771 resultados para PLATELETS


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YKL-40 regulates vascular endothelial growth factors and induces tumor proliferation. We investigated YKL-40 before and after treatment with vorinostat in 31 polycythemia vera (PV) and 16 essential thrombocythemia (ET) patients. Baseline PV patient levels were 2 times higher than in healthy controls (P < 0.0001) and 1.7 times higher than in ET (P = 0.02). A significant correlation between YKL-40 at baseline and neutrophils, CRP, LDH, JAK2V617F and platelets in PV patients was observed, as well as a significantly greater reduction of YKL-40 levels in PV patients responding to therapy. YKL-40 might be a novel marker of disease burden and progression in myeloproliferative neoplasms.


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Using piezoresponse force microscopy, we have observed the progressive development of ferroelectric flux-closure domain structures and Landau−Kittel-type domain patterns, in 300 nm thick single-crystal BaTiO3 platelets. As the microstructural development proceeds, the rate of change of the domain configuration is seen to decrease exponentially. Nevertheless, domain wall velocities throughout are commensurate with creep processes in oxide ferroelectrics. Progressive screening of macroscopic destabilizing fields, primarily the surface-related depolarizing field, successfully describes the main features of the observed kinetics. Changes in the separation of domain-wall vertex junctions prompt a consideration that vertex−vertex interactions could be influencing the measured kinetics. However, the expected dynamic signatures associated with direct vertex−vertex interactions are not resolved. If present, our measurements confine the length scale for interaction between vertices to the order of a few hundred nanometers.


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INTRODUCTION: Recent observational studies indicate that post-diagnostic use of aspirin in breast cancer patients may protect against cancer progression perhaps by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-2 dependent mechanisms. Evidence also supports a crucial role for interactions between tumour cells and circulating platelets in cancer growth and dissemination, therefore, use of low-dose aspirin may reduce the risk of death from cancer in breast cancer patients.

METHODS: A cohort of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients (1998 to 2006) were identified in the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink (and confirmed by cancer registry linkage). Cancer-specific deaths were identified up to 2011 from Office for National Statistics mortality data. A nested case-control analysis was conducted using conditional logistic regression to compare post-diagnostic aspirin exposure using General Practice prescription data in 1,435 cases (breast cancer deaths) with 5,697 controls (matched by age and year of diagnosis).

RESULTS: After breast cancer diagnosis, 18.3% of cancer-specific deaths and 18.5% of matched controls received at least one prescription for low-dose aspirin, corresponding to an odds ratio (OR) of 0.98 (95% CI 0.83, 1.15). Adjustment for potential confounders (including stage and grade) had little impact on this estimate. No dose response relationship was observed when the number of tablets was investigated and no associations were seen when analyses were stratified by receipt of prescriptions for aspirin in the pre-diagnostic period, by stage at diagnosis or by receipt of prescriptions for hormone therapy.

CONCLUSIONS: Overall, in this large population-based cohort of breast cancer patients, there was little evidence of an association between receipt of post-diagnostic prescriptions for low-dose aspirin and breast cancer-specific death. However, information was not available on medication compliance or over-the-counter use of aspirin, which may have contributed to the null findings.


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Impairment of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity is implicated in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction in many diseases including ischaemic stroke. The modulation of eNOS during and/or following ischaemic injury often represents a futile compensatory mechanism due to a significant decrease in nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability coupled with dramatic increases in the levels of reactive oxygen species that further neutralise NO. However, applications of a number of therapeutic agents alone or in combination have been shown to augment eNOS activity under a variety of pathological conditions by potentiating the expression and/or activity of Akt/eNOS/NO pathway components. The list of these therapeutic agents include NO donors, statins, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitors, aspirin, dipyridamole and ellagic acid. While most of these compounds exhibit anti-platelet properties and are able to up-regulate eNOS expression in endothelial cells and platelets, others suppress eNOS uncoupling and tetrahydrobiopterin (an eNOS stabiliser) oxidation. As the number of therapeutic molecules that modulate the expression and activity of eNOS increases, further detailed research is required to reveal their mode of action in preventing and/or reversing the endothelial dysfunction.


