278 resultados para OLEFIN


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Interaction of the estrogen receptor/ligand complex with a DNA estrogen response element is known to regulate gene transcription. In turn, specific conformations of the receptor-ligand complex have been postulated to influence unique subsets of estrogen-responsive genes resulting in differential modulation and, ultimately, tissue-selective outcomes. The estrogen receptor ligands raloxifene and tamoxifen have demonstrated such tissue-specific estrogen agonist/antagonist effects. Both agents antagonize the effects of estrogen on mammary tissue while mimicking the actions of estrogen on bone. However, tamoxifen induces significant stimulation of uterine tissue whereas raloxifene does not. We postulate that structural differences between raloxifene and tamoxifen may influence the conformations of their respective receptor/ligand complexes, thereby affecting which estrogen-responsive genes are modulated in various tissues. These structural differences are 4-fold: (A) the presence of phenolic hydroxyls, (B) different substituents on the basic amine, (C) incorporation of the stilbene moiety into a cyclic benzothiophene framework, and (D) the imposition of a carbonyl “hinge” between the basic amine-containing side chain and the olefin. A series of raloxifene analogs that separately exemplify each of these differences have been prepared and evaluated in a series of in vitro and in vivo assays. This strategy has resulted in the development of a pharmacophore model that attributes the differences in effects on the uterus between raloxifene and tamoxifen to a low-energy conformational preference imparting an orthogonal orientation of the basic side chain with respect to the stilbene plane. This three-dimensional array is dictated by a single carbon atom in the hinge region of raloxifene. These data indicate that differences in tissue selective actions among benzothiophene and triarylethylene estrogen receptor modulators can be ascribed to discrete ligand conformations.


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Among biological catalysts, cytochrome P450 is unmatched in its multiplicity of isoforms, inducers, substrates, and types of chemical reactions catalyzed. In the present study, evidence is given that this versatility extends to the nature of the active oxidant. Although mechanistic evidence from several laboratories points to a hypervalent iron-oxenoid species in P450-catalyzed oxygenation reactions, Akhtar and colleagues [Akhtar, M., Calder, M. R., Corina, D. L. & Wright, J. N. (1982) Biochem. J. 201, 569-580] proposed that in steroid deformylation effected by P450 aromatase an iron-peroxo species is involved. We have shown more recently that purified liver microsomal P450 cytochromes, including phenobarbital-induced P450 2B4, catalyze the analogous deformylation of a series of xenobiotic aldehydes with olefin formation. The investigation presented here on the effect of site-directed mutagenesis of threonine-302 to alanine on the activities of recombinant P450 2B4 with N-terminal amino acids 2-27 deleted [2B4 (delta2-27)] makes use of evidence from other laboratories that the corresponding mutation in bacterial P450s interferes with the activation of dioxygen to the oxenoid species by blocking proton delivery to the active site. The rates of NADPH oxidation, hydrogen peroxide production, and product formation from four substrates, including formaldehyde from benzphetamine N-demethylation, acetophenone from 1-phenylethanol oxidation, cyclohexanol from cyclohexane hydroxylation, and cyclohexene from cyclohexane carboxaldehyde deformylation, were determined with P450s 2B4, 2B4 (delta2-27), and 2B4 (delta2-27) T302A. Replacement of the threonine residue in the truncated cytochrome gave a 1.6- to 2.5-fold increase in peroxide formation in the presence of a substrate, but resulted in decreased product formation from benzphetamine (9-fold), cyclohexane (4-fold), and 1-phenylethanol (2-fold). In sharp contrast, the deformylation of cyclohexane carboxaldehyde by the T302A mutant was increased about 10-fold. On the basis of these findings and our previous evidence that aldehyde deformylation is supported by added H202, but not by artificial oxidants, we conclude that the iron-peroxy species is the direct oxygen donor. It remains to be established which of the many other oxidative reactions involving P450 utilize this species and the extent to which peroxo-iron and oxenoid-iron function as alternative oxygenating agents with the numerous isoforms of this versatile catalyst.


