868 resultados para Patagonia (Argentina and Chile)


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Resumen: El compromiso vital de Jiménez de Asúa con sus ideas y con la España republicana, lanzará al eminente jurista al exilio en la Argentina, donde su prestigio intelectual le permitirá retomar su vida académica. Al encarnar la oposición legal en el exterior contra el solidificado régimen franquista, colocará su protagonismo en una situación cercana al poder desestabilizador del exilio en España del mismo Perón. La política exterior de la Argentina y de España, por diferentes vías de intervención, pero sin definiciones drásticas, procurará influir indirectamente para neutralizar a ambos.


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A influência humana sobre as unidades de conservação (UCs) deve ser considerada a partir de modelos mais amplos, entendendo que há influência dos processos sociais nas mesmas e que essa é uma dimensão a ser discutida no âmbito das práticas de proteção da natureza. É importante que seja levado em consideração na criação, na ampliação e na gestão de uma UC a participação dos atores envolvidos direta e indiretamente, já que o quadro mundial indica ser uma tendência a criação de novas áreas e o envolvimento da sociedade neste processo. Ante esta realidade objetivou-se, nesta tese, contribuir para o fortalecimento da gestão participativa em UCs no Cone Sul, aqui definido como o conjunto de quatro países: Brasil, Argentina, Uruguai e Chile e tendo como estudo de caso quatro áreas protegidas: Parque Nacional do Itatiaia - Brasil, Parque Nacional Lago Puelo - Argentina, Santuário da Natureza Parque Pumalín - Chile e Paisagem Protegida Lagoa de Rocha Uruguai. Tendo por base os instrumentos de gestão em unidades de conservação no Brasil: plano de manejo, zona de amortecimento, educação ambiental e conselho gestor e sendo os mesmos determinados por normas legais (Leis, Decretos, Resoluções, Instruções Normativas) tais normas foram analisadas e comparadas com a finalidade de averiguar se nos países estudados estes instrumentos eram determinados legalmente, da mesma forma como são no Brasil, bem como se a vertente participativa estava presente nesta determinação. Após verificou-se se na Argentina, no Uruguai e no Chile havia a aplicação dos mesmos instrumentos de gestão em áreas protegidas que no Brasil; bem como foi averiguada a situação dos mesmos nos estudos de caso tendo por base a vertente participativa. Depois houve a contextualização e apresentação das dificuldades na gestão e das pressões sofridas pelas áreas protegidas buscando trazer à tona a realidade em que estão inseridas e das quais compartilham. Para tanto se utilizou de levantamentos bibliográficos, documentais, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com pessoas que tiveram experiências práticas com o problema pesquisado e os estudos de caso. Constatou-se que a determinação legal de instrumentos que propiciem a participação não é, via de regra, essencial para efetivar a gestão participativa da UC, mas a existência dos mesmos sim. Verificou-se que um bom resultado está atrelado às qualidades técnicas e subjetivas da gestão e também dos gestores, que podem ajudar e muito na gestão participativa, juntamente com uma parceria bem fortalecida.


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This paper provides an overview of the research being carried out at the moment by a group of Argentinean scientists working on the subjects of marine biodiversity and oceanography. When the idea of the Census of Marine Life (CoML)was proposed following the Symposium held during the IAPSO-IABO conference in Mar del Plata in October 2001, there was a wide response from the marine scientific community. Information about current research projects, as well as plans for future work in the context of the CoML, were then obtained from about 70 scientists (Appendix I) belonging to 12 institutions located along the Argentinean coast (Appendix II, Figure 1). This has been used to illustrate what is currently being pursued in marine biodiversity in Argentina and which subjects are considered as priority for future research in the area. This paper is, thus, not an historical update of the knowledge of marine biodiversity, but it attempts to give an idea of the current situation and what is planned for the future. The development of an extensive database of what is known on marine biodiversity in the region is considered to be a necessity, but it constitutes a complete project on its own; as such it is included in the proposals for future work (see Future Work in this paper). It is emphasised that this synthesis is not exhaustive in the content of the topics being studied or in the number of researchers working in marine biodiversity in the country. It is, though, considered to be a representative sample of the knowledge in marine science in Argentina today. This is a starting point for the CoML project in South America and it is hoped that, as it develops, it will be improved by the active participation, advice and experience of many other scientists in the region.


