central Argentina (n = 53). Results indicated significant differences between the two sampling areas, being δ13C and δ18O values significantly higher in samples from southern Brazil than in those from central Argentina. This variation was consistent with isotopic baselines from the two areas, indicating the occurrence of some level of structure in the Southwest Atlantic right whale population and equally that whales more likely feed in areas commonly thought to exclusively serve as nursing grounds. Results aim at reconsidering of the units currently used in the management of the southern right whale in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. In the context of the current die-off affecting the species in Peninsula Valdés, these results also highlight the necessity to better understand movements of individuals and precisely identify their feeding areas.


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Biogeochemical cycles and sedimentary records in lakes are related to climate controls on hydrology and catchment processes. Changes in the isotopic imposition of the diatom frustules (δ 18 O diatom and δ 13 C diatom ) in lacustrine sediments can be used to reconstruct palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental changes. The Lago Chungará (Andean Altiplano, 18°15 ′ S, 69°10 ′ W, 4520 masl) diatomaceous laminated sediments are made up of white and green multiannual rhythmites. White laminae were formed during short-term diatom super-blooms, and are composed almost exclusively of large-sized Cyclostephanos andinus.These diatoms bloom during mixing events when recycled nutrients from the bottom waters are brought to the surface and/or when nutrients are introduced from the catchment during periods of strong runoff. Conversely, the green laminae are thought to have been deposited over several years and are composed of a mixture of diatoms (mainly smaller valves of C. andinus and Discostella stelligera ) and organic matter. These green laminae reflect the lake's hydrological recovery from a status favouring the diatom super-blooms (white laminae) towards baseline conditions. δ 18 O diatom and δ 13 C diatom from 11,990 to 11,530 cal years BP allow us to reconstruct shifts in the precipitation/evaporation ratio and changes in the lake water dissolved carbon concentration, respectively. δ 18 O diatom values indicate that white laminae formation occurred mainly during low lake level stages, whereas green laminae formation generally occurred during high lake level stages. The isotope and chronostratigraphical data together suggest that white laminae deposition is caused by extraordinary environmental events. El Niño-Southern Oscillation and changes in solar activity are the most likely climate forcing mechanisms that could trigger such events, favouring hydrological changes at interannual-to-decadal scale. This study demonstrates the potential for laminated lake sediments to document extreme pluriannual events.


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This study examines the correlation between buccal dental microwear and stable isotopes. The buccal surface of post-canine teeth casts from El Collado, the largest Mesolithic site in Spain, were examined under Scanning Electron Microscope; photomicrographs were taken from the middle third of the buccal surface with magnification 100X. Only six individuals passed the criteria for buccal dental microwear analysis. The photomicrographs were treated by adobe Photoshop 8.01 to cover an area 0.56 mm² of middle third of buccal surface, the output photomicrographs were digitized using Sigmascan Pro 5 by SPSS. Then the correlation between buccal microwear pattern and stable isotopes of the same individuals, of the previous study of Guixe et al., 2006, was examined using a Pearson test. Statistical analysis revealed that there is no significant correlation between stable isotopes and buccal dental microwear of the people of the Mesolithic site of El Collado. The historical and archaeological documentation suggest that the Mesolithic people tended to consume marine food. Fish-drying techniques were used during the Mesolithic period which allowed the introduction of dust and sand to the fish. These abrasive particles affected the buccal dental microwear pattern, so that no correlation between the isotopes and microwear may be expected. This also suggests that the buccal dental microwear pattern exceeds dietary reconstruction to reconstruct food processing techniques.


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In pelagic species inhabiting large oceans, genetic differentiation tends to be mild and populations devoid of structure. However, large cetaceans have provided many examples of structuring. Here we investigate whether the sperm whale, a pelagic species with large population sizes and reputedly highly mobile, shows indication of structuring in the eastern North Atlantic, an ocean basin in which a single population is believed to occur. To do so, we examined stable isotope values in sequential growth layer groups of teeth from individuals sampled in Denmark and NW Spain. In each layer we measured oxygen- isotope ratios (δ18O) in the inorganic component (hydroxyapatite), and nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios (δ15N: δ13C) in the organic component (primarily collagenous). We found significant differences between Denmark and NW Spain in δ15N and δ18O values in the layer deposited at age 3, considered to be the one best representing the baseline of the breeding ground, in δ15N, δ13C and δ18O values in the period up to age 20, and in the ontogenetic variation of δ15N and δ18O values. These differences evidence that diet composition, use of habitat and/or migratory destinations are dissimilar between whales from the two regions and suggest that the North Atlantic population of sperm whales is more structured than traditionally accepted.


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Stable isotope abundances of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in the bone of 13 species of marine mammals from the northwest coast of Africa were investigated to assess their positions in the local trophic web and their preferred habitats. Also, samples of primary producers and potential prey species from the study area were collected to characterise the local isotopic landscape. This characterisation indicated that δ13C values increased from offshore to nearshore and that δ15N was a good proxy for trophic level. Therefore, the most coastal species were Monachus monachus and Sousa teuszii, whereas the most pelagic were Physeter macrocephalus and Balaenoptera acutorostrata. δ15N values indicated that marine mammals located at the lowest trophic level were B. acutorostrata, Stenella coeruleoalba and Delphinus sp., and those occupying the highest trophic level were M. monachus and P. macrocephalus. The trophic level of Orcinus orca was similar to that of M. monachus, suggesting that O. orca preys on fish. Conservation of coastal and threatened species (M. monachus and S. teuszii) off NW Africa should be a priority because these species, as the main apex predators, cannot be replaced by other marine mammals.


