839 resultados para POSTTEST MEASURES
This study uses several measures derived from the error matrix for comparing two thematic maps generated with the same sample set. The reference map was generated with all the sample elements and the map set as the model was generated without the two points detected as influential by the analysis of local influence diagnostics. The data analyzed refer to the wheat productivity in an agricultural area of 13.55 ha considering a sampling grid of 50 x 50 m comprising 50 georeferenced sample elements. The comparison measures derived from the error matrix indicated that despite some similarity on the maps, they are different. The difference between the estimated production by the reference map and the actual production was of 350 kilograms. The same difference calculated with the mode map was of 50 kilograms, indicating that the study of influential points is of fundamental importance to obtain a more reliable estimative and use of measures obtained from the error matrix is a good option to make comparisons between thematic maps.
In this study, feature selection in classification based problems is highlighted. The role of feature selection methods is to select important features by discarding redundant and irrelevant features in the data set, we investigated this case by using fuzzy entropy measures. We developed fuzzy entropy based feature selection method using Yu's similarity and test this using similarity classifier. As the similarity classifier we used Yu's similarity, we tested our similarity on the real world data set which is dermatological data set. By performing feature selection based on fuzzy entropy measures before classification on our data set the empirical results were very promising, the highest classification accuracy of 98.83% was achieved when testing our similarity measure to the data set. The achieved results were then compared with some other results previously obtained using different similarity classifiers, the obtained results show better accuracy than the one achieved before. The used methods helped to reduce the dimensionality of the used data set, to speed up the computation time of a learning algorithm and therefore have simplified the classification task
The purpose of this thesis is twofold. The first and major part is devoted to sensitivity analysis of various discrete optimization problems while the second part addresses methods applied for calculating measures of solution stability and solving multicriteria discrete optimization problems. Despite numerous approaches to stability analysis of discrete optimization problems two major directions can be single out: quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative sensitivity analysis is conducted for multicriteria discrete optimization problems with minisum, minimax and minimin partial criteria. The main results obtained here are necessary and sufficient conditions for different stability types of optimal solutions (or a set of optimal solutions) of the considered problems. Within the framework of quantitative direction various measures of solution stability are investigated. A formula for a quantitative characteristic called stability radius is obtained for the generalized equilibrium situation invariant to changes of game parameters in the case of the H¨older metric. Quality of the problem solution can also be described in terms of robustness analysis. In this work the concepts of accuracy and robustness tolerances are presented for a strategic game with a finite number of players where initial coefficients (costs) of linear payoff functions are subject to perturbations. Investigation of stability radius also aims to devise methods for its calculation. A new metaheuristic approach is derived for calculation of stability radius of an optimal solution to the shortest path problem. The main advantage of the developed method is that it can be potentially applicable for calculating stability radii of NP-hard problems. The last chapter of the thesis focuses on deriving innovative methods based on interactive optimization approach for solving multicriteria combinatorial optimization problems. The key idea of the proposed approach is to utilize a parameterized achievement scalarizing function for solution calculation and to direct interactive procedure by changing weighting coefficients of this function. In order to illustrate the introduced ideas a decision making process is simulated for three objective median location problem. The concepts, models, and ideas collected and analyzed in this thesis create a good and relevant grounds for developing more complicated and integrated models of postoptimal analysis and solving the most computationally challenging problems related to it.