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Esta dissertação analisa cinco instituições intergovernamentais na cooperação nuclear e científica entre Argentina e o Brasil, que em diferentes etapas evolutivas procuram o aprofundamento do diálogo entre os dois países geradores do processo de integração da América do Sul. Tais organizações encontram-se permeadas por condições econômicas, políticas e de avanço científico, de ordem interno e externo, que definimos nos termos da CEPAL, como típicas da periferia. As instituições estudadas abrangem as décadas de 1991-2011 e analisamos como na procura por uma melhor inserção internacional, elas respondem às potências do centro: por uma parte seguindo as regras impostas e por outra na busca de algum grau de independência. A pesquisa apresenta uma clara preocupação pelo desenvolvimento, que foi entendido pelas lideranças argentinas e brasileiras no âmbito da cooperação e que oferece a possibilidade de formar blocos institucionais que forneçam à região uma maior ação no sistema internacional.


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El 10 de septiembre de 2014 se cumplieron cien años del nacimiento de Raúl A. Ringuelet, una de las figuras consulares de las Ciencias Naturales de la Argentina. A modo de homenaje y dentro de las modestas posibilidades de ProBiota, queremos recordar este acontecimiento reuniendo sus principales contribuciones biogeográficas, de las que ya realizaron un excelente análisis Lopretto y Menni durante el 2003. No obstante, entiendo que es oportuno recordar que en 1944, a la edad de 30 años, pública Sinopsis sistemática y zoogeográfica de los Hirudíneos de la Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay. Además, en su trayectoria docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la UNLP, crea la Cátedra de Zoogeografía (1958), la de Ecología y Zoogeografía (1960) y posteriormente la de Biogeografía (1981). Como alumno de esta última materia, no puedo dejar de mencionar que las autoridades de ese momento le hacían dictar sus clases en un subsuelo de un edificio céntrico, con luz artificial, humedad y otros elementos que conspiraban contra su salud ya deteriorada. A más de treinta años del fallecimiento, mucho se ha dicho y escrito sobre Raúl A. Ringuelet, tanto por parte de colegas, discípulos, alumnos (ver López y Ponte Gómez, 2009) como de aquellos que no lo conocieron personalmente. Un ejemplo de esto último y que vale destacar, ha sido la exposición en el auditorio del Museo de La Plata de Fabián Grosman en mayo de 2012 (ver http://raulringuelet.blogspot.com.ar/), quién junto con Miguel Mancini acuñaron el término “Neo ringueletismo” (ver Mancini y Grosman, 2008: 140). Como reflexión final y parafraseando a Raúl Larra al recordar a Roberto Arlt, podemos afirmar Treinta y cuatro años después sigue (R.A.R.) estando entre nosotros. ¿Por qué está con nosotros?. Su intemporalidad reside en la intemporalidad de su obra.


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En diciembre de 1992, a varios metros de profundidad y adheridos a los pilotes del muelle Almirante Storni de Puerto Madryn (Prov. Chubut, Argentina), se observaron algunos ejemplares de un alga de gran tamaño no registrada entre la flora marina argentina. Se trataba de Undaria pinnatifida, una especie originaria de las costas de Japón, que arribó presumiblemente en forma accidental, trasladada por barcos. Progresivamente esta especie se fue dispersando a lo largo de las costas de la Patagonia Argentina, con indeseables efectos ambientales, sociales y económicos. Se incluye información sobre las características del alga, su adaptación a diversas condiciones ambientales, su dispersión mundial, el impacto ambiental en la región, además de un glosario y lecturas sugeridas.


