944 resultados para Neuromuscular blockers


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In skeletal muscle, transcription of the gene encoding the mouse type Iα (RIα) subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase is initiated from the alternative noncoding first exons 1a and 1b. Here, we report that activity of the promoter upstream of exon 1a (Pa) depends on two adjacent E boxes (E1 and E2) in NIH 3T3-transfected fibroblasts as well as in intact muscle. Both basal activity and MyoD transactivation of the Pa promoter require binding of the upstream stimulating factors (USF) to E1. E2 binds either an unknown protein in a USF/E1 complex-dependent manner or MyoD. Both E2-bound proteins seem to function as repressors, but with different strengths, of the USF transactivation potential. Previous work has shown localization of the RIα protein at the neuromuscular junction. Using DNA injection into muscle of plasmids encoding segments of RIα or RIIα fused to green fluorescent protein, we demonstrate that anchoring at the neuromuscular junction is specific to RIα subunits and requires the amino-terminal residues 1–81. Mutagenesis of Phe-54 to Ala in the full-length RIα–green fluorescent protein template abolishes localization, indicating that dimerization of RIα is essential for anchoring. Moreover, two other hydrophobic residues, Val-22 and Ile-27, are crucial for localization of RIα at the neuromuscular junction. These amino acids are involved in the interaction of the Caenorhabditis elegans type Iα homologue RCE with AKAPCE and for in vitro binding of RIα to dual A-kinase anchoring protein 1. We also show enrichment of dual A-kinase anchoring protein 1 at the neuromuscular junction, suggesting that it could be responsible for RIα tethering at this site.


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The Rab3 small G protein family consists of four members, Rab3A, -3B, -3C, and -3D. Of these members, Rab3A regulates Ca2+-dependent neurotransmitter release. These small G proteins are activated by Rab3 GDP/GTP exchange protein (Rab3 GEP). To determine the function of Rab3 GEP during neurotransmitter release, we have knocked out Rab3 GEP in mice. Rab3 GEP−/− mice developed normally but died immediately after birth. Embryos at E18.5 showed no evoked action potentials of the diaphragm and gastrocnemius muscles in response to electrical stimulation of the phrenic and sciatic nerves, respectively. In contrast, axonal conduction of the spinal cord and the phrenic nerve was not impaired. Total numbers of synaptic vesicles, especially those docked at the presynaptic plasma membrane, were reduced at the neuromuscular junction ∼10-fold compared with controls, whereas postsynaptic structures and functions appeared normal. Thus, Rab3 GEP is essential for neurotransmitter release and probably for formation and trafficking of the synaptic vesicles.


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In leaves of Egeria densa Planchon, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and other sulfhydryl-binding reagents induce a temporary increase in nonmitochondrial respiration (ΔQO2) that is inhibited by diphenylene iodonium and quinacrine, two known inhibitors of the plasma membrane NADPH oxidase, and are associated with a relevant increase in electrolyte leakage (M. Bellando, S. Sacco, F. Albergoni, P. Rocco, M.T. Marré [1997] Bot Acta 110: 388–394). In this paper we report data indicating further analogies between the oxidative burst induced by sulfhydryl blockers in E. densa and that induced by pathogen-derived elicitors in animal and plant cells: (a) NEM- and Ag+-induced ΔQO2 was associated with H2O2 production and both effects depended on the presence of external Ca2+; (b) Ca2+ influx was markedly increased by treatment with NEM; (c) the Ca2+ channel blocker LaCl3 inhibited ΔQO2, electrolyte release, and membrane depolarization induced by the sulfhydryl reagents; and (d) LaCl3 also inhibited electrolyte leakage induced by the direct infiltration of the leaves with H2O2. These results suggest a model in which the interaction of sulfhydryl blockers with sulfhydryl groups of cell components would primarily induce an increase in the Ca2+ cytosolic concentration, followed by membrane depolarization and activation of a plasma membrane NADPH oxidase. This latter effect, producing active oxygen species, might further influence plasma membrane permeability, leading to the massive release of electrolytes from the tissue.


