407 resultados para Murrah buffaloes
Risk factors for subclinical mastitis were studied in 474 buffaloes cows proceeding from four dairy farms located in the states of Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia and Ceará, Brazil. Milk samples (n=1896) of lactating buffaloes cows were examined for somatic cells count (SCC) and microbiologic exam, and a questionnaire composed by objective questions was applied in order to obtain animals and herd management data. Risk factors analysis was performed in two stages: univariate and mutivariate analysis. Two analysis were performed, one considering the animal classification for SCC as the dependent variable (<400,000 - negative; >400,000 - positive) and another, considering the microbiologic exam result (positive and negative). In the multivariate analysis considering SCC as dependent variable, the lack of teat washing was the only variable identified as a risk factor, so that farms without this procedure before the milking presented risk of infection of 2.68 (I.C. 1.49-4.83). In the multivariate analysis considering the microbiologic exam as dependent variable, it was observed that properties that performed the cleaning of the milking equipment manually presented risk of 1.85 (I.CI. 1.32-3.64), which was higher than those properties that performed the cleaning mechanically (p=0.019). Risk factors for the occurrence of subclinical mastitis in dairy buffaloes in Brazilian Northeast farms were related to the characteristics of improper milking management. Risk factors identified in this study must be carefully corrected in order to reduce the frequency of mastitis cases, and therefore, contribute for disease control and prevention in the herds.
É realizada uma revisão sobre as doenças hereditárias e/ou defeitos congênitos diagnosticados em búfalos no Brasil. São descritos brevemente os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos de enfermidades hereditárias ou provavelmente hereditárias já observadas no Brasil, como dermatose mecanobolhosa, artrogripose, miotomia, hidranencefalia, condrodisplasia e albinismo; e dos defeitos congênitos que não tem uma causa ainda comprovada como megaesôfago, defeitos cardíacos (persistência do ducto arterioso), dermatosparaxia, defeitos no sistema reprodutivo e outros defeitos. Observou-se que as raças mais afetadas por enfermidades de natureza genética são as que têm origem no Continente Asiático (Murrah e Jafarabadi), provavelmente em consequência da consanguinidade existente nos rebanhos devido a proibição da importação de reprodutores, sêmen e embriões daquele continente. O diagnóstico de duas dessas doenças, artrogripose e miotomia hereditária no Rio Grande do Sul e no Pará, demonstra que os genes indesejáveis estão disseminados na população de búfalos no país e que a identificação desses genes por meio de técnicas moleculares associada à criação desta espécie com maior controle sanitário, reprodutivo e zootécnico pode minimizar os prejuízos decorrentes dessas enfermidades à bubalinocultura.
Samples of ten penises of Mediterranean buffaloes and ten penises of Red Sindhi cattle were used. The thickness of the tunica albuginea (TA), distribution of smooth muscle cells (SMC) and volume density (Vv) of elastic system fibers in TA, corpus cavernosum (CC) and corpus spongiosum (CS) were evaluated. The Vv of elastic system fibers in buffalo and bovine penis was respectively 4.07% ±0.88% and 3.36% ±1.21% in TA; 17.32% ±2.21% and 13.14% ±1.27% (CC), 26.58% ±4.31% and 31.36% ±3.67% (CS). The CC of buffalo presented higher Vv of elastic fibers than bovine, while in the CS the Vv of elastic fibers in buffaloes was smaller than in cattle. The TA thickness showed a significant difference among the species studied. The arrangement of SMC in the bovine penises and in the water buffalo suggests that this pattern is common to animals that have fibroelastic penises.