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A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é a forma mais comum de demência, representando cerca de 80% dos casos. A DA é caracterizada por um processo de declínio progressivo e irreversível das funções cognitivas e da memória, que se estende para a desorganização do comportamento. Atualmente, 46,8 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo foram diagnosticadas com demência. Embora vários fatores tenham sido implicados na DA, sua etiologia ainda não é completamente conhecida. Do ponto de vista neuropatológico, é observado no cérebro de indivíduos com DA atrofia cortical difusa, presença de grande número de placas senis, emaranhados neurofibrilares, processo inflamatório e perda neuronal. A progressão dos sintomas está associada a mudanças estruturais nas sinapses colinérgicas em certas regiões do cérebro, que consequentemente, apresentam neurotransmissão colinérgica reduzida. Os vários eventos patológicos interligados contribuem para o avanço da doença e direcionam diversas pesquisas na busca por tratamentos multialvos com base no processo multifatorial de DA. Assim o presente trabalho descreve a síntese de derivados híbridos dual binding site de donepezila-tacrina (fármacos inibidores de acetilcolinesterase), com potencial para agir em dois alvos terapêuticos pela (i) inibição da acetilcolinesterase em ambos os sítios ativo e periférico, como demonstrado pelos estudos de modelagem molecular, e (ii) na agregação do peptídeo A? neurotóxico induzido pela acetilcolinesterase, na tentativa de interromper a progressão da doença. A estratégia sintética envolveu a condensação da 5,6-dimetóxiindanona com a unidade 4-piperidinil carbaldeído, a qual forneceu o intermediário 5,6- dimetóxindan-1-ona-4-piperidinil-metileno-1-[(4-cloroquinolin-2-il)metil], seguido de redução da dupla ligação, gerada na reação de condensação anterior, e substituição do átomo de cloro-quinolina por amino para obtenção do produto final, ou manutenção da função olefina, seguido de substituição do átomo de cloro-quinolina por azido ou amino, gerando cinco híbridos estruturalmente correlacionados. Os híbridos foram testados em ensaio de inibição de acetilcolinesterase e butirilcolinesterase pelo método de Ellman, e o híbrido insaturado, contendo a função amino-quinolina foi o mais ativo da série com IC50 na faixa de nanomolar (0,014 ?M). Futuramente, os intermediários da reação e produto final serão submetidos ao ensaio de inibição da agregação do peptídeo A? neurotóxico pelo método da tioflavina T. Neste trabalho, também são descritos os testes de predição in vitro para permeação pela barreira hematoencefálica, bem como sua absorção intestinal, pelo método PAMPA.


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O estudo de compostos organolantanídeos consiste em um dos campos de maior interesse dentro da química organometálica, principalmente devido ao uso potencial como precursores ou catalisadores em reações de hidrogenação, hidroformilação, carbonilação, oxidação e principalmente polimerização de olefinas. Este interesse tem levado diversos grupos de pesquisa a sintetizarem compostos utilizando o ânion ciclopentadienil e seus derivados ligados a íons lantanídeos (III). O presente trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para a aplicação desses compostos organolantanídeos como catalisadores em reações de polimerização de olefinas. O trabalho envolveu uma etapa de síntese e caracterização de duas classes de compostos organolantanídeos Ln(MS)2Cp*(Ln = Tb e Yb), e Ln(MS)2Cp*PzA (Ln = Sm, Tb e Yb) e uma etapa de estudo da atividade catalítica desses compostos frente a reações de polimerização de etileno, propileno e estireno, utilizando metilaluminoxano como co-catalisador e a caracterização dos polímeros formados. Os compostos sintetizados apresentaram atividade catalítica apenas para polimerização de estireno. O polímero formado, independente do composto organolantanídeo utilizado, foi caracterizado como poliestireno principalmente atático, indicando que a polimerização não é estereoespecífica e apresentou massa molar da ordem de 104 g/mol.


