925 resultados para Non Medical Prescribing


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Background: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. At present no reliable biomarkers are available to guide the management of this condition. Microarray technology may allow appropriate biomarkers to be identified but present platforms are lacking disease focus and are thus likely to miss potentially vital information contained in patient tissue samples.


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We compared non-shivering thermogenesis between two adjacent populations of the common spiny mouse Acomys cahirinus from different habitats, in relation to increasing salinity. Individuals were captured from the north- and south-facing slopes of the same valley, that represent


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Background There is considerable interest in developing coitally indepen- dent, sustained release formulations for long-term administration of HIV microbicides. Vaginal ring devices are at the forefront of this formulation strategy. Methods Non-medicated silicone elastomer vaginal rings were prepared having a range of appropriate dimensions for testing vaginal ?t in pig- tailed and Chinese rhesus macaques. Cervicovaginal proin?ammatory markers were evaluated. Compression testing was performed to compare the relative ?exibility of various macaque and commercial human rings. Results All rings remained in place during the study period and no tissue irritation or signi?cant induction of cervicovaginal proin?ammatory mark- ers or signs of physical discomfort were observed during the 8-week study period. Conclusions Qualitative evaluation suggests that the 25 · 5-mm ring pro- vided optimal ?t in both macaque species. Based on the results presented here, low-consistency silicone elastomers do not cause irritation in maca-


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Objective The objective of this research was to examine differences in patterns of statin prescribing between Northern Ireland and England both before and after the introduction of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). Setting: Primary care practices in Northern Ireland and England. Method Northern Ireland practices were matched with practices in England, statin prescribing data and QOF achievement scores (for the first year post-QOF) were obtained. Crude prescribing data from matched practices were manipulated to provide a data set of Defined Daily Doses (DDDs)/1,000 patients and cost/DDD/1,000 patients for each statin drug entity covering 1 year before and after the introduction of QOF. QOF achievements were converted into percentage scores for matched practices. Main outcome measure Cost per defined daily dose (DDD) per 1,000 patients. Results Significantly less statins (DDD/1,000 patients) were dispensed in Northern Ireland compared with the matched region in England both before and after the introduction of QOF (P


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Although heterothermy (hibernation and torpor) is a common feature among mammals, there is debate over whether it is a derived or ancestral trait relative to endothermic homeothermy. Determination of the physiological characteristics of primitive mammals is central to understanding the evolution of endothermy. Moreover, evaluation of physiological mechanisms responsible for endothermic heat production [e.g. non-shivering thermogenesis (NST)] is key to understanding how early mammals responded to historical climate changes and colonised different geographical regions. Here we investigated the capacity for NST and heterothermy in the Hottentot golden mole, a basal eutherian mammal. NST was measured as the metabolic response to injections of noradrenalin and heterothermy by recording body temperature in free-ranging animals. We found that hibernation and torpor occurred and that the seasonal phenotypic adjustment of NST capacity was similar to that found in other placental mammals. Using phylogenetically independent contrasts, we compared measured values of NST with those obtained from the literature. This showed that all variation in NST was accounted for by differences in phylogeny and not zoogeography. These findings lend support to the observation that NST and heterothermy occur in the Afrotheria, the basal placental mammalian clade. Furthermore, this work suggests that heterothermy, rather than homeothermy is a plesiomorphic trait in mammals and supports the notion that NST mechanisms are phylogenetically ancient.


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Objective To evaluate the feasibility of conducting a definitive study to assess the impact of introducing a rapid PCR-based test for candidemia on antifungal drug prescribing. Method Prospective, single centre, interrupted time series study consisting of three periods of six months' duration. The assay was available during the second period, during which the PCR assay was available for routine use by physicians Monday–Friday with guaranteed 24-h turnaround time. For each period total antifungal drug use, expressed as treatment-days, was recorded and an adjustment was made to exclude estimated use for proven candidemia. Also, during the intervention period, antifungal prescribing decisions for up to 72 h after each PCR result became available were recorded as either concordant or discordant with that result. Results While overall antifungal use remained relatively stable throughout, after adjustment for candidemia, there was a 38% reduction in use following introduction of the PCR test; however, this was nonsignificant at the 95% level. During the intervention period overall concordance between the PCR result and prescribing decisions was 84%. Conclusions The PCR assay for candidemia was requested, prescribing decisions were generally concordant with the results produced and there was an apparent decrease in antifungal prescription, although this was sustained even after withdrawal of the intervention; these findings should be more thoroughly evaluated in a larger trial.


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Objectives: To investigate the knowledge and views of a range of healthcare professionals (consultant paediatricians, general practitioners (GPs), community pharmacists and paediatric nurses) regarding the use of unlicensed/off-label medicines in children and the participation of children in clinical trials.

Methods: A regional study in which a survey instrument with 39 items was issued to 500 randomly selected GPs, all community pharmacists (n?=?512), 50 hospital consultants and 150 paediatric nurses in Northern Ireland.

Results: Approximately half (46.5%) of the 1,212 healthcare professionals approached responded to the questionnaire. The majority of respondents indicated their familiarity with the term unlicensed (82.9%) or off-label (58.6%) prescribing with the most frequently quoted reason for such prescribing being younger age (33.6%). Apart from community pharmacists, most respondents reported having gained their knowledge through personal experience. Even though a large percentage of respondents expressed concerns about the safety (77.8%) or efficacy (87.9%) of unlicensed/off-label prescribing in children, only 30.7% reported informing parents/guardians of these concerns on the use of such medicines in children. In addition, only 56% of respondents believed that unlicensed/off-label medicines should undergo clinical trials in children. Overall, 28.4% of respondents (20.1% of GPs, 41.4% of community pharmacists, 27.7% of paediatric nurses and 94% of consultant paediatricians) indicated their willingness to be actively involved in, and recruit their patients for paediatric clinical research.

Conclusion: The use of unlicensed and off-label medicines remains a major issue in paediatric medicine. Until such times as more licensed medicines are available for children, clear guidance should be developed to allow consistency in practice across the spectrum of healthcare professionals who are involved with such medicines in their routine practice.