408 resultados para Mycotic granuloma
An outbreak of compressive myelopathy in cattle associated with the improper use of an oil vaccine is described. Neurological signs were observed in 25 out of 3,000 cattle after 60 days of being vaccinated against foot and mouth disease. The clinical picture was characterized by progressive paralysis of the hind limbs, difficulty in standing up, and sternal recumbency during the course of 2-5 months. A filling defect between the L1 and L3 vertebrae was seen through myelography performed in one of the affected animals. A yellow-gray, granular and irregular mass was observed in four necropsied animals involving the spinal nerve roots and epidural space of the lumbar (L1-L4) spinal cord; the mass was associated with a whitish oily fluid. This fluid was also found in association with necrosis of the longissimus dorsi muscle. Microscopic changes in the epidural space, nerve roots, and spinal musculature were similar and consisted of granulomas or pyogranulomas around circular unstained spaces (vacuoles). These spaces were located between areas of severe diffuse hyaline necrosis of muscle fibers and resembled the drops of oil present in the vaccine.
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is the etiologic agent of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), a chronic disease that affects goats and sheep, characterized by granuloma formation in subcutaneous and internal lymph nodes. CLA causes significant economic losses to commercial goat herds. In this study, we aimed to test secreted antigens secreted from T1 strain bacteria grown in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth in an indirect ELISA system to determine the presence of specific immunoglobulins against C. pseudotuberculosis. We analyzed the BHI antigen electrophoretic profile and the recognition pattern by infected sheep sera samples. The ELISA results were compared with multiplex PCR assay and IFN-gamma production. The ELISA was able to discriminate between negative and positive animals, with a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 99%, using microbiological isolation as gold standard. When this assay was compared with multiplex PCR and specific IFN-gamma quantification, six discrepant results were found among thirty-two samples. We concluded that the ELISA using antigens secreted from C. pseudotuberculosis T1 strain growth in BHI broth culture can be used for the serodiagnosis of CLA in sheep.
Casos de actinomicose com apresentação atípica são descritos em dois bovinos. Em ambos os casos notou-se uma aumento de volume extenso e duro na maxila. A maxila dos dois bovinos tomou um aspecto de favo de mel como resultado da rarefação destrutiva e da proliferação óssea regenerativa. Na superfície de corte as lesões consistiam de tecido fibroso branco e brilhante em meio ao qual numerosos grânulos amarelos podiam ser vistos. Tratos fistulosos podiam ser demonstrados em meio às lesões. Em cortes corados pela hematoxilina e eosina as lesões consistiam de ilhas de inflamação piogranulomatosa em meio a extenso estroma fibroso. No centro do granuloma havia uma massa basofílica de forma irregular cercada por uma zona com projeções eosinofílicas radiadas (reação de Splendore-Hoeppli). Ao redor da massa radiada havia uma zona de neutrófilos cercada por uma camada de macrófagos epitelioides e ocasionais células gigantes multinucleadas. Uma camada externa de linfócitos e plasmócitos limitava o granuloma do extenso estroma conjuntivo que o cercava. Na coloração de Gram, a parte central da colônia revelava um aglomerado de micro-organismos em forma de bastonetes, com morfologia compatível com Actinomyces bovis. Uma vez que a apresentação pouco usual das lesões levou a má interpretação diagnóstica inicial nestes casos, a descrição detalhada das lesões é feita aqui com o objetivo de ajudar no diagnóstico diferencial feito por veterinários clínicos e inspetores de carne.
