942 resultados para Nature society relation


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In this paper we put forward the concept of architectural enthusiasm—a collective passion and shared emotional affiliation for buildings and architecture. Through this concept and empirical material based on participation in the architectural tours of The Twentieth Century Society (a UK-based architectural conservation group), we contribute to recent work on the built environment and geographies of architecture in three ways: first, we reinforce the importance of emotion to people’s engagements with buildings, emphasising the shared and practised nature of these engagements; second, we highlight the role of architectural enthusiasts as agents with the potential to shape and transform the built environment; and third, we make connections between (seemingly) disparate engagements with buildings through a continuum of practice incorporating urbex, local history, architectural practice and training, and mass architectural tourism. Unveiling these continuities has important implications for future research into the built environment, highlighting the need to take emotion seriously in all sorts of professional as well as enthusiastic encounters with buildings, and unsettling the categories of amateur and expert within architectural practices.


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In their commentary, D. W. Johnson, Johnson, and Roseth (2012) provided some laudatory statements about our article, but they also expressed a number of concerns. The concerns focus on the following issues: types and definitions of competition, our choice of control group, the nature of performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals, the comprehensiveness of the opposing processes model, and performance-approach goals and constructive competition. We respond to each of these issues in turn and conclude with a statement regarding working to build an integrative model of the competition–performance relation (and beyond).


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Radical cations of a soluble rigid tetrathienoacene are capable of forming stable p-dimer dications at ambient temperature when the short backbone becomes extended with conjugated thiophene-2-yl substituents in the a-positions. On the other hand, simple attachment of methyl groups on the a-carbon of the external thiophen-2-yl rings proved sufficient to inhibit the dimerization. Stable radical cationswere also exclusively formed for tetrathienoacene derivatives end-capped with bulky TIPS and phenyl substituents.


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Background: Stable-isotope ratios of carbon (13C/12C, expressed as δ13C) and nitrogen (15N/14N, or δ15N) have been proposed as potential nutritional biomarkers to distinguish between meat, fish, and plant-based foods. Objective: The objective was to investigate dietary correlates of δ13C and δ15N and examine the association of these biomarkers with incident type 2 diabetes in a prospective study. Design: Serum δ13C and δ15N (‰) were measured by using isotope ratio mass spectrometry in a case-cohort study (n = 476 diabetes cases; n = 718 subcohort) nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)–Norfolk population-based cohort. We examined dietary (food-frequency questionnaire) correlates of δ13C and δ15N in the subcohort. HRs and 95% CIs were estimated by using Prentice-weighted Cox regression. Results: Mean (±SD) δ13C and δ15N were −22.8 ± 0.4‰ and 10.2 ± 0.4‰, respectively, and δ13C (r = 0.22) and δ15N (r = 0.20) were positively correlated (P < 0.001) with fish protein intake. Animal protein was not correlated with δ13C but was significantly correlated with δ15N (dairy protein: r = 0.11; meat protein: r = 0.09; terrestrial animal protein: r = 0.12, P ≤ 0.013). δ13C was inversely associated with diabetes in adjusted analyses (HR per tertile: 0.74; 95% CI: 0.65, 0.83; P-trend < 0.001], whereas δ15N was positively associated (HR: 1.23; 95% CI: 1.09, 1.38; P-trend = 0.001). Conclusions: The isotope ratios δ13C and δ15N may both serve as potential biomarkers of fish protein intake, whereas only δ15N may reflect broader animal-source protein intake in a European population. The inverse association of δ13C but a positive association of δ15N with incident diabetes should be interpreted in the light of knowledge of dietary intake and may assist in identifying dietary components that are associated with health risks and benefits.


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Magic and Medieval Society presents a thematic approach to the topic of magic and sorcery in western Europe between the eleventh and the fifteenth centuries. It aims to provide readers with the conceptual and documentary tools to reach informed conclusions as to the existence, nature, importance and uses of magic in medieval society. Contrary to some previous approaches, this book argues that magic was inextricably connected to other areas of cultural practice and was found across medieval society: at medieval courts; at universities; and within the Church itself. The book also puts forward the argument that the witch craze was not a medieval phenomenon but rather the product of the Renaissance and the Reformation, and demonstrates how the components for the early-modern persecution of witches were put into place.