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Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a devastating disorder characterized by increased alveolar permeability with no effective treatment beyond supportive care. Current mechanisms underlying ARDS focus on alveolar endothelial and epithelial injury caused by products of innate immune cells and platelets. However, the role of adaptive immune cells in ARDS remains largely unknown. In this study, we report that expansion of Ag-specific αβTh17 cells contributes to ARDS by local secretion of IL-17A, which in turn directly increases alveolar epithelial permeability. Mice with a highly restrictive defect in Ag-specific αβTh17 cells were protected from experimental ARDS induced by a single dose of endotracheal LPS. Loss of IL-17 receptor C or Ab blockade of IL-17A was similarly protective, further suggesting that IL-17A released by these cells was responsible for this effect. LPS induced a rapid and specific clonal expansion of αβTh17 cells in the lung, as determined by deep sequencing of the hypervariable CD3RβVJ region of the TCR. Our findings could be relevant to ARDS in humans, because we found significant elevation of IL-17A in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with ARDS, and rIL-17A directly increased permeability across cultured human alveolar epithelial monolayers. These results reveal a previously unexpected role for adaptive immune responses that increase alveolar permeability in ARDS and suggest that αβTh17 cells and IL-17A could be novel therapeutic targets for this currently untreatable disease.


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Sepsis is a common condition that is associated with significant morbidity, mortality and health-care cost. Pulmonary and non-pulmonary sepsis are common causes of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The mortality from ARDS remains high despite protective lung ventilation, and currently there are no specific pharmacotherapies to treat sepsis or ARDS. Sepsis and ARDS are characterised by activation of the inflammatory cascade. Although there is much focus on the study of the dysregulated inflammation and its suppression, the associated activation of the haemostatic system has been largely ignored until recently. There has been extensive interest in the role that platelet activation can have in the inflammatory response through induction, aggregation and activation of leucocytes and other platelets. Aspirin can modulate multiple pathogenic mechanisms implicated in the development of multiple organ dysfunction in sepsis and ARDS. This review will discuss the role of the platelet, the mechanisms of action of aspirin in sepsis and ARDS, and aspirin as a potential therapy in treating sepsis and ARDS.


