1000 resultados para Parte aglandular do estômago
Ilustramos este ensaio iconográfico com imagens de ressonância magnética obtidas em nosso serviço nos últimos 15 anos e discutimos as principais características de imagem de lesões intraventriculares de etiologia tumoral (ependimoma, astrocitoma pilocítico, neurocitoma central, ganglioglioma, papiloma do plexo coroide, tumores neuroectodérmicos primitivos, meningioma, tumor epidermoide). Estas lesões representam um subgrupo de lesões intracranianas com características próprias e alguns dos padrões de imagem que podem facilitar o diagnóstico diferencial.
Ilustramos este ensaio iconográfico com imagens de ressonância magnética obtidas em nosso serviço nos últimos 15 anos e discutimos as principais características de imagem de lesões intraventriculares, de etiologia tumoral (cisto coloide, oligodendroglioma, astroblastoma, lipoma, cavernoma) e de etiologia inflamatória/infecciosa (neurocisticercose e uma incomum apresentação da neuro-histoplasmose). Estas lesões representam um subgrupo de lesões intracranianas com características próprias e alguns dos padrões de imagem que podem facilitar o diagnóstico diferencial.
A maioria dos tumores hepáticos primários malignos é representada pelo carcinoma hepatocelular e pelo colangiocarcinoma, entretanto, uma variedade de outras lesões hepáticas incomuns pode ser encontrada. Lesões comuns como o hemangioma, a hiperplasia nodular focal e as metástases são bem conhecidas e já foram extensamente documentadas na literatura. O diagnóstico das lesões hepáticas típicas pode ser feito com alguma segurança utilizando-se os diversos métodos de imagem; por outro lado, as lesões incomuns são geralmente um desafio diagnóstico para o radiologista. Nesta primeira parte do estudo abordaremos cinco tumores hepáticos incomuns - o angiossarcoma, o angiomiolipoma, o cistoadenoma/carcinoma biliar, o hemangioendotelioma epitelioide e o carcinoma hepatocelular fibrolamelar -, suas principais características e achados de imagem, com foco na tomografia computadorizada e na ressonância magnética.
O diagnóstico das lesões hepáticas mais frequentes pode ser feito com alguma segurança quando exibem aspectos típicos, utilizandose os diversos métodos de imagem; ao contrário, as lesões incomuns são geralmente um desafio diagnóstico para o radiologista. Nesta segunda parte do estudo serão descritas quatro raras lesões hepáticas: o linfoma hepático primário, o tumor miofibroblástico, o carcinoma neuroendócrino primário do fígado e o tumor desmoplásico de pequenas células, abordando as suas principais características e achados de imagem, com foco na tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética.
The hydroformylation reaction represents one of the most important C1-chemistry area in the chemical industry. This catalytic process, which has been developed up to now mainly to the production of commodities chemicals, has shown a remarkable potential for the preparation of several categories of specialty chemicals and in particular pharmaceutical compounds. Arylpropanoic acids, various amines containing aryl groups, and intermediates for the preparation of vitamins, carbocyclic and heterocyclic compounds and many other classes of organic molecules endowed with pharmacological activity are currently accessible in good-to-high yields through hydroformylation of selected olefinic substrates. The asymmetric hydroformylation is going to reach the stage of maturity and hence to contribute in solving many troublesome synthetic problems connected with the preparation of pharmacologically active compounds with very high enantiomeric purity. The present survey emphasizes the usefulness of synthesis gas as a starting material in fine chemistry, which is expected to be important for industry.
The plasma etching of semiconductor surfaces with fluorine-containing compounds has technological interest. Presently, considerable effort is being devoted to understand the chemistry involved. In this work, a numerical modeling analysis of the gas-phase decomposition of CF4/O2 mixtures, in the presence of silicon, was performed. The relative importance of individual processes was determined as well as the effect of the parameters' uncertainties. The results were compared with experimental data. The main etching agent in the system is the fluorine atom. The concentration of the main species, SiF4, CO, CO2 and COF2 depend on the composition of the mixture.