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The extracellular matrix (ECM) is an intricate network composed of an array of macromolecules capable of regulating the functional responsiveness of cells. Its composition greatly varies among different types of tissue, and dysregulation of its metabolism may contribute to vascular remodeling during the pathogenesis of various diseases, including atherosclerosis. In view of their antiatherosclerotic effects, the role of Ca2+ channel blockers in the metabolism of ECM was examined. Nanomolar concentrations of the five Ca2+ channel blockers amlodipine, felodipine, manidipine, verapamil, or diltiazem significantly decreased both the constitutive and platelet-derived growth factor BB-dependent collagen deposition in the ECM formed by human vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. The drugs inhibited the expression of fibrillar collagens type I and III and of basement membrane type IV collagen. Furthermore, Ca2+ channel blockers specifically increased the proteolytic activity of the 72-kDa type IV collagenase as shown by gelatin zymography and inhibited the transcription of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2.


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Acknowledgments The data in this article have been partly presented in preliminary abstract form as a poster at the winter meeting of the British Thoracic Society, London, 2 December 2015 (10.1136/thoraxjnl-2015-207770.161).


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It is well established that long-term changes in synaptic structure and function are mediated by rapid activity-dependent gene transcription and new protein synthesis. A growing body of evidence supports the involvement of the microRNA (miRNA) pathway in these processes. We have used the Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) as a model synapse to characterize activity-regulated miRNAs and their important mRNA targets. Here, we have identified five neuronal miRNAs (miRs-1, -8, -289, -314, and -958) that are significantly downregulated in response to neuronal activity. Furthermore we have discovered that neuronal misexpression of three of these miRNAs (miR-8, -289, and -958) is capable of suppressing new synaptic growth in response to activity suggesting that these miRNAs control the translation of biologically relevant target mRNAs. Putative targets of the activity-regulated miRNAs-8 and -289 are significantly enriched in clusters mapping to functional processes including axon development, pathfinding, and axon growth. We demonstrate that activity-regulated miR-8 regulates the 3'UTR of wingless, a presynaptic regulatory protein involved in the process of activity-dependent axon terminal growth. Additionally, we show that the 3'UTR of the protein tyrosine phosophatase leukocyte antengen related (lar), a protein required for axon guidance and synaptic growth, is regulated by activity-regulated miRNAs-8, -289, and -958 in vitro. Both wg and lar were identified as relevant putative targets for co-regulation based through our functional cluster analysis. One putative target of miR-289 is the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CamKII). While CamKII is not predicted as a target for co-regulation by multiple activity-regulated miRNAs we identified it as an especially pertinent target for analysis in our system for two reasons. First, CamKII has an extremely well characterized role in postsynaptic plasticity, but its presynaptic role is less well characterized and bears further analysis. Second, local translation of CamKII mRNA is regulated in part by the miRNA pathway in an activity-dependent manner in dendrites. We find that the CamKII 3'UTR is regulated by miR-289 in-vitro and this regulation is alleviated by mutating the `seed region' of the miR-289 binding site within the CamKII 3'UTR. Furthermore, we demonstrate a requirement for local translation of CamKII in motoneurons in the process of activity-regulated axon terminal growth.


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A estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM) é uma recente técnica terapêutica no tratamento das disfagias orofaríngeas. Poucos estudos utilizaram a EENM em casos oncológicos, havendo muitas dúvidas sobre o método de aplicação e os resultados de diferentes condições de estimulação nessa população. Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o efeito imediato da EENM sensorial e motora, nas fases oral e faríngea da deglutição, em pacientes após tratamento do câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Para isso foi realizado um estudo transversal intervencional que incluiu 11 pacientes adultos e idosos (mediana de 59 anos) acometidos por câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos ao exame de videofluoroscopia da deglutição, no qual, de modo randomizado, foram solicitadas deglutições de 5 ml de alimentos nas consistências líquida, mel e pudim em três condições distintas: sem estimulação, com EENM sensorial, com EENM motora. Foi classificado o grau da disfunção da deglutição por meio da escala DOSS (Dysphagia Outcome and Severity Scale), a presença de estase de alimentos (escala de Eisenhuber), de penetração laríngea, aspiração laringotraqueal (Penetration and Aspiration Scale - PAS), além da medida do tempo de trânsito oral e faríngeo (em segundos). Para a comparação dos resultados, considerando os três estímulos aplicados, na escala de resíduos, na escala de penetração aspiração, na escala DOSS e no tempo de trânsito oral e faríngeo foi aplicado o teste de Friedman ou a análise de variância para medidas repetidas (de acordo com a distribuição dos dados). Para todos os testes foi adotado nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados demonstraram que houve melhora com a estimulação sensorial e motora na escala DOSS e na escala PAS para um paciente tratado de câncer de boca e outro de laringe e piora, em ambas as escalas, para dois pacientes (câncer de boca), sendo um para a estimulação motora e outro na sensorial. A aplicação da escala de Eisenhuber permitiu verificar que a EENM, tanto em nível sensorial como motor, modificou de forma variável a presença de resíduos para os casos de câncer de boca, enquanto para o paciente com câncer de laringe houve redução de resíduos em valécula/raiz da língua para a estimulação sensorial e motora, além de aumento de resíduos em parede posterior da faringe com o estímulo motor. Além disso, não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante para o tempo de trânsito oral e faríngeo nas diferentes estimulações para todas as consistências testadas (p>0,05). Diante desses achados, concluiu-se que a EENM, em nível sensorial e motor, apresentou variável impacto imediato nas fases oral e faríngea da deglutição, podendo melhorar a função de deglutição de pacientes com significante disfagia após o tratamento para o câncer de cabeça e pescoço, no que se diz respeito ao grau da disfagia e à presença de penetração e aspiração.


