999 resultados para North Pole (Alaska)


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Arctic lowland landscapes have been modified by thermokarst lake processes throughout the Holocene. Thermokarst lakes form as a result of ice-rich permafrost degradation and they may expand over time through thermal and mechanical shoreline erosion. We studied proximal and distal sedimentary records from a thermokarst lake located on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska to reconstruct the impact of catchment dynamics and morphology on the lacustrine depositional environment and to quantify carbon accumulation in thermokarst lake sediments. Short cores were collected for analysis of pollen, sedimentological and geochemical proxies. Radiocarbon and Pb/Cs dating, as well as extrapolation of measured historic lake expansion rates, were applied to estimate a minimum lake age of ~ 1,400 calendar years BP. The pollen record is in agreement with the young lake age as it does not include evidence of the "alder high" that occurred in the region ~ 4.0 cal ka BP. The lake most likely initiated from a remnant pond in a drained thermokarst lake basin (DTLB) and deepened rapidly as evidenced by accumulation of laminated sediments. Increasing oxygenation of the water column as shown by higher Fe/Ti and Fe/S ratios in the sediment indicate shifts in ice regime with increasing water depth. More recently, the sediment source changed as the thermokarst lake expanded through lateral permafrost degradation, alternating from redeposited DTLB sediments, to increased amounts of sediment from eroding, older upland deposits, followed by a more balanced combination of both DTLB and upland sources. The characterizing shifts in sediment sources and depositional regimes in expanding thermokarst lakes were therefore archived in the thermokarst lake sedimentary record. This study also highlights the potential for Arctic lakes to recycle old carbon from thawing permafrost and thermokarst processes.


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A continuous time series of annual soil thaw records, extending from 1994 to 2009, is available for comparison with the records of thaw obtained from the Biocomplexity Experiment (BE) for the period 2006-2009. Discontinuous records of thaw at Barrow from wet tundra sites date back to the 1960s. Comparisons between the longer records with the BE observations reveal strong similarities. Records of permafrost temperature, reflecting changes in the annual surface energy exchange, are available from the 1950s for comparison with results from measurement programs begun in 2002. The long-term systematic geocryological investigations at Barrow indicate an increase in permafrost temperature, especially during the last several years. The increase in near-surface permafrost temperature is most pronounced in winter. Marked trends are not apparent in the active-layer record, although subsidence measurements on the North Slope indicate that penetration into the ice-rich layer at the top of permafrost has occurred over the past decade. Active-layer thickness values from the 1960s are generally higher than those from the 1990s, and are very similar to those of the 2000s. Analysis of spatial active-layer observations at representative locations demonstrates significant variations in active-layer thickness between different landscape types, reflecting the influence of vegetation, substrate, microtopography, and, especially, soil moisture. Landscape-specific differences exist in the response of active-layer thickness to climatic forcing. These differences are attributable to the existence of localized controls related to combinations of surface and subsurface characteristics. The geocryological records at Barrow illustrate the importance and effectiveness of sustained, well organized monitoring efforts to document long-term trends.


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The scatterometer SeaWinds on QuikSCAT provided regular measurements at Ku-band from 1999 to 2009. Although it was designed for ocean applications, it has been frequently used for the assessment of seasonal snowmelt patterns aside from other terrestrial applications such as ice cap monitoring, phenology and urban mapping. This paper discusses general data characteristics of SeaWinds and reviews relevant change detection algorithms. Depending on the complexity of the method, parameters such as long-term noise and multiple event analyses were incorporated. Temporal averaging is a commonly accepted preprocessing step with consideration of diurnal, multi-day or seasonal averages.