Rajoitetoimet, erityisesti sitominen, nuorisopsykiatrisessa hoitotyössä Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata ja syventää tietoa rajoitetoimien, erityisesti sitomisen, käytöstä nuorisopsykiatrisessa vastentahtoisessa osastohoidossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata hoitajien, lääkäreiden ja potilaiden asenteita eri rajoittamiskeinoja kohtaan nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa, kerätä tietoa yhden vuoden aikana tapahtuneiden sitomisten määrästä ja luonteesta sekä kuvata potilaiden kokemuksia sitomisesta nuorisopsykiatrisen osastohoidon aikana. Tutkimus tuottaa arvokasta tietoa korkeatasoisten sitomiskäytäntöjen kehittämiseen nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa, sekä sitomisten määrää vähentämällä että sitomistapoja kehittämällä. Tavoitteena on parantaa sidottujen potilaiden kliinistä hoitoa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin suomalaisilla, pääkaupunkiseudulle sijoittuvilla, nuorisopsykiatrisilla osastoilla neljässä vaiheessa lokakuun 2009 ja huhtikuun 2012 välisenä aikana. Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin (HUS) nuorisopsykiatrian erikoisalan seitsemän suljetun osaston hoitohenkilökunta sekä lääkärit suhtautuivat myönteisesti rajoittamistoimenpiteisiin. Nuorisopsykiatriset potilaat suhtautuivat rajoittamistoimenpiteisiin kriittisemmin kuin henkilökunta. Nuoret suhtautuivat myönteisimmin tarvittaessa annettavaan lääkitykseen, ajoittaiseen tarkkailuun ja kulun rajoittamiseen. Vähiten hyväksytty menetelmä oli verkkosänky. Nuoret arvioivat sitomisen kolmen vähiten hyväksytyn menetelmän joukkoon. Sitomisen esiintyvyys ja pitkien sitomisten määrä olivat korkeita tutkimukseen valituissa yksiköissä. Useimmat sidotut nuoret tiesivät syyn sitomiseensa, suhtautuivat siihen ambivalentisti nähden siinä sekä hyötyä että haittaa, pitäen sitä kuitenkin rangaistuksena. Huolimatta tästä, suurin osa haastatelluista nuorista koki, että joissain tilanteissa sitomista tarvitaan nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa. Nuorilla oli monia ehdotuksia, kuinka parantaa sitomista käytännön osastohoidossa. Tämä väitöskirja tuottaa uutta tietoa eri rajoittamistoimenpiteiden ja sitomisen toteuttamisesta nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa. Käytännön hoitotyön parantamiseksi nuorisopsykiatrisilla osastoilla tarvitaan laaja-alaista ja syvälle luotaavaa koulutusta, jotta rajoittamis-toimenpiteiden määrää voidaan vähentää. Myös kriisitilanteiden hallintaan tarvitaan uusia keinoja. Tietoa, kuvausta toimenpiteistä ja tilanteiden käsittelyä jälkikäteen tulee tarjota ala-ikäiselle potilaalle hänen kehitystasonsa huomioiden. Sitomisten määrää tulee vähentää ja niiden kestoa lyhentää. Nuorten tulee olla aktiivisesti mukana kehittämässä aggression hallintamenetelmiä suomalaisessa nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa.
Tämän työn tavoitteena on antaa kuvaus riskinhallintamenetelmistä viidelle välituotekemikaalille, joita käytetään Stora Enson Imatran tehtailla. Välituotekemikaalit ovat mustalipeä, viherlipeä, valkolipeä, natriumbisulfiitti ja natriumsulfiitti. Nämä kemikaalit ovat jo rekisteröityjä ECHA:an ja rekisteröintiin liittyen ECHA:an on toimitettava myös kuvaus riskinhallintamenetelmistä. Työn alussa kuvaillaan työn kannalta olennaiset säädökset ja viranomaiset, jotka valvovat kemikaalien käyttöä ja valmistusta Euroopan Unionin alueella. Tämän jälkeen kerrotaan yleisesti välituotekemikaalien rekisteröintikriteereistä. Työn loppuosa käsittää kuvauksen riskinhallintamenetelmistä jokaiselle kemikaalille. Riskinhallintamenetelmät sisältävät eristyksen teknisin keinoin, menettelytapa- ja valvontatekniikat, johtamistavat ja henkilökunnan koulutuksen ja välituotekemikaalien kuljetuksen. Myös jokaisen kemikaalin ominaisuudet on kuvattu ja lyhyt prosessikuvaus kemikaalien valmistuksesta ja käytöstä on esitetty helpottamaan ymmärtämistä.
