929 resultados para Occupational medicine


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Objective To test a conceptual model linking parental physical activity orientations, parental support for physical activity, and children's self-efficacy perceptions with physical activity participation. Participants and setting The sample consisted of 380 students in grades 7 through 12 (mean age, 14.0±1.6 years) and their parents. Data collection took place during the fall of 1996. Main outcome measures Parents completed a questionnaire assessing their physical activity habits, enjoyment of physical activity, beliefs regarding the importance of physical activity, and supportive behaviors for their child's physical activity. Students completed a 46-item inventory assessing physical activity during the previous 7 days and a 5-item physical activity self-efficacy scale. The model was tested via observed variable path analysis using structural equation modeling techniques (AMOS 4.0). Results An initial model, in which parent physical activity orientations predicted child physical activity via parental support and child self-efficacy, did not provide an acceptable fit to the data. Inclusion of a direct path from parental support to child physical activity and deletion of a nonsignificant path from parental physical activity to child physical activity significantly improved model fit. Standardized path coefficients for the revised model ranged from 0.17 to 0.24, and all were significant at the p<0.0001 level. Conclusions Parental support was an important correlate of youth physical activity, acting directly or indirectly through its influence on self-efficacy. Physical activity interventions targeted at youth should include and evaluate the efficacy of individual-level and community-level strategies to increase parents’ capacity to provide instrumental and motivational support for their children's physical activity.


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This study explored how the social context influences the stress-buffering effects of social support on employee adjustment. It was anticipated that the positive relationship between support from colleagues and employee adjustment would be more marked for those strongly identifying with their work team. Furthermore, as part of a three-way interactive effect, it was predicted that high identification would increase the efficacy of coworker support as a buffer of two role stressors (role overload and role ambiguity). One hundred and 55 employees recruited from first-year psychology courses enrolled at two Australian universities were surveyed. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that the negative main effect of role ambiguity on job satisfaction was significant for those employees with low levels of team identification, whereas high team identifiers were buffered from the deleterious effect of role ambiguity on job satisfaction. There also was a significant interaction between coworker support and team identification. The positive effect of coworker support on job satisfaction was significant for high team identifiers, whereas coworker support was not a source of satisfaction for those employees with low levels of team identification. A three-way interaction emerged among the focal variables in the prediction of psychological well-being, suggesting that the combined benefits of coworker support and team identification under conditions of high demand may be limited and are more likely to be observed when demands are low.


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Objectives This study explored the criterion-related validity and test-retest reliability of the modified RESIDential Environment physical activity questionnaire and whether the instrument's validity varied by body mass index, education, race/ethnicity, or employment status. Design Validation study using baseline data collected for randomized trial of a weight loss intervention. Methods Participants recruited from health departments wore an ActiGraph accelerometer and self-reported non-occupational walking, moderate and vigorous physical activity on the modified RESIDential Environment questionnaire. We assessed validity (n = 152) using Spearman correlation coefficients, and reliability (n = 57) using intraclass correlation coefficients. Results When compared to steps, moderate physical activity, and bouts of moderate/vigorous physical activity measured by accelerometer, these questionnaire measures showed fair evidence for validity: recreational walking (Spearman correlation coefficients 0.23–0.36), total walking (Spearman correlation coefficients 0.24–0.37), and total moderate physical activity (Spearman correlation coefficients 0.18–0.36). Correlations for self-reported walking and moderate physical activity were higher among unemployed participants and women with lower body mass indices. Generally no other variability in the validity of the instrument was found. Evidence for reliability of RESIDential Environment measures of recreational walking, total walking, and total moderate physical activity was substantial (intraclass correlation coefficients 0.56–0.68). Conclusions Evidence for questionnaire validity and reliability varied by activity domain and was strongest for walking measures. The questionnaire may capture physical activity less accurately among women with higher body mass indices and employed participants. Capturing occupational activity, specifically walking at work, may improve questionnaire validity.