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Far from simply lining the inner surface of blood vessels, the cellular monolayer that comprises the endothelium is a highly active organ that regulates vascular tone. In health, the endothelium maintains the balance between opposing dilator and constrictor influences, while in disease, it is the common ground on which cardiovascular risk factors act to initiate the atherosclerotic process. As such, it is the site at which cardiovascular disease begins and consequently acts as a barometer of an individual's likely future cardiovascular health. The vascular endothelium is a very active organ responsible for the regulation of vascular tone through the effects of locally synthesized mediators, predominantly nitric oxide (NO), endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), and superoxide. NO is abundantly evident in normally functioning vasculature where it acts as a vasodilator, inhibits inflammation, and has an antiaggregant effect on platelets. Its depletion is both a sign and cause of endothelial dysfunction resulting from reduced activity of eNOS and amplified production of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidase, which, in turn, results in raised levels of reactive oxygen species. This cascade is the basis for reduced vascular compliance through an imbalanced regulation of tone with a predominance of vasoconstrictive elements. Further, structural changes in the microvasculature are a critical early step in the loss of normal function. This microvascular dysfunction is known to be highly predictive of future macrovascular events and is consequently a very attractive target for intervention in the hypertensive population in order to prevent cardiovascular events.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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RESUMO:O glicosilfosfatidilinositol (GPI) é um complexo glicolipídico utlizado por dezenas de proteínas, o qual medeia a sua ancoragem à superfície da célula. Proteínas de superfície celular ancoradas a GPI apresentam várias funções essenciais para a manutenção celular. A deficiência na síntese de GPI é o que caracteriza principalmente a deficiência hereditária em GPI, um grupo de doenças autossómicas raras que resultam de mutações nos genes PIGA, PIGL, PIGM, PIGV, PIGN, PIGO e PIGT, os quais sao indispensáveis para a biossíntese do GPI. Uma mutação pontual no motivo rico em GC -270 no promotor de PIGM impede a ligação do factor de transcrição (FT) Sp1 à sua sequência de reconhecimento, impondo a compactação da cromatina, associada à hipoacetilação de histonas, e consequentemente, impedindo a transcrição de PIGM. Desta forma, a adição da primeira manose ao GPI é comprometida, a síntese de GPI diminui assim como as proteínas ligadas a GPI à superficie das células. Pacientes com Deficiência Hereditária em GPI-associada a PIGM apresentam trombose e epilesia, e ausência de hemólise intravascular e anemia, sendo que estas duas últimas características definem a Hemoglobinúria Paroxística Nocturna (HPN), uma doença rara causada por mutações no gene PIGA. Embora a mutação que causa IGD seja constitutiva e esteja presente em todos os tecidos, o grau de deficiência em GPI varia entre células do mesmo tecido e entre células de tecidos diferentes. Por exemplo nos granulócitos e linfócitos B a deficiência em GPI é muito acentuada mas nos linfócitos T, fibroblastos, plaquetas e eritrócitos é aproximadamente normal, daí a ausência de hemólise intravascular. Os eventos transcricionais que estão na base da expressão diferencial da âncora GPI nas células hematopoiéticas são desconhecidos e constituem o objectivo geral desta tese. Em primeiro lugar, os resultados demonstraram que os níveis de PIGM mRNA variam entre células primárias hematopoiéticas normais. Adicionalmente, a configuração dos nucleossomas no promotor de PIGM é mais compacta em células B do que em células eritróides e tal está correlacionado com os níveis de expressão de PIGM, isto é, inferior nas células B. A presença de vários motivos de ligação para o FT específico da linhagem megacariocítica-eritróide GATA-1 no promotor de PIGM sugeriu que GATA-1 desempenha um papel regulador na sua transcrição. Os resultados mostraram que muito possivelmente GATA-1 desempenha um papel repressor em vez de activador da expressão de PIGM. Resultados preliminares sugerem que KLF1, um factor de transcrição restritamente eritróide, regula a transcrição de PIGM independentemente do motivo -270GC. Em segundo lugar, a investigação do papel dos FTs Sp demonstrou que Sp1 medeia directamente a transcrição de PIGM em ambas as células B e eritróide. Curiosamente, ao contrário do que acontece nas células B, em que a transcrição de PIGM requer a ligação do FT geral Sp1 ao motivo -270GC, nas células eritróides Sp1 regula a transcrição de PIGM ao ligar-se a montante e não ao motivo -270GC. Para além disso, demonstrou-se que Sp2 não é um regulador directo da transcrição de PIGM quer nas células B quer nas células eritróides. Estes resultados explicam a ausência de hemólise intravascular nos doentes com IGD associada a PIGM, uma das principais características que define a HPN. Por último, resultados preliminares mostraram que a repressão da transcrição de PIGM devida à mutação patogénica -270C>G está associada com a diminuição da frequência de interacções genómicas em cis entre PIGM e os seus genes “vizinhos”, sugerindo adicionalmente que a regulação de PIGM e desses genes é partilhada. No seu conjunto, os resultados apresentados nesta tese contribuem para o conhecimento do controlo transcricional de um gene housekeeping, específico-detecido, por meio de FTs genéricos e específicos de linhagem.-------------ABSTRACTC: Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is a complex glycolipid used by dozens of proteins for cell surface anchoring. GPI-anchored proteins have various functions that are essential for the cellular maintenance. Defective GPI biosynthesis is the hallmark of inherited GPI deficiency (IGD), a group of rare autosomal diseases caused by mutations in PIGA, PIGL, PIGM, PIGV, PIGN, PIGO and PIGT, all genes indispensable for GPI biosynthesis. A point mutation in the -270GC-rich box in the core promoter of PIGM disrupts binding of the transcription factor (TF) Sp1 to it, imposing nucleosome compaction associated with histone hypoacetylation, thus abrogating transcription of PIGM. As a consequence of PIGM transcriptional repression, addition of the first mannose residue onto the GPI core and thus GPI production are impaired; and expression of GPI-anchored proteins on the surface of cells is severely impaired. Patients with PIGM-associated IGD suffer from life-threatening thrombosis and epilepsy but not intravascular haemolysis and anaemia, two defining features of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), a rare disease caused by somatic mutations in PIGA. Although the disease-causing mutation in IGD is constitutional and present in all tissues, the degree of GPI deficiency is variable and differs between cells of the same and of different tissues. Accordingly, GPI deficiency is severe in granulocytes and B cells but mild in T cells, fibroblasts, platelets and erythrocytes, hence the lack of intravascular haemolysis.The transcriptional events underlying differential expression of GPI in the haematopoietic cells of PIG-M-associated IGD are not known and constitute the general aim of this thesis. Firstly, I found that PIGM mRNA levels are variable amongst normal primary haematopoietic cells. In addition, the nucleosome configuration in the promoter of PIGM is more compacted in B cells than in erythroid cells and this correlated with the levels of PIGM mRNA expression, i.e., lower in B cells. The presence of several binding sites for GATA-1, a mega-erythroid lineage-specific transcription factor (TF), at the PIGM promoter suggested that GATA-1 has a role on PIGM transcription. My results showed that GATA-1 in erythroid cells is most likely a repressor rather than an activator of PIGM expression. Preliminary data suggested that KLF1, an erythroid-specific TF, regulates PIGM transcription but independently of the -270GC motif. Secondly, investigation of the role of the Sp TFs showed that Sp1 directly mediates PIGM transcriptional regulation in both B and erythroid cells. However, unlike in B cells in which active PIGM transcription requires binding of the generic TF Sp1 to the -270GC-rich box, in erythroid cells, Sp1 regulates PIGM transcription by binding upstream of but not to the -270GC-rich motif. Additionally, I showed that Sp2 is not a direct regulator of PIGM transcription in B and erythroid cells. These findings explain lack of intravascular haemolysis in PIGM-associated IGD, a defining feature of PNH. Lastly, preliminary work shows that transcriptional repression of PIG-M by the pathogenic -270C>G mutation is associated with reduced frequency of in cis genomic interactions between PIGM and its neighbouring genes, suggesting a shared regulatory link between these genes and PIGM. Altogether, the results presented in this thesis provide novel insights into tissuespecific transcriptional control of a housekeeping gene by lineage-specific and generic TFs.