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CERN-MEDICIS (Medical Isotopes Collected from ISOLDE) est une plateforme de recherche destinée à la production de radioisotopes biomédicaux. Inauguré en 2014, il produira progressivement un nombre croissant de radioisotopes grâce au faisceau de protons ISOLDE déjà existant. Ce projet réunit des spécialistes du cancer, des chirurgiens, des experts en médecine nucléaire, en radiochimie et radiopharmacie et les scientifiques du CERN. Les radioisotopes ainsi produits seront destinés à la recherche fondamentale contre le cancer, à des études précliniques ainsi qu'au développement de protocoles d'imagerie et de thérapie destinés aux patients.Le CERN, les HUG, le CHUV, l'ISREC et l'EPFL qui soutiennent ce projet seront les premiers bénéficiaires de ces radioisotopes novateurs dont la distribution sera ensuite étendue à d'autres centres européens. CERN-MEDICIS is a facility dedicated to research and development in life science and medical applications. The research platform was inaugurated in October 2014 and will produce an increasing range of innovative isotopes using the proton beam of ISOLDE for fundamental studies in cancer research, for new imaging and therapy protocols in cell and animal models and for preclinical trials, possibly extended to specific early phase clinical studies (phase 0) up to phase I trials. CERN, the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG), the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer (ISREC) at Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (EPFL) that currently support the project will benefit of the initial production that will then be extended to other centers.


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We investigated trophic ecology variation among colonies as well as sex- and age-related differences in the diet of the southern giant petrel Macronectes giganteus, a long-lived seabird that is sexually dimorphic in size. We measured stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) in blood samples collected during breeding at Bird Island (South Georgia, Antarctica) in 1998 and at 2 colonies in the Argentinean area of Patagonia in 2000 and 2001. Individuals from South Georgia showed lower δ13C and δ15N values than those in Patagonia, as expected from the more pelagic location and the short length of the Antarctic food web. Males and females showed significant differences in the isotopic signatures at both localities. These differences agree with the sexual differences in diet found in previous studies, which showed that both sexes rely mainly on penguin and seal carrion, but females also feed extensively on marine prey, such as fish, squid and crustaceans. However, males from Patagonia showed significantly higher δ15N and δ13C values than females did, and the reverse trend was observed at South Georgia. This opposite trend is probably related to the different trophic level of carrion between locations: whereas penguins and pinnipeds in Patagonia rely mainly on fish and cephalopods, in South Georgia they rely mainly on krill. Stable isotope values of male and female chicks in Patagonia did not differ; both attained high values, similar to adult males and higher than adult females, suggesting that parents do not provision their single offspring differently in relation to sex; however, they seem to provide offspring with a higher proportion of carrion, probably of higher quality, and more abundant food, than they consume themselves. Stable isotopes at South Georgia were not affected by age of adults. We have provided new information on intraspecific segregation in the diet in a seabird species and have also underlined the importance of considering food web structure when studying intraspecific variability in trophic ecology.


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This work describes a factorial design for the optimization of pyrolysis and atomization temperatures in ETAAS. As examples, Cd and Pb were determined using lower pyrolysis and atomization temperatures and Al and Mo with higher pyrolysis and atomization temperatures. Good results were obtained for Cd employing Rh (m o = 1.4 pg) as a permanent modifier with pyrolysis and atomization temperatures of 640 and 1500 °C, respectively. For Zr, W or Zr+W, the Cd pyrolysis and atomization temperatures were 500 and 1500 °C, respectively, with m o = 1.4 pg using Zr or W and 1.5 pg using Zr+W. The best results for Pb were those using Rh, Zr, W and Zr+Rh, obtaining characteristic masses of 42, 37, 34 and 36 pg, respectively. Pyrolysis and atomization temperatures of 910 and 1850 °C, respectively, were achieved for this metal. For Al, the best results were obtained when Zr or Zr+W were used. Mo was also tested as a possible permanent modifier for Al, but the results were not satisfactory. The results obtained for Mo without modifier were similar to those with conventional modifiers (Mg or Pd+Mg) and the results obtained using permanent chemical modifiers were not satisfactory. In all situations, the experiments were performed faster than those using the univariate procedure.


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Two samples of residues from iron mining plants have been investigated for their retention capacity of As, Cu, Cr, and Pb. The sample with the higher content of iron oxides showed the highest capacity to retain metals. The adsorption affinity series changes from Pb>Cu>Cr~As to As>Pb>Cu>Cr or As>Cu>Cr>Pb, depending on the material and the concentration of the initial solution. In the competitive environment, the Pb adsorption decreases and the As, Cu and Cr adsorption increases. Sequential extraction procedures, carried out after adsorption batch experiments, showed that the most important adsorption process occurs in the oxide fraction and that the major part of the absorbed metal is remobilized from exchangeable and oxide fractions.


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This work describes a systematic study for bovine liver sample preparation for Cd and Pb determination by solid sampling electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Samples were prepared using different procedures: (1) drying in a household microwave oven followed by drying in a stove at 60 ºC until constant mass, and (2) freeze-drying. Ball and cryogenic mills were used for grinding. Particle size, sample size and micro sample homogeneity were investigated. All prepared samples showed good homogeneity (He < 10) even for low sample mass, but samples dried in a microwave oven/stove and ground in a ball mill presented the best homogeneity.


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This paper reports the development of a methodology for simultaneously determining As, Cd and Pb, employing GF AAS with polarized Zeeman-effect background correction. In order to make the procedure applicable, the influence of pyrolysis and atomization temperatures and the amount of chemical modifiers were studied. Factorial and central composite designs were used to optimize these variables. Precision and accuracy of the method were investigated using Natural Water Reference material, Nist SRM 1640. Results are in agreement with certified values at the 95% confidence limit when the Student t-test is used. This methodology was used for quality control of purified water for hemodialysis.