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Gasoline coming from refinery fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit is a major contributor to the total commercial grade gasoline pool. The contents of the FCC gasoline are primarily paraffins, naphthenes, olefins, aromatics, and undesirables such as sulfur and sulfur containing compounds in low quantities. The proportions of these components in the FCC gasoline invariable determine its quality as well as the performance of the associated downstream units. The increasing demand for cleaner and lighter fuels significantly influences the need not only for novel processing technologies but also for alternative refinery and petrochemical feedstocks. Current and future clean gasoline requirements include increased isoparaffins contents, reduced olefin contents, reduced aromatics, reduced benzene, and reduced sulfur contents. The present study is aimed at investigating the effect of processing an unconventional refinery feedstock, composed of blend of vacuum gas oil (VGO) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) on FCC full range gasoline yields and compositional spectrum including its paraffins, isoparaffins, olefins, napthenes, and aromatics contents distribution within a range of operating variables of temperature (500–700 °C) and catalyst-feed oil ratio (CFR 5–10) using spent equilibrium FCC Y-zeolite based catalyst in a FCC pilot plant operated at the University of Alicante’s Research Institute of Chemical Process Engineering (RICPE). The coprocessing of the oil-polymer blend led to the production of gasoline with very similar yields and compositions as those obtained from the base oil, albeit, in some cases, the contribution of the feed polymer content as well as the processing variables on the gasoline compositional spectrum were appreciated. Carbon content analysis showed a higher fraction of the C9–C12 compounds at all catalyst rates employed and for both feedstocks. The gasoline’s paraffinicity, olefinicity, and degrees of branching of the paraffins and olefins were also affected in various degrees by the scale of operating severity. In the majority of the cases, the gasoline aromatics tended toward the decrease as the reactor temperature was increased. While the paraffins and iso-paraffins gasoline contents were relatively stable at around 5 % wt, the olefin contents on the other hand generally increased with increase in the FCC reactor temperature.


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The potential energy surfaces for the reactions of atomic oxygen in its ground electronic state, O(P-3), with the olefins: CF2=CCl2 and CF2=CF - CF3, have been characterized using ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Geometry optimization and vibrational frequency calculations were performed for reactants, transition states and products at the MP2 and QCISD levels of theory using the 6-31G(d) basis set. This database was then used to calculate the rate constants by means of Transition-State-Theory. To obtain a better reference and to test the reliability of the activation barriers we have also carried out computations using the CCSD(T)(fc)/6-311Gdagger, MP4(SDQ)(fc)/CBSB4 and MP2(fc)/CBSB3 single point energy calculations at both of the above levels of theory, as well as with the composite CBS-RAD procedure ( P. M. Mayer, C. J. Parkinson, D. M. Smith and L. Radom, J. Chem. Phys., 1998, 108, 604) and a modi. cation of this approach, called: CBS-RAD( MP2, MP2). It was found that the kinetic parameters obtained in this work particularly with the CBS-RAD ( MP2, MP2) procedure are in reasonable agreement with the experimental values. For both reactions it is found that the channels leading to the olefin double-bond addition predominates with respect to any other reaction pathway. However, on account of the different substituents in the alkenes we have located, at all levels of theory, two transition states for each reaction. Moreover, we have found that, for the reactions studied, a correlation exists between the activation energies and the electronic structure of the transition states which can explain the influence of the substituent effect on the reactivity of the halo-olefins.


