983 resultados para P53 EXPRESSION


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Identification and characterization of p53 target genes would lead to a better understanding of p53 functions and p53-mediated signaling pathways. Two putative p53 binding sites were identified in the promoter of a gene encoding PTGF-β, a type β transforming growth factor (TGF-β) superfamily member. Gel shift assay showed that p53 bound to both sites. Luciferase-coupled transactivation assay revealed that the gene promoter was activated in a p53 dose- as well as p53 binding site-dependent manner by wild-type p53 but not by several p53 mutants. The p53 binding and transactivation of the PTGF-β promoter was enhanced by etoposide, a p53 activator, and was largely blocked by a dominant negative p53 mutant. Furthermore, expression of endogenous PTGF-β was remarkably induced by etoposide in p53-positive, but not in p53-negative, cell lines. Finally, the conditioned medium collected from PTGF-β-overexpressing cells, but not from the control cells, suppressed tumor cell growth. Growth suppression was not, however, seen in cells that lack functional TGF-β receptors or Smad4, suggesting that PTGF-β acts through the TGF-β signaling pathway. Thus, PTGF-β, a secretory protein, is a p53 target that could mediate p53-induced growth suppression in autocrinal as well as paracrinal fashions. The finding made a vertical connection between p53 and TGF-β signaling pathways in controlling cell growth and implied a potential important role of p53 in inflammation regulation via PTGF-β.


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In over 90% of cervical cancers and cancer-derived cell lines, the p53 tumor suppressor pathway is disrupted by human papillomavirus (HPV). The HPV E6 protein promotes the degradation of p53 and thus inhibits the stabilization and activation of p53 that would normally occur in response to HPV E7 oncogene expression. Restoration of p53 function in these cells by blocking this pathway should promote a selective therapeutic affect. Here we show that treatment with the small molecule nuclear export inhibitor, leptomycin B, and actinomycin D leads to the accumulation of transcriptionally active p53 in the nucleus of HeLa, CaSki, and SiHa cells. Northern blot analyses showed that both actinomycin D and leptomycin B reduced the amount of HPV E6-E7 mRNA whereas combined treatment with the drugs showed almost complete disappearance of the viral mRNA. The combined treatment activated p53-dependant transcription, and increases in both p21WAF1/CIP1 and Hdm2 mRNA were seen. The combined treatment resulted in apoptotic death in the cells, as evidenced by nuclear fragmentation and PARP-cleavage indicative of caspase 3 activity. These effects were greatly reduced by expressing a dominant negative p53 protein. The present study shows that small molecules can reactivate p53 in cervical carcinoma cells, and this reactivation is associated with an extensive biological response, including the induction of the apoptotic death of the cells.


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Activation of the tumor suppressor p53 by stress and damage stimuli often correlates with induction of stress kinases, Jun-NH2 kinase (JNK). As JNK association with p53 plays an important role in p53 stability, in the present study we have elucidated the relationship between the JNK-signaling pathway and p53 stability and activity. Expression of a constitutively active form of JNKK upstream kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (ΔMEKK1), increased the level of the exogenously transfected form of p53 in p53 null (10.1) cells as well as of endogenous p53 in MCF7 breast cancer cells. Increased p53 level by forced expression of ΔMEKK1 coincided with a decrease in p53 ubiquitination in vivo and with prolonged p53 half-life. Computerized modeling of the JNK-binding site (amino acids 97–116; p7 region) enabled us to design mutations of exposed residues within this region. Respective mutations (p53101-5-8) and deletion (p53Δp7) forms of p53 did not exhibit the same increase in p53 levels upon ΔMEKK1 expression. In vitro phosphorylation of p53 by JNK abolished Mdm2 binding and targeting of p53 ubiquitination. Similarly, ΔMEKK1 expression increased p53 phosphorylation by immunopurified JNK and dissociated p53–Mdm2 complexes. Transcriptional activity of p53, as measured via mdm2 promoter-driven luciferase, exhibited a substantial increase in ΔMEKK1-expressing cells. Cotransfection of p53 and ΔMEKK1 into p53 null cells potentiated p53-dependent apoptosis, suggesting that MEKK1 effectors contribute to the ability of p53 to mediate programmed cell death. Our results point to the role of MEKK1-JNK signaling in p53 stability, transcriptional activities, and apoptotic capacity as part of the cellular response to stress.