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With Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry and proper motions, Bonatto et al. suggested that FSR 1767 is a globular cluster (GC), while with J and K NTT/SOFI photometry Froebrich, Meusinger & Scholz concluded that it is not a star cluster. In this study, we combine previous and new evidence that are consistent with a GC. For instance, we show that the horizontal branch (HB) and red giant branch (RGB) stars, besides sharing a common proper motion, have radial density profiles that consistently follow the King`s law independently. Reddening maps around FSR 1767 are built using the bulge RGB as reference and also Schlegel`s extinction values to study local absorptions. Both approaches provide similar maps and show that FSR 1767 is not located in a dust window, which otherwise might have produced the stellar overdensity. Besides, neighbouring regions of similar reddening as FSR 1767 do not present the blue HB stars that are a conspicuous feature in the colour-magnitude diagram of FSR 1767. We report the presence of a compact group of stars located in the central parts of FSR 1767. It appears to be a detached post-collapse core, similar to those of other nearby low-luminosity GCs projected towards the bulge. We note that while the NTT/SOFI photometry of the star cluster FSR 1716 matches perfectly that from 2MASS, it shows a considerable offset for FSR 1767. We discuss the possible reasons why both photometries differ. We confirm our previous structural and photometric fundamental parameters for FSR 1767, which are consistent with a GC.


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We have obtained the mass-metallicity (M-Z) relation at different lookback times for the same set of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, using the stellar metallicities estimated with our spectral synthesis code STARLIGHT. We have found that this relation steepens and spans a wider range in both mass and metallicity at higher redshifts. We have modelled the time evolution of stellar metallicity with a closed-box chemical evolution model, for galaxies of different types and masses. Our results suggest that the M-Z relation for galaxies with present-day stellar masses down to 10(10) M(circle dot) is mainly driven by the history of star formation and not by inflows or outflows.


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Deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia accounts for a disproportionate global scale fraction of both carbon emissions from biomass burning and biodiversity erosion through habitat loss. Here we use field- and remote-sensing data to examine the effects of private landholding size on the amount and type of forest cover retained within economically active rural properties in an aging southern Amazonian deforestation frontier. Data on both upland and riparian forest cover from a survey of 300 rural properties indicated that 49.4% (SD = 29.0%) of the total forest cover was maintained as of 2007. and that property size is a key regional-scale determinant of patterns of deforestation and land-use change. Small properties (<= 150 ha) retained a lower proportion of forest (20.7%, SD = 17.6) than did large properties (>150 ha; 55.6%, SD = 27.2). Generalized linear models showed that property size had a positive effect on remaining areas of both upland and total forest cover. Using a Landsat time-series, the age of first clear-cutting that could be mapped within the boundaries of each property had a negative effect on the proportion of upland, riparian, and total forest cover retained. Based on these data, we show contrasts in land-use strategies between smallholders and largeholders, as well as differences in compliance with legal requirements in relation to minimum forest cover set-asides within private landholdings. This suggests that property size structure must be explicitly considered in landscape-scale conservation planning initiatives guiding agro-pastoral frontier expansion into remaining areas of tropical forest. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigated noble gas copper bonds in linear complexes represented by the NgCuX general formula in which Ng and X stand for a noble gas (neon, argon, krypton, or xenon) and a halogen (fluorine, chlorine or bromine), respectively, by coupled cluster methods and modified cc-pVQZ basis sets. The quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) shows a linear relation between the dissociation energy or noble gas-copper bonds and the amount of electronic charge transferred mainly from the noble gas to copper during complexation. Large changes in the QTAIM quadrupole moments of copper and noble gases resulting from this bonding and a comparison between NgCuX and NgNaCl systems indicate that these noble gas-copper bonds should be better interpreted as predominantly covalent. Finally, QTAIM atomic dipoles of noble gases in NgNaCl systems agree satisfactorily with atomic dipoles given by a simple model for these NgNa van der Waals bonds.


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Ce mémoire est constitué par une analyse écocritique du roman Naissance d'un pont, écrit par Maylis de Kerangal. Le but général du mémoire est d'examiner comment ce roman décrit la relation entre l'homme et la nature. Nous examinons surtout les stratégies narratives employées par l'auteure pour transmettre l'image de cette relation et en plus, nous discutons le rôle joué par les différents paysages se retrouvant dans le récit. Finalement, l'analyse comprend aussi une brève réflexion sur la capacité éventuelle du roman d'influencer l'attitude du lecteur envers l'écologie. L'analyse des stratégies narratives se concentre sur le rôle du narrateur, ainsi que sur la présence et la fonction des perspectives éthiques, des noms symboliques et des figures de style. Ces stratégies contribuent à dépeindre une variété d'idées par rapport aux modes de vie de la société humaine, alors que les descriptions des paysages démontrent la relation complexe entre cette société et les paysages naturels et construits respectivement. Naissance d'un pont semble promouvoir une attitude à l'égard de la nature qui est plus humble que celle dominant dans la société moderne. Afin de pouvoir juger la capacité du roman de transmettre ces valeurs au lecteur, il serait pourtant raisonnable de tenir compte de plusieurs facteurs, tels que la complexité du langage et le niveau de crédibilité de l'histoire.