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This study aimed at identifying clinical factors for predicting hematologic toxicity after radioimmunotherapy with (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan or (131)I-tositumomab in clinical practice. Hematologic data were available from 14 non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients treated with (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan and 18 who received (131)I-tositumomab. The percentage baseline at nadir and 4 wk post nadir and the time to nadir were selected as the toxicity indicators for both platelets and neutrophils. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to identify significant predictors (P < 0.05) of each indicator. For both platelets and neutrophils, pooled and separate analyses of (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan and (131)I-tositumomab data yielded the time elapsed since the last chemotherapy as the only significant predictor of the percentage baseline at nadir. The extent of bone marrow involvement was not a significant factor in this study, possibly because of the short time elapsed since the last chemotherapy of the 7 patients with bone marrow involvement. Because both treatments were designed to deliver a comparable bone marrow dose, this factor also was not significant. None of the 14 factors considered was predictive of the time to nadir. The R(2) value for the model predicting percentage baseline at nadir was 0.60 for platelets and 0.40 for neutrophils. This model predicted the platelet and neutrophil toxicity grade to within ±1 for 28 and 30 of the 32 patients, respectively. For the 7 patients predicted with grade I thrombocytopenia, 6 of whom had actual grade I-II, dosing might be increased to improve treatment efficacy. The elapsed time since the last chemotherapy can be used to predict hematologic toxicity and customize the current dosing method in radioimmunotherapy.


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Since 1990, several techniques have been developed to photochemically inactivate pathogens in platelet concentrates, potentially leading to safer transfusion therapy. The three most common methods are amotosalen/UVA (INTERCEPT Blood System), riboflavin/UVA-UVB (MIRASOL PRT), and UVC (Theraflex-UV). We review the biology of pathogen inactivation methods, present their efficacy in reducing pathogens, discuss their impact on the functional aspects of treated platelets, and review clinical studies showing the clinical efficiency of the pathogen inactivation methods and their possible toxicity.


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Platelets are the second most abundant cell type in blood and are essential for maintaining haemostasis. Their count and volume are tightly controlled within narrow physiological ranges, but there is only limited understanding of the molecular processes controlling both traits. Here we carried out a high-powered meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in up to 66,867 individuals of European ancestry, followed by extensive biological and functional assessment. We identified 68 genomic loci reliably associated with platelet count and volume mapping to established and putative novel regulators of megakaryopoiesis and platelet formation. These genes show megakaryocyte-specific gene expression patterns and extensive network connectivity. Using gene silencing in Danio rerio and Drosophila melanogaster, we identified 11 of the genes as novel regulators of blood cell formation. Taken together, our findings advance understanding of novel gene functions controlling fate-determining events during megakaryopoiesis and platelet formation, providing a new example of successful translation of GWAS to function.


