999 resultados para Museums -- Catalonia -- Barcelona
La producción de imágenes de la ciudad se ha convertido en un elemento clave de las políticas urbanas de muchas ciudades, especialmente en aquellas con una fuerte tradición industrial donde se ha venido realizando un esfuerzo explícito por redefinir su papel. En la construcción de estas imágenes, frecuentemente se utilizan elementos de difícil concreción espacial tales como, por ejemplo, los que contribuyen a crear una imagen de marca que pueda identificar diversos 'productos urbanos' o que conduzca a reforzar la cohesión social de los ciudadanos. Al mismo tiempo, también se utilizan espacios concretos que devienen referentes o símbolos de la ciudad o de determinados aspectos de esta. La reconstrucción de la ciudad, el diseño de nuevos espacios o la remodelación de determinados sectores no sólo transforma físicamente la ciudad sino que, lo que es igualmente importante, puede llegar a formar parte de una imagen renovada de la ciudad, a convertirsej en símbolo de su 'revitalización'.
There are several determinants that influence household location decisions. More concretely, recent economic literature assigns an increasingly important role to the variables governing quality of life. Nevertheless, the spatial stationarity of the parameters is implicitly assumed in most studies. Here we analyse the role of quality of life in urban economics and test for the spatial stationarity of the relationship between city growth and quality of life.
In the literature on housing market areas, different approaches can be found to defining them, for example, using travel-to-work areas and, more recently, making use of migration data. Here we propose a simple exercise to shed light on which approach performs better. Using regional data from Catalonia, Spain, we have computed housing market areas with both commuting data and migration data. In order to decide which procedure shows superior performance, we have looked at uniformity of prices within areas. The main finding is that commuting algorithms present more homogeneous areas in terms of housing prices.
La valoració global de Barcelona que fan en el document és que les universitats de renom de la nostra ciutat estan a disposició dels estudiants internacionals a un cost molt més baix que les universitats dels Estats Units o el Regne Unit. Barcelona està en el cor cultural d'Europa i aconsegueix la màxima puntuació en qualitat de teatre i produccions musicals. La diversitat se celebra en aquesta ciutat ben comunicada. Barcelona no és, però, la destinació ideal per a inversors o persones que busquen feina. Malgrat un entorn polític obert, la ciutat està castigada per un baix creixement econòmic, alts impostos i l'escalada de l'atur. Objectiva valoració
Eradicating measles represents a major public health achievement, yet outbreaks still occur in territories where endemic measles virus (MV) had been eliminated. In Catalonia from the year 2000 cases have occurred as isolated cases or small outbreaks, both linked to imported cases up to the end of 2006 when a large outbreak started out affecting mainly children ≤15m. In consequence, immunization schedule was amended lowering first dose to 12m. Again new MV importations from neighboring countries triggered another outbreak on November 2010 with a different age distribution sparing small children from infection. Differences in incidence (IR), rate ratio (RR) and 95% CI and hospitalization rate (HR) by age group were determined. Statistic z was used for comparing proportions. Total number of confirmed cases was 305 vs 381 in 2006; mean age 20 yrs (SD 14.8yrs; 3m -51yrs) vs 15m (SD13.1yrs; 1m-50yrs). Highest proportion of cases was set in ≥25yrs (47%) vs 24.2% in 2006 (p<0.001). Difference in IR for ≤ 15m was statistically significant (49/100,000 vs 278.2/100,000; RR:3.9; 95%CI 2.9-5.4) and in HR 30.2% vs 15.7% (p<0.001). The change of the month of administration of the first dose proved successful. Given the current epidemiological situation, continued awareness and efforts to reach young adult population are needed to stop the spread of the virus.
Eradicating measles represents a major public health achievement, yet outbreaks still occur in territories where endemic measles virus (MV) had been eliminated. In Catalonia from the year 2000 cases have occurred as isolated cases or small outbreaks, both linked to imported cases up to the end of 2006 when a large outbreak started out affecting mainly children ≤15m. In consequence, immunization schedule was amended lowering first dose to 12m. Again new MV importations from neighboring countries triggered another outbreak on November 2010 with a different age distribution sparing small children from infection. Differences in incidence (IR), rate ratio (RR) and 95% CI and hospitalization rate (HR) by age group were determined. Statistic z was used for comparing proportions. Total number of confirmed cases was 305 vs 381 in 2006; mean age 20 yrs (SD 14.8yrs; 3m -51yrs) vs 15m (SD13.1yrs; 1m-50yrs). Highest proportion of cases was set in ≥25yrs (47%) vs 24.2% in 2006 (p<0.001). Difference in IR for ≤ 15m was statistically significant (49/100,000 vs 278.2/100,000; RR:3.9; 95%CI 2.9-5.4) and in HR 30.2% vs 15.7% (p<0.001). The change of the month of administration of the first dose proved successful. Given the current epidemiological situation, continued awareness and efforts to reach young adult population are needed to stop the spread of the virus.