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Sand and sandstone compositions from different types of basins reflect provenance terranes governed by plate tectonics. One hundred and one thin sections of Upper Miocene to Holocene sand-sized material were examined from DSDP/IPOD Sites in the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. The Gazzi-Dickinson point-counting method was used to establish compositional characteristics of sands from different tectonic settings. Continental margin forearc sands from the western North America continental margin arc system are clearly different from backarc/marginal-sea sands from the Aleutian intraoceanic arc system. The forearc sands have average QFL percentages of 29-42-29, LmLvLst percentages of 32-34-34, 3 Fmwk%M and 0.82 P/F. Aleutian backarc sands have average QFL percentages of 8-22-69. LmLvLst percentages of 9-85-6, 0.5 Fmwk%M and 0.96 P/F. A trend of increasing QFL%Q and decreasing LmLvLst%Lv westward in the backarc region of the Aleutian Ridge reflects the influence of the Asiatic continental margin. Aleutian backarc sands without continental influence have average QFL percentages of 1-20-79, LmLvLst percentages of 1-98-1, 0 Fmwk%M and 0.99 P/F. Of the continental margin forearc samples, sands on the Astoria Fan (west of the Oregon-Washington trench) contain the highest LmLvLst%Lv and lowest P/F; sands from mixed transform-fault and trench settings (Delgada Fan and Gulf of Alaska samples) have slightly higher Qp/Q (0.03); and sands from the Pacific-Juan de Fuca-North America triple junction have the highest Fmwk%M. Delgada Fan and Gulf of Alaska sands have average QFL percentages of 27-38-35, LmLvLst percentages of 37-26-37, 2 Fmwk%M and 0.86 P/F. Astoria Fan sands have average QFL percentages of 35-41-24, LmLvLst percentages of 30-47-23, 3 Fmwk%M and 0.74 P/F. The triple-junction sands have average QFL percentages of 28-59-13, LmLvLst percentages of 25-26-49, 9 Fmwk%M and 0.87 P/F. The petrologic data from the modern ocean basins examined in this study can provide useful analogs for interpretation of ancient oceanic sequences. Our data suggest some refinements of, but generally substantiate, existing petrologic models relating sandstone composition to tectonic setting.


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Visual cluster analysis provides valuable tools that help analysts to understand large data sets in terms of representative clusters and relationships thereof. Often, the found clusters are to be understood in context of belonging categorical, numerical or textual metadata which are given for the data elements. While often not part of the clustering process, such metadata play an important role and need to be considered during the interactive cluster exploration process. Traditionally, linked-views allow to relate (or loosely speaking: correlate) clusters with metadata or other properties of the underlying cluster data. Manually inspecting the distribution of metadata for each cluster in a linked-view approach is tedious, specially for large data sets, where a large search problem arises. Fully interactive search for potentially useful or interesting cluster to metadata relationships may constitute a cumbersome and long process. To remedy this problem, we propose a novel approach for guiding users in discovering interesting relationships between clusters and associated metadata. Its goal is to guide the analyst through the potentially huge search space. We focus in our work on metadata of categorical type, which can be summarized for a cluster in form of a histogram. We start from a given visual cluster representation, and compute certain measures of interestingness defined on the distribution of metadata categories for the clusters. These measures are used to automatically score and rank the clusters for potential interestingness regarding the distribution of categorical metadata. Identified interesting relationships are highlighted in the visual cluster representation for easy inspection by the user. We present a system implementing an encompassing, yet extensible, set of interestingness scores for categorical metadata, which can also be extended to numerical metadata. Appropriate visual representations are provided for showing the visual correlations, as well as the calculated ranking scores. Focusing on clusters of time series data, we test our approach on a large real-world data set of time-oriented scientific research data, demonstrating how specific interesting views are automatically identified, supporting the analyst discovering interesting and visually understandable relationships.