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Además de sus conocidos aportes a la geología, la paleontología y la biogeografía de ecosistemas terrestres de la región pampeana y la Patagonia (Argentina), Darwin realizó notables y poco difundidas contribuciones al conocimiento de los ambientes marinos costeros del actual territorio argentino y de los organismos que habitan en ellos. La intimidad de Darwin con el mar se advierte en toda su obra: en el Viaje y en el Origen igual que en numerosos trabajos de investigación realizados y publicados a su regreso a Inglaterra. Entre 1846 y 1854 dio a conocer una extensa obra sobre cirrípedos o cirripedios, que sentó las bases del estudio de esos crustáceos y, aún hoy, es bibliografía obligada de los taxónomos. Su trabajo sobre la estructura y distribución de los arrecifes coralinos de 1842, es considerado un documento fundacional del conocimiento sobre el origen de los atolones. Los moluscos fueron igualmente objeto de publicaciones y cartas entre 1848 y 1871. La difundida imagen de Darwin sentado ante un escritorio escribiendo sus libros lleva a olvidar que pasaba también mucho tiempo con el microscopio. En el Viaje del Beagle incluyó párrafos sobre aves marinas, lo mismo que sobre briozoos o briozoarios, y en El origen, explicó sus pensamientos acerca de la migración de los ojos en los lenguados. Dedicó especial atención a las algas gigantes o sargazos marinos de Tierra del Fuego (donde se los conoce por cachiyuyos). Se incluyen los siguientes trabajos de divulgación científica -Darwin y los briozoos; -Darwin y el desarrollo larval de crustáceos; -Sobre Cirripedios; De Darwin a los acelerómetros; -Los peces de cara torcida; -La incursión en la costa sur de Buenos Aires.


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This Dissertation Project comprises recordings of Argentine art songs. The discs are approximately 40-60 minutes in length and consist of songs from the traditional art-song repertoire for voice and piano. This project is particularly appropriate because of the very limited number of recordings of Argentine songs, which are notable both not only for their high quality but for their accessibility of performance for voice teachers, students, and professional singers alike. Art songs in the Spanish language are a welcome resource, and the poetry included in this project is of an outstanding quality. Some of the poets set to music are Gabriela Mistral (a poet laureate of Chile and the first Latin American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature), Pablo Neruda (also a Nobel laureate), Luis Cernuda, and Leon Benar6s. The lyrics of some songs are based on traditional sources, and the melodies and rhythms of all are representative of South American-indigenous and European­ immigrant cultures. The composers represented here will be familiar to some listeners but more than likely unfamiliar to most. Yet Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) is considered to be the greatest of all Argentine composers. Alberto Williams (1862-1952) is known as the father of the Nationalist School of composition in Argentina, and Carlos Lopez Buchardo (1881-1963) is a most influential composer and pedagogue after whom the national Conservatory of Music in Buenos Aries is named. Two composers who remain relatively unknown outside of South America, Abraham Jurafsky (1906- 1993) and Julio Perceval (1903-1963) are also represented in this project. A complete compact disc is devoted to the works of Carlos Guastavino. Known as the "Argentine Schubert", Guastavino has over 250 songs to his credit. Chiefly a composer for piano and voice, his recent death (October 2000) makes a recording of his works especially appropriate. This project also includes a written component, a supportive dissertation briefly describing the history of the Argentine art song and the lives and influences of the composers and poets represented in the studio recordings. The CD recordings are held in the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the University of Maryland.