Mycobacterium sp. induz inflamação granuloma-tosa em diferentes espécies animais. Mycobacterium bovis e o complexo Mycobacterium avium são importantes patógenos de bovinos e suínos e podem causar infecção em humanos, principalmente imunossuprimidos. Perdas na produção, barreiras comerciais e prejuízos por condenação de carcaças em abatedouro/frigorífico estão atrelados à ocorrência dessas infecções, com prejuízos econômicos significativos. Foi realizado um estudo de casos diagnosticados como tuberculose em bovinos e linfadenite granulomatosa em suínos no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) no período de janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2011. Dados referentes à raça, ao sexo, à idade e ao histórico clínico foram compilados dos livros de registro e analisados. As características histológicas das lesões em linfonodos e pulmões foram avaliadas em Hematoxilina-Eosina, com predomínio de células gigantes nas lesões de tuberculose bovina e de macrófagos epitelioides em suínos. As técnicas histoquímicas de Ziehl-Neelsen e Tricrômico de Masson foram utilizadas para evidenciar, respectivamente, bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes e tecido conjuntivo fibroso nas lesões. A técnica de imuno-histoquímica foi utilizada em aproximadamente 30% dos casos estudados de cada espécie, selecionados aleatoriamente, para a caracterização do infiltrado linfocítico. Foram utilizados os anticorpos anti-CD3 para a marcação de linfócitos T e anti-CD79αcy para a marcação de linfócitos B. Linfócitos T predominaram nas lesões em ambas as espécies, com diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as médias dos linfócitos T e linfócitos B. Foi usado o teste t pareado, com t=5,501 (p<0,001) nas lesões dos bovinos e t=5,826 (p<0,001) para as lesões de linfadenite dos suínos. Adicionalmente foram marcados macrófagos com o uso do anticorpo anti-CD68 para bovinos e anti-Lisozima para suínos. Além desses, o anticorpo policlonal anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis foi utilizado para a detecção de bactérias do gênero Mycobacterium, com imunomarcação positiva em todos os casos e, nos casos dos suínos, houve marcação anti-Mycobacterium avium.
The role of different cytokines in the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) proliferative response and in in vitro granuloma formation was evaluated in a cross-sectional study with patients with the different clinical forms and phases of Schistosoma mansoni infection, as well as a group of individuals "naturally" resistant to infection named normal endemic (NE). The blockage of IL-4 and IL-5 using anti-IL-4 and anti-IL-5 antibodies significantly reduced the PBMC proliferative response to soluble egg (SEA) and adult worm (SWAP) antigens in acute (ACT), chronic intestinal (INT) and hepatosplenic (HS) patients. Similar results were obtained in the in vitro granuloma formation. Blockage of IL-10 had no significant effect on either assay using PBMC from ACT or HS. In contrast, the addition of anti-IL-10 antibodies to PBMC cultures from INT patients significantly increased the proliferative response to SEA and SWAP as well as the in vitro granuloma formation. Interestingly, association of anti-IL-4 and anti-IL-10 antibodies did not increase the PBMC proliferative response of these patients, suggesting that IL-10 may act by modulating IL-4 and IL-5 secretion. Addition of recombinant IL-10 decreased the proliferative response to undetectable levels when PBMC from patients with the different clinical forms were used. Analysis of IFN-g in the supernatants showed that PBMC from INT patients secreted low levels of IFN-g upon antigenic stimulation. In contrast, PBMC from NE secreted high levels of IFN-g. These data suggest that IL-10 is an important cytokine in regulating the immune response and possibly controlling morbidity in human schistosomiasis mansoni, and that the production of IFN-g may be associated with resistance to infection.
Six hundred million people are at risk of infection by Schistosoma mansoni. MHC haplotypes have been reported to segregate with susceptibility to schistosomiasis in murine models. In humans, a major gene related to susceptibility/resistance to infection by S. mansoni (SM1) and displaying the mean fecal egg count as phenotype was detected by segregation analysis. This gene displayed a codominant mode of inheritance with an estimated frequency of 0.20-0.25 for the deleterious allele and accounted for more than 50% of the variance of infection levels. To determine if the SM1 gene segregates with the human MHC chromosomal region, we performed a linkage study by the lod score method. We typed for HLA-A, B, C, DR and DQ antigens in 11 informative families from an endemic area for schistosomiasis in Bahia, Brazil, by the microlymphocytotoxicity technique. HLA-DR typing by the polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) and HLA-DQ were confirmed by PCR-sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes (PCR-SSOP). The lod scores for the different q values obtained clearly indicate that there is no physical linkage between HLA and SM1 genes. Thus, susceptibility or resistance to schistosomiasis, as defined by mean fecal egg count, is not primarily dependent on the host's HLA profile. However, if the HLA molecule plays an important role in specific immune responses to S. mansoni, this may involve the development of the different clinical aspects of the disease such as granuloma formation and development of hepatosplenomegaly.