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Les plaquettes sanguines sont les principaux acteurs de l’hémostase primaire et de la thrombose, deux éléments majeurs de la physiopathologie vasculaire. Plusieurs médicaments régulent les fonctions plaquettaires mais peu de tests sont validés pour suivre leur efficacité en fonction de l’évolution clinique des patients. Mon doctorat a eu pour but de développer de nouvelles approches d’évaluation de la fonction plaquettaire. Deux essais cliniques réalisés sur des patients atteints de syndrome coronarien stable ont constitué la première partie de mon doctorat. La première étude met en évidence la nécessité d'une standardisation des tests biologiques pour la détection de patients répondant moins au clopidogrel, un inhibiteur du récepteur plaquettaire de l'ADP P2Y12. L’étude suivante montre le potentiel thérapeutique, chez ces patients, de l’inhibition conjointe de P2Y12 et du second récepteur plaquettaire de l'ADP P2Y1, sur la fonction plaquettaire. De plus, le suivi en temps réel par vidéomiscroscopie a permis de distinguer des effets précoces et tardifs des antiplaquettaires sur la formation du thrombus en chambre de perfusion. La seconde partie de mon doctorat concerne les microdomaines membranaires de type « lipid rafts » qui tiennent une place fondamentale dans les fonctions cellulaires et plaquettaires. Ainsi plusieurs récepteurs dépendent de ces microdomaines, régulant la fonction plaquettaire et les effets des médicaments antiplaquettaires. Cependant, les techniques d’étude de ces microdomaines sont complexes et peu adaptées aux études cliniques. Profitant de nouvelles sondes fluorescentes sensibles au niveau d’ordre liquide membranaire (OLM), nous avons développé une méthode de mesure de l’OLM par cytométrie de flux spectrale. Grâce à cette approche, nous avons montré que l’activation plaquettaire diminue l’OLM alors qu’il est augmenté chez des patients traités par un inhibiteur de la synthèse du cholestérol ou par le clopidogrel. Nous avons également mis en évidence, en condition de forces de cisaillement élevées correspondant à celles retrouvées au niveau de sténoses artérielles, une sous-population plaquettaire présentant un OLM plus bas. Le passage dans le domaine clinique de ces approches fondamentales qui privilégient l’étude dynamique des plaquettes pourrait permettre d’améliorer le diagnostique et le suivi de traitement de pathologies cardiovasculaires.


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Les anticorps anti-phospholipides (aPL), tels que les anticoagulants lupiques (LAC), sont associés au développement récurrent de thromboses chez les patients atteints du lupus érythémateux disséminé (LED). Il a été observé que des titres élevés d’auto-anticorps antilamine B1 (anti-LB1), chez des patients porteurs de LAC, diminuent le risque de ces manifestations thrombotiques. Toutefois, la relation existant entre la lamine B1 (LB1), les anti-LB1 et la thromboprotection n’est toujours pas expliquée. Dans cette étude, nous avons donc cherché à comprendre comment la LB1 et les anti-LB1 induisent cette thromboprotection. Nous avons testé les effets d'anti-LB1 purifiés et de LB1 recombinante sur l'activation des cellules endothéliales et des plaquettes. Nous avons été en mesure de déterminer que la LB1, contrairement aux anti-LB1, possède une activité anti-plaquettaire. En effet, la LB1 réduit l’activation et l’agrégation plaquettaires in vitro et in vivo. Cette activité est due à une liaison directe de la LB1 aux plaquettes, suivie par une internalisation rapide dans des vésicules de clathrine. Par co-immunoprécipitation, nous avons découvert que la LB1 interagit avec le récepteur de l’insuline situé sur la membrane plaquettaire. La liaison de la LB1 à ce récepteur entraîne vraisemblablement son internalisation et l'inhibition d'une des cascades de signalisation normalement induite par le récepteur de l’insuline, menant éventuellement à l’inhibition des fonctions plaquettaires. L’ajout d’anti-LB1 purifiés dans nos expériences a permis d'augmenter de façon significative la persistance de la LB1 dans les plaquettes, une observation confirmée par la détection de LB1 uniquement dans les lysats de plaquettes prélevées chez des patients anti-LB1 positifs. iv Nos résultats suggèrent que la LB1 prend part aux mécanismes régulateurs des processus d’hémostase chez des sujets sains et que la présence d’anti-LB1, chez les patients lupiques, prolonge la persistance de cet auto-antigène dans les plaquettes, les empêchant ainsi de s’activer. Ce mécanisme expliquerait la diminution du risque de thrombose chez les patients LAC positifs porteurs d’anti-LB1 circulants.


