941 resultados para Non-commutative Landau problem


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We introduce and address the problem of concurrent autonomic management of different non-functional concerns in parallel applications build as a hierarchical composition of behavioural skeletons. We first define the problems arising when multiple concerns are dealt with by independent managers, then we propose a methodology supporting coordinated management, and finally we discuss how autonomic management of multiple concerns may be implemented in a typical use case. Being based on the behavioural skeleton concept proposed in the CoreGRID GCM, it is anticipated that the methodology will be readily integrated into the current reference implementation of GCM based on Java Pro Active and running on top of major grid middleware systems.


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Sleep quality and duration are increasingly recognised as being important prognostic parameters in the assessment of an individual's health. However, reliable non-invasive long-term monitoring of sleep in a non-clinical setting remains a challenging problem. This paper describes the validation of a novel under mattress pressure sensing sleep monitoring modality that can be seamlessly integrated into existing home environments and provides a pervasive and distributed solution for monitoring long-term changes in sleep patterns and sleep disorders in adults. 410 minutes of concomitant Under Mattress Bed Sensor (UMBS) and strain gauge data were analysed from eight healthy adults lying passively. In this analysis, customised respirations rate detection algorithms yielded a mean difference of −0.12 breaths per five minutes and a mean percentage error (MPE) of 0.16% when the sensor was placed beneath the mattress. 1,491 minutes of UMBS and video data were recorded simultaneously from four participants in order to assess the movement detection efficacy of customised UMBS algorithms. These algorithms yielded accuracies, sensitivities and specificities of over 90% when compared to a video-based movement detection gold standard. A reduced data set (267 minutes) of wrist actigraphy, the gold standard ambulatory sleep monitor, was recorded. The UMBS was shown to outperform the movement detection ability of wrist actigraphy and has the added advantage of not requiring active subject participation.


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We consider a circuit-QED setup that allows the induction and control of non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit. Non-Markovianity is enforced over the qubit by means of its direct coupling to a bosonic mode which is controllably coupled to another qubit-mode system. We show that this configuration can be achieved in a circuit-QED setup consisting of two initially independent superconducting circuits, each formed by one charge qubit and one transmission-line resonator, which are put in interaction by coupling the resonators to a current-biased Josephson junction. We solve this problem exactly and then proceed with a thorough investigation of the emergent non-Markovianity in the dynamics of the qubits. Our study might serve the context for the first experimental assessment of non-Markovianity in a multielement solid-state device.


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The emergence of multidrug-resistant pathogens within the clinical environment is presenting a mounting problem in hospitals worldwide. The 'ESKAPE' pathogens (Enterococcusfaecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacter spp.) have been highlighted as a group of causative organisms in a majority of nosocomial infections, presenting a serious health risk due to widespread antimicrobial resistance. The stagnating pipeline of new antibiotics requires alternative approaches to the control and treatment of nosocomial infections. Atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma (APNTP) is attracting growing interest as an alternative infection control approach within the clinical setting. This study presents a comprehensive bactericidal assessment of an in-house-designed APNTP jet both against biofilms and planktonic bacteria of the ESKAPE pathogens. Standard plate counts and the XTT metabolic assay were used to evaluate the antibacterial effect of APNTP, with both methods demonstrating comparable eradication times. APNTP exhibited rapid antimicrobial activity against all of the ESKAPE pathogens in the planktonic mode of growth and provided efficient and complete eradication of ESKAPE pathogens in the biofilm mode of growth within 360 s, with the exception of A. baumannii where a >4log reduction in biofilm viability was observed. This demonstrates its effectiveness as a bactericidal treatment against these pathogens and further highlights its potential application in the clinical environment for the control of highly antimicrobial-resistant pathogens.


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This chapter has both a methodological and a substantive aim. First, I suggest, using the role and function of NGOs in religiously related legal disputes as a paradigm example, the distinction between institutional, doctrinal, and theoretical approaches to the study of the relationship between religion and law is sometimes unhelpful, creating a barrier preventing us from understanding the phenomenon that we are examining. Instead, I suggest, a more integrated understanding, drawing on each of these approaches and seeing how they relate to each other, may well be more illuminating. The second aim of this chapter is to suggest, in a preliminary way, that the phenomenon of faith-based organizations should be more integrated than in the past into doctrinal and theoretical debates in the area of law and religion, in particular the problem of how liberal society is to engage with organized religion where there is a fundamental dispute as to who represents that religion, or as to what the basic tenets of that religion are.


