655 resultados para Niger


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The Anambra River is the largest tributary of the lower Niger River below Lukoja. Between the months of May and November the river is subject to seasonal flooding from heavy precipitation and land runoff into the drainage system. During the flood phase, pools form on the floodplains (known as the fadama) and these pools receive materials and biota from the main river channel. The biota often includes representatives of freshwater vertebrates (including fishes) and invertebrates. On this brief note, the authors report on the macroinvertebrates found during preliminary studies on four fadama pools during the non-flood season between December 1994 and April 1995. 523 specimens were collected, of which 86% were arthropods, 9% were annelids (mostly Tubifex and Nais) and a few leeches (Hirudo), and 5% were gastropod molluscs of the arthropods, 75% were insects particularly Hemiptera and Diptera.


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Terns and skimmers nesting on saltmarsh islands often suffer large nest losses due to tidal and storm flooding. Nests located near the center of an island and on wrack (mats of dead vegetation, mostly eelgrass Zostera) are less susceptible to flooding than those near the edge of an island and those on bare soil or in saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora). In the 1980’s Burger and Gochfeld constructed artificial eelgrass mats on saltmarsh islands in Ocean County, New Jersey. These mats were used as nesting substrate by common terns (Sterna hirundo) and black skimmers (Rynchops niger). Every year since 2002 I have transported eelgrass to one of their original sites to make artificial mats. This site, Pettit Island, typically supports between 125 and 200 pairs of common terns. There has often been very little natural wrack present on the island at the start of the breeding season, and in most years natural wrack has been most common along the edges of the island. The terns readily used the artificial mats for nesting substrate. Because I placed artificial mats in the center of the island, the terns have often avoided the large nest losses incurred by terns nesting in peripheral locations. However, during particularly severe flooding events even centrally located nests on mats are vulnerable. Construction of eelgrass mats represents an easy habitat manipulation that can improve the nesting success of marsh-nesting seabirds.


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In 1989-1991, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service surveyed breeding populations of seabirds on the entire California coast. This study was sponsored by the Minerals Management Service in relation to outer continental shelf oil and gas leasing. At 483 nesting sites (excluding terns and skimmers in southern California), we estimated 643,307 breeding birds of 21 seabird species including: 410 Fork-tailed Storm-petrel (Oceanodroma furcata); 12,551 Leach's Storm-petrel (O. leucorhoa); 7,209 Ashy Storm-petrel (O. homochroa); 274 Black Storm-petrel (O. melania); 11,916 Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis); 10,037 Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus); 83,394 Brandt's Cormorant (P. penicillatus); 14,345 Pelagic Cormorant (P. pelagicus); 888 Black Oystercatcher (Haemotopus bachmani); 4,764 California Gull (Larus californicus); 61,760 Western Gull (L. occidentalis); 2,838 Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia) (excluding southern California); 3,550 Forster's Tern (S. forsteri) (excluding southern California); 272 Least Tern (S. albifrons) (excluding southern California); 351,336 Common Murre (Uria aalge); 15,470 Pigeon Guillemot (Cepphus columba); 1,821 Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus); 1,760 Xantus' Murrelet (Endomychura hypoleuca); 56,562 Cassin's Auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus); 1,769 Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata); and 276 Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata). The inland, historical or hybrid breeding status of American White Pelican (P. erythrorynchus), American Oystercatcher (H. palliatus), Heermann's Gull (L. heermanni), Ring-billed Gull (L. delawarensis), Glaucous-winged Gull (L. glaucescens) and Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) are discussed. Estimates for Gull-billed Tern (S. nilotica), Royal Tern (S. maxima), Elegant Tern (S. elegans) and Black Skimmer (Rhynchops niger) will be included in the final draft of this report. Overall numbers were slightly lower than reported in 1975-1980 surveys (summarized in Sowls et al. 1980. Catalog of California seabird colonies. U.S. Dept. Int., Fish Wildl. Serv., Biol. Serv. Prog., FWS/OBS 37/80). Recent declines were found or suspected for Fork-tailed Storm-petrel, Leach's Storm-petrel, White Pelican, Black Tern, Caspian Tern, Least Tern, Common Murre and Marbled Murrelet. Recent increases were found or suspected for Brown Pelican, Double-crested cormorant, California Gull, Western Gull, Forster's Tern and Rhinoceros Auklet. Similar numbers were found for other species or trends could not be determined without additional surveys, studies and/or more in-depth comparisons with previous surveys. The status of terns and skimmers in southern California has not yet been finalized.