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The rat 3Y1 derivative cell lines, EId10 and EId23, established by introducing the adenovirus E1A12S, Id-1H, and Id-2H cDNAs linked to the hormone-inducible promoter, express these proteins upon treatment with dexamethasone and elicit apoptosis, although these cell lines express mutated p53. The E1A mutants containing a deletion in either the N terminus or the conserved region 1 were unable to induce apoptosis in cooperation with Ids. Western blot analysis of the immunoprecipitates prepared from the dexamethasone-treated EId10 cell extract showed that Id-2H preferentially binds to E1A and E2A (E12/E47) helix–loop–helix transcription factors in vivo, but scarcely to the retinoblastoma protein. After induction of E1A and Ids, EId10 and EId23 cells began to accumulate in S phase and undergo apoptosis before entering G2 phase, suggesting that abnormal synthesis of DNA induced by coexpression of E1A, Id-1H, and Id-2H results in the induction of apoptosis. Apoptosis also is induced in mouse A40 (p53−/−) cells by E1A alone or E1A plus Ids after transient transfection of the expression vectors. The induction of apoptosis is stimulated by coexpression with wild-type p53; however, apoptosis induced by E1A alone was suppressed completely by coexpression with mutated p53, whereas apoptosis induced by E1A plus Ids was stimulated by the mutated p53 as done by wild-type p53. These results suggest that the suppressive function of mutated p53 is overcome by Ids.


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Chemically induced skin carcinomas in mice are a paradigm for epithelial neoplasia, where oncogenic ras mutations precede p53 and INK4a/ARF mutations during the progression toward malignancy. To explore the biological basis for these genetic interactions, we studied cellular responses to oncogenic ras in primary murine keratinocytes. In wild-type keratinocytes, ras induced a cell-cycle arrest that displayed some features of terminal differentiation and was accompanied by increased expression of the p19ARF, p16INK4a, and p53 tumor suppressors. In ARF-null keratinocytes, ras was unable to promote cell-cycle arrest, induce differentiation markers, or properly activate p53. Although oncogenic ras produced a substantial increase in both nucleolar and nucleoplasmic p19ARF, Mdm2 did not relocalize to the nucleolus or to nuclear bodies but remained distributed throughout the nucleoplasm. This result suggests that p19ARF can activate p53 without overtly affecting Mdm2 subcellular localization. Nevertheless, like p53-null keratinocytes, ARF-null keratinocytes were transformed by oncogenic ras and rapidly formed carcinomas in vivo. Thus, oncogenic ras can activate the ARF-p53 program to suppress epithelial cell transformation. Disruption of this program may be important during skin carcinogenesis and the development of other carcinomas.


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We present a general method for rigorously identifying correlations between variations in large-scale molecular profiles and outcomes and apply it to chromosomal comparative genomic hybridization data from a set of 52 breast tumors. We identify two loci where copy number abnormalities are correlated with poor survival outcome (gain at 8q24 and loss at 9q13). We also identify a relationship between abnormalities at two loci and the mutational status of p53. Gain at 8q24 and loss at 5q15-5q21 are linked with mutant p53. The 9q and 5q losses suggest the possibility of gene products involved in breast cancer progression. The analytical techniques are general and also are applicable to the analysis of array-based expression data.


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We describe molecular and clinical findings in an immunocompetent patient with an oligoastrocytoma and the concomitant presence of the human papovavirus, JC virus (JCV), which is the etiologic agent of the subacute, debilitating demyelinating disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Histologic review revealed a glial neoplasm consisting primarily of a moderately cellular oligodendroglioma with distinct areas of a fibrillary astrocytoma. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed nuclear staining of tumor cells with antibodies against the viral oncoprotein [tumor antigen (T antigen)], the proliferation marker (Ki67), and the cellular proliferation regulator (p53). Using primers specific to the JCV control region, PCR yielded amplified DNA that was identical to the control region of the Mad-4 strain of the virus. PCR analysis demonstrated the presence of the genome for the viral oncoprotein, T antigen, and results from primer extension studies revealed synthesis of the viral early RNA for T antigen in the tumor tissues. The presence of viral T antigen in the tumor tissue was further demonstrated by immunoblot assay. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of JCV DNA, RNA, and T antigen in tissue in which viral T antigen is localized to tumor cell nuclei and suggests the possible association of JCV with some glial neoplasms.