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Tsar Peter the Great ruled Russia between 1689 and 1725. Its domains, stretching from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. From north to south, its empire stretching from the Arctic Ocean to the borders with China and India. Tsar Peter I tried to extend the geographical knowledge of his government and the rest of the world. He was also interested in the expansion of trade in Russia and in the control of trade routes. Feodor Luzhin and Ivan Yeverinov explored the eastern border of the Russian Empire, the trip between 1719 and 1721 and reported to the Tsar. They had crossed the peninsula of Kamchatka, from west to east and had traveled from the west coast of Kamchatka to the Kuril Islands. The information collected led to the first map of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Tsar Peter ordered Bering surf the Russian Pacific coast, build ships and sail the seas north along the coast to regions of America. The second expedition found equal to those of the previous explorers difficulties. Two ships were eventually thrown away in Okhotsk in 1740. The explorers spent the winter of 1740-1741 stockpiling supplies and then navigate to Petropavlovsk. The two ships sailed eastward and did together until June 20, then separated by fog. After searching Chirikov and his boat for several days, Bering ordered the San Pedro continue to the northeast. There the Russian sailors first sighted Alaska. According to the log, "At 12:30 (pm July 17) in sight of snow-capped mountains and between them a high volcano." This finding came the day of St. Elijah and so named the mountain.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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An algorithm based on a Bayesian network classifier was adapted to produce 10-day burned area (BA) maps from the Long Term Data Record Version 3 (LTDR) at a spatial resolution of 0.05° (~5 km) for the North American boreal region from 2001 to 2011. The modified algorithm used the Brightness Temperature channel from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) band 31 T31 (11.03 μm) instead of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) band T3 (3.75 μm). The accuracy of the BA-LTDR, the Collection 5.1 MODIS Burned Area (MCD45A1), the MODIS Collection 5.1 Direct Broadcast Monthly Burned Area (MCD64A1) and the Burned Area GEOLAND-2 (BA GEOLAND-2) products was assessed using reference data from the Alaska Fire Service (AFS) and the Canadian Forest Service National Fire Database (CFSNFD). The linear regression analysis of the burned area percentages of the MCD64A1 product using 40 km × 40 km grids versus the reference data for the years from 2001 to 2011 showed an agreement of R2 = 0.84 and a slope = 0.76, while the BA-LTDR showed an agreement of R2 = 0.75 and a slope = 0.69. These results represent an improvement over the MCD45A1 product, which showed an agreement of R2 = 0.67 and a slope = 0.42. The MCD64A1, BA-LTDR and MCD45A1 products underestimated the total burned area in the study region, whereas the BA GEOLAND-2 product overestimated it by approximately five-fold, with an agreement of R2 = 0.05. Despite MCD64A1 showing the best overall results, the BA-LTDR product proved to be an alternative for mapping burned areas in the North American boreal forest region compared with the other global BA products, even those with higher spatial/spectral resolution


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Placer miners in Alaska’s interior were part of the last great gold rush in North America. As word of gold in the Fairbanks Mining District traveled down the Yukon River, a wave of miners from the Klondike placer fields in Dawson, along with a assortment of speculators and inexperienced green horns from the Lower 48 converged on the confluence of the Tanana and Chena rivers hoping to strike it rich. The steamers coming from Dawson were integral; they carried miners with experience working the frozen subarctic placer deposits of the Klondike. These miners encountered new environmental challenges that required the development of new technologies and mining methods to efficiently harvest gold. These methods and machines were brought into Fairbanks and further perfected to account for the local conditions. This thesis describes the local mining technologies and methods employed in the Fairbanks district and the landscape patterns created during the placer mining boom years of 1903-1909, decline years of 1910-1923 and recovery of 1923-1930.


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Les méthodes de design et de construction des routes développés dans le sud canadien ont maintenant besoin d’être adaptés aux environnements nordiques du pays afin de prévenir le dégel dramatique du pergélisol lors de la construction d’une nouvelle route. De plus, le réchauffement climatique occasionne présentement d’importants problèmes de stabilité des sols dans le nord canadien. Ces facteurs causent des pertes importantes au niveau des capacités fonctionnelles et structurales de l’Alaska Highway au Yukon sur un segment de plus de 200 km situé entre le village de Destruction Bay et la frontière de l’Alaska. Afin de trouver des solutions rentables à long terme, le ministère du transport du Yukon (en collaboration avec le Federal Highway Administration du gouvernement américain, Transports Canada, l’Université Laval, l’Université de Montréal et l’Alaska University transportation Center) a mis en place 12 sections d’essais de 50 mètres de longueur sur l’autoroute de l’Alaska près de Beaver Creek en 2008. Ces différentes sections d’essais ont été conçues pour évaluer une ou plusieurs méthodes combinées de stabilisation thermique telles que le drain thermique, le remblai à convection d’air, le pare-neige / pare-soleil, le remblai couvert de matières organiques, les drains longitudinaux, le déblaiement de la neige sur les pentes et la surface réfléchissante. Les objectifs spécifiques de la recherche sont 1) d’établir les régimes thermiques et les flux de chaleur dans chacune des sections pour les 3 premières années de fonctionnement ; 2) de documenter les facteurs pouvant favoriser ou nuire à l’efficacité des systèmes de protection et ; 3) de déterminer le rapport coûts/bénéfices à long terme pour chacune des techniques utilisées. Pour ce faire, une nouvelle méthode d’analyse, basée sur la mesure de flux d’extraction de chaleur Hx et d’induction Hi à l’interface entre le remblai et le sol naturel, a été utilisée dans cette étude. Certaines techniques de protection du pergélisol démontrent un bon potentiel durant leurs 3 premières années de fonctionnement. C’est le cas pour le remblai à convection d’air non-couvert, le remblai à convection d’air pleine largeur, les drains longitudinaux, le pare-soleil / pare-neige et la surface réfléchissante. Malheureusement, des problèmes dans l’installation des drains thermiques ont empêché une évaluation complète de leur efficacité.