Targeted measures bring the greatest benefits for environmental protection in agriculture final report of the TEHO Plus project (2011–2014). Particular priority areas of the project activities included creating a training package for agri-environment advisers and testing it, farm-specific advisory services and exploitation of experiences of advice provision, putting together an information package of agri-environment issues, farm-level experiments, and development of water quality monitoring. The recommendations issued by advisers on targeting environmental measures were based on utilising geographical information material and nutrient balances. The project was implemented in cooperation by Southwest Finland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, MTK-Satakunta and MTK-Varsinais-Suomi. The project received funding from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of the Environment. Participating farmers, with whom environmental advice was developed and experiments were carried out, were important partners for the project. The operating area of the project was Satakunta and Varsinais-Suomi in Southwest Finland, but its outcomes can be exploited nationally. A national perspective was ensured by close cooperation with actors in different provinces. This final report describes project experiences and outcomes including environmental advisory services, training of agri-environmental advisers, farm visits and the feedback received from farmers on agri-environmental advice, development of water quality monitoring, experiments and project work.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity and polymorphism contribute significantly to the prognosis of patients with cardiomyopathy. The aim of this study was to determine the activity and type of ACE polymorphism in patients with familial and nonfamilial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and to correlate these with echocardiographic measurements (echo-Doppler). We studied 136 patients (76 males) with HCM (69 familial and 67 nonfamilial cases). Mean age was 41 ± 17 years. DNA was extracted from blood samples for the polymerase chain reaction and the determination of plasma ACE levels. Left ventricular mass, interventricular septum, and wall thickness were measured. Mean left ventricular mass index, interventricular septum and wall thickness in familial and nonfamilial forms were 154 ± 63 and 174 ± 57 g/m² (P = 0.008), 19 ± 5 and 21 ± 5 mm (P = 0.02), and 10 ± 2 and 12 ± 3 mm (P = 0.0001), respectively. ACE genotype frequencies were DD = 35%, ID = 52%, and II = 13%. A positive association was observed between serum ACE activity and left ventricular mass index (P = 0.04). Logistic regression showed that ACE activity was twice as high in patients with familial HCM and left ventricular mass index ≥190 g/m² compared with the nonfamilial form (P = 0.02). No other correlation was observed between ACE polymorphisms and the degree of myocardial hypertrophy. In conclusion, ACE activity, but not ACE polymorphisms, was associated with the degree of myocardial hypertrophy in the patients with HCM.
The objectives of the present study were to describe and compare the body composition variables determined by bioelectrical impedance (BIA) and the deuterium dilution method (DDM), to identify possible correlations and agreement between the two methods, and to construct a linear regression model including anthropometric measures. Obese adolescents were evaluated by anthropometric measures, and body composition was assessed by BIA and DDM. Forty obese adolescents were included in the study. Comparison of the mean values for the following variables: fat body mass (FM; kg), fat-free mass (FFM; kg), and total body water (TBW; %) determined by DDM and by BIA revealed significant differences. BIA overestimated FFM and TBW and underestimated FM. When compared with data provided by DDM, the BIA data presented a significant correlation with FFM (r = 0.89; P < 0.001), FM (r = 0.93; P < 0.001) and TBW (r = 0.62; P < 0.001). The Bland-Altman plot showed no agreement for FFM, FM or TBW between data provided by BIA and DDM. The linear regression models proposed in our study with respect to FFM, FM, and TBW were well adjusted. FFM obtained by DDM = 0.842 x FFM obtained by BIA. FM obtained by DDM = 0.855 x FM obtained by BIA + 0.152 x weight (kg). TBW obtained by DDM = 0.813 x TBW obtained by BIA. The body composition results of obese adolescents determined by DDM can be predicted by using the measures provided by BIA through a regression equation.
This research examines the concept of social entrepreneurship which is a fairly new business model. In the field of business it has become increasingly popular in recent years. The growing awareness of the environment and concrete examples of impact created by social entrepreneurship have encouraged entrepreneurs to address social problems. Society’s failures are tried to redress as a result of business activities. The purpose of doing business is necessarily no longer generating just profits but business is run in order to make a social change with the profit gained from the operations. Successful social entrepreneurship requires a specific nature, constant creativity and strong desire to make a social change. It requires constant balancing between two major objectives: both financial and non-financial issues need to be considered, but not at the expense of another. While aiming at the social purpose, the business needs to be run in highly competitive markets. Therefore, both factors need equally be integrated into an organization as they are complementary, not exclusionary. Business does not exist without society and society cannot go forward without business. Social entrepreneurship, its value creation, measurement tools and reporting practices are under discussion in this research. An extensive theoretical basis is covered and used to support the findings coming out of the researched case enterprises. The most attention is focused on the concept of Social Return on Investment. The case enterprises are analyzed through the SROI process. Social enterprises are mostly small or medium sized. Naturally this sets some limitations in implementing measurement tools. The question of resources requires the most attention and therefore sets the biggest constraints. However, the size of the company does not determine all – the nature of business and the type of social purpose need to be considered always. The mission may be so concrete and transparent that in all cases any kind of measurement would be useless. Implementing measurement tools may be of great benefit – or a huge financial burden. Thus, the very first thing to carefully consider is the possible need of measuring value creation.