Resumo: O hemograma e as dosagens bioquímicas são exames rotineiramente utilizados na avaliação da saúde dos animais domésticos, incluindo os búfalos. Na região Amazônica pesquisas nessa temática ainda são escassas. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer intervalos de referência para hematologia e bioquímica sanguínea de Bubalus bubalis criados na Amazônia Oriental e avaliar os efeitos da idade e do sexo sobre os valores bioquímicos e hematológicos obtidos. Foram utilizados 73 animais da raça Murrah, divididos em três grupos, o grupo 1 (G1, n=22) com animais de dois a oito meses, grupo 2 (G2, n=23) com animais de nove a dois anos e o grupo 3 (G3, n=28) com animais com mais de dois anos. Os hemogramas e as análises bioquímicas foram realizados em equipamentos automatizados. Os intervalos de referência foram estabelecidos conforme as recomendações do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Para avaliar o efeito do sexo e da idade foram utilizados os testes de Tukey, e Kruskal-Wallis, sendo as diferenças consideradas significativas quando P<0,05. Houve influencia da idade sobre os valores de hemácias (He), hematócrito (Ht), hemoglobina (Hb), leucócitos, linfócitos, eosinófilos, neutrófilos, plaquetas, volume plaquetário médio (VPM), índices hematimétricos (Volume Globular Média - VGM, Hemoglobina Corpuscular Média - HCM, e Coeficiente de variação eritrocitário - RDW) e relação neutrófilo:linfócito (N:L). O sexo influenciou o valor do VGM e do índice de amplitude de distribuição do tamanho da plaqueta (PDW) que foram maiores (P<0,05) nas fêmeas, enquanto o RDW foi maior nos machos. Na comparação dos parâmetros bioquímicos entre as faixas etárias, verificou-se que a idade influenciou a atividade das enzimas aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e fosfatase alcalina (FA) e as concentrações de creatinina, proteínas totais e bilirrubina direta. As concentrações de creatinina e bilirrubina direta foram significativamente maiores nos animais da maior faixa etária. O sexo influenciou a atividade da AST e a concentração de bilirrubina direta, que foram maiores (P<0.05) nos machos. Os valores hematológicos e bioquímicos estabelecidos podem ser utilizados como referência para búfalos criados na Amazônia Oriental.
Resumo: Para avaliar o perfil bioquímico, inclusive proteínas, do soro lácteo de búfalas Murrah primíparas e pluríparas sadias foram analisadas amostras de leite de 30 fêmeas bubalinas durante uma lactação completa. Os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos: G1 - 10 búfalas primíparas, G2 - 10 búfalas pluríparas com duas a três lactações e G3 - 10 búfalas pluríparas com mais de três lactações. O período de lactação foi dividido em: fase inicial (I: primeiro ao terceiro mês de lactação), fase intermediária (T: quarto ao sexto mês de lactação) e fase final (F: sétimo ao nono mês de lactação). Antes da colheita das amostras de leite foram realizados o exame físico da glândula mamária, o teste da caneca de fundo escuro e o California Mastitis Test (CMT). Após a assepsia dos quartos mamários, foram colhidas mensalmente, durante uma lactação completa, amostras de 20mL de leite de cada quarto mamário, em frascos plásticos esterilizados e sem conservante, para a realização do isolamento microbiológico, determinação do perfil bioquímico e fracionamento proteico por meio de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE), e amostras de 30mL de leite de cada quarto mamário, em frascos plásticos esterilizados contendo conservante bronopol, para contagem de células somáticas (CCS). Das 1.042 amostras de leite colhidas dos três grupos experimentais durante a lactação, 923 amostras de leite apresentaram reação negativa ao CMT e isolamento microbiológico negativo e foram selecionadas para as análises do perfil bioquímico e fracionamento proteico em SDS-PAGE. Notou-se influência da ordem de parto e da fase da lactação no perfil bioquímico e no proteinograma do soro lácteo de búfalas da raça Murrah sadias. As búfalas primíparas (G1) apresentaram maior atividade das enzimas gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT: 2.346U/L) e fosfatase alcalina (ALP: 181U/L) e maiores concentrações de fósforo (P: 56,6mg/dL), potássio (K: 32,0mg/dL) e α-lactoalbumina (458mg/dL). As fêmeas com duas a três lactações (G2) apresentaram maior CCS (70.700 células/mL) e maiores concentrações de proteína total (1,55g/dL), albumina (100mg/dL), magnésio (Mg: 8,80mg/dL), cloretos (Cl: 176mg/dL), ferro (Fe: 10,7μg/dL), sódio (Na: 178mMol/L) e lactoferrina (59,5mg/dL). As fêmeas com mais de três lactações (G3) apresentaram maiores concentrações de cálcio total (Ca: 41,8mg/dL), cálcio ionizado (Cai: 2,92mMol/L), imunoglobulina A (IgA: 1,32mg/dL), albumina sérica (99,1mg/dL), imunoglobulina G (IgG: 49,7mg/dL) e b-lactoglobulina (1.068mg/dL). Durante a lactação foi observado aumento da CCS, aumento das atividades das enzimas GGT e ALP, aumento das concentrações de proteína total, albumina, P, Mg, Cl, Na, lactoferrina, albumina sérica, IgG, α-lactoalbumina e redução das concentrações de Ca, Fe, Cai, K, IgA e b-lactoglobulina no soro lácteo das búfalas. Os resultados obtidos podem ser utilizados como referências para a espécie bubalina e auxiliar no diagnóstico e no prognóstico de doenças de ocorrência comum na fase de lactação.
