870 resultados para OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE


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The purpose of this study was to verify whether occupational noise exposure is a significant risk factor for work accidents in the city of Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil. This hospital-based case-control study included 600 workers aged 15-60 who suffered typical occupational accidents between May and October 2004 and were seen at the Piracicaba Orthopedics and Trauma Center. The control group comprised 822 workers, aged 15-60, who were also seen at the Center, and either had a non-occupational accident or were accompanying someone who had suffered an accident. A multiple logistic regression model was adjusted with work accident as an independent variable, controlled by covariables of interest such as noise exposure. The risk of having a work accident was about twice as high among workers exposed to noise, after controlling for several covariables. Occupational noise exposure not only affected auditory health status but was also a risk factor for work accidents.


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Hearing loss and tinnitus impact the lives of workers in every instance of their lives. Aim: this paper aims to investigate the existence of a dose-response relationship between hearing loss and tinnitus by determining whether higher levels of hearing loss can be associated with increased tinnitus-related discomfort. Materials and method: this cross-sectional case study assessed 284 workers exposed to occupational noise through pure tone audiometry. Test results were categorized as defined by Merluzzi. Individuals complaining of tinnitus answered the adapted and validated Brazilian Portuguese version of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. A generalized linear model was adjusted for binomial data to test the interaction between these factors. Results: over 60% of the ears analyzed had hearing loss, while more than 46% of them had tinnitus. Tinnitus prevalence and risk rates increased as pure tone audiometry results got worse. The association between both, considering all hearing loss degrees, was statistically significant. Conclusion: the results point to a statistical association between hearing loss and tinnitus; the greater the hearing loss, the greater the discomfort introduced by tinnitus. 2009 © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia.


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The use of inks containing organic solvents by the offset printing process implies in the release of volatile organic compounds to the work environment. Many of these compounds such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the xylene isomers (well known by the acronym BTEX) are extremely toxic. In this study, the BTEX concentrations were determined in two different printing plants that use distinct types of inks: the conventional and the so-called ecological, which is manufactured based on vegetal oil. Concentration ranges were 43-84, 15-3,480, 2-133, 5-459, and 2-236 μg m-3 for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m + p-xylene, and o-xylene, respectively, for the conventional printing plant. At the ecological printing plant, concentration ranges were below limit of detection (exposure to such vapors characterizes risk to the workers' health for some of the evaluated samples, mainly the personal ones. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Os solventes orgânicos são substâncias neurotóxicas que podem causar efeitos danosos sobre as funções visuais. É comum a exposição ocupacional a esses tipos de substâncias, pois elas apresentam grande aplicabilidade em inúmeras atividades. Os efeitos podem ser quantificados por testes psicofísicos. Os testes mais usados nesse tipo de avaliação são de ordenamento de matizes, como o Teste D15 Dessaturado de Lanthony e o Teste dos 100 Matizes de Farnsworth-Munsell, e avaliação de sensibilidade ao contraste espacial de luminância, como MCT 8000 Vistech, VCTS 6500 Vistech e FACT 101. Em geral esses testes descrevem perda de discriminação de cores, afetando tanto o eixo azul-amarelo quanto o eixo verde-vermelho, e diminuição da sensibilidade ao contraste de luminância principalmente para as frequências espaciais mais baixas. Existe correlação positiva entre os resultados da avaliação psicofísica e vários marcadores biológicos e ambientais, mas essa correlação depende do marcador e do tipo de solvente ao qual os indivíduos são expostos. Fatores como alcoolismo crônico e tabagismo inveterado podem interferir no processo de correlacionar esses resultados.


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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PURPOSE:To investigate the effects of occupational exposure to waste anesthetic gases on genetic material and antioxidant status in professionals during their medical residency. METHODS:The study group consisted of 15 medical residents from Anesthesiology and Surgery areas, of both genders, mainly exposed to isoflurane and to a lesser degree to sevoflurane and nitrous oxide; the control group consisted of 15 young adults not exposed to anesthetics. Blood samples were drawn from professionals during medical residency (eight, 16 and 22 months of exposure to waste anesthetic gases). DNA damage was evaluated by comet assay, and antioxidant defense was assessed by total thiols and the enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT). RESULTS:When comparing the two groups, DNA damage was significantly increased at all time points evaluated in the exposed group; plasma thiols increased at 22 months of exposure and GPX was higher at 16 and 22 months of exposure. CONCLUSION:Young professionals exposed to waste anesthetic gases in operating rooms without adequate scavenging system have increased DNA damage and changes in redox status during medical residency. There is a need to minimize exposure to inhalation anesthetics and to provide better work conditions.


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Pós-graduação em Fonoaudiologia - FFC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Chromosomal aberrations (CA) and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) were investigated in peripheral lymphocytes of 15 nurses and nurse's aides handling cytostatic agents in hospital oncology units. Significantly increased frequencies were noted for both CA and SCE rates when the exposed individuals were compared with 15 nurses working in other hospital units and to a control sample matched by sex and age. This points to the need for emphasizing protective measures in the handling of anti-neoplastic agents.


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Overweight and obesity are pandemics and have been widely discussed in Public Health and Health at Work. Comorbidities such as metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, orthopedic disorders and coronary diseases can induce to absenteeism, reduced work performance, disability and death. The aim of this review is to discuss the role of the nurse in control and prevention of these illnesses in the workplace. We concluded that occupational health nurses work should act proactively with a multidisciplinary team aimed at individual and collective monitoring of actions designed to control and prevent overweight and obesity. Furthermore, this professional should follow up the health of individual workers with a high body mass index in order to warn and prevent comorbidities related to these conditions.


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El control de los riesgos ergonómicos es parte del paquete de medidas de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio y Bioseguridad. De este modo, la mala postura, la iluminación o ventilación inadecuadas , prolongada jornada de trabajo, la monotonía y la actividad repetitiva, intensa rutina, el control de la productividad , el estrés y el trabajo por la noche son factores a los riesgos ergonómicos. Como se relacionan a los elementos físicos y de organización también pueden interferir con la comodidad y la salud del personal de laboratorio. Riesgos ergonómicos no sólo pueden generar trastornos psicológicos y fisiológicos que causan graves daños a la salud, sino también comprometer la productividad del laboratorio y reducir el equipo de seguridad , ya que producen cambios en el cuerpo y el estado emocional, tales como trastornos o lesiones relacionadas con el cansancio físico producido por el trabajo repetitivo, dolor muscular, alteraciones del sueño, diabetes, trastornos de los nervios , la taquicardia , las enfermedades del aparato digestivo (gastritis y úlcera ), tensión, ansiedad, problemas de espalda y la hipertensión. En este trabajo se propone una secuencia de actividad laboral (gimnasia) en el intervalo de tiempo pequeño, respetando las instalaciones y el espacio físico disponible en el ambiente del trabajo, como una estrategia para mejorar la calidad de vida laboral, para aumentar la productividad, mejorar la disposición a trabajar y para aumentar el conocimiento del cuerpo y de la interacción social.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)