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In this chapter, the occupational stress process and implications for the management of occupational health and safety in organisations are discussed. The chapter begins by introducing occupational stress as a process by which stressors (e.g. time pressure) result in strains (e.g. ill health). The consequences of stress, to both the individual and the organisation are discussed, and several key sources of occupational stress are also described. Theories of occupational stress that attempt to explain how stressors lead to strain and also describe different job resources (e.g. autonomy, support, and security) that can alleviate the detrimental effects of occupational stressors are then presented. The management of occupational stress at both the individual and organisational levels is also discussed. In the subsequent section, work-life balance and various ways work impacts on life and vice versa are described. The management of work-life conflict and the effectiveness of initiatives designed to address imbalance between work and life are then discussed. Finally, occupational health and safety is described with a particular focus on primary prevention as well as the legislative frameworks that guide psychosocial risk management in Australian organisations.


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"Combining facets of health physics with medicine, An Introduction to Radiation Protection in Medicine covers the background of the subject and the medical situations where radiation is the tool to diagnose or treat human disease. Encouraging newcomers to the field to properly and efficiently function in a versatile and evolving work setting, it familiarizes them with the particular problems faced during the application of ionizing radiation in medicine. The text builds a fundamental knowledge base before providing practical descriptions of radiation safety in medicine. It covers basic issues related to radiation protection, including the physical science behind radiation protection and the radiobiological basis of radiation protection. The text also presents operational and managerial tools for organizing radiation safety in a medical workplace. Subsequent chapters form the core of the book, focusing on the practice of radiation protection in different medical disciplines. They explore a range of individual uses of ionizing radiation in various branches of medicine, including radiology, nuclear medicine, external beam radiotherapy, and brachytherapy. With contributions from experienced practicing physicists, this book provides essential information about dealing with radiation safety in the rapidly shifting and diverse environment of medicine."--publisher website


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Australian surveys have found that only 43% of women meet the current recommendation for regular moderate physical activity, and that women who are mothers of young children are even less likely to be adequately active for health benefit. These women spend a significant proportion of their day in occupational, household and care-giving activities, which may not be ‘captured’ in conventional physical activity surveys. The purpose of this study was to compare physical activity in young mothers and age-matched controls using three different measures of physical activity. 35 women (16 mothers of young children, M) and 19 age-matched comparison women (NM) completed a survey which asked about walking to and from places, and about moderate and vigorous activity in leisure time and at work (paid and unpaid). They also kept a detailed diary of all their activities for two week-days and two week-end days, and wore a pedometer (Yamax digiwalker) on these days. Each activity in the diary was assigned an energy expenditure (EE) score based on it's intensity (Compendium of Physical Activity) and time spent in that activity. There were no differences between M and NM for pedometer steps (M: 9270 sd 2947; NM: 9768 sd 3051) or for daily energy expenditure (EE) calculated from the diaries (M: 2029 sd 189; NM: 2015 sd 169 METS.mins) or survey (M: 2079 sd 448; NM: 1495 sd 325). There was a significant correlation between pedometer steps and daily METs.mins estimated from the diaries (r = 0.35, p = 0.04); however no relationship was observed between pedometer steps and EE from the survey (r = .09, p = .56). Further analysis of the individual survey items found pedometer steps to be related to EE from walking to and from places (r = .34) and leisure time (r = .31), but not work related activity (r = -.08). There were no significant relationships between EE computed from the diaries and any of the survey questions. The three activity measures indicate that the physical activity levels of the young mothers in our sample were comparable to age-matched non-mothers. The results of the correlation analyses highlight the difficulty of assessing low-intensity work-related physical activity via self-report. Supported by Australian Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care.


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As the proportion of older employees in the workforce is growing, researchers have become increasingly interested in the association between age and occupational well-being. The curvilinear nature of relationships between age and job satisfaction and between age and emotional exhaustion is well-established in the literature, with employees in their late 20s to early 40s generally reporting lower levels of occupational well-being than younger and older employees. However, the mechanisms underlying these curvilinear relationships are so far not well understood due to a lack of studies testing mediation effects. Based on an integration of role theory and research from the adult development and career literatures, this study examined time pressure, work–home conflict, and coworker support as mediators of the relationships between age and job satisfaction and between age and emotional exhaustion. Data came from 771 employees between 17 and 74 years of age in the construction industry. Results showed that employees in their late 20s to early 40s had lower job satisfaction and higher emotional exhaustion than younger and older employees. Time pressure and coworker support fully mediated both the U-shaped relationship between age and job satisfaction and the inversely U-shaped relationship between age and emotional exhaustion. These findings suggest that organizational interventions may help increase the relatively low levels of occupational well-being in certain age groups.