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Cascade control is one of the routinely used control strategies in industrial processes because it can dramatically improve the performance of single-loop control, reducing both the maximum deviation and the integral error of the disturbance response. Currently, many control performance assessment methods of cascade control loops are developed based on the assumption that all the disturbances are subject to Gaussian distribution. However, in the practical condition, several disturbance sources occur in the manipulated variable or the upstream exhibits nonlinear behaviors. In this paper, a general and effective index of the performance assessment of the cascade control system subjected to the unknown disturbance distribution is proposed. Like the minimum variance control (MVC) design, the output variances of the primary and the secondary loops are decomposed into a cascade-invariant and a cascade-dependent term, but the estimated ARMA model for the cascade control loop based on the minimum entropy, instead of the minimum mean squares error, is developed for non-Gaussian disturbances. Unlike the MVC index, an innovative control performance index is given based on the information theory and the minimum entropy criterion. The index is informative and in agreement with the expected control knowledge. To elucidate wide applicability and effectiveness of the minimum entropy cascade control index, a simulation problem and a cascade control case of an oil refinery are applied. The comparison with MVC based cascade control is also included.


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In this paper, we consider the variable selection problem for a nonlinear non-parametric system. Two approaches are proposed, one top-down approach and one bottom-up approach. The top-down algorithm selects a variable by detecting if the corresponding partial derivative is zero or not at the point of interest. The algorithm is shown to have not only the parameter but also the set convergence. This is critical because the variable selection problem is binary, a variable is either selected or not selected. The bottom-up approach is based on the forward/backward stepwise selection which is designed to work if the data length is limited. Both approaches determine the most important variables locally and allow the unknown non-parametric nonlinear system to have different local dimensions at different points of interest. Further, two potential applications along with numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed algorithms.


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his paper considers a problem of identification for a high dimensional nonlinear non-parametric system when only a limited data set is available. The algorithms are proposed for this purpose which exploit the relationship between the input variables and the output and further the inter-dependence of input variables so that the importance of the input variables can be established. A key to these algorithms is the non-parametric two stage input selection algorithm.


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In a number of species, individuals showing lateralized hand/paw usage (i.e. the preferential use of either the right or left paw) compared to ambilateral individuals have been shown to be more proactive in novel situations. In the current study we used an established test to assess preferential paw usage in dogs (the Kong test) and then compared the performance of ambilateral and lateralized dogs as well as left- vs. right-pawed dogs in a novel manipulative problem solving task. Results showed an equal proportion of ambilateral and lateralized dogs but contrary to predictions non-lateralized dogs were faster at accessing the apparatus in test trials. No differences emerged between right- and left-pawed dogs. Results are discussed in relation to previous studies on lateralization. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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A utilização insustentável de pesticidas, especialmente em zonas com elevado valor ecológico constitui uma ameaça à integridade dos ecossistemas. Sendo um problema à escala mundial, e também no contexto nacional, o presente trabalho pretende ser um contributo para a avaliação dos efeitos de pesticidas em organismos não alvo terrestres e, principalmente, aquáticos, em contextos de progressiva relevância ecológica. Neste sentido, o estudo foi direccionado para áreas (A1 e A2) integradas numa zona agrícola extensa em Portugal, utilizada para a produção de milho e, principalmente, de arroz (Baixo Mondego), a qual sustenta uma elevada biodiversidade. O estudo teve início na área A1, onde a monitorização físico-química e os ensaios com amostras naturais (ensaios WET - whole effluent tests) provenientes desta área evidenciaram que, apesar da ausência de pesticidas, as amostras de água colhidas no canal que atravessava os arrozais foram as mais nocivas para o crescimento de Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata e Chlorella vulgaris. Uma vez que outras fontes de contaminação (produção de gado) actuavam em A1, o estudo prosseguiu apenas na área A2. Assim, em A2, começou-se por determinar a toxicidade individual e da mistura de dois herbicidas formulados aplicados nos campos de arroz (Viper®) e milho (Mikado®) em condições laboratoriais. Viper® foi o herbicida mais tóxico, tanto para o crescimento de P. subcapitata e C. vulgaris, como para a sobrevivência, reprodução e crescimento de Daphnia longispina e Daphnia magna. Adicionalmente, estimou-se que a mistura Viper®/Mikado® induz efeitos antagonistas no crescimento de P. subcapitata e efeitos sinérgicos no crescimento de C. vulgaris e na sobrevivência dos dafnídeos. A avaliação da toxicidade destes herbicidas formulados e seus ingredientes activos no comportamento de minhocas terrestres (Eisenia andrei), usando solos naturais, demonstrou que Viper® e penoxsulam causaram uma % de evitamento superior nos organismos expostos. Contudo, o risco para E. andrei será à partida reduzido se as taxas de aplicação dos herbicidas forem respeitadas. Ensaios WET foram novamente usados para testar amostras naturais da área A2. Verificou-se que a qualidade do sistema aquático e do arrozal diminuiu durante a estação agrícola, em paralelo com a presença de nutrientes e pesticidas. O crescimento algal foi inibido, apesar dos parâmetros de história de vida dos dafnídeos terem sido estimulados. O resultado desta avaliação subestimou, em certos casos, os impactos reais causados pela aplicação de pesticidas. A avaliação in situ simultânea à aplicação de herbicidas nos arrozais demonstrou que os efeitos registados foram de facto restritos aos pulsos de herbicidas. A inibição das taxas de alimentação de D. longispina e D. magna forneceram um sinal precoce de alterações no sistema, seguido pela diminuição da sua sobrevivência e do crescimento de P. subcapitata. Em suma, as diferentes fases da avaliação efectuada confirmaram a existência de condições desfavoráveis devido às práticas agrícolas, reforçando a necessidade de se conjugar ensaios laboratoriais com avaliações in situ de maior relevância ecológica, para reduzir o grau de incerteza aliado à determinação dos riscos.