The in utero exposure of hamsters to low doses of diazepam results in impaired host defense against Mycobacterium bovis during adulthood. Delayed developmental immunotoxicity, however, represents a specific situation that might not be general. The present experiment was undertaken to investigate the effects of diazepam on hamster resistance to M. bovis using adult animals. The effects of diazepam treatment on serum cortisol levels were also studied. Adult hamsters (N = 10 for each group) were treated with diazepam (E1 = 1.0, E2 = 2.0 or E3 = 3.0 mg kg-1 day-1 subcutaneously) or with control solution (C) for 30 days. Seven days after the beginning of the treatment, the animals received identical inoculum concentrations of M. bovis. Hamsters treated with the higher (2.0 and 3.0 mg kg-1 day-1) doses of diazepam exhibited: 1) increased granuloma areas in the liver (C = 1.81 ± 1.39, E2 = 10.29 ± 4.64 and E3 = 15.80 ± 4.82) and lung (C = 0.54 ± 0.55, E2 = 6.28 ± 3.85 and E3 = 6.31 ± 3.56) and 2) increased scores of M. bovis colony-forming units isolated from liver (C = 2.0, E2 = 3.0 and E3 = 3.5), lung (C = 1.0, E2 = 3.0 and E3 = 3.5) and spleen (C = 1.0, E2 = 2.5 and E3 = 4.0). These effects were dose dependent, and were not detected or were less severe in animals treated with the lowest (1.0 mg/kg) dose of diazepam as well as in those of the control group. Furthermore, diazepam treatment (3.0 mg kg-1 day-1 for 30 days) increased (E3 = 71.32 ± 2.99; N = 10) the serum levels of cortisol compared to control hamsters (C = 22.61 ± 2.75; N = 10). The present data, that demonstrate an impaired defense against M. bovis in adult hamsters treated with diazepam, were tentatively explained on the basis of a direct and/or indirect action of diazepam on the cytokine network. The effects may be related to stimulation of peripheral benzodiazepine receptor binding sites (PBR) by macrophages and/or lymphocytes, or they may be mediated by PBR stimulation of the adrenals.
Non-absorbable microgranular hydroxyapatite was infiltrated into the subepidermal abdominal region of guinea pigs in order to assess the possibility of using this material to correct deficiencies in orbital volume. Microgranular hydroxyapatite (2.0 ml) was subepidermally infiltrated into the abdominal region of 20 guinea pigs. The animals were divided into four experimental groups of 5 animals each, which were killed 7 (G1), 15 (G2), 30 (G3) and 60 (G4) days after infiltration. The area and the largest and smallest diameters of the nodules formed by infiltration were evaluated at the site of infiltration and histological examination was performed. The mean granuloma area was similar in all groups. Histopathological examination showed that the material remained isolated from surrounding tissues by a pseudocapsule that became denser throughout the experiment. A host reaction started with young fibroblastic tissue that evolved to dense tissue until cartilaginous tissue was formed in G4, progressively advancing towards the center of the granuloma from G1 to G4. Non-absorbable microgranular hydroxyapatite is an inert material that was well tolerated by the animals studied, with maintenance of the infiltrated volume, and may perhaps be useful to fill anophthalmic cavities.
