449 resultados para N-glycosylation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of simple mucin-type carbohydrate antigens (Tn, sialyl-Tn and T) was performed in a series of 43 cases of intraductal hyperplasia without atypia, 9 cases of intraductal hyperplasia with atypia, 54 cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and 26 cases of invasive breast carcinoma. We also studied 36 cases of isolated breast normal epithelium, 20 cases of 'normal' breast epithelium adjacent to neoplasms and 14 cases of apocrine metaplasia. All antigens were detected in different frequencies in normal, hyperplastic, metaplastic and neoplastic breast epithelium. Tn and sialyl-Tn are expressed more frequently in malignant than in benign breast epithelium; while Tn expression increases from normal to invasive carcinomas, sialyl-Tn increases until DCIS and drops in invasive carcinomas, suggesting that either there is a failure of a proportion of DCIS to progress to invasive carcinoma or loss of expression of sialyl-Tn when some carcinomas become invasive. The high frequency of Tn and sialyl-Tn expression in breast intraductal proliferations probably reflects incomplete glycosylation in these lesions, which is a well-known tumour-associated phenomenon and supports the assumption that such lesions are putative precursors of breast cancer. T antigen was expressed in all groups studied, but its prevalence differed significantly between normal and neoplastic epithelium. The expression of these antigens in epithelium adjacent to carcinomas is similar to that found in isolated normal breast epithelium, whereas apocrine metaplasia has a pattern of simple mucin-type glycosylation that is specific and distinct from that of the normal breast epithelium, with a high frequency of marked expression of Tn and sialyl-Tn. The similarity of the pattern of expression of simple mucin-type antigens in metaplasia and malignant neoplasia reduces the usefulness of these markers from a diagnostic standpoint.


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Tunicamycin, which inhibits N-glycosylation of proteins, was used as a tool to determine the type of linkage which occurs in glycoprotein antigens of Aspergillus fumigatus. When A. fumigatus extracts were electrophoretically separated and blotted then probed with anti-Aspergillus patients' sera, differences in antigenic profiles were noted when tunicamycin-treated samples were compared with controls. Tunicamycin had no detectable effect on the cellular proteinases of A. fumigatus, most of which are glycosylated. Some enzymatic components were lacking when extracellular proteinases were compared with those of control samples. The major catalase component of A. fumigatus is a concanavalin A (Con A)-binding glycoprotein. In cultures grown in the presence of tunicamycin, partiallydeglycosylated catalase components were obtained which could be distinguished from the native catalase by their altered mobilities in polyacrylamide gels. The effect of deglycosylation on catalase antigens was monitored using an antiserum raised to a ConA-binding fraction of A fumigatus mycelium. These antibodies bound both to the native glycoprotein and the partially deglycosylated material. These latter two were largely unaffected when incubated with an antiserum raised to a non-ConA-binding fraction of A. fumigatus which is essentially carbohydrate free. The ability to produce partially-glycosylated antigens of A. fumigatus offers a model to study the effect of basic structural modifications on both the enzymatic and antigenic activities of these molecules.