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Recent analyses of sediment samples from "black mat" sites in South America and Europe support previous interpretations of an ET impact event that reversed the Late Glacial demise of LGM ice during the Bølling Allerød warming, resulting in a resurgence of ice termed the Younger Dryas (YD) cooling episode. The breakup or impact of a cosmic vehicle at the YD boundary coincides with the onset of a 1-kyr long interval of glacial resurgence, one of the most studied events of the Late Pleistocene. New analytical databases reveal a corpus of data indicating that the cosmic impact was a real event, most possibly a cosmic airburst from Earth's encounter with the Taurid Complex comet or unknown asteroid, an event that led to cosmic fragments exploding interhemispherically over widely dispersed areas, including the northern Andes of Venezuela and the Alps on the Italian/French frontier. While the databases in the two areas differ somewhat, the overall interpretation is that microtextural evidence in weathering rinds and in sands of associated paleosols and glaciofluvial deposits carry undeniable attributes of melted glassy carbon and Fe spherules, planar deformation features, shock-melted and contorted quartz, occasional transition and platinum metals, and brecciated and impacted minerals of diverse lithologies. In concert with other black mat localities in the Western USA, the Netherlands, coastal France, Syria, Central Asia, Peru, Argentina and Mexico, it appears that a widespread cosmic impact by an asteroid or comet is responsible for deposition of the black mat at the onset of the YD glacial event. Whether or not the impact caused a 1-kyr interval of glacial climate depends upon whether or not the Earth had multiple centuries-long episodic encounters with the Taurid Complex or asteroid remnants; impact-related changes in microclimates sustained climatic forcing sufficient to maintain positive mass balances in the reformed ice; and/or inertia in the Atlantic thermohaline circulation system persisted for 1kyr. 


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In spite of the strong historical links that connect Europe with South America, EU studies are underdeveloped in the latter region. This article takes stock of how European politics in general, and European integration in particular, are studied and taught in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay in order to assess such paradox and evaluate its prospects.


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Through an examination of the travel works of William Bulfin, Tales of the Pampas (1900) and Kathleen Nevin's You'll Never Go Back this paper considers the representation of the Irish in Argentina and the contribution of these narratives in the construction of identity and the reconstruction of the emigrant identity into an exilic one. Escaping one colonial framework (Britain/Ireland), travelling to and writing from within another postcolonial construct (Argentina and the Spanish Empire), this paper analyses how Bulfin and Nevin use language as a tool to construct, and even invent, an Irish identity. This identity is inextricably linked to home and the desire to return there. Despite this desire, Argentina becomes internalised to some extent, which in Bulfin can be seen in the mix of the Spanish, English and Irish languages in his stories, highlighting that the Irish were doing with language what they had already done with their lives; trying to adapt it to their new situation. In Nevin, the contrast between us and them (Irish and 'Native') demonstrates her attempts to shape an exilic rather than emigrant mentality. Through these texts I analyse how Argentina never quite becomes a new home, but a place where Irish identity is played out and acquires form.


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Background: Little is known about the risk of progression to hazardous alcohol use in people currently drinking at safe limits. We aimed to develop a prediction model (predictAL) for the development of hazardous drinking in safe drinkers. Methods: A prospective cohort study of adult general practice attendees in six European countries and Chile followed up over 6 months. We recruited 10,045 attendees between April 2003 to February 2005. 6193 European and 2462 Chilean attendees recorded AUDIT scores below 8 in men and 5 in women at recruitment and were used in modelling risk. 38 risk factors were measured to construct a risk model for the development of hazardous drinking using stepwise logistic regression. The model was corrected for over fitting and tested in an external population. The main outcome was hazardous drinking defined by an AUDIT score >= 8 in men and >= 5 in women. Results: 69.0% of attendees were recruited, of whom 89.5% participated again after six months. The risk factors in the final predictAL model were sex, age, country, baseline AUDIT score, panic syndrome and lifetime alcohol problem. The predictAL model's average c-index across all six European countries was 0.839 (95% CI 0.805, 0.873). The Hedge's g effect size for the difference in log odds of predicted probability between safe drinkers in Europe who subsequently developed hazardous alcohol use and those who did not was 1.38 (95% CI 1.25, 1.51). External validation of the algorithm in Chilean safe drinkers resulted in a c-index of 0.781 (95% CI 0.717, 0.846) and Hedge's g of 0.68 (95% CI 0.57, 0.78). Conclusions: The predictAL risk model for development of hazardous consumption in safe drinkers compares favourably with risk algorithms for disorders in other medical settings and can be a useful first step in prevention of alcohol misuse.