Evergreen trees in the Mediterranean region must cope with a wide range of environmental stresses from summer drought to winter cold. The mildness of Mediterranean winters can periodically lead to favourable environmental conditions above the threshold for a positive carbon balance, benefitting evergreen woody species more than deciduous ones. The comparatively lower solar energy input in winter decreases the foliar light saturation point. This leads to a higher susceptibility to photoinhibitory stress especially when chilly (< 12 C) or freezing temperatures (< 0 C) coincide with clear skies and relatively high solar irradiances. Nonetheless, the advantage of evergreen species that are able to photosynthesize all year round where a significant fraction can be attributed to winter months, compensates for the lower carbon uptake during spring and summer in comparison to deciduous species. We investigated the ecophysiological behaviour of three co-occurring mature evergreen tree species (Quercus ilex L., Pinus halepensis Mill., and Arbutus unedo L.). Therefore, we collected twigs from the field during a period of mild winter conditions and after a sudden cold period. After both periods, the state of the photosynthetic machinery was tested in the laboratory by estimating the foliar photosynthetic potential with CO2 response curves in parallel with chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. The studied evergreen tree species benefited strongly from mild winter conditions by exhibiting extraordinarily high photosynthetic potentials. A sudden period of frost, however, negatively affected the photosynthetic apparatus, leading to significant decreases in key physiological parameters such as the maximum carboxylation velocity (Vc,max), the maximum photosynthetic electron transport rate (Jmax), and the optimal fluorometric quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm). The responses of Vc,max and Jmax were highly species specific, with Q. ilex exhibiting the highest and P. halepensis the lowest reductions. In contrast, the optimal fluorometric quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) was significantly lower in A. unedo after the cold period. The leaf position played an important role in Q. ilex showing a stronger winter effect on sunlit leaves in comparison to shaded leaves. Our results generally agreed with the previous classifications of photoinhibition-tolerant (P. halepensis) and photoinhibitionavoiding (Q. ilex) species on the basis of their susceptibility to dynamic photoinhibition, whereas A. unedo was the least tolerant to photoinhibition, which was chronic in this species. Q. ilex and P. halepensis seem to follow contrasting photoprotective strategies. However, they seemed equally successful under the prevailing conditions exhibiting an adaptive advantage over A. unedo. These results show that our understanding of the dynamics of interspecific competition in Mediterranean ecosystems requires consideration of the physiological behaviour during winter which may have important implications for long-term carbon budgets and growth trends.
En el marco de la celebración del centenario de independencias de Hispanoamérica, el catalán Frederic Rahola Trèmols jugó un rol esencial en calidad de director y autor de las portadas de la Revista Comercial Iberoamericana Mercurio; responsable de la "misión oficial" diseñada en 1903 como parte de la primera visita oficial hecha desde Barcelona a la República Argentina; director de la Casa de América inaugurada en Barcelona en abril de 1911; y en especial, la producción de textos vinculados a la reorganización del vínculo económico, mercantil y cultural con los espacios rioplatenses.
[spa] El presente estudio se centra en la caracterización macroscópica y microscópica de las materias primas silíceas del yacimiento de la Dolina de l'Esquerda de les Alzines, un yacimiento del Pleistoceno superior ubicado en el macizo del Garraf. El objetivo ha sido establecer distintas variedades de sílex, mediante la descripción macroscópica y microscópica de los elementos del conjunto lítico, para disponer, por vez primera, de unas categorías definidas de los recursos abióticos silíceos disponibles y explotados durante la prehistoria en este macizo. Además, mediante el presente estudio se ha evaluado también la posible procedencia y el área captación de dichas materias. [eng]The present study focuses on the macroscopic and microscopic characterization of siliceous raw materials from the archeological site of Dolina de l'Esquerda de les Alzines, an Upper Pleistocene deposit located in the Garraf Massif. The aim of this study has been to establish different varieties of chert, by a precise description of the elements of the lithic assemblage, to provide for the first time a few categories defined from the siliceous abiotic resources available and exploited during Prehistory in the massif. Furthermore, through the present study we also assessed the possible origin and procurement area of such materials.