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It has been estimated that one out of forty people in the general population suffer from congenital prosopagnosia (CP), a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty identifying people by their faces. CP involves impairment in recognising faces, although the perception of non-face stimuli may also be impaired. Given that social interaction does not only depend on face processing, but also the processing of bodies, it is of theoretical importance to ascertain whether CP is also characterised by body perception impairments. Here, we tested eleven CPs and eleven matched control participants on the Body Identity Recognition Task (BIRT), a forced-choice match-to-sample task, using stimuli that require processing of body, not clothing, specific features. Results indicated that the group of CPs was as accurate as controls on the BIRT, which is in line with the lack of body perception complaints by CPs. However the CPs were slower than controls, and when accuracy and response times were combined into inverse efficiency scores (IES), the group of CPs were impaired, suggesting that the CPs could be using more effortful cognitive mechanisms to be as accurate as controls. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate CP may not generally be limited to face processing difficulties, but may also extend to body perception


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One of the tasks of teaching (Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2008) concerns the work of interpreting student error and evaluating alternative algorithms used by students. Teachers’ abilities to understand nonstandard student work affects their instructional decisions, the explanations they provide in the classroom, the way they guide their students, and how they conduct mathematical discussions. However, their knowledge or their perceptions of the knowledge may not correspond to the actual level of knowledge that will support flexibility and fluency in a mathematics classroom. In this paper, we focus on Norwegian and Portuguese teachers’ reflections when trying to give sense to students’ use of nonstandard subtraction algorithms and of the mathematics imbedded in such. By discussing teachers’ mathematical knowledge associated with these situations and revealed in their reflections, we can perceive the difficulties teachers have in making sense of students’ solutions that differ from those most commonly reached.


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This paper addresses the problem of energy resource scheduling. An aggregator will manage all distributed resources connected to its distribution network, including distributed generation based on renewable energy resources, demand response, storage systems, and electrical gridable vehicles. The use of gridable vehicles will have a significant impact on power systems management, especially in distribution networks. Therefore, the inclusion of vehicles in the optimal scheduling problem will be very important in future network management. The proposed particle swarm optimization approach is compared with a reference methodology based on mixed integer non-linear programming, implemented in GAMS, to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. The paper includes a case study that consider a 32 bus distribution network with 66 distributed generators, 32 loads and 50 electric vehicles.


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To maintain a power system within operation limits, a level ahead planning it is necessary to apply competitive techniques to solve the optimal power flow (OPF). OPF is a non-linear and a large combinatorial problem. The Ant Colony Search (ACS) optimization algorithm is inspired by the organized natural movement of real ants and has been successfully applied to different large combinatorial optimization problems. This paper presents an implementation of Ant Colony optimization to solve the OPF in an economic dispatch context. The proposed methodology has been developed to be used for maintenance and repairing planning with 48 to 24 hours antecipation. The main advantage of this method is its low execution time that allows the use of OPF when a large set of scenarios has to be analyzed. The paper includes a case study using the IEEE 30 bus network. The results are compared with other well-known methodologies presented in the literature.


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In recent years several countries have set up policies that allow exchange of kidneys between two or more incompatible patient–donor pairs. These policies lead to what is commonly known as kidney exchange programs. The underlying optimization problems can be formulated as integer programming models. Previously proposed models for kidney exchange programs have exponential numbers of constraints or variables, which makes them fairly difficult to solve when the problem size is large. In this work we propose two compact formulations for the problem, explain how these formulations can be adapted to address some problem variants, and provide results on the dominance of some models over others. Finally we present a systematic comparison between our models and two previously proposed ones via thorough computational analysis. Results show that compact formulations have advantages over non-compact ones when the problem size is large.