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Les efforts investis pour diminuer les risques de développer un infarctus du myocarde sont nombreux. Aujourd’hui les médecins prennent connaissance des divers facteurs de risque connus prédisposant aux syndromes coronariens aigus (SCA) dans le but de prendre en charge les patients «à risque» [1]. Bien que le suivi rigoureux et le contrôle de certains facteurs de risque modifiables aient permis une meilleure gestion des cas de SCA, les cas d’infarctus persistent de manière encore trop fréquente dans le monde. Puisque d’importantes études ont démontré que les SCA pouvaient survenir sans même la présence des facteurs de risque conventionnels [2, 3], les chercheurs se sont penchés sur un autre mécanisme potentiellement responsable de l’avènement des SCA : l’inflammation. L’inflammation joue un rôle prépondérant dans l’initiation, la progression et les complications de l’athérosclérose [4, 5] mais aussi dans les situations post-infarctus [6, 7]. Au cours des dernières années, le contrôle du processus inflammatoire est devenu une cible de choix dans la prévention et le traitement des SCA. Cependant, malgré les efforts investis, aucun de ces traitements ne s’est avéré pleinement efficace dans l’atteinte du but ultime visé par une diminution de l’inflammation : la diminution de la mortalité. Le complément est un système complexe reconnu principalement pour son rôle primordial dans l’immunité [2]. Cependant, lorsqu’il est activé de manière inappropriée ou excessive, il peut être à l’origine de nombreux dommages cellulaires caractéristiques de plusieurs pathologies inflammatoires dont font partie les complications de l’athérosclérose et des événements post-infarctus. Le travail effectué dans le cadre de mon doctorat vise à établir les rôles physiopathologiques du complément dans les interactions de l’axe thrombose-inflammation caractéristiques des SCA dans le but ultime d’identifier des cibles thérapeutiques permettant le développement de nouvelles approches pour la prévention et le traitement de ces pathologies. Les principaux résultats obtenus durant mon cursus suggèrent d’abord que la voie alterne du complément peut représenter une cible thérapeutique de choix dans les maladies coronariennes aiguës puisque l’activation terminale du complément semble y être principalement causée par l’activation du cette voie. De faibles niveaux sériques de MBL (mannan-binding lectin) et une activation terminale négligeable du complément caractérisent plutôt la maladie coronarienne stable. En comparant l’activité relative de chacune des voies du complément chez des cohortes de patients traités ou non par un anticorps spécifique à la protéine C5 du complément (pexelizumab), un second volet démontre quant à lui qu’une inhibition de l’activation du C5 n’a pas d’effet bénéfique majeur sur l’inhibition de la formation du complexe sC5b-9 ou sur les événements cliniques subséquents. Par conséquent, nous avons exploré, à l’aide d’un modèle in vitro, les raisons de l’inefficacité du traitement. Les résultats révèlent que le blocage du C5 avec le pexelizumab inhibe la production de l’anaphylatoxine pro-inflammatoire C5a et du complexe terminal du complément sans toutefois avoir d’effet sur l’apoptose des cellules endothéliales produites induite par le sérum des patients atteints de STEMI. Finalement, une autre section stipule que l’atorvastatine diminue l’activation du complément induite par les plaquettes sanguines chez des patients hypercholestérolémiques, mettant en évidence l’importance du rôle de cette statine dans la réduction des effets délétères de l’activation du système du complément médié par les plaquettes. Ensemble, l’étude du rôle spécifique des différentes voies d’activation du complément dans des contextes pathologiques variés, l’analyse des effets d’une inhibition spécifique de la protéine C5 du complément dans la progression des SCA et la mise en évidence des interactions entre l’activation du complément et les plaquettes activées ont contribué au développement d’une meilleure connaissance des rôles physiopathologiques du complément dans la progression de la maladie coronarienne.