945 resultados para Neuropeptide S. Locomotor activity. Dopamine. Mice
Subterranean organisms are excellent models for chronobiological studies, yet relatively few taxa have been investigated with this focus. Former results were interpreted as a pattern of regression of circadian locomotor activity rhythms in troglobitic (exclusively subterranean) species. In this paper we report results of experiments with cave fishes showing variable degrees of troglomorphism (reduction of eyes, melanic pigmentation and other specializations related to the hypogean life) submitted to light-dark cycles, preceded and followed by several days in constant darkness. Samples from seven species have been monitored in our laboratory for the detection of significant circadian rhythms in locomotor activity: S. typhlops, an extremely troglomophic species, presented the lowest number of significant components in the circadian range (only one individual out of eight in DD1 and three other fish in LD), all weak (low values of spectral power). Higher incidence of circadian components was observed for P. kronei - only one among six studied catfish without significant circadian rhythms under DD1 and DD2; spectral powers were generally high. Intermediate situations were observed for the remaining species, however all of them presented relatively strong significant rhythms under LD. Residual oscillations (circadian rhythms in DD2) were detected in at least part of the studied individuals of all species but S. typhlops, without a correlation with spectral powers of LD rhythms, i.e., individuals exhibiting residual oscillations were not necessarily those with the strongest LD rhythms. In conclusion, the accumulated evidence for troglobitic fishes strongly supports the hypothesis of external, environmental selection for circadian locomotor rhythms.
Previous studies using morphine-treated dams reported a role for the rostral lateral periaqueductal gray (rIPAG) in the behavioral switching between nursing and insect hunting, likely to depend on an enhanced seeking response to the presence of an appetitive rewarding cue (i.e., the roach). To elucidate the neural mechanisms mediating such responses, in the present study, we first observed how the rIPAG influences predatory hunting in male rats. Our behavioral observations indicated that bilateral rIPAG NMDA lesions dramatically interfere with prey hunting, leaving the animal without chasing or attacking the prey, but do not seem to affect the general levels of arousal, locomotor activity and regular feeding. Next, using Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L), we have reviewed the rIPAG connection pattern, and pointed out a particularly dense projection to the hypothalamic orexinergic cell group. Double labeled PHA-L and orexin sections showed an extensive overlap between PHA-L labeled fibers and orexin cells, revealing that both the medial/perifornical and lateral hypothalamic orexinergic cell groups receive a substantial innervation from the rIPAG. We have further observed that both the medial/perifornical and lateral hypothalamic orexinergic cell groups up-regulate Fos expression during prey hunting, and that rIPAG lesions blunted this Fos increase only in the lateral hypothalamic, but not in the medial/perifornical, orexinergic group, a finding supposedly associated with the lack of motivational drive to actively pursue the prey. Overall, the present results suggest that the rIPAG should exert a critical influence on reward seeking by activating the lateral hypothalamic orexinergic cell group. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Clinical and experimental evidence suggest that estrogens have a major impact on cognition, presenting neurotrophic and neuroprotective actions in regions involved in such function. In opposite, some studies indicate that certain hormone therapy regimens may provoke detrimental effects over female cognitive and neurological function. Therefore, we decided to investigate how estrogen treatment would influence cognition and depression in different ages. For that matter, this study assessed the effects of chronic 17 beta-estradiol treatment over cognition and depressive-like behaviors of young (3 months old), adult (7 months old) and middle-aged (12 months old) reproductive female Wistar rats. These functions were also correlated with alterations in the serotonergic system, as well as hippocampal BDNF. 17 beta-Estradiol treatment did not influence animals' locomotor activity and exploratory behavior, but it was able to improve the performance of adult and middle-aged rats in the Morris water maze, the latter being more responsive to the treatment. Young and adult rats displayed decreased immobility time in the forced swimming test, suggesting an effect of 17 beta-estradiol also over such depressive-like behavior. This same test revealed increased swimming behavior, triggered by serotonergic pathway, in adult rats. Neurochemical evaluations indicated that 17 beta-estradiol treatment was able to increase serotonin turnover rate in the hippocampus of adult rats. Interestingly, estrogen treatment increased BDNF levels from animals of all ages. These findings support the notion that the beneficial effects of 17 beta-estradiol over spatial reference memory and depressive-like behavior are evident only when hormone therapy occurs at early ages and early stages of hormonal decline. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Wirkung von Hyperforin, einem Johanniskraut-Inhaltsstoff, auf das zentrale cholinerge System. Da der HACU Na+-abhängig operiert und Hyperforin den transmembranären Na+-Gradienten verringert, wurde an Rattenkortex-Synaptosomen in vitro geprüft, ob der HACU durch Hyperforin gehemmt wird. Es wurde gefunden, dass Hyperforin den HACU mit einer Hemmkonstante IC50 von 8.5 µM inhibiert. Da die de novo-ACh-Synthese direkt HACU-Aktivitäts-abhängig ist, wurde in vivo mittels Mikrodialyse-Technik verifziert, ob die cholinerge Transmission beeinflusst wird. Lokale Infusionen von 100 µM Hyperforin in das Striatum resultierten in einer Reduktion der ACh-Freisetzung bei parallelem Ch-Spiegel-Anstieg bedingt durch die HACU-Inhibition. Infusionen niedrigerer Konzentration (10 und 30 µM) führten hingegen zu einer konzentrations-abhängigen Stimulation der ACh-Freisetzung bei simultaner Ch-Spiegel-Senkung. Systemische Applikation von 1 und 10 mg/kg i.p. resultierten in einer verstärkten ACh-Freisetzung im Striatum und im Hippokampus; diese Dosen führen zu therapeutisch relevanten Plasmaspiegeln. Die Ergebnisse im Striatum und im Hippokampus erklären die motilitätsverringernden Effekte im Tierexperiment bzw. die benignen Effekte in Verhaltensmodellen für Lernen und Gedächtnis. Die vergleichende Analyse der Mikrodialyse-Experimente ergab, dass eine antidepressive Johanniskraut-Begleitmedikation bei Parkinson ungünstig, jedoch Alzheimer günstig zu bewerten ist.
Cross Reacting Material 197(CRM197) is a Diphteria toxin non toxic mutant that had shown anti-tumor activity in mice and humans. CRM197 is utilized as a specific inhibitor of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (HB-EGF), that competes for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), overexpressed in colorectal cancer and implicated in its progression. We evaluated the effects of CRM197 on HT-29 human colon cancer cell line behaviour and, for CRM197 recognized ability to inhibit HB-EGF, its possible effects on EGFR activation. In particular, while HT-29 does not show any reduction of viability after CRM197 treatment, or changes in cell cycle distribution, in EGFR localization or activation, they show a change in gene expression profile analyzed by microarray. This is the first study where the CRM197 treatment on HT-29 show the alteration of a specific and selected number of genes.
Da nicht-synonyme tumorspezifische Punktmutationen nur in malignen Geweben vorkommen und das veränderte Proteinprodukt vom Immunsystem als „fremd“ erkannt werden kann, stellen diese einen bisher ungenutzten Pool von Zielstrukturen für die Immuntherapie dar. Menschliche Tumore können individuell bis zu tausenden nicht-synonymer Punktmutationen in ihrem Genom tragen, welche nicht der zentralen Immuntoleranz unterliegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Hypothese zu untersuchen, dass das Immunsystem in der Lage sein sollte, mutierte Epitope auf Tumorzellen zu erkennen und zu klären, ob auf dieser Basis eine wirksame mRNA (RNA) basierte anti-tumorale Vakzinierung etabliert werden kann. Hierzu wurde von Ugur Sahin und Kollegen, das gesamte Genom des murinen B16-F10 Melanoms sequenziert und bioinformatisch analysiert. Im Rahmen der NGS Sequenzierung wurden mehr als 500 nicht-synonyme Punktmutationen identifiziert, von welchen 50 Mutationen selektiert und durch Sanger Sequenzierung validiert wurden. rnNach der Etablierung des immunologischen Testsysteme war eine Hauptfragestellung dieser Arbeit, die selektierten nicht-synonyme Punktmutationen in einem in vivo Ansatz systematisch auf Antigenität zu testen. Für diese Studien wurden mutierte Sequenzen in einer Länge von 27 Aminosuren genutzt, in denen die mutierte Aminosure zentral positioniert war. Durch die Länge der Peptide können prinzipiell alle möglichen MHC Klasse-I und -II Epitope abgedeckt werden, welche die Mutation enthalten. Eine Grundidee des Projektes Ansatzes ist es, einen auf in vitro transkribierter RNA basierten oligotopen Impfstoff zu entwickeln. Daher wurden die Impfungen naiver Mäuse sowohl mit langen Peptiden, als auch in einem unabhängigen Ansatz mit peptidkodierender RNA durchgeführt. Die Immunphänotypisierung der Impfstoff induzierten T-Zellen zeigte, dass insgesamt 16 der 