706 resultados para PED
The association of achondroplasia and Down’s syndrome is very rare and only five cases have been reported in the literature so far. These two genetic alterations have overlapping features such as short stature, developmental delay or hypotonia that complicate management and follow up. We report the case of a girl that is unique since she was born from a mother with achondroplasia and a healthy father. Achondroplasia was dominantly inherited from the mother but at birth she had features of Down’s syndrome as well, confirmed later by kariotype. We review her evolution regarding physical health, cognitive problems and adaptive behavior during her eight years of life. To our knowledge this is the first report of the combination of both disorders in which the achondroplasia was inherited and not a “de novo” mutation. We address the problems resulting from the additional burden of having two disorders, and how they can be improved, aiming to help others in the future to deal with these cases.
Panayiotopoulos syndrome (PS) is a common epilepsy syndrome associated with rare clinical seizures and unknown localization of the epileptogenic area. Despite findings of normal development in patientswith PS, recent neuropsychological studies point to subtle and diverse cognitive impairments. No well-outlined hypothesis about the localization of the brain dysfunction responsible for these impairments has been proposed.We further explored the cognitive dysfunctions in PS andmade inferences on the most likely anatomical localization of brain impairment. A group of 19 patients (aged 6–12) with PS was rated according to spike activity and lateralization. The patients were submitted to a neuropsychological evaluation to assess general intelligence, memory, language, visual–perceptual abilities, attention, and executive functions. Using 35-channel scalp EEG recordings, the N170 face-evoked event-related potential (ERP)was obtained to assess the functional integrity of the ventral pathway. All patientswith PS showed normal IQ but subtle and consistent neurocognitive impairments. Namely, we found abnormalities in the copy task of the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure and in theNarrative Memory Test. There was no correlation between neuropsychological impairments with spike activity and hemispheric spike lateralization. The N170 ERP was normal in all patients except for one. Our neuropsychological findings demonstrate impairments in visual–perceptual abilities and in semantic processing. These findings, paired with the absence of occipital lobe dysfunction in all neuropsychological studies of PS performed to this date, support the existence of parietal lobe dysfunction.
Cancrum orism, noma ou estomatite gangrenosa é uma doença que afecta principalmente crianças mal nutridas e imunodeprimidas. Frequente em países subdesenvolvidos atinge igualmente imunodeprimidos por leucemia ou SIDA na Europa e América. Doença anteriormente fatal apresenta-se hoje como um grande desafio médico para a cura das sequelas mutilantes que provoca. Os autores descrevem um caso cHnico de Noma numa criança de 3 anos, raça negra, da Guine-Bissau. Apresentava-se num estadio avançado desta doença com amputação parcial dos lábios, face e nariz. Discute-se a terapêutica inicial da área infectada, onde a utilização do ácido acético foi fundamental, e a reconstrução com retalho frontal transposto de dupla face.
Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy (HNPP) results from the deletion of the PMP22 gene in chromosome 17p11.2. Clinically, it presents with painless pressure palsies, typically in the 2nd and 3rd decades of life, being a rare entity in childhood. We present the case study of a six-year-old male child who presented with left hand drop that he kept for over four weeks. Electrophysiological studies suggested HNPP and genetic studies confirmed it. With this paper, we pretend to create awareness to this entity as a diagnosis to be considered in a child with painless monoparesis and to emphasize the importance of electrophysiological studies in the diagnosis.
We report 1 female patient with situs inversus, dextrocardia, a complex heart malformation, hydrocephalus due to aqueductal stenosis, and abnormal ultrastructure of the respiratory epithelium cilia. Several animal models of this disorder implicate abnormal ciliary function in the genesis of hydrocephalus, and 11 patients were previously reported with hydrocephalus and the syndrome of primary ciliary dyskinesia. primary ciliary dyskinesia–associated aqueductal stenosis should be considered as a possible cause for fetal or neonatal hydrocephalus if heterotaxy, heart malformations, and/or a probable genetic etiology are present.
Congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A is caused by mutations in the LAMA2 gene, which encodes the a2-chain of laminin. We report two patients with partial laminin-a2 deficiency and atypical phenotypes, one with almost exclusive central nervous system involvement (cognitive impairment and refractory epilepsy) and the second with marked cardiac dysfunction, rigid spine syndrome and limb-girdle weakness. Patients underwent clinical, histopathological, imaging and genetic studies. Both cases have two heterozygous LAMA2 variants sharing a potentially pathogenic missense mutation c.2461A>C (p.Thr821Pro) located in exon 18. Brain MRI was instrumental for the diagnosis, since muscular examination and motor achievements were normal in the first patient and there was a severe cardiac involvement in the second. The clinical phenotype of the patients is markedly different which could in part be explained by the different combination of mutations types (two missense versus a missense and a truncating mutation).
