383 resultados para ONTOGENY


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento em Pesquisa (CNPq)


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Adolescence has been proposed as an ontogenic period of vulnerability to stress. Nevertheless, the impact of stressful events during adolescence in cardiovascular activity is poorly understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the immediate and long-lasting effects of exposure to stressful events during adolescence in cardiovascular function of rats. To this end, we compared the impact of 10-days exposure to two chronic stress protocols: the repeated restraint stress (RRS, homotypic) and chronic variable stress (CVS, heterotypic). Independent groups of animals were tested 24 h (immediate) or three weeks (long-lasting) following completion of stress period. Exposure to CVS, but not RRS, during adolescence increased basal HR values without affecting arterial pressure, which was followed by augmented power of oscillatory component at low frequency (sympathetic-related) of the pulse interval (PI). RRS enhanced variance of the PI with an increase in the power of both low and high (parasympathetic-related) frequency components. RRS also increased the baroreflex gain. Neither RRS nor CVS affected systolic arterial pressure variability. The RRS-evoked changes in PI variability were long-lasting and persisted into adulthood while all alterations evoked by the CVS were reversed in adulthood. These findings indicate a stress type-specific influence in immediate and long-term effects of stress during adolescence in cardiovascular function. While immediate changes in cardiovascular function were mainly observed following CVS, long-lasting autonomic consequences in adulthood were observed only in animals exposed to RRS during adolescence.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Betta splendens is a very important ornamental species. The current paper describes the embryonic and larval development of B. splendens under stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Eggs and larvae from natural spawning were collected at different developmental stages at previously established intervals and analysed. The eggs of B. splendens are yellowish, clear, spherical, demersal, translucent and telolecithal with a large amount of yolk. Between 0-2 h post-initial collection (hpIC), the eggs were at the egg cell, first cleavage and morula stages. The blastula stage was identified at 2-3 hpIC and the early gastrula phase was observed at 3-4 hpIC with 20% epiboly, which was finalized after 13-18 hpIC. When the pre-larvae were ready to hatch, the appearance of somites and the free tail were observed, at 23-25 hpIC. At 29 hpIC, the majority of larvae had already hatched at an average temperature of 28.4 +/- 0.2 degrees C. The newly hatched larvae measured 2.47 +/- 0.044 mm total length. The mouth opened at 23 h post-hatching (hPH) and the yolk sac was totally absorbed at 73 hPH. After 156 hPH, the heart was pumping blood throughout the entire larval body. The caudal fin, operculum and eyes were well developed at 264 hPH. When metamorphosis was complete at 768 hPH, the larvae became juveniles. The current study presents the first results about early development of B. splendens and provides relevant information for its reproduction, rearing and biology.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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It has been demonstrated that disruption of social bonds and perceived isolation (loneliness) are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Adolescence is proposed as a period of vulnerability to stress. Nevertheless, the impact of chronic social stress during this ontogenic period in cardiovascular function is poorly understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the impact in cardiovascular function of social isolation for 3 weeks in adolescent and adult male rats. Also, the long-term effects of social isolation during adolescence were investigated longitudinally. Social isolation reduced body weight in adolescent, but not in adult animals. Disruption of social bonds during adolescence increased arterial pressure without affecting heart rate and pulse pressure (PP). Nevertheless, social isolation in adulthood reduced systolic arterial pressure and increased diastolic arterial pressure, which in turn decreased PP without affecting mean arterial pressure. Cardiovascular changes in adolescents, but not adults, were followed by facilitation of both baroreflex sensitivity and vascular reactivity to the vasodilator agent acetylcholine. Vascular responsiveness to either the vasodilator agent sodium nitroprusside or the vasoconstrictor agent phenylephrine was not affected by social isolation. Except for the changes in body weight and baroreflex sensitivity, all alterations evoked by social isolation during adolescence were reversed in adulthood after moving animals from isolated to collective housing. These findings suggest a vulnerability of adolescents to the effects of chronic social isolation in cardiovascular function. However, results indicate minimal cardiovascular consequences in adulthood of disruption of social bonds during adolescence. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2015.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The relationship between energy reserves of the penaeid shrimp Penaeus vannamei and Baculovirus penaei, or BP, were investigated in a series of experiments using mysis stage or early postlarval shrimp. Pre-exposure and post-exposure levels of protein and triacylgycerol (TAG) were determined. The effect of pre-exposure protein and TAG levels on susceptibility to BP infections was also investigated by starving a group of shrimp immediately prior to BP exposure. There was no consistent relationship between either pre-exposure or post-exposure protein levels and the percent of shrimp developing patent BP infections. There was, however, a significant positive correlation between TAG levels immediately prior to viral exposure and prevalence of infection 72 h later. Experimental reduction of TAG reserves prior to BP exposure delayed the development of a patent infection. In some, but not all, experiments there was a significant reduction in TAG levels of infected compared with uninfected shrimp 72 h post-exposure. The effect of patent BP infections on host TAG levels was subordinate to fluctuations in TAG content associated with the ontogeny of the hepatopancreas. Results of this study support histological observations that shrimp lipid levels can be altered by baculovirus infections. Furthermore, high levels of energy reserves in the form of TAG are associated with increased susceptibility to BP infection in larval and postlarval shrimp.