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A vaga de democratizações que teve lugar na América Latina na década de 1980 e 1990 alterou profundamente a paisagem política do Cone Sul, pondo fim a diversos regimes autoritários naquela região. O Chile, dirigido de forma autoritária pelo general Augusto Pinochet desde 1973, foi um dos últimos países onde a transição democrática aconteceu. O processo que teve início com o plebiscito de 1988 culminou com a eleição de Patricio Aylwin, a 11 de Março de 1990 e não foi resultado apenas de esforços internos. Este estudo centra-se na dimensão internacional desse processo. Uma vez que as escassas investigações sobre esta vertente se focam no papel de grandes potências, como os Estados Unidos, e considerando a relação histórica entre Argentina e Chile, por questões também de proximidade fronteiriça, optámos por analisar, nesta dissertação, o papel da Argentina na mudança de regime no Chile. Não se trata apenas de compreender a influência argentina no processo, mas também analisar o impacto da própria democratização no país num processo semelhante no Chile. É, também, por este motivo que este estudo abarca um período temporal que se inicia em 1983 (democratização da Argentina) e termina em 1990 (ano em que o Chile muda de regime, deixando para trás o autoritarismo). Tendo por base o modelo de Levitsky & Way e os conceitos desenvolvidos por Whitehead & Schmitter, esta dissertação baseia-se num quadro analítico que parte do trabalho destes quatro autores. De Levitsky & Way, bebe duas noções-chave: o conceito de leverage (grau de vulnerabilidade de um país à influência externa) e linkage (densidade de laços transfronteiriços). De Whitehead & Schmitter recorre a três conceitos (contágio, consentimento e condicionalidade) que permitem caracterizar, de certo modo, o tipo de influência externa. Além da operacionalização do modelo, este trabalho inclui, também, um capítulo mais descritivo sobre a democratização chilena e os seus antecedentes e uma parte, também ela de cariz mais descritivo, dedicada à dimensão internacional do processo. Este estudo procura, assim, mostrar a importância do contexto internacional na democratização do Chile, alertando para a necessidade de não centrar o estudo das democratizações apenas em factores de ordem interna.


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The Falkland Islands War of 1982 was fought over competing claims to sovereignty over a group of islands off the east coast of South America. The dispute was between Argentina and the United Kingdom. Argentina claims the islands under rights to Spanish succession, the fact that they lie off the Argentine coast line and that in 1833 Great Britain took the islands illegally and by force. The United Kingdom claims the islands primarily through prescription--the fact that they have governed the islands in a peaceful, continuous and public manner since 1833. The British also hold that the population living on the islands, roughly eighteen hundred British descendants, should be able to decide their own future. The United Kingdom also lays claim to the islands through rights of discovery and settlement, although this claim has always been challenged by Spain who until 1811 governed the islands. Both claims have legal support, and the final decision if there will ever be one is difficult to predict. Sadly today the ultimate test of sovereignty does not come through international law but remains in the idea that "He is sovereign who can defend his sovereignty." The years preceding the Argentine invasion of 1982 witnessed many diplomatic exchanges between The United Kingdom and Argentina over the future of the islands. During this time the British sent signals to Argentina that ii implied a decline in British resolve to hold the islands and demonstrated that military action did more to further the talks along than did actual negotiations. The Argentine military junta read these signals and decided that they could take the islands in a quick military invasion and that the United Kingdom would consider the act as a fait accompli and would not protest the invasion. The British in response to this claimed that they never signaled to Argentina that a military solution was acceptable to them and launched a Royal Navy task force to liberate the islands. Both governments responded to an international crisis with means that were designed both to resolve the international crisis and increase the domestic popularity of the government. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was facing an all-time low in popularity for post-War Prime Ministers while Argentine President General Galtieri needed to gain mass popular support so he could remain a viable President after he was scheduled to lose command of the army and a seat on the military junta that ran the country. The military war for the Falklands is indicative of the nature of modern warfare between Third World countries. It shows that the gap in military capabilities between Third and First World countries is narrowing significantly. Modern warfare between a First and Third World country is no longer a 'walk over' for the First World country.