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Metallocene catalyzed linear low density polyethylene (m-LLDPE) is a new generation of olefin copolymer. Based on the more recently developed metallocene-type catalysts, m-LLDPE can be synthesized with exactly controlled short chain branches and stereo-regular microstructure. The unique properties of these polymers have led to their applications in many areas. As a result, it is important to have a good understanding of the oxidation mechanism of m-LLDPE during melt processing in order to develop more effective stabilisation systems and continue to increase the performance of the material. The primary objectives of this work were, firstly, to investigate the oxidative degradation mechanisms of m-LLDPE polymers having different comonomer (I-octene) content during melt processing. Secondly, to examine the effectiveness of some commercial antioxidants on the stabilisation of m-LLDPE melt. A Ziegler-polymerized LLDPE (z-LLDPE) based on the same comonomer was chosen and processed under the same conditions for comparison with the metallocene polymers. The LLDPE polymers were processed using an internal mixer (torque rheometer, TR) and a co-rotating twin-screw extruder (TSE). The effects of processing variables (time, temperature) on the rheological (MI, MWD, rheometry) and molecular (unsaturation type and content, carbonyl compounds, chain branching) characteristics of the processed polymers were examined. It was found that the catalyst type (metallocene or Ziegler) and comonomer content of the polymers have great impact on their oxidative degradation behavior (crosslinking or chain scission) during melt processing. The metallocene polymers mainly underwent chain scission at lower temperature (<220°C) but crosslinking became predominant at higher temperature for both TR and TSE processed polymers. Generally, the more comonomers the m-LLDPE contains, a larger extent of chain scission can be expected. In contrast, crosslinking reactions were shown to be always dominant in the case of the Ziegler LLDPE. Furthermore, it is clear that the molecular weight distribution (MWD) of all LLDPE became broader after processing and tended generally to be broader at elevated temperatures and more extrusion passes. So, it can be concluded that crosslinking and chain scission are temperature dependent and occur simultaneously as competing reactions during melt processing. Vinyl is considered to be the most important unsaturated group leading to polymer crosslinking as its concentration in all the LLDPE decreased after processing. Carbonyl compounds were produced during LLDPE melt processing and ketones were shown to be the most imp0l1ant carbonyl-containing products in all processed polymers. The carbonyl concentration generally increased with temperature and extrusion passes, and the higher carbonyl content fonned in processed z-LLDPE and m-LLDPE polymers having higher comonomer content indicates their higher susceptibility of oxidative degradation. Hindered phenol and lactone antioxidants were shown to be effective in the stabilization of m-LLDPE melt when they were singly used in TSE extrusion. The combination of hindered phenol and phosphite has synergistic effect on m-LLDPE stabilization and the phenol-phosphite-Iactone mixture imparted the polymers with good stability during extrusion, especially for m-LLDPE with higher comonomer content.


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This thesis presents the potential sensing applications of fibre Bragg gratings in polymer optical fibres. Fibre Bragg gratings are fabricated in different kinds of polymer optical fibres, including Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) and TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer based microstructured polymer optical fibres and PMMA based step-index photosensitive polymer optical fibre, using the 325nm continuous wave ultraviolet laser and phase mask technique. The thermal response of fabricated microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings has been characterized. The PMMA based single mode microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings exhibit negative non-linear Bragg wavelength shift with temperature, including a quasi-linear region. The thermal sensitivity of such Bragg gratings in the linear region is up to -97pm/°C. A permanent shift in the grating wavelength at room temperature is observed when such gratings are heated above a threshold temperature which can be extended by annealing the fibre before grating inscription. The largest positive Bragg wavelength shift with temperature in transmission is observed in TOPAS based few moded microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings and the measured temperature sensitivity is 250±0.5pm/°C. Gluing method is developed to maintain stable optical coupling between PMMA based single mode step index polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings and single mode step index silica optical fibre. Being benefit from this success, polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings are able to be characterised for their temperature, humidity and strain sensitivity, which are -48.2±1pm/°C, 38.3±0.5pm per %RH and 1.33±0.04 pm/µ??respectively. These sensitivities have been utilised to achieve several applications. The strain sensitivity of step index polymer optical fibre Bragg grating devices has been exploited in the potential application of the strain condition monitoring of heavy textiles and when being attached to textile specimens with certain type of adhesives. These polymer fibre Bragg grating devices show better strain transfer and lower structure reinforcement than silica optical fibre Bragg grating devices. The humidity sensitivity of step index polymer optical fibre Bragg grating devices is applied to detecting water in jet fuel and is proved to be able to measure water content of less than 20 ppm in Jet fuel. A simultaneous temperature and humidity sensor is also made by attaching a polymer fibre Bragg grating to a silica optical fibre Bragg grating and it shows better humidity measurement accuracy than that of electronic competitors.