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The p53 protein is an attractive target for immunotherapy, because mutations in the p53 gene are the most common genetic alterations found in human tumors. These mutations result in high levels of p53 protein in the tumor cell, whereas the expression level of wild-type p53 in nonmalignant tissue is usually much lower. Several canarypox virus recombinants expressing human or murine p53 in wild-type or mutant form were constructed. Immunization with these viruses protected BALB/c mice from a challenge with an isogenic and highly tumorigenic mouse fibroblast tumor cell line expressing high levels of mutant p53. The tumor protection was equally effective regardless of whether wild-type or mutant p53 was used for the immunization, indicating that the immunologic response was not dependent on any particular p53 mutation and that immunization with this live virus vaccine works effectively against mutant p53 protein expressed in a tumor cell. In tumors escaping immunologic rejection, the expression of the p53 protein was commonly down-regulated.


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We report the isolation of 10 differentially expressed cDNAs in the process of apoptosis induced by the p53 tamor suppressor. As a global analytical method, we performed a differential display of mRNA between mouse M1 myeloid leukemia cells and derived clone LTR6 cells, which contain a stably transfected temperature-sensitive mutant of p53. At 32 degrees C wild-type p53 function is activated in LTR6 cells, resulting in programmed cell death. Eight genes are activated (TSAP; tumor suppressor activated pathway), and two are inhibited (TSIP, tumor suppressor inhibited pathway) in their expression. None of the 10 sequences has hitherto been recognized as part of the p53 signaling pathway. Three TSAPs are homologous to known genes. TSAP1 corresponds to phospholipase C beta 4. TSAP2 has a conserved domain homologous to a multiple endocrine neoplasia I (ZFM1) candidate gene. TSAP3 is the mouse homologue of the Drosophila seven in absentia gene. These data provide novel molecules involved in the pathway of wild-type p53 activation. They establish a functional link between a homologue of a conserved developmental Drosophila gene and signal transduction in tumor suppression leading to programmed cell death.


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Thyroid hormone nuclear receptors (TRs) are ligand-dependent transcriptional factors that regulate growth, differentiation, and development. The molecular mechanisms by which TRs mediate these effects are unclear. One prevailing hypothesis suggests that TRs may cooperate with other transcriptional factors to mediate their biological effects. In this study, we tested this hypothesis by examining whether the activity of TRs is modulated by the tumor suppressor p53. p53 is a nuclear protein that regulates gene expression via sequence-specific DNA binding and/or direct protein-protein interaction. We found that the human TR subtype beta 1 (h-TR beta 1) physically interacted with p53 via its DNA binding domain. As a result of this physical interaction, binding of h-TR beta 1 to its hormone response elements either as homodimer or as a heterodimer with the retinoic X receptor was inhibited by p53 in a concentration-dependent manner. In transfected cells, wild-type p53 repressed the hormone-dependent transcriptional activation of h-TR beta 1. In contrast, mutant p53 either had no effect or activated the transcriptional activity of h-TR beta 1 depending on the type of hormone response elements. These results indicate the gene regulating activity of TRs was modulated by p53, suggesting that the cross talk between these two transcriptional factors may play an important role in the biology of normal and cancer cells.


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CD19 receptor is expressed at high levels on human B-lineage lymphoid cells and is physically associated with the Src protooncogene family protein-tyrosine kinase Lyn. Recent studies indicate that the membrane-associated CD19-Lyn receptor-enzyme complex plays a pivotal role for survival and clonogenicity of immature B-cell precursors from acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients, but its significance for mature B-lineage lymphoid cells (e.g., B-lineage lymphoma cells) is unknown. CD19-associated Lyn kinase can be selectively targeted and inhibited with B43-Gen, a CD19 receptor-specific immunoconjugate containing the naturally occurring protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein (Gen). We now present experimental evidence that targeting the membrane-associated CD19-Lyn complex in vitro with B43-Gen triggers rapid apoptotic cell death in highly radiation-resistant p53-Bax- Ramos-BT B-lineage lymphoma cells expressing high levels of Bcl-2 protein without affecting the Bcl-2 expression level. The therapeutic potential of this membrane-directed apoptosis induction strategy was examined in a scid mouse xenograft model of radiation-resistant high-grade human B-lineage lymphoma. Remarkably, in vivo treatment of scid mice challenged with an invariably fatal number of Ramos-BT cells with B43-Gen at a dose level < 1/10 the maximum tolerated dose resulted in 70% long-term event-free survival. Taken together, these results provide unprecedented evidence that the membrane-associated anti-apoptotic CD19-Lyn complex may be at least as important as Bcl-2/Bax ratio for survival of lymphoma cells.