O estudo morfométrico dos dígitos de bovinos e bubalinos pode colaborar para o entendimento da etiopatogenia das enfermidades podais. Este estudo objetivou descrever as características morfométricas dos dígitos de bovinos das raças Curraleira (Bos taurus), Pantaneira (Bos taurus), Nelore (Bos indicus) e de bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis) da raça Murrah e estabelecer possível relação entre tais medidas e a ocorrência de enfermidades digitais. Na pesquisa foram utilizados dez animais, saudáveis, de cada raça e espécie. Foram avaliados dois membros de cada animal, sendo um torácico e outro pélvico, totalizando 80 extremidades distais. As medidas morfométricas foram obtidas com auxílio de um paquímetro mecânico graduado e os ângulos das pinças conferidos por meio de transferidor metálico. Os principais parâmetros digitais avaliados foram o ângulo dorsal do casco (A), comprimento da parede dorsal (B), altura do talão (C), altura da pinça (D), comprimento do casco (E), comprimento diagonal do casco (F), largura do dígito lateral (G), largura do dígito medial (H), comprimento do dígito lateral (I) e comprimento do dígito medial (J). Para a comparação de médias dos resultados obtidos entre as raças foi utilizado o teste de Tukey (p<0,05). A análise multivariada para as representações gráficas das variáveis canônicas foi empregada para expressar a similaridade das medidas estudadas entre os grupos, no qual se utilizou o software R. Os resultados revelaram que os bubalinos apresentam as maiores medidas morfométricas para as variáveis B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I e J e apenas na variável A apresentaram medidas inferiores entre as diferentes raças de bovinos estudadas. Existe similaridade entre as três raças de bovinos estudadas em relação às variáveis, altura da pinça (D), largura do dígito lateral (G) e largura do dígito medial (H) as quais se distanciam dos valores encontrados para essas variáveis nos bubalinos, Concluiu que a morfometria digital pode influenciar na ocorrência de enfermidades digitais, mas não age como fator isolado, necessitando da interação com outros fatores estruturais, ambientais e de manejo para a manifestação dessas doenças.
Resumo: Foram realizadas biópsias retais de 140 búfalos, machos e fêmeas, das raças Murrah e mestiços de Murrah com Mediterrâneo, com idade acima de três anos, em uma propriedade no município de São Mateus, Maranhão, Brasil. Adicionalmente foram realizadas necropsias de 11 búfalos, para realizar um estudo comparativo entre os achados das biópsias retais e de tecidos de íleo e linfonodo mesentérico. A propriedade apresentava histórico de animais com emagrecimento progressivo e diarreia não responsiva a antimicrobianos. Os búfalos apresentavam sinais clínicos caracterizados por diarreia, estado nutricional regular a ruim, desidratação e edema submandibular. Nas biópsias retais seis búfalos apresentaram lesões sugestivas da paratuberculose na Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE), sendo estas caracterizadas por inflamação granulomatosa multifocal moderada na lâmina própria com macrófagos epitelioides. Em quatro animais foram observadas adicionalmente células gigantes do tipo Langhans. Em 15 búfalos foi observado infiltrado linfocitário multifocal leve na lâmina própria. Pela coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN), 4,3% (6/140) apresentaram bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR) e na PCR em tempo real (qPCR), 5,71% (7/140) tiveram amplificação do material genético. Foram necropsiados 11 búfalos, à necropsia foram observados aumento de linfonodos mesentéricos com áreas esbranquiçadas na superfície de corte; intestino delgado e grosso com dobras transversais evidentes, mucosa espessada e irregular, de aspecto reticulado, placas de Peyer evidentes e conteúdo líquido e marrom. Ainda se viam áreas espessadas em torno da válvula ileocecal e vasos linfáticos evidentes. As lesões histológicas localizadas no intestino delgado e linfonodos mesentéricos de quatro búfalos foram compatíveis com lesões já descritas na literatura, e apresentaram BAAR e amplificação de material genético na qPCR. A concordância entre a biópsia retal e a análise dos tecidos de íleo e linfonodo mesentérico, segundo o teste Kappa (K=0,792), foi alta. A biópsia retal realizada demonstrou ser promissora e pode ser empregada, juntamente com outras técnicas, para auxiliar no diagnóstico ante mortem em búfalos de rebanhos com suspeita de paratuberculose; pela mesma foi possível detectar animais positivos através da coloração de ZN e qPCR. Os resultados obtidos podem ser utilizados no controle da enfermidade para selecionar e eliminar animais positivos do rebanho, diminuindo gradualmente, a disseminação do agente no ambiente, e a consequente contaminação de outros animais.