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The embryonic period of motoneuron programmed cell death (PCD) is marked by transient motor axon branching, but the role of neuromuscular synapses in regulating motoneuron number and axonal branching is not known. Here, we test whether neuromuscular synapses are required for the quantitative association between reduced skeletal muscle contraction, increased motor neurite branching, and increased motoneuron survival. We achieved this by comparing agrin and rapsyn mutant mice that lack acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clusters. There were significant reductions in nerve-evoked skeletal muscle contraction, increases in intramuscular axonal branching, and increases in spinal motoneuron survival in agrin and rapsyn mutant mice compared with their wild-type littermates at embryonic day 18.5 (E18.5). The maximum nerve-evoked skeletal muscle contraction was reduced a further 17% in agrin mutants than in rapsyn mutants. This correlated to an increase in motor axon branch extension and number that was 38% more in agrin mutants than in rapsyn mutants. This suggests that specializations of the neuromuscular synapse that ensure efficient synaptic transmission and muscle contraction are also vital mediators of motor axon branching. However, these increases in motor axon branching did not correlate with increases in motoneuron survival when comparing agrin and rapsyn mutants. Thus, agrin-induced synaptic specializations are required for skeletal muscle to effectively control motoneuron numbers during embryonic development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Purpose: This study compared the neuromuscular efficiency (NME) of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscles between 20 chronic neck pain patients and 20 asymptomatic controls. Method: Myoelectric signals were recorded from the sternal head of SCM and the AS muscles as subjects performed sub-maximal isometric cervical flexion contractions at 25 and 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). The NME was calculated as the ratio between MVC and the corresponding average rectified value of the EMG signal. Ultrasonography was used to measure subcutaneous tissue thickness over the SCM and AS to ensure that differences did not exist between groups. Results: For both the SCM and AS muscles, NME was shown to be significantly reduced in patients with neck pain at 25% MVC (p < 0.05). Subcutaneous tissue thickness over the SCM and AS muscles was not different between groups. Conclusions: Reduced NME in the superficial cervical flexor muscles in patients with neck pain may be a measurable altered muscle strategy for dysfunction in other muscles. This aberrant pattern of muscle activation appears to be most evident under conditions of low load. NME, when measured at 25% MVC, may be a useful objective measure for future investigation of muscle dysfunction in patients with neck pain.


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The muscle isoform. of clathrin heavy chain, CHC22, has 85% sequence identity to the ubiquitously expressed CHC17, yet its expression pattern and function appear to be distinct from those of well-characterized clathrin-coated vesicles. In mature muscle CHC22 is preferentially concentrated at neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions, suggesting a role at sarcolemmal contacts with extracellular matrix. During myoblast differentiation, CHC22 expression is increased, initially localized with desmin and nestin and then preferentially segregated to the poles of fused myoblasts. CHC22 expression is also increased in regenerating muscle fibers with the same time course as embryonic myosin, indicating a role in muscle repair. CHC22 binds to sorting nexin 5 through a coiled-coil domain present in both partners, which is absent in CHC17 and coincides with the region on CHC17 that binds the regulatory light-chain subunit. These differential binding data suggest a mechanism for the distinct functions of CHC22 relative to CHC17 in membrane traffic during muscle development, repair, and at neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions.