50 (32%) mutierten Sequenzen eine T-Zellreaktivität induzierten. rnDie Verwendung der vorhergesagten Epitope in therapeutischen Vakzinierungsstudien bestätigten die Hypothese das mutierte Neo-Epitope potente Zielstrukturen einer anti-tumoralen Impftherapie darstellen können. So wurde in therapeutischen Tumorstudien gezeigt, dass auf Basis von RNA 9 von 12 bestätigten Epitopen einen anti-tumoralen Effekt zeigte.rnÜberaschenderweise wurde bei einem MHC Klasse-II restringierten mutiertem Epitop (Mut-30) sowohl in einem subkutanen, als auch in einem unabhängigen therapeutischen Lungenmetastasen Modell ein starker anti-tumoraler Effekt auf B16-F10 beobachtet, der dieses Epitop als neues immundominantes Epitop für das B16-F10 Melanom etabliert. Um den immunologischen Mechanismus hinter diesem Effekt näher zu untersuchen wurde in verschieden Experimenten die Rolle von CD4+, CD8+ sowie NK-Zellen zu verschieden Zeitpunkten der Tumorentwicklung untersucht. Die Analyse des Tumorgewebes ergab, eine signifikante erhöhte Frequenz von NK-Zellen in den mit Mut-30 RNA vakzinierten Tieren. Das NK Zellen in der frühen Phase der Therapie eine entscheidende Rolle spielen wurde anhand von Depletionsstudien bestätigt. Daran anschließend wurde gezeigt, dass im fortgeschrittenen Tumorstadium die NK Zellen keinen weiteren relevanten Beitrag zum anti-tumoralen Effekt der RNA Vakzinierung leisten, sondern die Vakzine induzierte adaptive Immunantwort. Durch die Isolierung von Lymphozyten aus dem Tumorgewebe und deren Einsatz als Effektorzellen im IFN-γ ELISPOT wurde nachgewiesen, dass Mut-30 spezifische T-Zellen das Tumorgewebe infiltrieren und dort u.a. IFN-γ sekretieren. Dass diese spezifische IFN-γ Ausschüttung für den beobachteten antitumoralen Effekt eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt wurde unter der Verwendung von IFN-γ -/- K.O. Mäusen bestätigt.rnDas Konzept der individuellen RNA basierten mutationsspezifischen Vakzine sieht vor, nicht nur mit einem mutations-spezifischen Epitop, sondern mit mehreren RNA-kodierten Mutationen Patienten zu impfen um der Entstehung von „escape“-Mutanten entgegenzuwirken. Da es nur Erfahrung mit der Herstellung und Verabreichung von Monotop-RNA gab, also RNA die für ein Epitop kodiert, war eine wichtige Fragestellungen, inwieweit Oligotope, welche die mutierten Sequenzen sequentiell durch Linker verbunden als Fusionsprotein kodieren, Immunantworten induzieren können. Hierzu wurden Pentatope mit variierender Position des einzelnen Epitopes hinsichtlich ihrer in vivo induzierten T-Zellreaktivitäten charakterisiert. Die Experimente zeigten, dass es möglich ist, unabhängig von der Position im Pentatop eine Immunantwort gegen ein Epitop zu induzieren. Des weiteren wurde beobachtet, dass die induzierten T-Zellfrequenzen nach Pentatop Vakzinierung im Vergleich zur Nutzung von Monotopen signifikant gesteigert werden kann.rnZusammenfassend wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit präklinisch erstmalig nachgewiesen, dass nicht-synonyme Mutationen eine numerisch relevante Quelle von Zielstrukturen für die anti-tumorale Immuntherapie darstellen. Überraschenderweise zeigte sich eine dominante Induktion MHC-II restringierter Immunantworten, welche partiell in der Lage waren massive Tumorabstoßungsreaktionen zu induzieren. Im Sinne einer Translation der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde ein RNA basiertes Oligotop-Format etabliert, welches Eingang in die klinische Testung des Konzeptes fand.rn
Increasing knowledge on the endocrine mechanisms that regulate feeding and growth in cultured fish can contribute to make improvement in fish holding conditions and feeding strategies, supporting the development of new techniques that could ameliorate feeding, food conversion efficiency and growth in aquaculture practice. The main objective of this study was to investigate how daily mRNA expression of three specific anorexigenic hormones, i.e. the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and the paralogues α- and β- proopiomelanocortin (POMC), is modulated by different photoperiods, light spectra and feeding regimes, in both adult and larvae of Solea senegalensis. In addition, as Senegalese sole exhibits a shift from diurnal to nocturnal in locomotor activity and feeding habits during metamorphic process, we tried to elucidate if this shift is accompanied by relevant daily variations in the expression of these anorexigenic hormones before, during and after the completion of metamorphosis. In order to reach this main objective, three main experiments were developed. In a first experiment, adults were reared under LD (12 h light: 12h dark) cycle and fed at mid-light (ML), mid-dark (MD) and at random (RND). In a second experiment, adult specimens were reared in constant darkness (DD) and fed at subjective mid-light (sML) or at RND. Larvae of