Una de les tecnologies biomèdiques naixents més esperançadores i controvertides és sens dubte la clonació terapèutica, que utilitza cèl·lules mare d'embrions humans. Fa un mes es va signar el contracte de creació del Centre d'Investigació en Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona, que inclourà un dels bancs de cèl·lules mare més importants del món [...].
Background: As a result of the growing number of interventions that are now performed in the context of maternity care, health authorities have begun to examine the possible repercussions for service provision and for maternal and neonatal health. In Spain the Strategy Paper on Normal Childbirth was published in 2008, and since then the authorities in Catalonia have sought to implement its recommendations. This paper reviews the current provision of maternity care in Catalonia. Methods: This was a descriptive study. Hospitals were grouped according to their source of funding (public or private) and were stratified (across four strata) on the basis of the annual number of births recorded within their respective maternity service. Data regarding the distribution of obstetric professionals were taken from an official government survey of hospitals published in 2010. The data on obstetric interventions (caesarean, use of forceps, vacuum or non-specified instruments) performed in 2007, 2010 and 2012 were obtained by consulting discharge records of 44 public and 20 private hospitals, which together provide care in 98% of all births in Catalonia. Proportions and confidence intervals were calculated for each intervention performed in all full-term (3742 weeks) singleton births. Results: Analysis of staff profiles according to the stratification of hospitals showed that almost all the hospitals had more obstetricians than midwives among their maternity care staff. Public hospitals performed fewer caesareans [range between 19.20% (CI 18.84-19.55) and 28.14% (CI 27.73-28.54)] than did private hospitals [range between 32.21% (CI 31.78-32.63) and 39.43% (CI 38.98-39.87)]. The use of forceps has decreased in public hospitals. The use of a vacuum extractor has increased and is more common in private hospitals. Conclusions: Caesarean section is the most common obstetric intervention performed during full-term singleton births in Catalonia. The observed trend is stable in the group of public hospitals, but shows signs of a rise among private institutions. The number of caesareans performed in accredited public hospitals covers a limited range with a stable trend. Among public hospitals the highest rate of caesareans is found in non-accredited hospitals with a lower annual number of births.
Background: As a result of the growing number of interventions that are now performed in the context of maternity care, health authorities have begun to examine the possible repercussions for service provision and for maternal and neonatal health. In Spain the Strategy Paper on Normal Childbirth was published in 2008, and since then the authorities in Catalonia have sought to implement its recommendations. This paper reviews the current provision of maternity care in Catalonia. Methods: This was a descriptive study. Hospitals were grouped according to their source of funding (public or private) and were stratified (across four strata) on the basis of the annual number of births recorded within their respective maternity service. Data regarding the distribution of obstetric professionals were taken from an official government survey of hospitals published in 2010. The data on obstetric interventions (caesarean, use of forceps, vacuum or non-specified instruments) performed in 2007, 2010 and 2012 were obtained by consulting discharge records of 44 public and 20 private hospitals, which together provide care in 98% of all births in Catalonia. Proportions and confidence intervals were calculated for each intervention performed in all full-term (3742 weeks) singleton births. Results: Analysis of staff profiles according to the stratification of hospitals showed that almost all the hospitals had more obstetricians than midwives among their maternity care staff. Public hospitals performed fewer caesareans [range between 19.20% (CI 18.84-19.55) and 28.14% (CI 27.73-28.54)] than did private hospitals [range between 32.21% (CI 31.78-32.63) and 39.43% (CI 38.98-39.87)]. The use of forceps has decreased in public hospitals. The use of a vacuum extractor has increased and is more common in private hospitals. Conclusions: Caesarean section is the most common obstetric intervention performed during full-term singleton births in Catalonia. The observed trend is stable in the group of public hospitals, but shows signs of a rise among private institutions. The number of caesareans performed in accredited public hospitals covers a limited range with a stable trend. Among public hospitals the highest rate of caesareans is found in non-accredited hospitals with a lower annual number of births.