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The present communication is a survey report carried out to assess the incidence of toxic mycoflora on seven types of agriculture products/by products incorporated during fish culture as supplementary dietary items. Samples were obtained from various sources at Darbhanga, Madhubani and Samashtipur districts during summer, winter and monsoon months. Out of the total 1774 samples, only 894 appeared to be fresh visually reflecting average incidence of contamination around 46.6%. However, the apparently fresh samples, when subjected to culture, 26.9% of them were found to be contaminated. Thus, degree of fungal spoilage in feed ingredients in parts of north Bihar appears to be significantly high (73.5%). The present study illustrates the facts with special reference to Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus (elaborating aflatoxins) A. ochraceous, Penicilium viradicatuin (elaborating ochratoxins) and A. versicolor (elaborating sterigmatocystin). The other strains already known for their toxigenic potentials that appeared on the present substrates included A. niger, A. fumigatus, A. candidus, P. islandicum, Rhizopus spp. and Mucur spp. Studies indicate that the prevalent climatic factors like temperature and relative humidity facilitate a congenial condition almost all through the year and in particular during summer and monsoon months. But water content of the substrates is a vital factor that further accelerates the pace of mycobial spoilage. A thorough sun-drying of the agricultural commodities before prolonged storage to bring water content below the "low risk limit" may significantly reduce the incidence of molds.


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Nile perch, Lates niloticus Linnaeus, 1758, is a predatory fish of high commercial and recreational value. It can grow to a length of 2 m and a weight of 200 kg. In Uganda, Nile perch was originally found only in Lake Albert and the River Nile below Murchison Falls. The species is, however, widely distributed in Africa, occurring in the Nile system below Murchison Falls, the Congo, Niger, Volta, Senegal and in Lakes Chad and Turkana (Greenwood 1966).


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Incidences of furunculosis were reported in Schizothorax spp. (Schizothorax niger, S. esocinus, S. curvifrons and S. labiatus) in Wular Lake, Kashmir, from 2003 to 2005. The disease was reported during summer and winter months, but the percentage of infection was maximum during winter. Mortality rate ranged from 8 to 15%. Artificial challenge of Schizothorax spp. with Aeromonas salmonicida produced symptoms pertinent to furunculosis. The incidence of disease was the highest (13.87%) in December, and lowest (0.40%) in May and October. S. esocinus exhibited the maximum (44.48%) percentage of infection, while as S. labiatus exhibited the minimum (14.28%) throughout the study period. Haematological investigations revealed devastating changes in various blood parameters. Chemotherapeutic tests revealed complete recovery of the disease using 20 ppm oxytetracycline and 30 ppm streptomycin.


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The effect of white, green, blue and yellow coloured drift gill nets on their catch with respect to Scomberomorus guttatus (Schneider), Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepede), Scomberomorus lineolatus (Cuvier), Parastomateus niger (Bloch), Euthynnus ajjinis (Cantor) and sharks Carcharius melanopterus is discussed. White nets were more effective for S. guttatus while the coloured ones caught more of P. niger. Blue had no significant effect for sharks. In the case of S. lineolatus, S. commerson and E. affinis no preference to colour was noted.


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Experiments with drift gill net with under-water lights were carried out in the sea and estuarine region along with a control net of the same specifications without any light in the same fishing ground for comparison. The experimental net caught more fish in number and weight than the control. Fishes like pomfrets (Pampus chinensis, Parastromafeus niger), seer (Scomberomorus spp), hilsa (Ilisha spp) etc showed positive phototaxis and were gilled encircling the point of illumination. Young skates (Mobula spp) and Polynemus tetradactylus were antiphototactic. The number of fishes caught increased with increase in period of illumination. The catch of larger fishes was maximum at 60 mts of illumination and the total catch increased with increase in intensity of light. Additional cost of operation with under-water light was Rs 1-25 per hr but the catch was 4 to 5 times greater than that of the control net.


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Seasonal variation in the proximate composition of different body regions of Pampus argenteus is reported. The fat content of the fish is high during winter whereas during summer the fish becomes lean. A comparison of average values of proximate composition and energy values of silver pomfret and black pomfret (Parastromateus niger) is given.


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Influence of colour of webbing on the catch of gill nets for commercially important hilsa (Hilsa toli and Hilsa ilisha) and pomfret (Pampus argenteus and Parastromateus niger) has been studied in the coastal waters off Veraval. Among the colours tested yellow and white are recommended for hilsa and pomfret gear. Influence of fishing depth, surface water temperature and turbidity on catch are also discussed.


