967 resultados para Oscillatory Marangoni-Convection
En la presente Tesis se realizó un análisis numérico, usando el código comercial Ansys-Fluent, de la refrigeración de una bola de combustible de un reactor de lecho de bolas (PBR, por sus siglas en inglés), ante un escenario de emergencia en el cual el núcleo sea desensamblado y las bolas se dejen caer en una piscina de agua, donde el mecanismo de transferencia de calor inicialmente sería la ebullición en película, implicando la convección y la radiación al fluido. Previamente se realizaron pruebas de validación, comparando los resultados numéricos con datos experimentales disponibles en la literatura para tres geometrías diferentes, lo cual permitió seleccionar los esquemas y modelos numéricos con mejor precisión y menor costo computacional. Una vez identificada la metodología numérica, todas las pruebas de validación fueron ampliamente satisfactorias, encontrándose muy buena concordancia en el flujo de calor promedio con los datos experimentales. Durante estas pruebas de validación se lograron caracterizar numéricamente algunos parámetros importantes en la ebullición en película con los cuales existen ciertos niveles de incertidumbre, como son el factor de acoplamiento entre convección y radiación, y el factor de corrección del calor latente de vaporización. El análisis térmico de la refrigeración de la bola del reactor por ebullición en película mostró que la misma se enfría, a pesar del calor de decaimiento, con una temperatura superficial de la bola que desciende de forma oscilatoria, debido al comportamiento inestable de la película de vapor. Sin embargo, la temperatura de esta superficie tiene una buena uniformidad, notándose que las áreas mejor y peor refrigeradas están localizadas en la parte superior de la bola. Se observó la formación de múltiples domos de vapor en diferentes posiciones circunferenciales, lo cual causa que el área más caliente de la superficie se localice donde se forman los domos más grandes. La separación entre los domos de vapor fue consistente con la teoría hidrodinámica, con la adición de que la separación entre domos se reduce a medida que evolucionan y crecen, debido a la curvatura de la superficie. ABSTRACT A numerical cooling analysis of a PBR fuel pebble, after an emergency scenario in which the nucleus disassembly is made and the pebbles are dropped into a water pool, transmitting heat by film boiling, involving convection and radiation to the fluid, is carried out in this Thesis. First, were performed validation tests comparing the numerical results with experimental works available for three different geometries, which allowed the selection of numerical models and schemes with better precision and lower computational cost. Once identified the numerical methodology, all validation tests were widely satisfactory, finding very good agreement with experimental works in average heat flux. During these validation tests were achieved numerically characterize some important parameters in film boiling with which there are certain levels of uncertainty, such as the coupling factor between convection and radiation, and the correction factor of the latent heat of vaporization. The thermal analysis of pebble cooling by film boiling shows that despite its decay heat, cooling occurs, with pebble surface temperature descending from an oscillatory manner, due to the instability of the vapor film. However, the temperature of this surface has a good uniformity, noting that the best and worst refrigerated area is located at the top of the pebble. The formation of multiple vapor domes at different circumferential positions is observed, which cause that the hottest area of the surface was located where biggest vapor domes were formed. The separation between vapor domes was consistent with the hydrodynamic theory, with the addition that the separation is reduced as the vapor dome evolves and grows, due to the surface curvature.
We present and analyze a subgrid viscosity Lagrange-Galerk in method that combines the subgrid eddy viscosity method proposed in W. Layton, A connection between subgrid scale eddy viscosity and mixed methods. Appl. Math. Comp., 133: 14 7-157, 2002, and a conventional Lagrange-Galerkin method in the framework of P1⊕ cubic bubble finite elements. This results in an efficient and easy to implement stabilized method for convection dominated convection diffusion reaction problems. Numerical experiments support the numerical analysis results and show that the new method is more accurate than the conventional Lagrange-Galerkin one.