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In this work, I will discuss the integral role that myth has in society and then, after presenting several examples of this thesis, I will examine how the integral nature of myth lends itself to certain societal abuses. These abuses often result in unjust social constructs that eventually become attributed to the myth. I would like to proceed in defense of myth; that is, that these constructs are not to be attributed to the myths themselves, rather, society has taken myth and applied it to suit its purposes, ignoring the context in which the myths originated. Hopefully this will raise society's current attitudes toward myth to a level of respect, and will also help to clear myth of its reputation as the origin of injustice and domination.


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Women's roles in religious history have been traditionally described in terms of their relation and value to men. The normative religious texts provide an androcentric perspective on the gender relationships within the early community, the growth of Judaism in "Jacob's House" and the monotheistic worship of God. Yet these literary representations omit an entire half of the experience of the Jewish community: the perspective and participation of women. As Judith Plaskow argues extensively in Standing Again at Sinai, women are defined not in her own terms or in her own voice, but by her relationship and value to men through the androcentric vocabulary of the Torah. This statement is textually illustrated by the authorial and editorial presentation of women and their place in ancient Israelite society in the Torah. As Judaism grew increasingly androcentric in its leadership, women were increasingly reduced to marginal figures in the community by authorial and editorial revisions. Yet the participation of women of ancient Israel is not lost. Instead, the presence of women is buried beneath the androcentric presentation of the early Judaic community, waiting to be excavated by historical and scriptural examination. The retelling of the past is influenced by the present; memory is not static but takes on different shapes depending on the focus of concentration. However, tradition greatly influences the interpretation of religious history as well. In the book of Genesis, the literature emphasizes the divine appointment of male figures such as Abraham the father of the covenant and Jacob who is renamed and claimed by God as "Israel," placing them at the center of Jewish history. As a result, the other figures in these biblical narratives are described in relation to the patriarchs, those male bearers of the covenant, by their service or their value to him. Women are at the bottom of this hierarchy. Although female figures of exceptional quality are noted in later chronicles, such as Ruth, Deborah and Miriam, it is the very nature of their exception that highlights the androcentric editorial focus of the Torah. I agree with Peggy Day, whose own scriptural examination in Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel, makes the important distinction between the literary representation and the reality of ancient Israelite culture: they are not coextensive nor equivalent. Although the text represents the culture of ancient Israel as male dominated from the time of Abraham, this presentation omits the perspective of half of the population-the women. By beginning at the point of realization that women did exist and were active in their culture, and placing aside the androcentric perspective of the text and its editors, the reality of women's place in ancient Israel may be determined. Through this new perspective, the women of the Torah will emerge as the archetypes of strength, leadership and spiritual insight to provide Jewish women of the present with female, ancestral role models and a foundation for their gender's heritage, a more complete understanding of the partial record of Jewish history recorded in the Torah. Those stories that appear as the exception of women's presence will unveil an exceptional presence. As Tamar Frankiel eloquently states in The Voice of Sarah, "the women we call our 'Mothers'-Sarah, Rivkah (Rebekah), Rachel, and Leah-are not merely mothers, any more than the 'Fathers'-Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-are merely fathers "(Frankiel 5).


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Work conducted in the Millard Biochemistry Research Laboratory examines the dual nature of molecules as carcinogens and anti-tumor agents through the molecular mechanisms of duplex DNA damage by bifunctional alkylating agents. Diepoxybutane (DEB) and epichlorohydrin (ECH) are polar molecules that form covalent DNA interstrand lesions by cross-linking the N7 position of deoxyguanosine residues. A recent experiment indicated that ECH preferentially targets nuclear DNA over mitochondrial DNA, whereas DEB shows similar rates of lesion formation for both loci. It was concluded that preferential targeting of nuclear DNA results from relatively poor uptake of ECH across the mitochondrial membrane. The objective of my honors research was to determine if the cytotoxicities of DEB and ECH vary according to the presence of the nuclear envelope in 6C2 chicken erythro-progenitor cells. The cytotoxicity of DEB and ECH was compared between cells randomly distributed throughout the cell cycle (Go/G, and S » G2/M) and cells enriched in G2/M stages. Results indicated that ECH is more cytotoxic than DEB in both unsynchronized control 6C2 cells and synchronized 6C2 cells enriched in G2/M stages of the cell cycle. Treatment with either bifunctional alkylating agent induced greater cytotoxicity in 6C2 cells enriched in G2/M stages than in unsynchronized control 6C2 cells, suggesting that the presence of the nuclear envelope-or any plasma membrane-may inhibit the reactivity of DEB and ECH.