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Refractive index and structural characteristics of optical polymers are strongly influenced by the thermal history of the material. Polymer optical fibres (POF) are drawn under tension, resulting in axial orientation of the polymer molecular chains due to their susceptibility to align in the fibre direction. This change in orientation from the drawing process results in residual strain in the fibre and also affects the transparency and birefringence of the material (1-3). PMMA POF has failure strain as high as over 100%. POF has to be drawn under low tension to achieve this value. The drawing tension affects the magnitude of molecular alignment along the fibre axis, thus affecting the failure strain. The higher the tension the lower the failure stain will be. However, the properties of fibre drawn under high tension can approach that of fibre drawn under low tension by means of an annealing process. Annealing the fibre can generally optimise the performance of POF while keeping most advantages intact. Annealing procedures can reduce index difference throughout the bulk and also reduce residual stress that may cause fracture or distortion. POF can be annealed at temperatures approaching the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer to produce FBG with a permanent blue Bragg wave-length shift at room temperature. At this elevated temperature segmental motion in the structure results in a lower viscosity. The material softens and the molecular chains relax from the axial orientation causing shrinking of the fibre. The large attenuation of typically 1dB/cm in the 1550nm spectral region of PMMA POF has limited FBG lengths to less than 10cm. The more expensive fluorinated polymers with lower absorption have had no success as FBG waveguides. Bragg grating have been inscribed onto various POF in the 800nm spectral region using a 30mW continuous wave 325nm helium cadmium laser, with a much reduced attenuation coefficient of 10dB/m (5). Fabricating multiplexed FBGs in the 800nm spectral region in TOPAS and PMMA POF consistently has lead to fabrication of multiplexed FBG in the 700nm spectral region by a method of prolonged annealing. The Bragg wavelength shift of gratings fabricated in PMMA fibre at 833nm and 867nm was monitored whilst the POF was thermally annealed at 80°C. Permanent shifts exceeding 80nm into the 700nm spectral region was attained by both gratings on the fibre. The large permanent shift creates the possibility of multiplexed Bragg sensors operating over a broad range. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Pellerin C, Prud'homme RE, Pézolet M. Effect of thermal history on the molecular orientation in polystyrene/poly (vinyl methyl ether) blends. Polymer. 2003;44(11):3291-7. 2. Dvoránek L, Machová L, Šorm M, Pelzbauer Z, Švantner J, Kubánek V. Effects of drawing conditions on the properties of optical fibers made from polystyrene and poly (methyl methacrylate). Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie. 1990;174(1):25-39. 3. Dugas J, Pierrejean I, Farenc J, Peichot JP. Birefringence and internal stress in polystyrene optical fibers. Applied optics. 1994;33(16):3545-8. 4. Jiang C, Kuzyk MG, Ding JL, Johns WE, Welker DJ. Fabrication and mechanical behavior of dye-doped polymer optical fiber. Journal of applied physics. 2002;92(1):4-12. 5. Johnson IP, Webb DJ, Kalli K, Yuan W, Stefani A, Nielsen K, et al., editors. Polymer PCF Bragg grating sensors based on poly (methyl methacrylate) and TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer2011: SPIE.


