949 resultados para Outpatient Psychiatry
The new classification system of uterine anomalies from the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy defines T-shaped and tubular-shaped infantilis uteri as 'dysmorphic'. Such malformations have been proven to be associated with poor reproductive performance. A prospective observational study was conducted with 30 infertile women with dysmorphic uterus who underwent the novel Hysteroscopic Outpatient Metroplasty to Expand Dysmorphic Uteri (HOME-DU ) technique. Incisions are made on the uterine walls with a 5 Fr bipolar electrode. The procedure was conducted in outpatients under conscious sedation, using a 5-mm office hysteroscope. The technique was successful in all cases without complications. A net increase of uterine volume was found, as measured at hysteroscopy and three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound (P < 0.001). Uterine morphology improved in all patients but one. At mean follow-up of 15 months, clinical pregnancy rate was 57% and term delivery rate 65%. These early data support HOME-DU as safe and effective in expanding the volume and normalizing the appearance of the uterine cavity of dysmorphic uteri. Although the cohort was small, pregnancy and live births outcomes were favourable in this poor-prognosis group, implying desirable benefits, which should be compared with other techniques.
Objective: The authors quantified nonverbal synchrony—the coordination of patient's and therapist's movement—in a random sample of same-sex psychotherapy dyads. The authors contrasted nonverbal synchrony in these dyads with a control condition and assessed its association with session-level and overall psychotherapy outcome. Method: Using an automated objective video analysis algorithm (Motion Energy Analysis; MEA), the authors calculated nonverbal synchrony in (n = 104) videotaped psychotherapy sessions from 70 Caucasian patients (37 women, 33 men, mean age = 36.5 years, SD = 10.2) treated at an outpatient psychotherapy clinic. The sample was randomly drawn from an archive (N = 301) of routinely videotaped psychotherapies. Patients and their therapists assessed session impact with self-report postsession questionnaires. A battery of pre- and postsymptomatology questionnaires measured therapy effectiveness. Results: The authors found that nonverbal synchrony is higher in genuine interactions contrasted with pseudointeractions (a control condition generated by a specifically designed shuffling procedure). Furthermore, nonverbal synchrony is associated with session-level process as well as therapy outcome: It is increased in sessions rated by patients as manifesting high relationship quality and in patients experiencing high self-efficacy. Higher nonverbal synchrony characterized psychotherapies with higher symptom reduction. Conclusions: The results suggest that nonverbal synchrony embodies the patients' self-reported quality of the relationship and further variables of therapy process. This hitherto overlooked facet of therapeutic relationships might prove useful as an indicator of therapy progress and outcome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved)
The prevalence of sleep difficulties among the patients seen in the primary care settings is about 30%. This problem increases with age and is more common among females than males. Variations are noticed in prescription choices for different patients with sleep difficulties. Many factors affect a physician's prescription decision while chosen from a wide array of available medications. Both pharmacological and behavioral therapies are available for the treatment of sleep difficulties. It is important to know the impact of use of different types of prescriptions on health outcomes related to sleep difficulties. Thus the knowledge of prescription patterns among different types of patients (e.g. age, gender, race, insurance type etc.) becomes important for determining a clinical guideline. This study is designed to assist in evidence-based policymaking on understanding the variations in physician prescriptions for sleep difficulties and reasons for such variations. ^ A modified version of the model suggested by Eisenberg was used as a theoretical framework for this study to predict the factors influencing treatment of sleep difficulties. Multivariate logistic regression methods were used to analyze the 1996–2001 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey data. ^ This study found that increased age, female gender, white race, established patients, and mental comorbidity were associated with significantly increased likelihood for prescription of some type of therapy for sleep difficulties in US outpatient settings. Patients with private insurance were associated with lower likelihood of receipt of many therapies. Psychiatrists were more likely to prescribe some kind of treatment as well as more expensive therapies for sleep difficulty as compared to other physician specialties. HMO enrolled patient visits were more likely to be associated with receipt of behavioral therapy. This study also found that 32% of patients with sleep difficulties received no type of therapy during their visits. Only 5% of the patients received behavioral therapy only. Almost three-quarters of the patients receiving some kind of medication prescription were prescribed benzodiazepines. The study results also suggest a need for wider coverage of behavioral therapy by payers in US outpatient settings. ^
Effective strategies for patient follow-up compliance in family practice are essential for the prevention and early detection of disease with the consequences of decreasing morbidity and mortality. With effective appointment reminder systems in place, physicians can better manage the overall health of their patients by providing preventive care as well. This literature review examines intervention strategies used by the authors, the compliance rate of appointment adherence using these techniques, as well as theories relating to study outcomes. The findings of this study may be used as an educational tool by practices to suggest which intervention strategies might be the most effective for their clinic.^
Somatization Disorder is a rare psychological condition that affects approximately 2% of women and 0.2% of men in the United States. This archival study was undertaken to develop base rates for the prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder among a group of outpatients previously diagnosed with Somatization Disorder in a community mental health clinic. The Shedler Quick PsychoDiagnostics Panel (QPD Panel) was utilized to sort patients into a Somatization Disorder and control group. A 2 x 2 Pearson's Chi-Square Test of Independence was utilized. In this study, 44% of patients who were identified as having Somatization Disorder were also diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. The implications for these results are discussed herein.