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Objectives This systematic review summarizes the literature on the health effects of wellness programs at police and firefighter workplaces. The review also considers process outcomes and economic evaluations of such programs. Methods A systematic search of articles published from January 1, 2000 through September 1, 2012 in 13 databases was conducted. Data on 7 studies from 9 articles were extracted. An assessment of the methodological quality of the studies was conducted. Results Studies showed acceptable completion rates and high satisfaction with programs, but mixed results for changes in individual outcomes. Conclusion Empirical evidence for effective health and wellness programs in police and firefighter populations is scarce. Better evaluation and documentation of such programs is needed to advance this field of research.


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Nanoparticles and low-temperature plasmas have been developed, independently and often along different routes, to tackle the same set of challenges in biomedicine. There are intriguing similarities and contrasts in their interactions with cells and living tissues, and these are reflected directly in the characteristics and scope of their intended therapeutic solutions, in particular their chemical reactivity, selectivity against pathogens and cancer cells, safety to healthy cells and tissues and targeted delivery to diseased tissues. Time has come to ask the inevitable question of possible plasma–nanoparticle synergy and the related benefits to the development of effective, selective and safe therapies for modern medicine. This perspective paper offers a detailed review of the strengths and weakenesses of nanomedicine and plasma medicine as a stand-alone technology, and then provides a critical analysis of some of the major opportunities enabled by synergizing nanotechnology and plasma technology. It is shown that the plasma–nanoparticle synergy is best captured through plasma nanotechnology and its benefits for medicine are highly promising.


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Background Prescription medicine samples provided by pharmaceutical companies are predominantly newer and more expensive products. The range of samples provided to practices may not represent the drugs that the doctors desire to have available. Few studies have used a qualitative design to explore the reasons behind sample use. Objective The aim of this study was to explore the opinions of a variety of Australian key informants about prescription medicine samples, using a qualitative methodology. Methods Twenty-three organizations involved in quality use of medicines in Australia were identified, based on the authors' previous knowledge. Each organization was invited to nominate 1 or 2 representatives to participate in semistructured interviews utilizing seeding questions. Each interview was recorded and transcribed verbatim. Leximancer v2.25 text analysis software (Leximancer Pty Ltd., Jindalee, Queensland, Australia) was used for textual analysis. The top 10 concepts from each analysis group were interrogated back to the original transcript text to determine the main emergent opinions. Results A total of 18 key interviewees representing 16 organizations participated. Samples, patient, doctor, and medicines were the major concepts among general opinions about samples. The concept drug became more frequent and the concept companies appeared when marketing issues were discussed. The Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and cost were more prevalent in discussions about alternative sample distribution models, indicating interviewees were cognizant of budgetary implications. Key interviewee opinions added richness to the single-word concepts extracted by Leximancer. Conclusions Participants recognized that prescription medicine samples have an influence on quality use of medicines and play a role in the marketing of medicines. They also believed that alternative distribution systems for samples could provide benefits. The cost of a noncommercial system for distributing samples or starter packs was a concern. These data will be used to design further research investigating alternative models for distribution of samples.


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Prescription medicine samples (or starter packs) are provided by pharmaceutical manufacturers to prescribing doctors as one component in the suite of marketing products used to convince them to prescribe a particular medicine [1,2]. Samples are generally newer, more expensive treatment options still covered by patent [3,4]. Safe, effective, judicious and appropriate medicine use (quality use of medicines) [5] could be enhanced by involving community pharmacists in the dispensing of starter packs. Doctors who use samples show a trend towards prescribing more expensive medicines overall [6] and also prescribe more medicines [7]. Cardiovascular health and mental health are Australian National Health Priority Areas [8] and account for approximately 30% and 17%, respectively, of annual government Pharmaceutical Benefits System (PBS) in 2006 [9]. The PBS is Australia's universal prescription subsidy scheme [9]. Antihypertensives were a major contributor to the estimated 80 000 medicine-related hospital admissions in Australia in 1999 [10] and also internationally [11,12]. The aim of this study was to pilot an alternative model for supply of free sample or starter packs of prescription medicines and ascertain if it is a viable model in daily practice.