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This thesis presents the fabrication of fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and long period gratings (LPGs) in polymer optical fibre (POF). Possible fabrication techniques were discussed to fabricate FBGs in polymer optical fibre including a detailed description of the phase mask inscription technique used to fabricate FBGs in both single and multi mode microstructured polymer optical fibre (mPOF). Complementing the fabrication of polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings (POFBGs), a technique has been developed to permanently splice POF to silica optical fibre with the use of an optical adhesive. This allowed for the fabricated POFBGs to be characterised away from the optical table, allowing for application specific characterisation. Furthermore Bragg gratings have been fabricated in polymer POF with a Bragg response within the 800nm spectral region. Within this spectral region, POF predominantly manufactured from PMMA experiences considerably smaller attenuation losses when compared to the attenuation losses within the 1550nm spectral region. The effect of thermally annealing fabricated POFBGs has been studied. This included demonstrating the ability to tune the Bragg wavelength of a POFBG sensor to a desired wavelength. Thermal annealing has also been used to manufacture wavelength division multiplexed sensors with the use of a single phase mask. Finally POFBGs have been fabricated in Topas Cyclic Olefin Copolymer. Fabrication of Bragg gratings within this copolymer allowed for the first demonstration of near immunity to relative humidity whilst monitoring changes in temperature of the environment the POFBG sensor was in. Bragg gratings fabricated in the Topas copolymer demonstrated sensitivity to relative humidity which was 65 times less than that of a PMMA based POFBG sensor. This decrease in sensitivity has the potential to significantly reduce the potential of cross sensitivity to relative humidity whilst being employed to monitor measurands such as temperature and axial strain.


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Refractive index and structural characteristics of optical polymers are strongly influenced by the thermal history of the material. Polymer optical fibres (POF) are drawn under tension, resulting in axial orientation of the polymer molecular chains due to their susceptibility to align in the fibre direction. This change in orientation from the drawing process results in residual strain in the fibre and also affects the transparency and birefringence of the material (1-3). PMMA POF has failure strain as high as over 100%. POF has to be drawn under low tension to achieve this value. The drawing tension affects the magnitude of molecular alignment along the fibre axis, thus affecting the failure strain. The higher the tension the lower the failure stain will be. However, the properties of fibre drawn under high tension can approach that of fibre drawn under low tension by means of an annealing process. Annealing the fibre can generally optimise the performance of POF while keeping most advantages intact. Annealing procedures can reduce index difference throughout the bulk and also reduce residual stress that may cause fracture or distortion. POF can be annealed at temperatures approaching the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer to produce FBG with a permanent blue Bragg wave-length shift at room temperature. At this elevated temperature segmental motion in the structure results in a lower viscosity. The material softens and the molecular chains relax from the axial orientation causing shrinking of the fibre. The large attenuation of typically 1dB/cm in the 1550nm spectral region of PMMA POF has limited FBG lengths to less than 10cm. The more expensive fluorinated polymers with lower absorption have had no success as FBG waveguides. Bragg grating have been inscribed onto various POF in the 800nm spectral region using a 30mW continuous wave 325nm helium cadmium laser, with a much reduced attenuation coefficient of 10dB/m (5). Fabricating multiplexed FBGs in the 800nm spectral region in TOPAS and PMMA POF consistently has lead to fabrication of multiplexed FBG in the 700nm spectral region by a method of prolonged annealing. The Bragg wavelength shift of gratings fabricated in PMMA fibre at 833nm and 867nm was monitored whilst the POF was thermally annealed at 80°C. Permanent shifts exceeding 80nm into the 700nm spectral region was attained by both gratings on the fibre. The large permanent shift creates the possibility of multiplexed Bragg sensors operating over a broad range. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Pellerin C, Prud'homme RE, Pézolet M. Effect of thermal history on the molecular orientation in polystyrene/poly (vinyl methyl ether) blends. Polymer. 2003;44(11):3291-7. 2. Dvoránek L, Machová L, Šorm M, Pelzbauer Z, Švantner J, Kubánek V. Effects of drawing conditions on the properties of optical fibers made from polystyrene and poly (methyl methacrylate). Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie. 1990;174(1):25-39. 3. Dugas J, Pierrejean I, Farenc J, Peichot JP. Birefringence and internal stress in polystyrene optical fibers. Applied optics. 1994;33(16):3545-8. 4. Jiang C, Kuzyk MG, Ding JL, Johns WE, Welker DJ. Fabrication and mechanical behavior of dye-doped polymer optical fiber. Journal of applied physics. 2002;92(1):4-12. 5. Johnson IP, Webb DJ, Kalli K, Yuan W, Stefani A, Nielsen K, et al., editors. Polymer PCF Bragg grating sensors based on poly (methyl methacrylate) and TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer2011: SPIE.