Senegalese sole were reared under LD cycle with white, blue or red light for 40 days. Our results show an independence of crh mRNA expression from the feeding time and suggest an endogenous control of crh expression in sole. Both pomc paralogues showed significant daily rhythms under LD conditions. The rhythms were maintained or were even more robust under DD conditions for pomc_a, but were completely abolished for pomc_b. Our results indicate an endogenous control of pomc_a expression by the molecular clock in telencephalon and diencephalon, but not in the pituitary gland. Our findings confirm for the first time the significant influence that ambient lighting has on larval growth and development in Senegalese sole, revealing an important effect of light spectra upon functional elements of this species. Our results also emphasize the importance of maintaining cycling light-dark conditions of the adequate wavelengths in aquaculture practices during early development of sole.
BACKGROUND: The recreational use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) among adolescents and young adults has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. While evidence suggests that the long-term consequences of MDMA use include neurodegeneration to serotonergic and, possibly, dopaminergic pathways, little is known about susceptibility, such as behavioral sensitization, to MDMA. METHODS: The objectives of this study were to examine the dose-response characteristics of acute and chronic MDMA administration in rats and to determine whether MDMA elicits behavioral sensitization and whether it cross-sensitizes with amphetamine and methylphenidate. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three MDMA dosage groups (2.5 mg/kg, 5.0 mg/kg, and 10.0 mg/kg) and a saline control group (N = 9/group). All three MDMA groups were treated for six consecutive days, followed by a 5-day washout, and subsequently re-challenged with their respective doses of MDMA (day 13). Rats were then given an additional 25-day washout period, and re-challenged (day 38) with similar MDMA doses as before followed by either 0.6 mg/kg amphetamine or 2.5 mg/kg methylphenidate on the next day (day 39). Open-field locomotor activity was recorded using a computerized automated activity monitoring system. RESULTS: Acute injection of 2.5 mg/kg MDMA showed no significant difference in locomotor activity from rats given saline (control group), while animals receiving acute 5.0 mg/kg or 10.0 mg/kg MDMA showed significant increases in locomotor activity. Rats treated chronically with 5.0 mg/kg and 10.0 mg/kg MDMA doses exhibited an augmented response, i.e., behavioral sensitization, on experimental day 13 in at least one locomotor index. On experimental day 38, all three MDMA groups demonstrated sensitization to MDMA in at least one locomotor index. Amphetamine and methylphenidate administration to MDMA-sensitized animals did not elicit any significant change in locomotor activity compared to control animals. CONCLUSION: MDMA sensitized to its own locomotor activating effects but did not elicit any cross-sensitization with amphetamine or methylphenidate.
OBJECTIVE To elicit and evaluate the NWR (nociceptive withdrawal reflex) in 2 and 11 day old foals, to investigate if buprenorphine causes antinociception and determine if the NWR response changes with increasing age. The effect of buprenorphine on behaviour was also evaluated. STUDY DESIGN Prospective, experimental cross-over trial. ANIMALS Nine Norwegian Fjord research foals. METHODS Buprenorphine, 10 μg kg(-1) was administered intramuscularly (IM) to the same foal at 2 days and at 11 days of age. The NWR and the effect of buprenorphine were evaluated by electromyograms recorded from the left deltoid muscle following electrical stimulation of the left lateral palmar nerve at the level of the pastern. Mentation, locomotor activity and respiratory rate were recorded before and after buprenorphine administration. RESULTS We were able to evoke the NWR and temporal summation in foals using this model. Buprenorphine decreased the root mean square amplitude following single electrical stimulation (p < 0.001) in both age groups, and increased the NWR threshold following single electrical stimulation in 2 day old foals (p = 0.0012). Repeated electrical stimulation at 2 Hz was more effective to elicit temporal summation compared to 5 Hz (p < 0.001). No effect of age upon the NWR threshold was found (p = 0.34). Sedation when left undisturbed (11 occasions), increased locomotor activity when handled (9 occasions) and tachypnea (13 occasions) were common side-effects of buprenorphine. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE These findings indicate that buprenorphine has antinociceptive effect in foals. Opioid side effects often recognized in adult horses also occur in foals.