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Investigamos a prática do esporte nas escolas de 1º e 2º graus, públicas e particulares de Porto Alegre, na Visão dos professores de Educação Física. Os objetivos que norteam nosso estudo foram: identificar os aspectos fundamentais da prática do esporte na escola; estabelecer se o professor de Educação Física de 1º e 2º graus relaciona criticamente a prática do esporte na escola com o contexto social que a envolve; elaborar um conjunto de sugestões que vise aprimorar a prática esportiva na escola, tendo presente a ênfase no desenvolvimento intelectual do ser humano para uma educação e uma sociedade mais justas. O estudo é de natureza descritivo-explicativa, a população alvo é constituída de todos os professores de Educação Física das escolas públicas e particulares de Porto Alegre, num total de 1.838 lotados nas 403 escolas existentes no município. A todos eles, foi enviado o questionário. Retornaram 218, constituindo-se assim a amostra. Observamos 17 escolas e realizamos 12 entrevistas. Descrevemos os professores de Educação Física quanto à idade, sexo, tipo de escola em que trabalham, nível de formação profissional, tempo de serviço, grau de ensino em que atuam, carga horária semanal e modalidades esportivas preferidas. Segundo os professores de Educação Física de Porto Alegre, a importância do esporte na escola para o aluno está distribuída nas seguintes categorias: Movimento; Socialização; Desenvolvimento Moral e Intelectual; Saúde; Afetivo; Superação. A importância do esporte escolar para a escola, segundo os professores de Educação Física, agrupa-se nas seguintes categorias: Promoção e desenvolvimento da escola; Formação e desenvolvimento do aluno; Socialização. Quanto à importância do esporte na escola para a sociedade, os professores manifestaram-se nas seguintes categorias: Saúde; Socialização; Moral; Estrutural-crítica; Estrutural-alienada; Cultural. Observamos neste estudo que os professores de Educação Física têm dificuldade em relacionar sua prática com o contexto social. O ensino é desprovido de reflexão. A visão do esporte na escola é funcionalista e sua prática é conservadora. Prevenção da saúde e do uso de drogas são as funções do esporte, sobre as quais os professores têm maior clareza. A maior dificuldade dos professores é trabalhar com a liberdade de movimentos, daí o caráter disciplinar das práticas esportivas Há duas posições diferenciadas com relação à importância do esporte na escola para a sociedade: uma que faz a crítica ao caráter reprodutor do esporte na escola e outra que não se dá conta desta manipulação. O professor escolhe o esporte a ser praticado na escola segundo quatro referenciais: aluno; recursos físicos e materiais; instituição; professor. Estes referenciais variam em ordem de prioridade da escola pública para a escola particular. Por fim, é necessário, para a mudança deste quadro, que as discussões acadêmicas cheguem o mais rápido possível ao professor que está diuturnamente envolvido na escola, através de programas de atualização. os sistemas de ensino deverão priorizar a escola pública com recursos físicos e materiais, além de levar em consideração, prioritariamente, o interesse do aluno na efetivação de políticas específicas para o setor. Devemos estimular o hábito da leitura de obras de cunho social, político, e cultural entre os professores, através da liberação de carga horária de trabalho e fazendo com que esta bibliografia chegue até a escola. Urge que os professores críticos desenvolvam, com seus alunos, estratégias que visem à transformação da instituição escolar, com vista a uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária.


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o tema pesquisado: "O trabalhador do Setor Terciário - sua representação do cotidiano, do trabalho e da sociedade" - é uma forma de explicitação de minha prática concreta. Compreender o terciário, a partir da ótica das relações de produção, para desvendar, ao nível da representação, como funciona o fetiche, ao nível através das explicações produzidas e do próprio discurso do trabalhador ligado a esta área de produção não material. Inicia-se por discutir as conjunturas brasileiras de trinta (1930) a oitenta (1980), para entender a oscilação entre o nacionalismo e o liberalismo econômico, entre o desenvolvimento nacional e o desenvolvimento associado ao capital estrangeiro. Estudam-se, neste contexto, diferentes explicações para a expansão do terciário, passando pela estrutura de ocupações, pelos seus efeitos marginais e pela divisão social do trabalho, onde o desenvolvimento e o subdesenvolvimento encontram sua funcionalidade no capitalismo em escala mundial. O estudo nos leva a compreender que todos estes acontecimentos de natureza sócio-econômica se refletem, não como relação mecânica, mas enquanto íntima articulação entre o sócio-político e o econômico. E esta indissociabilidade está viva na representação que o trabalhador faz do seu cotidiano, do trabalho e da sociedade, ainda que não se dê conta e que não possa desvendar o fetiche, o qual, no seu discurso e na sua consciência, revela e encobre a realidade ao mesmo tempo.