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The enzyme S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) hydrolase effects hydrolytic cleavage of AdoHcy to adenosine (Ado) and L-homocysteine (Hcy). The cellular levels of AdoHcy and Hcy are critical because AdoHcy is a potent feedback inhibitor of crucial transmethylation enzymes. Also, elevated plasma levels of Hcy in humans have been shown to be a risk factor in coronary artery disease. ^ On the basis of the previous finding that AdoHcy hydrolase is able to add the enzyme-sequestered water molecule across the 5',6'-double bond of (halo or dihalohomovinyl)-adenosines causing covalent binding inhibition, we designed and synthesized AdoHcy analogues with the 5',6'-olefin motif incorporated in place of the carbon-5' and sulfur atoms. From the available synthetic methods we chose two independent approaches: the first approach was based on the construction of a new C5'-C6' double bond via metathesis reactions, and the second approach was based on the formation of a new C6'-C7' single bond via Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings. Cross-metathesis of the suitably protected 5'-deoxy-5'-methyleneadenosine with racemic 2-amino-5-hexenoate in the presence of Hoveyda-Grubb's catalyst followed by standard deprotection afforded the desired analogue as 5' E isomer of the inseparable mixture of 9'R/S diastereomers. Metathesis of chiral homoallylglycine [(2S)-amino-5-hexenoate] produced AdoHcy analogue with established stereochemistry E at C5'atom and S at C9' atom. The 5'-bromovinyl analogue was synthesized using the bromination-dehydrobromination strategy with pyridinium tribromide and DBU. ^ Since literature reports on the Pd-catalyzed monoalkylation of dihaloalkenes (Csp2-Csp3 coupling) were scarce, we were prompted to undertake model studies on Pd-catalyzed coupling between vinyl dihalides and alkyl organometallics. The 1-fluoro-1-haloalkenes were found to undergo Negishi couplings with alkylzinc bromides to give multisubstituted fluoroalkenes. The alkylation was trans-selective affording pure Z-fluoroalkenes. The highest yields were obtained with PdCl 2(dppb) catalyst, but the best stereochemical outcome was obtained with less reactive Pd(PPh3)4. Couplings of 1,1-dichloro-and 1,1-dibromoalkenes with organozinc reagents resulted in the formation of monocoupled 1-halovinyl product. ^


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The enzyme S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHey) hydrolase effects hydrolytic cleavage of AdoHcy to adenosine (Ado) and L-homocysteine (Hcy). The cellular levels of AdoHcy and Hcy are critical because AdoHcy is a potent feedback inhibitor of crucial transmethylation enzymes. Also, elevated plasma levels of Hcy in humans have been shown to be a risk factor in coronary artery disease. On the basis of the previous finding that AdoHcy hydrolase is able to add the enzyme-sequestered water molecule across the 5',6'-double bond of (halo or dihalohomovinyl)-adenosines causing covalent binding inhibition, we designed and synthesized AdoHcy analogues with the 5',6'-olefin motif incorporated in place of the carbon-5' and sulfur atoms. From the available synthetic methods we chose two independent approaches: the first approach was based on the construction of a new C5'- C6' double bond via metathesis reactions, and the second approach was based on the formation of a new C6'-C7' single bond via Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings. Cross-metathesis of the suitably protected 5'-deoxy-5'-methyleneadenosine with racemic 2-amino-5-hexenoate in the presence of Hoveyda-Grubb's catalyst followed by standard deprotection afforded the desired analogue as 5'E isomer of the inseparable mixture of 9'RIS diastereomers. Metathesis of chiral homoallylglycine [(2S)-amino-5-hexenoate] produced AdoHcy analogue with established stereochemistry E at C5'atom and S at C9' atom. The 5'-bromovinyl analogue was synthesized using the brominationdehydrobromination strategy with pyridinium tribromide and DBU. Since literature reports on the Pd-catalyzed monoalkylation of dihaloalkenes (Csp2-Csp3 coupling) were scarce, we were prompted to undertake model studies on Pdcatalyzed coupling between vinyl dihalides and alkyl organometallics. The 1-fluoro-1- haloalkenes were found to undergo Negishi couplings with alkylzinc bromides to give multisubstituted fluoroalkenes. The alkylation was trans-selective affording pure Zfluoroalkenes. The highest yields were obtained with PdCl 2(dppb) catalyst, but the best stereochemical outcome was obtained with less reactive Pd(PPh3)4 . Couplings of 1,1- dichloro-and 1,1-dibromoalkenes with organozinc reagents resulted in the formation of monocoupled 1-halovinyl product.