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In this study we attempted to identify the principles that govern the changes in neural control that occur during repeated performance of a multiarticular coordination task. Eight participants produced isometric flexion/extension and pronation/supination torques at the radiohumeral joint, either in isolation (e.g., flexion) or in combination (e.g., flexion - supination), to acquire targets presented by a visual display. A cursor superimposed on the display provided feedback of the applied torques. During pre- and postpractice tests, the participants acquired targets in eight directions located either 3.6 cm (20% maximal voluntary contraction [MVC]) or 7.2 cm (40% MVC) from a neutral cursor position. On each of five consecutive days of practice the participants acquired targets located 5.4 cm (30% MVC) from the neutral position. EMG was recorded from eight muscles contributing to torque production about the radiohumeral joint during the pre- and posttests. Target-acquisition time decreased significantly with practice in most target directions and at both target torque levels. These performance improvements were primarily associated with increases in the peak rate of torque development after practice. At a muscular level, these changes were brought about by increases in the rates of recruitment of all agonist muscles. The spatiotemporal organization of muscle synergies was not significantly altered after practice. The observed adaptations appear to lead to performances that are generalizable to actions that require both greater and smaller joint torques than that practiced, and may be successfully recalled after a substantial period without practice. These results suggest that tasks in which performance is improved by increasing the rate of muscle activation, and thus the rate of joint torque development, may benefit in terms of the extent to which acquired levels of performance are maintained over time.


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In this experiment, we examined the extent to which the spatiotemporal reorganization of muscle synergies mediates skill acquisition on a two degree-of-freedom (df) target-acquisition task. Eight participants completed five practice sessions on consecutive days. During each session they practiced movements to eight target positions presented by a visual display. The movements required combinations of flexion/extension and pronation/supination of the elbow joint complex. During practice sessions, eight targets displaced 5.4 cm from the start position ( representing joint excursions of 54) were presented 16 times. During pre- and posttests, participants acquired the targets at two distances (3.6 cm [36 degrees] and 7.2 cm [72 degrees]). EMG data were recorded from eight muscles contributing to the movements during the pre- and posttests. Most targets were acquired more rapidly after the practice period. Performance improvements were, in most target directions, accompanied by increases in the smoothness of the movement trajectories. When target acquisition required movement in both dfs, there were also practice-related decreases in the extent to which the trajectories deviated from a direct path to the target. The contribution of monofunctional muscles ( those producing torque in a single df) increased with practice during movements in which they acted as agonists. The activity in bifunctional muscles ( those contributing torque in both dfs) remained at pretest levels in most movements. The results suggest that performance gains were mediated primarily by changes in the spatial organization of muscles synergies. These changes were expressed most prominently in terms of the magnitude of activation of the monofunctional muscles.


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The organisation of the human neuromuscular-skeletal system allows an extremely wide variety of actions to be performed, often with great dexterity. Adaptations associated with skill acquisition occur at all levels of the neuromuscular-skeletal system although all neural adaptations are inevitably constrained by the organisation of the actuating apparatus (muscles and bones). We quantified the extent to which skill acquisition in an isometric task set is influenced by the mechanical properties of the muscles used to produce the required actions. Initial performance was greatly dependent upon the specific combination of torques required in each variant of the experimental task. Five consecutive days of practice improved the performance to a similar degree across eight actions despite differences in the torques required about the elbow and forearm. The proportional improvement in performance was also similar when the actions were performed at either 20 or 40% of participants' maximum voluntary torque capacity. The skill acquired during practice was successfully extrapolated to variants of the task requiring more torque than that required during practice. We conclude that while the extent to which skill can be acquired in isometric actions is independent of the specific combination of joint torques required for target acquisition, the nature of the kinetic adaptations leading to the performance improvement in isometric actions is influenced by the neural and mechanical properties of the actuating muscles.


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The authors tested for predominant patterns of coordination in the combination of rhythmic flexion-extension (FE) and supination-pronation (SP) at the elbow-joint complex. Participants (N = 10) spontaneously established in-phase (supination synchronized with flexion) and antiphase (pronation synchronized with flexion) patterns. In addition, the authors used a motorized robot arm to generate involuntary SP movements with different phase relations with respect to voluntary FE. The involuntarily induced in-phase pattern was accentuated and was more consistent than other patterns. That result provides evidence that the predominance of the in-phase pattern originates in the influence of neuro-muscular-skeletal constraints rather than in a preference dictated by perceptual-cognitive factors implicated in voluntary control. Neuromuscular-skeletal constraints involved in the predominance of the in-phase and the antiphase patterns are discussed.