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Myeloid leukemic M1 cells that do not express p53 and transfected M1 clones that constitutively express the [Val135]p53 mutant or deregulated c-myc or coexpressing both genes grew autonomously in culture with a similar growth rate and cloning efficiency. Expression of deregulated c-myc in M1 leukemic cells enhanced susceptibility to induction of apoptotic cell death and resulted in a reduced leukemogenicity when injected into isologous mice. Expression of the [Val135]p53 mutant did not change cell susceptibility to induction of apoptosis or leukemogenicity, but expression of this mutant p53 suppressed the effects of deregulated c-myc on these properties. The results indicate that the [Val135]p53 mutant can show a gain of function for susceptibility to apoptosis and leukemogenicity in leukemic cells with deregulated c-myc and, thus, enhance tumor development.


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The p53 tumor-suppressor protein binds DNA and activates the expression of a 21-kDa protein that inhibits both the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases and the function of proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Since p21 expression has been reported to increase 10- to 20-fold as human diploid fibroblasts lose the ability to replicate, we examined the expression and activity of p53 during replicative aging. Similar levels of total p53 mRNA and protein were expressed in low-passage (young) and high-passage (old) cells but both DNA binding activity in vitro and transcriptional activity of p53 in vivo were increased severalfold in high-passage cells. While the basis of increased p53 activity is presently unclear, it is not correlated with differential phosphorylation or changes in p53-mouse double minute 2 gene product interactions. These results provide evidence for the activation of a protein involved in the control of cell cycle checkpoints during cellular aging, in the absence of increased expression.


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Increased expression of wild-type p53 in response to DNA damage arrests cells late in the G1 stage of the cell cycle by stimulating the synthesis of inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases, such as p21/WAF1. To study the effects of p53 without the complication of DNA damage, we used tetracycline to regulate its expression in MDAH041 human fibroblasts that lack endogenous p53. When p53 is expressed at a level comparable to that induced by DNA damage in other cells, most MDAH041 cells arrested in G1, but a significant fraction also arrested in G2/M. Cells released from a mimosine block early in S phase stopped predominantly in G2/M in the presence of p53, confirming that p53 can mediate arrest at this stage, as well as in G1. In these cells, there was appreciable induction of p21/WAF1. MDAH041 cells arrested by tetracycline-regulated p53 for as long as 20 days resumed growth when the p53 level was lowered, in striking contrast to the irreversible arrest mediated by DNA damage. Therefore, irreversible arrest must involve processes other than or in addition to the interaction of p53-induced p21/WAF1 with G1 and G2 cyclin-dependent kinases.


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The T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain is instrumental in the progression of thymocyte differentiation from the CD4-CD8- to the CD4+CD8+ stage. This differentiation step may involve cell surface expression of novel CD3-TCR complexes. To facilitate biochemical characterization of these complexes, we established cell lines from thymic lymphomas originating from mice carrying a mutation in the p53 gene on the one hand and a mutation in TCR-alpha, TCR-beta, or the recombination activating gene 1 (RAG-1) on the other hand. The cell lines were CD4+CD8+ and appeared to be monoclonal. A cell line derived from a RAG-1 x p53 double mutant thymic lymphoma expressed low levels of CD3-epsilon, -gamma, and -delta on the surface. TCR-alpha x p53 double mutant cell lines were found to express complexes consisting of TCR-beta chains associated with CD3-epsilon, -gamma, and -delta chains and CD3-zeta zeta dimers. These lines will be useful tools to study the molecular structure and signal transducing properties of partial CD3-TCR complexes expressed on the surface of immature thymocytes.