The objective of the present study was to investigate whether the injection of a tolerated protein (indirect effects) affects the formation of granulomas around Schistosoma mansoni eggs trapped in the lungs after intravenous (iv) injection into normal (noninfected) C57BL/6 mice (6 animals per group). To induce oral tolerance to chicken egg ovalbumin a 1/5 dilution of egg white in water was offered ad libitum in a drinking bottle for 3 days. Control mice received water. After 7 days, control and experimental animals were injected iv with 2,000 S. mansoni eggs through a tail vein. In some mice of both groups the iv injection of eggs was immediately followed by intraperitoneal (ip) immunization with 10 µg of dinitrophenylated conjugates of ovalbumin (DNP-Ova) emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) or only CFA; 18 days later, mice were bled and killed by ether inhalation. The lungs were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections of 5 µm were stained with Giemsa, Gomori's silver reticulin and Sirius red (pH 10.2). Granuloma diameters were measured in histological sections previously stained with Gomori's reticulin. Anti-DNP and anti-soluble egg antigen (SEA) antibodies were analyzed by ELISA. In mice orally tolerant to ovalbumin the concomitant ip injection of DNP-Ova resulted in significantly lower anti-SEA antibodies (ELISA*: 1395 ± 352 in non-tolerant and 462 ± 146 in tolerant mice) and affected granuloma formation around eggs, significantly decreasing granuloma size (area: 22,260 ± 2478 to 12,993 ± 3242 µm²). Active mechanisms triggered by injection of tolerated antigen (ovalbumin) reduce granuloma formation.
Different patterns of granulomas have been observed in 6- to 8-week-old mice after ip inoculation with 5 x 10(6) yeast cells of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) is a cytokine that has been shown to participate in fibrosis and granuloma formation; its activities seem to be modulated by the small proteoglycan decorin. In the present study, TGF-ß and decorin expression in epiploon granulomas was assessed by immunohistochemistry in susceptible (B10.A) and resistant (A/J) mice after 15, 30, 120 and 150 days of P. brasiliensis ip infection. The epiploon was collected, fixed in Methacarn solution and embedded in paraffin, and 5-µm thick sections were used for immunohistochemical analysis employing the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase technique. The former mouse strain developed fatal disease with many disseminated lesions increasing in size and number during the infection and the latter developed mild disease with the presence of encapsulated granulomas. In the epiploon, TGF-ß was present on macrophages, giant cells, lymphocytes and fibroblasts, and absent on neutrophils. It was also detected in areas of fibrosis and necrosis, as well as disperse in amorphous extracellular matrix, mostly in resistant mice. Decorin was present circumscribing macrophages and giant cells containing fungi, but absent on these cells. In both mouse strains, decorin was found at the periphery of the lesions, and markedly in milky spot granulomas. In resistant mice, positivity was found around fibrotic and necrotic areas of encapsulated and residual lesions containing lysed fungi. Decorin was found associated with thick fibers around encapsulated lesions. In susceptible mice, the size and number of lesions increased with the progression of the disease and were correlated with the weaker expression of decorin. We suggest an association of decorin with the fibrogenic process observed in paracoccidioidal granulomas.
The effects of schistosomiasis on microsomal enzymes were studied on post-infection day 90 when accumulated damage and fibrosis are most intense but granulomatous reaction around the eggs harbored in the liver is smaller than during the earlier phases. Swiss Webster (SW) and DBA/2 mice of either sex (N = 12 per sex per group) were infected with 100 Schistosoma mansoni cercariae on postnatal day 10 and killed on post-infection day 90. Cytochrome P-450 (CYP) concentration and alkoxyresorufin-O-dealkylases (EROD, MROD, BROD, and PROD), p-nitrophenol-hydroxylase (PNPH), coumarin-7-hydroxylase (COH), and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) activities were measured in hepatic microsomes. Age-matched mice of the same sex and strain were used as controls. In S. mansoni-infected mice, CYP1A- and 2B-mediated activities (control = 100%) were reduced in SW (EROD: male (M) 36%, female (F) 38%; MROD: M 38%, F 39%; BROD: M 46%, F 19%; PROD: M 50%, F 28%) and DBA/2 mice (EROD: M 64%, F 58%; MROD: M 60%; BROD: F 49%; PROD: M 73%) while PNPH (CYP2E1) was decreased in SW (M 31%, F 38%) but not in DBA/2 mice. COH did not differ between infected and control DBA/2 and UGT, a phase-2 enzyme, was not altered by infection. In conclusion, chronic S. mansoni infection reduced total CYP content and all CYP-mediated activities evaluated in SW mice, including those catalyzed by CYP2E1 (PNPH), CYP1A (EROD, MROD) and 2B (BROD, PROD). In DBA/2 mice, however, CYP2A5- and 2E1-mediated activities remained unchanged while total CYP content and activities mediated by other CYP isoforms were depressed during chronic schistosomiasis.