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The South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) is one of the most outstanding anomalies of the geomagnetic field. The SAMA secular variation was obtained and compared to the evolution of other anomalies using spherical harmonic field models for the 1590-2005 period. An analysis of data from four South American observatories shows how this large scale anomaly affected their measurements. Since SAMA is a low total field anomaly, the field was separated into its nondipolar, quadrupolar and octupolar parts. The time evolution of the non-dipole/total, quadrupolar/total and octupolar/total field ratios yielded increasingly high values for the South Atlantic since 1750. The SAMA evolution is compared to the evolution of other large scale surface geomagnetic features like the North and the South Pole and the Siberia High, and this comparison shows the intensity equilibrium between these anomalies in both hemispheres. The analysis of non-dipole fields in historical period suggests that SAMA is governed by (i) quadrupolar field for drift, and (ii) quadrupolar and octupolar fields for intensity and area of influence. Furthermore, our study reinforces the possibility that SAMA may be related to reverse fluxes in the outer core under the South Atlantic region.


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Searches for field horizontal-branch (FHB) stars in the halo of the Galaxy in the past have been carried out by several techniques, such as objective-prism surveys and visual or infrared photometric surveys. By choosing adequate color criteria, it is possible to improve the efficiency of identifying bona fide FHB stars among the other objects that exhibit similar characteristics, such as main-sequence A-stars, blue stragglers, subdwarfs, etc. In this work, we report the results of a spectroscopic survey carried out near the south Galactic pole intended to validate FHB stars originally selected from the HK objective-prism survey of Beers and colleagues, based on near-infrared color indices. A comparison between the stellar spectra obtained in this survey with theoretical stellar atmosphere models allows us to determine T(eff), log g, and [Fe/H] for 13 stars in the sample. Stellar temperatures were calculated from measured (B-V)(o), when this measurement was available (16 stars). The color index criteria adopted in this work are shown to correctly classify 30% of the sample as FHB, 25% as non-FHB (main-sequence stars and subdwarfes), whereas 40% could not be distinguished between FHB and main-sequence stars. We compare the efficacy of different color criteria in the literature intended to select FHB stars, and discuss the use of the Mg II 4481 line to estimate the metallicity.


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Agencia Nacional de Promocion Cientifica y Tecnologica (FONCyT)


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Aims. This work investigates the properties (metallicity and kinematics) and interfaces of the Galactic thick disc as a function of height above the Galactic plane. The main aim is to study the thick disc in a place where it is the main component of the sample. Methods. We take advantage of former astrometric work in two fields of several square degrees in which accurate proper motions were measured down to V-magnitudes of 18.5 in two directions, one near the north galactic pole and the other at a galactic latitude of 46 degrees and galactic longitude near 0 degrees. Spectroscopic observations have been acquired in these two fields for a total of about 400 stars down to magnitude 18.0, at spectral resolutions of 3.5 to 6.25 angstrom. The spectra have been analysed with the code ETOILE, comparing the target stellar spectra with a grid of 1400 reference stellar spectra. This comparison allowed us to derive the parameters effective temperature, gravity, [Fe/H] and absolute magnitude for each target star. Results. The Metallicity Distribution Function (MDF) of the thin-thick-disc-halo system is derived for several height intervals between 0 and 5 kpc above the Galactic plane. The MDFs show a decrease of the ratio of the thin to thick disc stars between the first and second kilo-parsec. This is consistent with the classical modelling of the vertical density profile of the disc with 2 populations with different scale heights. A vertical metallicity gradient, partial derivative[Fe/H]/partial derivative z = -0.068 +/- 0.009 dex kpc(-1), is observed in the thick disc. It is discussed in terms of scenarios of formation of the thick disc.