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Pesticide residues in four marine fishes, black pomfret (Parastromateus niger), mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), marine vala (Chirocentrus sp.) and tuna (Euthynnus affinis) are reported. Highest concentration is found in black pomfret followed by tuna, vala and mackerel. The contents of various pesticides present in fish under study are well below the action level prepared by FDA to cause any health hazard.


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本文选取卷叶象甲科昆虫为研究对象,以形态分类学为基础,辅之以分子生 物学手段,对中国特有的茸卷象属(Euscelophilus)进行了系统发育学的研究。 并在此基础上,对该属昆虫进行了亚显微结构的研究,该研究不仅对其分类学观 点进行了验证,对属内分种的有效形态学性状进行了补充,而且从感受器亚显微 形态的角度讨论了卷象与寄主植物的化学识别机制,明晰了其结构基础。最后, 本文首次从力学角度对卷象与其寄主植物的物理识别机制进行了探讨。 在分类学研究中,本文首先整理了中国卷叶象甲鉴定科、亚科、族、属的检 索表,同时对其中的18 个常见属的分种检索表进行了整理,并对其中中国特有 属Euscelophilus 进行了深入的分类学研究。将Euscelophilidius、Cureuscelophilus 两属和Euscelophiloides 亚属定义为Euscelophilus 的新异名,并提供了该属物种 检索表,同时为该属新增三个物种,分别是Euselophilus longispinus Xie & Liang, sp. n.,Euselophilus gaoligongensis Xie & Liang, sp. n.和Euselophilus caperratus Xie & Liang, sp. n.,并对两物种E. denticulatus 和 E. gibbicollis 的雄性外生殖器 进行了描绘。 分子生物学研究以该属内9 种和4 个外群种共23 个个体为材料,对其COII 基因进行了扩增,并对所得的核苷酸序列使用PAUP 和贝叶斯两种方法构建分子 系统发育树。结果表明,中国茸卷象属是一个单系群,其内部可分为三支,分别 以E. niger,E. gibbicollis 和E. rugolosus 为代表,建议将该属分为三个亚属,对 于该属有争议的物种T. (E.) qinni,依照本研究获得的数据,建议将其移回 Euscelophilus 属。亚显微结构研究选取本属内8 个物种作为研究对象,分别对其头部、胸部、 腹部及前足的形态性状,使用扫描电子显微镜进行了观察拍照。同时,选取了复 眼、触角、下唇须、外颚叶、腹部、跗节等部位分布的各种感受器进行了亚显微 结构的研究。结果表明,形态相似的近缘物种在亚显微结构上可显示出更大的形 状差异,同时,首次证明额的形态特征可作为该属内分种的有效依据。感受器结 构研究表明卷象识别寄主植物的主要感受器为毛状、锥状、乳突状化学感受器, 其次为刺状、毛状的听觉(物理)感受器以及六棱形小眼组成的视觉感受器(复 眼)。 力学研究部分选取Apoderus 属一种卷象及其寄主植物马桑(Coriaria nepalensis Wall.)为研究对象,首先以人工模拟卷叶的形式对卷象卷叶所需的力 进行了分析,其次以纳米压痕手段对卷象上颚和马桑叶片的硬度和弹性模量分别 进行了研究。结果表明,先切叶后卷叶是更省力更进化的卷叶模式,同时卷象选 择寄主植物的机制中,两者的物理性能呈一定的相关性。


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This paper gives an account of the wet season swamps in the River Niger valley within tbe area now submerged by the Kainji Lake. Their ecology was studied with respect to the soils, plant cover, water chemistry and plankton concentrations. Their value to the fishery in the river basin was discussed.


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The genus Yunnanilus Nichols, 1925 is revised; Eonemachilus Berg, 1938 is a junior subjective synonym. Yunnanilus includes at least nine described species and five undescribed species. The status of Y; salmonides Chaudhuri is still incertae sedis. Six new species are described: Y. parvus, Y: altus, Y; pachycephalus, X niger, Y. macrogaster and Y. paludosus. The last three species occur sympatrically in a small endorheic basin of eastern Yunnan; they developed different feeding specializations which allowed them to use different niches. Other species also have peculiar specializations. The diversity of feeding habits and related adaptations in Yunnanilus is greater than in the whole subfamily Nemacheilinae and is one more example of supralimital specialization. Speciation of fishes on the Yunnan Plateau is discussed. Several species are endangered or possibly extinct. Introduction