En enero de 2006, el equipo de investigación sociolingüística de la Universidad deBarcelona, integrado por profesores y doctorandos del Departamento de FilologíaHispánica, se incorporó al Proyecto para el Estudio Sociolingüístico del Español deEspaña y de América (PRESEEA), vinculado a la Asociación de Lingüística y Filologíade América Latina (ALFAL), y que tiene como coordinador general a FranciscoMoreno Fernández, Catedrático de Lengua Española de la Universidad de Alcalá. Dichoproyecto se organiza en una red internacional de equipos de investigación cuyo objetivocentral es el de reunir un ingente corpus oral, sociolingüísticamente representativo, deun gran número de ciudades pertenecientes al mundo hispánico. La primera fase delproyecto, que se presentó en 1996, abarca hasta el año 2010 (Moreno Fernández 2006).1Para el estudio de Barcelona, en el seno del grupo PRESEEA – BARCELONA – ESdiseñamos una plantilla que contempla una representación de 108 informantes (loscuales deben haber nacido en la ciudad, haber llegado a ella antes de cumplir los diezaños o llevar viviendo en el lugar más de veinte), distribuidos en tres variables depreestratificación: sexo, edad y nivel de instrucción. A este perfil general añadimos lavariable ‘lengua primera’ (catalán / español), vista la repercusión que alcanza laconvivencia de las dos lenguas en la ciudad (Torres 2007).En las páginas que siguen, nos proponemos abordar el avance real del yeísmo en laCiudad Condal a partir de unas muestras seleccionadas de los datos de PRESEEABARCELONA-ES. El trabajo, que básicamente es de carácter fonético y presenta unanálisis acústico centrado en aspectos frecuenciales, de duración y de intensidad de lasmuestras mencionadas, pretende ser un primer acercamiento al estadio en el que se encuentra el fenómeno en esta área específica.
En enero de 2006, el equipo de investigación sociolingüística de la Universidad deBarcelona, integrado por profesores y doctorandos del Departamento de FilologíaHispánica, se incorporó al Proyecto para el Estudio Sociolingüístico del Español deEspaña y de América (PRESEEA), vinculado a la Asociación de Lingüística y Filologíade América Latina (ALFAL), y que tiene como coordinador general a FranciscoMoreno Fernández, Catedrático de Lengua Española de la Universidad de Alcalá. Dichoproyecto se organiza en una red internacional de equipos de investigación cuyo objetivocentral es el de reunir un ingente corpus oral, sociolingüísticamente representativo, deun gran número de ciudades pertenecientes al mundo hispánico. La primera fase delproyecto, que se presentó en 1996, abarca hasta el año 2010 (Moreno Fernández 2006).1Para el estudio de Barcelona, en el seno del grupo PRESEEA – BARCELONA – ESdiseñamos una plantilla que contempla una representación de 108 informantes (loscuales deben haber nacido en la ciudad, haber llegado a ella antes de cumplir los diezaños o llevar viviendo en el lugar más de veinte), distribuidos en tres variables depreestratificación: sexo, edad y nivel de instrucción. A este perfil general añadimos lavariable ‘lengua primera’ (catalán / español), vista la repercusión que alcanza laconvivencia de las dos lenguas en la ciudad (Torres 2007).En las páginas que siguen, nos proponemos abordar el avance real del yeísmo en laCiudad Condal a partir de unas muestras seleccionadas de los datos de PRESEEABARCELONA-ES. El trabajo, que básicamente es de carácter fonético y presenta unanálisis acústico centrado en aspectos frecuenciales, de duración y de intensidad de lasmuestras mencionadas, pretende ser un primer acercamiento al estadio en el que se encuentra el fenómeno en esta área específica.
BACKGROUND: The Cancer Fast-track Programme's aim was to reduce the time that elapsed between well-founded suspicion of breast, colorectal and lung cancer and the start of initial treatment in Catalonia (Spain). We sought to analyse its implementation and overall effectiveness. METHODS: A quantitative analysis of the programme was performed using data generated by the hospitals on the basis of seven fast-track monitoring indicators for the period 2006-2009. In addition, we conducted a qualitative study, based on 83 semistructured interviews with primary and specialised health professionals and health administrators, to obtain their perception of the programme's implementation. RESULTS: About half of all new patients with breast, lung or colorectal cancer were diagnosed via the fast track, though the cancer detection rate declined across the period. Mean time from detection of suspected cancer in primary care to start of initial treatment was 32 days for breast, 30 for colorectal and 37 for lung cancer (2009). Professionals associated with the implementation of the programme showed that general practitioners faced with suspicion of cancer had changed their conduct with the aim of preventing lags. Furthermore, hospitals were found to have pursued three specific implementation strategies (top-down, consensus-based and participatory), which made for the cohesion and sustainability of the circuits. CONCLUSION: The programme has contributed to speeding up diagnostic assessment and treatment of patients with suspicion of cancer, and to clarifying the patient pathway between primary and specialised care.