Chronic administration of psychomotor stimulants has been reported to produce behavioral sensitization to its effects on motor activity. This adaptation may be related to the pathophysiology of recurrent psychiatric disorders. Since disturbances in circadian rhythms are also found in many of these disorders, the relationship between sensitization and chronobiological factors became of interest. Therefore, a computerized monitoring system investigated the following: whether repeated exposure to methylphenidate (MPD) and amphetamine (AMP) could produce sensitization to its locomotor effects in the rat; whether sensitization to MPD and AMP was dependent on the circadian time of drug administration; whether the baseline levels of locomotor activity would be effected by repeated exposure to MPD and AMP; whether the expression of a sensitized response could be affected by the photoperiod; and whether MK-801, a non-competitive NMDA antagonist, could disrupt the development of sensitization to MPD. Dawley rats were housed in test cages and motor activity was recorded continuously for 16 days. The first 2 days served as baseline for each rat, and on day 3 each rat received a saline injection. The locomotor response to 0.6, 2.5, or 10 mg/kg of MPD was tested on day 4, followed by five days of single injections of 2.5 mg/kg MPD (days 5–9). After five days without injection (days 10–14) rats were re-challenged (day 15) with the same doses they received on day 4. There were three separate dose groups ran at four different times of administration, 08:00, 14:00, 20:00, or 02:00 (i.e. 12 groups). The same protocol was conducted with AMP with the doses of 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 mg/kg given on day 4 and 15, and 0.6 mg/kg AMP as the repeated dose on days 5 to 9. In the second set of experiments only sensitization to MPD was investigated. The expression of the sensitized response was dose-dependent and mainly observed with challenge of the lower dose groups. The development of sensitization to MPD and ANT was differentially time-dependent. For MPD, the most robust sensitization occurred during the light phase, with no sensitization during the middle of the dark phase. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
Repeated treatment with psychostimulants produces behavioral sensitization that results in increased locomotor responses so that lower drug doses are required to obtain the same effect and cross-sensitization with other stimulants. Methylphenidate (MPD; Ritalin) is most frequently prescribed to treat children having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a syndrome with onset in childhood characterized by high levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Little is known of the consequences involving the long-term use of MPD as treatment for ADHD. This study investigates if there are age, genetic/strain, and sex differences in the prolonged exposure to MPD and cross-sensitization with amphetamine. The objective is to determine whether (a) early exposure to MPD in adolescent rats increases their sensitivity to the drug when they are adult rats, (b) there are strain and sex differences in the response to MPD, and (c) treatment with MPD in adolescent and adult Wistar-Kyoto (WKY), spontaneously hyperactive/hypertensive rat (SHR), and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat results in cross-sensitization with amphetamine. The hypotheses are that (1) early exposure to MPD in adolescent rats increases their sensitivity to the drug when they reach adulthood, and that this hypersensitivity is dose-, strain-, and sex-dependent and (2) adult rats treated with MPD as adolescents will show a greater cross-sensitization to amphetamine than those adult rats treated with saline as adolescents, and that this cross-sensitization is dose-, strain-, and sex-dependent. The study consists of recording and evaluating locomotor activity of female and male WKY, SHR, and SD rats before and after acute and repeated MPD administration when these rats are young and as adults follows by an amphetamine treatment. Results showed that repeated treatment with MPD elicited behavioral sensitization and cross-sensitization with amphetamine in these animals. The study also found that strain and sex play a crucial role in the differentiated sensitivity to the acute and chronic effects of MPD. The development of behavioral sensitization and cross-sensitization are also dependent on the dose of MPD and the age of the rat. ^
The amount of energy that organisms can allocate to self-maintenance and/or reproduction largely depends on their foraging strategies. Because of corticosterone (CORT) involvement in the control of energy metabolism, food intake and locomotor activity, recent studies have sought to demonstrate the role of this hormone in foraging decisions and performance. Moreover, considerable recent advances in animal-attached loggers now allow the study of behaviour in free-living animals. In order to assess the effects of CORT administration on the foraging behaviour of free-living Adelie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae, we studied a group with CORT implants and a control group without CORT implants, by attaching time-depth recorders to the two groups and monitoring them throughout up to seven consecutive foraging trips during the guard stage (in Adelie Land, Antarctica). We found that foraging trips duration was similar between both groups. Dive durations, time spent at the bottom phase of dives, and the number of undulations per dive of CORT-implanted birds were all significantly higher than those of controls. However, CORT-implanted birds performed fewer dives overall (ca. 4,400) than controls (ca. 6,250) and spent many (13 and 6 times for penguins #3 and #4, respectively) long periods (>3 h) without diving. The low foraging effort and long resting periods support the view that CORT-implanted birds probably gained less energy than did the control birds. CORT treatment appears then to result in redirecting bird behaviour from costly activity (i.e. reproduction) to a behaviour promoting the preservation of energy reserves. Future studies are therefore needed to assess body condition and reproductive success of CORT-manipulated birds in parallel with the recording of their diving performances.