The antischistosomal activity of the sulfated polysaccharide α-D-glucan (Glu.SO4) extracted from Ramalina celastri was evaluated after encapsulation into liposomes (Glu.SO4-LIPO) in Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice. The effect of treatment with Glu.SO4 and Glu.SO4-LIPO (10 mg/kg) on egg elimination, worm burden and hepatic granuloma formation was assessed using female albino Swiss mice, 35-40 days of age, weighing 25 ± 2 g, infected with 150 cercariae/animal (Biomphalaria glabrata, BH strain). Four groups (N = 10) were studied, two controls (empty liposomes and NaCl) and two treated groups (Glu.SO4-LIPO and Glu.SO4) using a single dose. Parasitological analysis revealed that Glu.SO4-LIPO was as efficient as Glu.SO4 in reducing egg elimination and worm burden. Treatment with free Glu.SO4 and Glu.SO4-LIPO induced a statistically significant reduction in the number of granulomas (62 and 63%, respectively). Lectin histochemistry showed that wheat germ agglutinin intensely stained the egg-granuloma system in all treated groups. On the other hand, peanut agglutinin stained cells in the control groups, but not in the treated groups. The present results suggest a correlation between the decreasing number of hepatic egg-granulomas and the glycosylation profile of the egg-granuloma system in animals treated with free Glu.SO4 or Glu.SO4-LIPO.
Objetivo: Determinar las lesiones laríngeas post-intubación endotraqueal en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI) y cirugía ambulatoria y evaluar su asociación con respecto al tiempo de intubación y otras variables clínico-demográficas en un hospital universitario. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de cohorte analítico incluyendo 60 pacientes (30 de UCI y 30 de cirugía ambulatoria) a quienes se les realizó nasofibrolaringoscopia a las 24 horas post-extubación y a las 3 semanas de control y se registran las lesiones laríngeas encontradas. Resultados: En la primera endoscopia el 70% de los pacientes de cirugía ambulatoria presentaban al menos una lesión laríngea con un promedio de duración de intubación de 0.12 días DS±0.05 desapareciendo todas las lesiones en la segunda endoscopia. En el análisis del grupo de UCI se encontraron lesiones en el 76.6% de los pacientes con un promedio de duración de intubación de 6.0 días DS±3.3. La presencia de edema en pacientes con intubación prolongada por más de 6 días mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativa con respecto al grupo con menos días de intubación (RR 3.048, 95% IC 0.9-9.3, P=0.03) al igual que con antecedente de EPOC (P=0.032) y APACHE II mayor de 17 (RR 1.8, 95% IC 1.114-3.0, P=0.013). EPOC tiene una diferencia estadísticamente significativa con hiperemia (P=0.02) y granuloma (P=0.019). En la segunda endoscopia se encontró mayor frecuencia de hiperemia en los pacientes con intubación prolongada (>6 días) con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (P=0.01). Conclusión: La intubación prolongada se encuentra asociada a la aparición edema e hiperemia en la laringe. EPOC y puntaje superior de APACHE II se relacionan con hiperemia y granulomas glóticos.