Although initially conceived as providing simply the preventive portion of an extended continuum of care for veterans, the Driving Under the Influence (DUI) program has turned out to be an important outreach service for active duty or recently discharged OEF/OIF (Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom) veterans. Veterans receive empirically-based, state-mandated education and therapy under the only Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) - sponsored DUI program in the State of Colorado, with the advantage of having providers who are sensitive to symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other relevant diagnoses specific to this population, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). In this paper, the rapid growth of this program is described, as well as summary data regarding the completion, discontinuation, and augmentation of services from the original referral concern. Key results indicated that for nearly one third (31.9%) of the OEF/OIF veterans who were enrolled in the DUI program, this was their initial contact with the VA health care system. Furthermore, following their enrollment in the DUI program, more than one fourth (27.6%) were later referred to and attended other VA programs including PTSD rehabilitation and group therapy, anger management, and intensive inpatient or outpatient dual diagnosis programs. These and other findings from this study suggest that the DUI program may be an effective additional pathway for providing treatment that is particularly salient to the distinctive OEF/OIF population; one that may also result in earlier intervention for problem drinking and other problems related to combat. Relevant conclusions discussed herein primarily aim to improve providers' understanding of effective outreach, and to enhance the appropriate linkages between OEF/OIF veterans and existing VA services.
Eating disorders present a significant physical and psychological problem with a prevalence rate of approximately six percent in the United States. Despite the extensive literature, identifying the consistent risk factors for predicting the course of treatment in eating disorders remains difficult. The present study explores the use of a standardized assessment, using the consistently validated Eating Disorder Inventory-III (EDI-3), in predicting treatment outcome. Specifically, the study investigates the particular scale of Maturity Fears (MF) on the EDI-3, hypothesizing that higher scores on the MF scale would predict lower rates of recovery and treatment completion. The participants were 52 eating disorder patients (19 AN, 18 BN, and 15 EDNOS), consecutively admitted to a five-month long intensive outpatient program (IOP). The participants completed an EDI-3 self-report at pre and post treatment, and their score on the MF scale did not show a significant predictive relationship to treatment completion or change in symptoms, as measured by the Eating Disorder Risk Composite (EDRC) scale on the EDI-3. This finding primarily suggests that maturity fears are not a significant predictive factor in an outpatient setting with adults, as compared to previous studies that found a relationship between maturity fears and treatment outcome, primarily with adolescent and inpatient populations.
Background: Nicotine use has been reported to ameliorate symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, adults with ADHD have a relatively high prevalence of cigarette smoking and greater difficulty abstaining from smoking. Overall, though, there is scant literature investigating the beliefs, perceptions and experiences of smokers with ADHD regarding smoking cessation and withdrawal. Methods: Our participants (n = 20) fulfilling criteria for ADHD and a past or current dependence from nicotine were recruited from the in- and outpatient clinic of the Zurich University Psychiatric Hospital and the Psychiatric Services Aargau (Switzerland). We conducted in-depth interviews to explore their motivations to quit, past experiences with and expectations about quitting using a purposeful sampling plan. The sample was selected to provide diversity in relation to level of nicotine dependence, participation in a smoking-cessation program, gender, age, martial status and social class. Mayring’s qualitative content analysis approach was used to evaluate findings. Results: Adult smokers with ADHD had made several attempts to quit, experienced intense withdrawal symptoms, and relapsed early and often. They also often perceived a worsening of ADHD symptoms with nicotine abstinence. We identified three motives to quit smoking: 1) health concerns, 2) the feeling of being addicted, and 3) social factors. Most participants favored a smoking cessation program specifically designed for individuals with ADHD because they thought ADHD complicated their nicotine withdrawal and that an ADHD-specific smoking cessation program should address specific symptoms of this disorder. Conclusions: Since treatment initiation and adherence associate closely with perception, we hope these findings will result in better cessation interventions for the vulnerable subgroup of smokers with ADHD. Keywords: ADHD, Nicotine, Withdrawal, Subjective, Qualitative, Narrative