The human immunodeficiency virus replication cycle begins by sequential interactions between viral envelope glycoproteins with CD4 molecule and a member of the seven-transmembrane, G-protein-coupled, receptors' family (coreceptor). In this report we focused on the contribution of CCR8 as alternative coreceptor for HIV-1 and HIV-2 isolates. We found that this coreceptor was efficiently used not only by HIV-2 but particularly by HIV-1 isolates. We demonstrate that CXCR4 usage, either alone or together with CCR5 and/or CCR8, was more frequently observed in HIV-1 than in HIV-2 isolates. Directly related to this is the finding that the non-usage of CXCR4 is significantly more common in HIV-2 isolates; both features could be associated with the slower disease progression generally observed in HIV-2 infected patients. The ability of some viral isolates to use alternative coreceptors besides CCR5 and CXCR4 could further impact on the efficacy of entry inhibitor therapy and possibly also in HIV pathogenesis.
Clinically childhood occipital lobe epilepsy (OLE) manifests itself with distinct syndromes. The traditional EEG recordings have not been able to overcome the difficulty in correlating the ictal clinical symptoms to the onset in particular areas of the occipital lobes. To understand these syndromes it is important to map with more precision the epileptogenic cortical regions in OLE. Experimentally, we studied three idiopathic childhood OLE patients with EEG source analysis and with the simultaneous acquisition of EEG and fMRI, to map the BOLD effect associated with EEG spikes. The spatial overlap between the EEG and BOLD results was not very good, but the fMRI suggested localizations more consistent with the ictal clinical manifestations of each type of epileptic syndrome. Since our first results show that by associating the BOLD effect with interictal spikes the epileptogenic areas are mapped to localizations different from those calculated from EEG sources and that by using different EEG/fMRI processing methods our results differ to some extent, it is very important to compare the different methods of processing the localization of activation and develop a good methodology for obtaining co-registration maps of high resolution EEG with BOLD localizations.
Optimization of fMRI Processing Parameters for Simutaneous Acquisition of EEG/fMRI in Focal Epilepsy
In the context of focal epilepsy, the simultaneous combination of electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) holds a great promise as a technique by which the hemodynamic correlates of interictal spikes detected on scalp EEG can be identified. The fact that traditional EEG recordings have not been able to overcome the difficulty in correlating the ictal clinical symptoms to the onset in particular areas of the lobes, brings the need of mapping with more precision the epileptogenic cortical regions. On the other hand, fMRI suggested localizations more consistent with the ictal clinical manifestations detected. This study was developed in order to improve the knowledge about the way parameters involved in the physical and mathematical data, produced by the EEG/fMRI technique processing, would influence the final results. The evaluation of the accuracy was made by comparing the BOLD results with: the high resolution EEG maps; the malformative lesions detected in the T1 weighted MR images; and the anatomical localizations of the diagnosed symptomatology of each studied patient. The optimization of the set of parameters used, will provide an important contribution to the diagnosis of epileptogenic focuses, in patients included on an epilepsy surgery evaluation program. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that: by associating the BOLD effect with interictal spikes, the epileptogenic areas are mapped to localizations different from those obtained by the EEG maps representing the electrical potential distribution across the scalp (EEG); there is an important and solid bond between the variation of particular parameters (manipulated during the fMRI data processing) and the optimization of the final results, from which smoothing, deleted volumes, HRF (used to convolve with the activation design), and the shape of the Gamma function can be certainly emphasized.
Introdução: O Volvo gástrico é uma doença rara em idade pediátrica. Estão descritos casos crónicos recorrentes e agudos, mas a sua incidência real é desconhecida. Apresentamos a descrição cirúrgica de um caso de volvo gástrico crónico, recorrente, diagnosticado no período neonatal, tratado com sucesso por via laparoscópica. Caso clínico: Recém-nascido, do sexo masculino, portador de anomalia de Ebstein, com vómitos não biliosos recorrentes, desidratação e perda ponderal. O estudo contrastado, do tubo digestivo superior, mostrou volvo gástrico organoaxial, tendo sido submetido a gastropexia por via laparoscópica. Discussão: Segundo a maioria dos autores, a correcção cirúrgica do volvo gástrico é mandatória para prevenção de recorrências e complicações. A gastropexia por via minimamente invasiva é simples e segura.
Num total de 2806 crianças de idade inferior a 13 anos portadoras de cardiopatia congénita isolada e observadas durante um período de 14 anos e 2 meses, averiguou-se a ocorrência de cardiopatias congénitas nos seus familiares, globalmente e pelos diversos graus de parentesco. Os resultados obtidos mostram maior ocorrência de cardiopatias congénitas nos familiares dos propositi (1,32%) que na população em geral (0,8%). A ocorrência foi de 1,28% nos familiares de 1º grau e de 1,38% nos restantes. Verificou-se a existência de cardiopatias congénitas concordantes entre os familiares de 1º grau. A taxa média global de concordância encontrada foi de 22,64%. Não houve correlação significativa entre as cardiopatias discordantes. Os resultados obtidos permitem que, na maioria dos casos, possa ser dada uma opinião favorável no que respeita ao aconselhamento genético.