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Ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) is a variant of olefin metathesis used to polymerize strained cyclic olefins. Ruthenium-based Grubbs’ catalysts are widely used in ROMP to produce industrially important products. While highly efficient in organic solvents such as dichloromethane and toluene, these hydrophobic catalysts are not typically applied in aqueous systems. With the advancements in emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization, it is promising to conduct ROMP in an aqueous dispersed phase to generate well-defined latex nanoparticles while improving heat transfer and reducing the use of volatile organic solvents (VOCs). Herein I report the efforts made using a PEGylated ruthenium alkylidene as the catalyst to initiate ROMP in an oil-in-water miniemulsion. 1H NMR revealed that the synthesized PEGylated catalyst was stable and reactive in water. Using 1,5-cyclooctadiene (COD) as monomer, we showed the highly efficient catalyst yielded colloidally stable polymer latexes with ~ 100% conversion at room temperature. Kinetic studies demonstrated first-order kinetics with good livingness as confirmed by the shift of gel permeation chromatography (GPC) traces. Depending on the surfactants used, the particle sizes ranged from 100 to 300 nm with monomodal distributions. The more strained cyclic olefin norbornene (NB) could also be efficiently polymerized with a PEGylated ruthenium alkylidene in miniemulsion to full conversion and with minimal coagulum formation.


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Les macrolactones sont des squelettes structuraux importants dans de nombreuses sphères de l’industrie chimique, en particulier dans les marchés pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques. Toutefois, la stratégie traditionnelle pour la préparation de macrolactones demeure incommode en requérant notamment l’ajout (super)stœchiométrique d’agents activateurs. Conséquemment, des quantités stœchiométriques de sous-produits sont générées; ils sont souvent toxiques, dommageables pour l’environnement et nécessitent des méthodes de purification fastidieuses afin de les éliminer. La présente thèse décrit le développement d’une macrolactonisation efficace catalysée au hafnium directement à partir de précurseurs portant un acide carboxylique et un alcool primaire, ne générant que de l’eau comme sous-produit et ne nécessitant pas de techniques d’addition lente et/ou azéotropique. Le protocole a également été adapté à la synthèse directe de macrodiolides à partir de mélanges équimolaires de diols et de diacides carboxyliques et à la synthèse de dimères tête-à-queue de seco acides. Des muscs macrocycliques ainsi que des macrolactones pertinentes à la chimie médicinale ont pu être synthétisés avec l’approche développée. Un protocole pour l’estérification directe catalysée au hafnium entre des acides carboxyliques et des alcools primaires a aussi été développé. Différentes méthodes pour la macrolactonisation catalytique directe entre des alcools secondaires et des acides carboxyliques ont été étudiées. En outre, la stratégie de séparation de phase en macrocyclisation en débit continu a été appliquée lors de la synthèse totale formelle de la macrolactone ivorenolide A. Les étapes-clés de la synthèse incluent une macrocyclisation par le couplage d’alcynes de Glaser-Hay et une réaction de métathèse d’alcènes Z-sélective.