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In this study, we describe the cDNA cloning, sequencing, and 3-D structure of the allergen hyaluronidase from Polybia paulista venom (Pp-Hyal). Using a proteomic approach, the native form of Pp-Hyal was purified to homogeneity and used to produce a Pp-specific polyclonal antibody. The results revealed that Pp-Hyal can be classified as a glycosyl hydrolase and that the full-length Pp-Hyal cDNA (1315 bp; GI: 302201582) is similar (80-90%) to hyaluronidase from the venoms of endemic Northern wasp species. The isolated mature protein is comprised of 338 amino acids, with a theoretical pI of 8.77 and a molecular mass of 39,648.8 Da versus a pI of 8.13 and 43,277.0 Da indicated by MS. The Pp-Hyal 3D-structural model revealed a central core (α/β)7 barrel, two sulfide bonds (Cys 19-308 and Cys 185-197), and three putative glycosylation sites (Asn79, Asn187, and Asn325), two of which are also found in the rVes v 2 protein. Based on the model, residues Ser299, Asp107, and Glu109 interact with the substrate and potential epitopes (five conformational and seven linear) located at surface-exposed regions of the structure. Purified native Pp-Hyal showed high similarity (97%) with hyaluronidase from Polistes annularis venom (Q9U6V9). Immunoblotting analysis confirmed the specificity of the Pp-Hyal-specific antibody as it recognized the Pp-Hyal protein in both the purified fraction and P. paulista crude venom. No reaction was observed with the venoms of Apis mellifera, Solenopsis invicta, Agelaia pallipes pallipes, and Polistes lanio lanio, with the exception of immune cross-reactivity with venoms of the genus Polybia (sericea and ignobilis). Our results demonstrate cross-reactivity only between wasp venoms from the genus Polybia. The absence of cross-reactivity between the venoms of wasps and bees observed here is important because it allows identification of the insect responsible for sensitization, or at least of the phylogenetically closest insect, in order to facilitate effective immunotherapy in allergic patients. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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RACIONAL: A aderência do Helicobacter pylori à mucosa gástrica humana é pré-requisito para sua colonização e o desenvolvimento da gastrite crônica. Os antígenos de grupos sangüíneos, presentes no muco gástrico, são descritos como prováveis receptores da bactéria neste epitélio. A expressão alterada destes antígenos está associada ao desenvolvimento do câncer gástrico. OBJETIVOS: Verificar a ocorrência do Helicobacter pylori e a distribuição da expressão dos antígenos ABH e Lewis correlacionada com as alterações histopatológicas de pacientes com gastrite crônica. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Analisaram-se 63 amostras de sangue, saliva e biopsias gástricas de pacientes com gastrite crônica através das técnicas dot-blot-ELISA, imunoperoxidase indireta e colorações do Gram modificado e hematoxilina-eosina. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas associações significativas entre a presença da bactéria e os fenótipos de grupos sangüíneos ABH, Lewis e Secretor. Na maioria dos pacientes, a expressão dos antígenos ABH e Lewis, estava restrita principalmente ao epitélio foveolar da mucosa gástrica, concordando com a expressão ao nível salivar. A expressão inapropriada desses antígenos ocorria sempre na infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori e/ou alterações pré-neoplásicas da mucosa gástrica. Em áreas com metaplasia intestinal foi observada a redução da reatividade para os antígenos H e Leb, e principalmente o aumento de Leª. CONCLUSÃO: Alterações no padrão de glicosilação destes antígenos refletem diferentes estágios de diferenciação celular e são marcadores potenciais na avaliação diagnóstica e prognóstica das patologias gástricas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is an economically important pathogen of swine and is known to cause abortion and infertility in pregnant sows and respiratory distress in piglets. PRRSV contains a major glycoprotein (GP5) and three minor glycoproteins (GP2a, GP3, and GP4) on the virion envelope, all of which are required for infectious virus production. To study their interactions amongst each other and with a cellular receptor for PRRSV, CD163, I cloned each of the viral glycoproteins and CD163 in various expression vectors. My studies have shown that while the GP2a, GP3, and GP4 are co-translationally glycosylated, the GP5 is post-translationally glycosylated. By using co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) assays, strong interaction was demonstrated between GP4 and GP5 proteins, although weak interactions among the other envelope glycoproteins were also detected. Further, GP4 was found to mediate interactions leading to formation of multiprotein glycoprotein complex. My results also show that GP2a and GP4 proteins are the only two GPs that specifically interact with the CD163 molecule and that glycosylation of these GPs is required for efficient interaction. Based on these studies, I have developed an interactome map of the viral GPs and CD163 and have proposed a model of the viral glycoprotein complex and its interaction with CD163. Studies reported here also show that glycan addition at residue 184 (N184) of GP2a, and residues N42, N50, and N131 of GP3 is essential for recovery of infectious virus. Although single site glycosylation mutants of GP4 had no effect on infectious virus production, introduction of double mutations was lethal. The loss of glycan moieties of GP2a, GP3, and GP4 proteins had no effect on host neutralizing antibody production. Overall, I conclude that the PRRSV glycoproteins are co-translationally and post-translationally glycosylated, the GP4 protein is central to mediating interglycoprotein interactions, and along with GP2a, serves as the viral attachment protein that is responsible for interactions with the viral receptor, CD163. Further, glycosylation of GP2a, GP3, and GP4 proteins is required for infectious virus production, efficient interaction with CD163, but does not play any role in neutralizing antibody response in infected animals.