A toxocarose é uma das infestações parasitárias provocadas por helmintas, mais frequentes no Mundo. É uma zoonose com prevalência mais elevada na população pediátrica causada por um nemátodo intestinal do género Toxocara. As espécies mais frequentes são Toxocara canis (T. canis) e Toxocara cati (T. cati). Em 1950, Wilder descreveu clinicamente a infestação por Toxocara sp. através da identificação deste num granuloma localizado na retina de uma criança (Castelo, Dinis & Rocha, 2008; Humbert, Buchet & Barde, 1995). Esta parasitose tem três apresentações clínicas caracterizadas conforme a gravidade do quadro: larva migrans visceral (LMV), larva migrans ocular (LMO) ou formas subclínicas ou assintomáticas (Castelo, Dinis & Rocha, 2008; Humbert, Buchet & Barde, 1995). O diagnóstico de toxocarose baseia-se em métodos imunológicos sensíveis, como é o caso da técnica ELISA ou western-blot, em que são usados antigénios excretóriossecretórios do género Toxocara. Foi sensivelmente há duas décadas que a disponibilidade de testes imunológicos específicos e sensíveis utilizados para diagnóstico da toxocarose melhorou o conhecimento sobre esta parasitose. É por este motivo que se pode afirmar que esta zoonose apresenta seroprevalência mais elevada em países desenvolvidos industrializados e também em algumas ilhas tropicais (Magnaval et al., 2001). De acordo com o quadro clínico apresentado é instituída a terapêutica ainda que não exista consenso quanto à melhor terapêutica a instituir em cada situação e quando se deve iniciar o tratamento em casos assintomáticos (Castelo; Dinis; Rocha, 2008). A prevenção é necessária para evitar possíveis recontaminações, como por exemplo, desparasitar os animais de estimação e educar as pessoas sobre questões sanitárias (Magnaval et al., 2001; Humbert, Buchet & Barde, 1995). No presente trabalho pretende-se estudar a toxocarose caracterizando o parasita e o seu ciclo de vida, identificar a principal via transmissão desta zoonose, quais as espécies envolvidas na transmissão da toxocarose aos humanos e o principal grupo de risco. Pretende-se também, com base em dados bibliográficos, conhecer a prevalência da toxocarose nas zonas urbanas, assim como os fatores que permitem o desenvolvimento do parasita. É também objetivo deste trabalho conhecer as medidas implementadas em Portugal, principalmente na zona urbana de Lisboa, para prevenção e controlo da toxocarose e de que forma os profissionais de saúde (p.e. médicos veterinários e farmacêuticos) contribuem para a prevenção e controlo da toxocarose.
Introduction: The inability to distinguish periapical cysts from granulomas before performing root canal treatment leads to uncertainty in treatment outcomes because cysts have lower healing rates. Searching for differential expression of molecules within cysts or granulomas could provide information with regard to the identity of the lesion or suggest mechanistic differences that may form the basis for future therapeutic intervention. Thus, we investigated whether granulomas and cysts exhibit differential expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules. Methods: Human periapical granulomas, periapical cysts, and healthy periodontal ligament tissues were used to investigate the differential expression of ECM molecules by microarray analysis. Because matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) showed the highest differential expression in the microarray analysis, MMPs were further examined by in situ zymography and immunohistochemistry. Data were analyzed by using one-way analysis of variance followed by the Tu-key test. Results: We observed that cysts and granulomas differentially expressed several ECM molecules, especially those from the MMP family. Compared with cysts, granulomas exhibited higher MMP enzymatic activity in areas stained for MMP-9. These areas were composed of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) in contrast to cysts. Similarly, MMP-13 was expressed by a greater number of cells in granulomas compared with cysts. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that high enzymatic MIMP activity in PMNs together with MMP-9 and MMP-13 stained cells could be a molecular signature of granulomas unlike periapical cysts. (J Endod 2009;35:1234-1242)