To enhance their mechanical sensitivity and frequency selectivity, hair cells amplify the mechanical stimuli to which they respond. Although cell-body contractions of outer hair cells are thought to mediate the active process in the mammalian cochlea, vertebrates without outer hair cells display highly sensitive, sharply tuned hearing and spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. In these animals the amplifier must reside elsewhere. We report physiological evidence that amplification can stem from active movement of the hair bundle, the hair cell’s mechanosensitive organelle. We performed experiments on hair cells from the sacculus of the bullfrog. Using a two-compartment recording chamber that permits exposure of the hair cell’s apical and basolateral surfaces to different solutions, we examined active hair-bundle motion in circumstances similar to those in vivo. When the apical surface was bathed in artificial endolymph, many hair bundles exhibited spontaneous oscillations of amplitudes as great as 50 nm and frequencies in the range 5 to 40 Hz. We stimulated hair bundles with a flexible glass probe and recorded their mechanical responses with a photometric system. When the stimulus frequency lay within a band enclosing a hair cell’s frequency of spontaneous oscillation, mechanical stimuli as small as ±5 nm entrained the hair-bundle oscillations. For small stimuli, the bundle movement was larger than the stimulus. Because the energy dissipated by viscous drag exceeded the work provided by the stimulus probe, the hair bundles powered their motion and therefore amplified it.
In subjects suffering from early onset strabismus, signals conveyed by the two eyes are not perceived simultaneously but in alternation. We exploited this phenomenon of interocular suppression to investigate the neuronal correlate of binocular rivalry in primary visual cortex of awake strabismic cats. Monocularly presented stimuli that were readily perceived by the animal evoked synchronized discharges with an oscillatory patterning in the γ-frequency range. Upon dichoptic stimulation, neurons responding to the stimulus that continued to be perceived increased the synchronicity and the regularity of their oscillatory patterning while the reverse was true for neurons responding to the stimulus that was no longer perceived. These differential changes were not associated with modifications of discharge rate, suggesting that at early stages of visual processing the degree of synchronicity rather than the amplitude of responses determines which signals are perceived and control behavioral responses.
An experimental study is described of convection driven by thermal buoyancy in the annular gap between two corotating coaxial cylinders, heated from the outside and cooled from the inside. Steady convection patterns of the hexaroll and of the knot type are observed in the case of high Prandtl number fluids, for which the Coriolis force is sufficiently small. Oblique rolls and phase turbulence in the form of irregular patterns of convection can also be observed in wide regions of the parameter space.
A “most probable state” equilibrium statistical theory for random distributions of hetons in a closed basin is developed here in the context of two-layer quasigeostrophic models for the spreading phase of open-ocean convection. The theory depends only on bulk conserved quantities such as energy, circulation, and the range of values of potential vorticity in each layer. The simplest theory is formulated for a uniform cooling event over the entire basin that triggers a homogeneous random distribution of convective towers. For a small Rossby deformation radius typical for open-ocean convection sites, the most probable states that arise from this theory strongly resemble the saturated baroclinic states of the spreading phase of convection, with a stabilizing barotropic rim current and localized temperature anomaly.
Lateral cyclic loaded structures in granular soils can lead to an accumulation of irreversible strains by changing their mechanical response (densification) and forming a closed convective cell in the upper layer of the bedding. In the present thesis the convective cell dimension, formation and grain migration inside this closed volume have been studied and presented in relation to structural stiffness and different loads. This relation was experimentally investigated by applying a cyclic lateral force to a scaled flexible vertical element embedded in dry granular soil. The model was monitored with a camera in order to derive the displacement field by means of the PIV technique. Modelling large soil deformation turns out to be difficult, using mesh-based methods. Consequently, a mesh-free approach (DEM) was chosen in order to investigate the granular flow with the aim of extracting interesting micromechanical information. In both the numerical and experimental analyses the effect of different loading magnitudes and different dimensions of the vertical element were considered. The main results regarded the different development, shape and dimensions of the convection cell and the surface settlements. Moreover, the Discrete Element Method has proven to give satisfactory results in the modelling of large deformation phenomena such as the ratcheting convective cell.
"February 1977."
Includes abstract.
Bibliography: p. 27-28.
"Supported in part by the Department of Energy under contract ENERGY/EY-76-S-02-2383, and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Graduate College for the degree of doctor of philosophy."
"Presented at the Differential Equation Workshop, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (Zif), University of Bielefeld, West Germany, April 21, 1980."
"June 1969."