Procurou-se a probabilidade de cada tipo de cardiopatia congénita ocorrer como parte de síndromes malformativas. Estudaram-se em 14 anos 3027 crianças de idade inferior a 13 anos, com diagnóstico definitivo de cardiopatias congénitas bem definidas. A ocorrência de síndromes verificou-se em 208 casos (6,87%). Esta percentagem foi maior nas crianças com fenótipo feminino (8,22%) do que nas crianças com fenótipo masculino (5,51%). Enquadraram-se em síndromes, em percentagens muito superiores os defeitos do septo aurículo-ventricular (38,61%), a atrésia da pulmonar com (16,13%) e sem comunicação inter-ventricular (18,18%), as estenoses das artérias pulmonares (84,21%), a estenose aórtica supravalvular (69,23%) e as dextrocardias com cardiopatia (10%). Englobaram-se em síndromes, em percentagens inferiores a comunicação inter-ventricular, a estenose pulmonar valvular, a tetralogia de Fallot, a estenose aórtica, a comunicação inter-auricular e a coarctação da aorta. A transposição completa dos grandes vasos e outras cardiopatias congénitas mais raras não fizeram parte de síndromes.
No presente trabalho são comparados dois estudos, ambos com a duração de nove anos, versando os casos de cardite e cardiopatia reumática observados no Serviço de Cardiologia Pediátrica do Hospital de Santa Marta, tendo o primeiro estudo decorrido de Outubro de 1969 a Setembro de 1978, e o segundo de Outubro de 1978 a Setembro de 1987. Dos 38 casos do segundo estudo, 26 tiveram o primeiro surto de febre reumática em Portugal, tendo a cardite surgido como manifestação isolada em 18 casos (69%), associada a poliartrite em 5 casos (20%), e associada a coreia em 3 casos (11%). A insuficiência mitral isolada foi a lesão valvular mais frequente (80%) e 84% das crianças tiveram apresentação clínica inicial na classe funcional I e II da classificação da NYHA. A adesão à profilaxia secundária da febre reumática foi de 78% num grupo de 18 crianças, com um seguimento em média de 2,7 anos, tendo-se modificado neste grupo os sinais de lesão da válvula mitral no sentido da melhoria. Os 12 casos referenciados dos países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa são analisados em separado. Comparativamente ao primeiro estudo, verificou-se um decréscimo de 12,5 para 2,3 casos/ano de cardite reumática, uma redução de mortalidade, assim como uma diferente apresentação clínica, no sentido de um diagnóstico mais precoce, dum predomínio actual de formas menos graves, e de uma maior adesão à profilaxia secundária.
A infecção pós-natal a citomegalovírus (CMV) nos recém-nascidos pré termos (RNPT) ou muito baixo peso (MBP) pode cursar com doença grave. Para avaliar a transmissão do CMV no leite materno, no RNPT ou MBP, a infecção e o prognóstico a longo prazo, efectuamos uma pesquisa online no motor de busca OVID (consultando a Pubmed, Medline e a Medscape) de Janeiro de 1982 a Agosto de 2011. Os estudos que incluíam a infecção congénita foram excluídos. Incluímos cerca de 30 estudos para análise. A taxa de infecção materna assintomática é elevada (média 81%) e a transmissão do CMV no LM varia entre 66-97,2% das mães CMV-IgC positivas com subsequente positividade nos RN entre 5.7 – 58.6%. Sendo as taxas de infecção sintomática (0-34,5%) e/ou de doença grave (0-13,8%) muito variáveis de estudo para estudo. A longo prazo pode cursar com perturbações do neurodesenvolvimento e morbilidade importantes, sem compromisso auditivo. Em relação à inactivação do CMV pode-se optar por pasteurizar ou congelar o LM, com eficácia/benefício/custo variável. As recomendações actuais são variáveis e pouco directivas, deixando nalguns casos ao critério individual.
The iatrogenic risk of HIV vertical transmission, calculated in initial epidemiologic studies, seemed to counterindicate invasive prenatal diagnosis (PND) procedures. The implementation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) represented a turning point in PND management, owing to a rapid and effective reduction of maternal viral load (VL). In the present study, we identified cases of vertical transmission in HIV-infected pregnant women who did amniocentesis in the second trimester of pregnancy (n = 27), from 1996 to 2011. We divided our sample into Group A--women under HAART when submitted to amniocentesis (n = 20) and Group B--women without antiretroviral therapy before amniocentesis (n = 7). We had 1 case of vertical transmission in Group B. Preconceptional or early first trimester HIV serology is essential to avoid performing an amniocentesis without antiretroviral therapy or viral suppression. When there is an indication for amniocentesis in an HIV-infected pregnant woman, it should be done if the patient is on HAART and, if possible, when VL is undetectable. Nowadays, with combined first trimester screening test to select pregnancies with high risk of aneuploidies, advanced maternal age is a less frequent indication to perform PND invasive procedures, representing an outstanding gain in prenatal diagnosis of this population.