786 resultados para Paulaharju, Jenny
In the theoretical part of this master’s thesis business process management and process modeling and the benefits and challenges related are discussed. The empirical part consists of two parts. The first one is a case study about process management and modeling and the second one presents the outcomes from a modeling project that was executed for the employer of this thesis. In the project the target mill unit’s business processes were identified, a process map was conducted and process architecture for further use was established. In the outcomes of the study challenges and possibilities of process management and modeling as well as possible reasons for these prejudices are discussed based on the case study and the modeling project. From the research of this thesis a framework for successful process modeling is established. The framework highlights four most important sectors that an organization should evaluate before and during the modeling project.
Fokuserande händelser är plötsliga, ovanliga och för med sig negativa konsekvenser för ett stort antal människor. Det handlar om det vi i vardagligt tal kallar kriser och katastrofer. En intensiv medierapportering i kombination med oroade medborgare gör att kriser och katastrofer är viktiga samhällspåfrestningar som beslutsfattare måste hantera. Syftet med avhandlingen är att öka förståelsen för hur fokuserande händelser påverkar samhälleliga processer. Avhandlingens två övergripande forskningsfrågor tar fasta på jämförelsen av olika typer av fokuserande händelser. För det första, skillnader i hur naturkatastrofer och katastrofer som tillkommit genom mänskligt handlade påverkar samhället, och för det andra, hur händelser med olika stark fokuseringskraft påverkar samhället. Medborgarreaktioner studeras i en experimentell laboratoriestudie, den mediala rapporteringen analyseras genom kvantitativ innehållsanalys av texter och bilder, och på den parlamentariska arenan analyseras riksdagsdebatten genom kvantitativ innehållsanalys. De temaområden som identifieras i den teoretiska referensramen ligger till grund för analysen och tar fasta på de känslor som händelsen ger upphov till, hur händelsen kontextualiseras (framing), skuldbeläggning samt möjliga lösningar som förs fram. Resultatet från studierna visar att skillnader mellan olika typer av händelser syns tydligast hos medborgare, uttryckt genom starkare emotionella reaktioner för händelser med stark fokusering, och på den mediala arenan, genom mer utrymme för dessa händelser. Då kriser och katastrofer med olika stark fokuseringskraft når riksdagen får de däremot ett relativt likadant mottagande. I jämförelsen mellan naturkatastrofer och människoskapade händelser visar resultaten att naturkatastrofer ofta diskuteras som specifika händelser, medan människoskapade händelser placeras i en bredare samhällelig kontext och diskuteras under längre tid. Avhandlingen bidrar till diskussionen om hur våra känslor och vår kognition samspelar i krissituationer. De omedvetna signaler som vår kropp ger oss gällande hur vi ska reagera på en farlig situation kan påverka om vi är rädda, oroliga eller till och med positivt inställda. I ljuset av de tre studierna är det tydligt att de emotionella reaktionerna minskar ju högre upp i den politiska processen vi kommer. Trots att medborgare och medier reagerar starkt är de emotionella reaktionerna på den politiska arenan relativt milda och skuldbeläggningen näst intill icke-existerande.
In October of 1967 the Administrative Staff moved to their new general offices at the Glenridge Campus. Pictured here from left to right are: Elizabeth Koschok, Roger Reynolds, Edith Toth, Jean Zurowski, Jenny Gurski, Ed. Mitchelson, Ruth Urbanic, and Jennie Balasak.
A letter from Andrew Cowan to his son William Cowan 29 Septemer 1841. The letter reads "Dear William, I have taken my pen the third time since I have received any word from you, my first letter was about the beginning of the year, and the second in the month of April with John Armstrong of Northhouse, he sailed from Liverpool the fifteen of that month with his sisters Jane and Jenny and their two children. I received a letter from him dated Cleavland in the State of Ohio the 6 of June. He did not intend stopping in that place. The leaves us all well for any thing that I know, but I have not heard from Andrew since March altho I have writen to him three months since your Mother and I are both sore faild altho we have tolerable good health for which we desire to be thankfull to the giver of all our mercies, which are new every day, that we may be found in Christs and clothed in his imputed righteousness at the last, for in him is only found true happyness. We have had another cold wet Summer and the crops is far back ------ not light, the price of -----is high and trade bad, but sheep and cattle are high. Cattle have not been higher since the French war, but the cattle trade is very bad at present and the opperatives out of imployment and consequently verrry badly of. If none of my former letters have reached you this will inform you that James is at Lanshawburn, and gets imployment all the year, he keeps a cow and five or six sheep, they have three children, Mary, Hannah, and Andrew; I was there after clipping time seeing them, they seem to be verry happy. James Lamb is well he was here the other night, he has got two letters from his son Adam this Summer; they are still in the same place and will finish their job this fall, and seem to be doing well, your Uncle Adam Scott and family are well. John was there lately there is little prospect of his getting to America as the money that was left him is not got yet and will not for some time, If ever this reach you, you must let us know how all the Scotch people that are near you, that went from this place of the Country are doing, as their freinds are anxious to hear from them, perticularly if you know what is becomed of Alexander Hoggs widow and family of ------hill, as I was desired to write to you about them - I got a letter from John Miller dated Gatt but I understand it is a long way from your place he was a gentleman and had the charge of a farm and seems verry ----- Now William if this ever reach you, you must excuse me for not filling this letter up, but if I receive an answer I promise to fill the next better, We all join in our love and respect to you and family. From your loving Father Andrew Cowan
Les kinines agissent sur deux types de récepteurs couplés aux protéines G, nommés B1 et B2, lesquels jouent un rôle important dans le contrôle cardiovasculaire, la nociception et l’inflammation. Nous considérons l’hypothèse que le récepteur B1 des kinines est induit et contribue aux complications diabétiques, incluant l’hypertension artérielle, les polyneuropathies sensorielles, l’augmentation du stress oxydatif vasculaire, l’inflammation vasculaire et l’obésité chez le rat traité au D-glucose (10% dans l’eau de boisson) pendant 8 ou 12 semaines. Dans ce modèle de résistance à l’insuline, nous avons évalué les effets d’un traitement pharmacologique d’une semaine avec un antagoniste du récepteur B1 des kinines, le SSR240612 (10 mg/kg/jr). Les résultats montrent que le SSR240612 renverse l’hypertension, l’allodynie tactile et au froid, la production de l’anion superoxyde et la surexpression de plusieurs marqueurs inflammatoires dans l’aorte (iNOS, IL-1β, macrophage (CD68, CD11), ICAM-1, E-selectine, MIF ainsi que le B1R) et dans les adipocytes (iNOS, IL-1β, TNF-α et macrophage CD68). De plus, le SSR240612 corrige la résistance à l’insuline, les anomalies du profil lipidique plasmatique et le gain de poids et de masse adipeuse. Ces données supportent l’implication des kinines dans les complications diabétiques dans un modèle animal de résistance à l’insuline et suggèrent que le récepteur B1 est une cible thérapeutique potentielle dans le diabète et l’obésité.