In this work, a numerical modeling analysis of the gas-phase decomposition of SF6 / O2 mixtures, in the presence of silicon, was performed. The relative importance of individual processes and the effect of the parameters' uncertainties were determined. The model was compared with experimental data for the plasma etching of silicon and with the calculated results for the CF4 / O2 system. In both systems the main etching agent is the fluorine atom and the concentration of the major species depends on the composition of the mixture. The etching rate is greater for SF6 / O2.
This work describes the techniques of construction and several applications of ultramicroelectrodes in electrochemistry and electroanalytical chemistry. Disc shaped UME are produced by embedding metal wires on insulating materials such as glass or epoxy resin. In the field of electrochemistry, UME have been applied in studies of the hydrogen evolution reaction and the electrocrystallization of metals. The negligible values of sensibility for ohmic drop and the enhanced mass transport rate by spherical diffusion are the main advantages of UME in these applications. New important conclusions regarding the phenomena under study were drawn from the experimental results. The applications in electroanalytical chemistry involved the determination of contaminants such as heavy metals and nitrites in natural waters and food products. The use of UME requires little sample manipulation and, in general, no need for oxygen removal or the addition of supporting electrolytes.
Organosolv and kraft lignins were treated with ozone both in basic and acid media and the reaction was studied kinetically. In contrast to reported studies, ozone was more efective in basic medium. Kraft lignin was degraded faster than organosolv lignin in both media but in the basic medium the rate of reaction was very much faster than in the acid one: for kraft lignin, the observed degradation was 93% for 2 min of reaction in the basic medium and 56% for 10 min of reaction in the acid medium; for organosolv lignin, 47% and 25%, respectively, in the same times. Higher phenolic hydroxyl groups contents increase the reaction rate.
A review of heterocyclic compounds in roasted coffee is presented. The contents, precursors and sensorial properties of furans, pyrroles, oxazoles, thiazoles, thiophenes, pyrazines and pyridines are discussed. The impact heterocyclic compounds of coffee aroma are described.
Mi trabajo de disertación se desarrolla en el contexto del Grado de Comunicación de la UOC y la finalidad es establecer un marco teórico actualizado sobre el concepto de reputación on-line aplicable al sector hotelero. En este sentido entiendo necesario partir del análisis de tres hoteles de Palma de Mallorca para obtener un diagnóstico de reputación y poderafirmar que existe una relación entre su reputación on-line y la obtención de mayores ingresos. Por este motivo, llevaré a cabo un estudio de caso comparativo con la herramienta de monitorización SocialVane del Hotel Gran Meliá Victoria con sus competidores más directos.
This review is about the aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic compounds (non-heterocyclic compounds) that are present in the volatile fractions of roasted coffees. Herein, the contents, aroma precursors and the sensorial properties of volatile phenols, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, ethers, hydrocarbons, carboxylic acids, anhydrides, esters, lactones, amines and sulphur compounds are discussed. Special attention is given to the compounds of these groups that are actually important to the final aroma of roasted coffees.
La cantata humana per a veu solista a la Península Ibèrica a finals del segle XVII i inicis del XVIII. Estudi i edició musical d'una part del còdex 82 de la Colección Pombalinas de la Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la pronunciación del español por parte de hablantes chinos para poder detectar posibles dificultades a la hora de adquirir el sistema fónico español
This paper provides a brief review of the chemistry of cyclopentadienyl Sn(II) derivatives which includes the preparation, the molecular structure and reactivity associated with such bis-sandwich tin(II) species. It is compared structural and spectroscopic results and it is also discussed how the nature of the cyclopentadienyl ring bonded to the Sn centre plays an important role in the structural and stability features of the derivatives. Bulk rings such as C5HPr i4- , C5Bz5-, C5Me4SiMe2Bu t- and C5Ph5- render air-stable and parallel ring-bonded compounds.