There continues to be a shortage of health professionals interested in providing care for the older adult. Part of the problem seems to stem from the negative perceptions of geriatrics as a clinical speciality. This study examines the knowledge, attitudes and career decisions of physical therapy students in Ontario before and after an educational intervention. Surveys were conducted with 144 physical therapy students from five universities before and after their geriatrics course in order to measure their knowledge, attitudes and interest in working with older adults. The incoming class of physical therapy students (n = 1 86) acted as control subjects for the study. The Revised Palmore Facts On Aging Quiz measured the students' knowledge of aging (Miller & Dodder, 1980). The Revised Tuckman-Lorge (Axelrod & Eisdorfer, 1961) and the Kogan Old People Scales (Kogan, 1961) were used to examine attitude. An environmental scale was developed based on the work of Snape (1986) to measure the impact of the working conditions on the students' career choices. A 10-point Likert-type scale based on the work of Michlelutte & Diseker (1985) was modified and used to measure career interest in working with the elderly. On independent sample t-tests, positive attitudes were related to the demographic characteristic of gender; ethnicity was negatively related; and marital status was found to be unrelated to attitude (fi<.05). Having a relationship with an older adult and taking courses in gerontology were also found to be positively related to attitude (fi<.05). Results on a betweensubjects design which compared students before and after the course found that knowledge scores improved from pretest to posttest (fi<.05). In general, attitude scores improved from T1 to T2 on both measurement tools (b<.05). The environmental and vocational interest scales yielded statistically significant differences between the control and experimental groups during the intervention period (p<.05). The results of this research indicated that knowledge and attitudes improve after an educational intervention; however, there was little impact on the students' overall career decisions. Further research is indicated to examine the complex relationship between attitude and behaviour and its impact on students' career choices. In addition, the impact of geriatric clinical environment on students' attitudes and career decisions needs to be further explored.
Although there is a consensus in th~ literature on the many uses of the Internet in education, as well as the unique features of the Internet for presenting facts and information, there is no consensus on a standardized method for evaluating Internetbased courseware. Educators rarely have the opportunity to participate in the development of Internet-based courseware, yet they are encouraged to use the technology in their learning environments. This creates a need for summative evaluation methods for Internet-based health courseware. The purpose ofthis study was to assess evaluative measures for Internet-based courseware. Specifically, two entities were evaluated within the study: a) the outcome of the Internet-based courseware, and b) the Internet-based courseware itself. To this end, the Web site www.bodymatters.com was evaluated using two different approaches by two different cohorts. The first approach was a performance appraisal by a group of endusers. A positive, statistically significant change in the students performance was observed due to the intervention ofthe Web site. The second approach was a productoriented evaluation ofthe Web site with the use of a criterion-based checklist and an open-ended comments section. The findings indicate that a summative, criterion-based evaluation is best completed by a multidisciplinary team. The findi~gs also indicated that the two different cohorts reported different product-oriented appraisals of the Web site. The current research confirmed previous research that found that experts returning a poor evaluation of a Web site did not have a relationship to whether or not the end-users performance improved due to the intervention of the Web site.
The number of P700 (the reaction centre of Photosystem I) converted to P700+, in winter rye, was determined by measuring the absorbance change at 820nm . It was found, with a single turnover flash, that thylakoids isolated from cold grown plants have a 50% greater number of P700 oxidized than thylakoids isolated from warm grown plants. Incubation of thylakoids in the dark at 35 C did not change the number of P700 oxidized. The conversion of P700 to P700+ with a single flash can be compared to a steady state rate of electron transport using a Clark electrode. The results for P700 oxidation using the absorbance change at 820 nm measure effects within the PSI complex whereas the results obtained from a Clark electrode measures steady state electron transport between the cytochrome blf complex and the PSI complex. In contrast to the results for P700 oxidation it was shown, using a Clark electrode, that both thylakoids from cold grown plants and thylakoids incubated at in the dark 35 C exhibited 50% higher rates of electron transport than thylakoids from warm grown plants. The correlation between the higher rate of steady state PSI electron transport observed in thylakoids isolated from cold grown winter rye and number of active PSI reaction centres localizes the site of the increase to the PSI reaction centre. In contrast the lack of correlation after incubation at 35 C indicates the increase in the rate of light saturated electron transport in thylakoids isolated from cold grown plants and thylakoids incubated in the dark at 35 C occur by different mechanisms.
Appendix: Extracts from Harper's weekly, New York herald, New York tribune and the Nation.