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本文报告了丝状真菌单宁酶发酵五倍子及有机溶剂中酶法合成没食子酸丙酯的研究。利用单宁和/或五倍子诱导丝状真菌产生单宁 酶的原理,借助二级发酵程序,对从天然源得到的75株菌进行了生物转化实验研究。选择出既能水解单宁或五倍子成没食子酸,又 能把没食子酸和丙醇合成没食子酸丙酯,而且生物催化活性都较高的1株菌,这株菌经初步鉴定为黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger No.17)。随后对它开展了产酶条件和参数优化实验,得出了最佳培养条件。立足于参数优化实验方案的基础上,经由液体培养发酵 制备单宁酶制剂,并把该酶通过化学手段共价结合到一种新型载体—聚乙烯醇和戊二醛反应生成的缩醛上,制备得到固定化单宁酶 。这种固定化生物催化剂在两种有机介质体系中都具有逆向催化合成没食子酸丙酯的能力。最后建立起来一条有效可行的微生物酶 法制备没食子酸的技术途径,没食子酸产率达到70%。对这种物质进行元素 分析:含C,49.45%;含H,3.63%。它的熔点为237℃~243 ℃,三种溶剂系统的TLC均只给出一个斑点。这些数据都与标准品一致。有机溶剂中酶法合成没食子酸丙酯的技术途径已经建立。 水溶性单宁酶在潜溶剂体系中也能催化上述酯化反应,反应混合物中的PG浓度为16.4mmol/L,制备薄层被用于分离反应混合物所含 的PG,这种产物被红外、质谱及三种溶剂系统的TLC等方法鉴定,确证为目标产物。在这一学位论文的实验研究过程中,还包括一 些生化分析方法的建立和应用,这些方法用于鉴定底物和产物及测定它们的浓度,其内容主要包括TLC定性/半定量分析、元素分析 、质谱、红外等手段的综合运用。本工作为开发我国特有的天然产物资源—五倍子的生物化工加工技术及非水相生物催化技术的开 发,提供了有用的基础数据资料,具有应用基础研究工作的重要性。In this thesis, the studies on the fermentation of Chinese gallotannin by filamentous fungi with tannase activity and enzymatic synthesis of propyl gallate(PG) in organic solvents were described through these biocatalysts. Based on the principles of induction enzyme, the tannase produced from filamentous fungi by adding tannic acid(TA) and/or Chinese gallotannin into media was investigated, and the screening experiments of bioconversion were done with 75 strains by means of a two-stage fermentation procedure. These strains were isolated with the enrichment culture technique from natural sources. Hence we selected one strain (Aspergillus niger No.17) that can not only catalyze the hydrolyses of TA and/or Chinese gallotannin into gallic acid(GA) in the liquid cultures, but also be used to synthesize PG from propanol and GA in the non-aqueous media. At the same time both of its biocatalytical activities were higher. This strain was calssified to be Aspergillus niger by the primary identification. Then optimum conditions for production of the tannase and its parameters were examined. In this way, one set of optimum culture conditions was selected. Making use of the optimum proposal, the tanase was prepared through a liquid fermentation procedure. The enzyme was convalently coupled to a new type of carrier which was made chemically from polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)and glutaraldehyde. The immobilized enzymes were able to synthesize PG reversely in two organic media. Finally, an effective enzymatic technique for production of GA was developed. The yield of GA products was up to 70%。Element analysis for this substance: calce: C, 49.42%; H, 3.56%; found: C, 49.45%, H, 3.63%. Its melting point was 237℃~ 243℃ and TLCs on three solvent systems gave only one spot respectively. These data were identical with theauthentic GA. The enzymatic synthesis of PG in organic solvents was extablished with reverse route of tannase catalytical hydrolysis. Aqueous enzyme perparation also catalyzed above esterification in a buffer system. The PG concentration in the reaction mixture was 16.4mmol/L. The reparative-scale TLC was used to isolate PG from the reaction mixture. This product separated was identified by IR, MS and TLC on three solvent systems. In this study of thesis, some biochemical analytical mehtods were developed and used to identify substrates and products, and to determinate their concentration. These methods, including TLC qualitative/half quantitative analysis, element analysis, MS, IR and so on, were useful, available and performable. This work provided basic data and information for developing the biochemical engineering and bio-processing of Chinese gallotannin-a special natural resource in China and the non-aqueous phase biocatalysis. Thus, this study possesses importance in the applied and basic research work.