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In practice, epizootiology deals with how parasites spread through host populations, how rapidly the spread occurs and whether or not epizootics result. Prevalence, incidence, factors that permit establishment of infection, host response to infection, parasite fecundity and methods of transfer are, therefore, aspects of epizootiology. Indeed, most aspects of a parasite could be related in sorne way to epizootiology, but many of these topics are best considered in other contexts. General patterns of transmission, adaptations that facilitate transmission, establishment of infection and occurrence of epizootics are discussed in this chapter. When life cycles are unknown, little progress can be made in understanding the epizootiological aspects of any group of parasites. At the time Meyer's monograph was completed (1933), intermediate hosts were known for only 17 species of Acanthocephala, and existing descriptions are not sufficient to permit identification of two of those. Laboratory infections of intermediate hosts had apparently been produced for only two species. Study at that time was primarily devoted to species descriptions, host and geographical distribution, structure and ontogeny. Little or nothing was known about adaptations that promote transmission and the concept of paratenic hosts was unclear. In spite of the paucity of information, Meyer (1932) summarized pathways of transmission among principal groups of hosts, visualized the relationships among life cycle patterns for the major groups of Acanthocephala, and devised models for the hypothetical origin of terrestrial life cycles from aquatic ones. Nevertheless, most of our knowledge regarding epizootiology has been recently acquired.


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The workers of the stingless bee, Melipona quadrifasciata, assume different tasks during their adult life. Newly emerged individuals remain inside the nest, without contact with the external environment. Maturing workers go to more peripheral regions and only the oldest, the foragers, leave the nest. As this diversity of activities implies different metabolic patterns, oxygen consumption has been measured in workers of three different ages: 24-48 h (nurses), 10-15 days (builders), and older than 25 days (foragers). Oxygen consumption of individually isolated workers was determined by intermittent respirometry, under constant darkness and temperature of 25 +/- 1 degrees C. Sets of 24-h measurements were obtained from individuals belonging to each of the three worker groups. Rhythmicity has been assessed in the daily (24 h) and ultradian (5-14 h) domains. This experimental design allowed detection of endogenous rhythms without the influence of the social group and without inflicting stress on the individuals, as would be caused by their longer isolation from the colony. Significant 24-h rhythms in oxygen consumption were present in nurses, builders and foragers; therefore, workers are rhythmic from the age of 24-48 h. However, the amplitude of the circadian rhythm changed according to age: nurses showed the lowest values, while foragers consistently presented the largest ones, about ten times larger than the amplitude of nurses` respiratory rhythm. Ultradian frequencies were detected for all worker groups, the power and frequencies of which varied little with age. This means that the ultradian strength was relatively larger in nurses and apparently maintains some relationship with the queen`s oviposition episodes.