Two cannabinoid receptors have been identified: CB1, present in the central nervous system (CNS) and to a lesser extent in other tissues, and CB2, present outside the CNS, in peripheral organs. There is evidence for the presence of CB2-like receptors in peripheral nerve terminals. We report now that we have synthesized a CB2-specific agonist, code-named HU-308. This cannabinoid does not bind to CB1 (Ki > 10 μM), but does so efficiently to CB2 (Ki = 22.7 ± 3.9 nM); it inhibits forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP production in CB2-transfected cells, but does so much less in CB1-transfected cells. HU-308 shows no activity in mice in a tetrad of behavioral tests, which together have been shown to be specific for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-type activity in the CNS mediated by CB1. However, HU-308 reduces blood pressure, blocks defecation, and elicits anti-inflammatory and peripheral analgesic activity. The hypotension, the inhibition of defecation, the anti-inflammatory and peripheral analgesic effects produced by HU-308 are blocked (or partially blocked) by the CB2 antagonist SR-144528, but not by the CB1 antagonist SR-141716A. These results demonstrate the feasibility of discovering novel nonpsychotropic cannabinoids that may lead to new therapies for hypertension, inflammation, and pain.
A mouse model for Down syndrome, Ts1Cje, has been developed. This model has made possible a step in the genetic dissection of the learning, behavioral, and neurological abnormalities associated with segmental trisomy for the region of mouse chromosome 16 homologous with the so-called “Down syndrome region” of human chromosome segment 21q22. Tests of learning in the Morris water maze and assessment of spontaneous locomotor activity reveal distinct learning and behavioral abnormalities, some of which are indicative of hippocampal dysfunction. The triplicated region in Ts1Cje, from Sod1 to Mx1, is smaller than that in Ts65Dn, another segmental trisomy 16 mouse, and the learning deficits in Ts1Cje are less severe than those in Ts65Dn. In addition, degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, which was observed in Ts65Dn, was absent in Ts1Cje.
The effects of immunization with the second-generation cocaine immunoconjugate GND-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) or with the anti-cocaine mAb GNC92H2 were assessed in a model of acute cocaine-induced locomotor activity. After i.p. administration of cocaine⋅HCl (15 mg/kg), rats were tested in photocell cages, and stereotypy was rated to determine preimmunization drug response (baseline). Experimental animals were subjected to an immunization protocol with GND-KLH or treated with the mAb GNC92H2. Rats were then challenged with systemic cocaine, and their locomotor responses were again measured. Active immunization with GND-KLH produced a 76% decrease in the ambulatory measure (crossovers) in the experimental group and a 12% increase in the control group compared with baseline values. Also, stereotypic behavior was significantly suppressed in the vaccinated animals. Decreases in both measures were seen in the experimental group on two subsequent challenges. The maximum effect was observed at the time of the second challenge with a dramatic 80% decrease in crossovers. Treatment with GNC92H2 resulted in a 69% decrease in crossovers compared with baseline. This effect persisted across two additional challenges over 11 days with decreases of 46–47%. In contrast, the control group showed increases of up to 28%. Significant differences between groups were observed in the stereotypic measure in all three challenges. The results indicate that these immunopharmacotherapeutic agents have significant cocaine-blockade potential and therefore may offer an effective strategy for the treatment of cocaine abuse.