Resumo: Com o objetivo de realizar um estudo dos teores de cobre (Cu), zinco (Zn) e ferro (Fe) em búfalas com paratuberculose (PTB) foram utilizadas 13 búfalas, das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus mestiços acima de três anos de idade, pertencentes a duas propriedades localizadas nos municípios de São Luiz e São Mateus, no Estado do Maranhão. Os animais foram selecionados de acordo com a presença de sinais clínicos sugestivos de paratuberculose, caracterizados por estado nutricional regular a ruim, diarreia crônica líquida a semi-líquida, desidratação, edema submandibular, anestro prolongado, mastites e verminose gastrintestinal. Foi realizada biópsia retal em todos os animais, para detecção de Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) por meio da qPCR, e exames histopatológicos (HE e Ziehl-Neelsen). No Grupo1 sete animais foram positivos para presença de Map, e no Grupo 2 seis foram negativos. Todos os búfalos foram eutanasiados e necropsiados para coleta de diversos tecidos. Parte dos fragmentos foram fixados em formol a 10% para histopatologia e fragmentos de tecido hepático foram congelados para as dosagens dos microminerais (Cu, Zn e Fe). À necropsia todos os animais positivos para PTB apresentavam linfonodos mesentéricos de coloração castanha sugestiva de hemossiderose. Adicionalmente, em um animal foram observados pequenos pontos de cor marrom distribuídos difusamente na mucosa do intestino delgado. Na histopatologia foi observada hemossiderose moderada a acentuada no baço dos animais do Grupo 1. Na dosagem dos microminerais todos os animais com PTB apresentaram níveis abaixo dos valores de referência para Cu e Zn. Observou-se que a média dos teores de Cu dos búfalos com PTB foi 18,0ppm e de Zn 68,6ppm. No Grupo 2 a média dos teores de Cu foi 113,7ppm e de Zn 110,0ppm. Os teores de Fe em ambos os grupos foram elevados (>670ppm). Baseado nos achados clínico-patológicos e nas dosagens de minerais realizadas neste estudo, conclui-se que na região estudada, a PTB agravou o quadro clínico de animais com deficiência de Cu e Zn. Em áreas menos deficientes desses minerais sugere-se que a doença seja capaz de induzir quadros de deficiência mineral secundária.
With Chinas rapid economic development during the last decades, the national demand for livestock products has quadrupled within the last 20 years. Most of that increase in demand has been answered by subsidized industrialized production systems, while million of smallholders, which still provide the larger share of livestock products in the country, have been neglected. Fostering those systems would help China to lower its strong urban migration streams, enhance the livelihood of poorer rural population and provide environmentally save livestock products which have a good chance to satisfy customers demand for ecological food. Despite their importance, China’s smallholder livestock keepers have not yet gained appropriate attention from governmental authorities and researchers. However, profound analysis of those systems is required so that adequate support can lead to a better resource utilization and productivity in the sector. To this aim, this pilot study analyzes smallholder livestock production systems in Xishuangbanna, located in southern China. The area is bordered by Lao and Myanmar and geographically counts as tropical region. Its climate is characterized by dry and temperate winters and hot summers with monsoon rains from May to October. While the regionis plain, at about 500 m asl above sea level in the south, outliers of the Himalaya mountains reach out into the north of Xishuangbanna, where the highest peak reaches 2400 m asl. Except of one larger city, Jinghong, Xishuangbanna mainly is covered by tropical rainforest, areas under agricultural cultivation and villages. The major income is generated through inner-Chinese tourism and agricultural production. Intensive rubber plantations are distinctive for the lowland plains while small-scaled traditional farms are scattered in the mountane regions. In order to determine the current state and possible future chances of smallholder livestock production in that region, this study analyzed the current status of the smallholder livestock sector in the Naban River National Nature Reserve (NRNNR), an area which is largely representative for the whole prefecture. It covers an area of about 50square kilometer and reaches from 470 up to 2400 m asl. About 5500 habitants of different ethnic origin are situated in 24 villages. All data have been collected between October 2007 and May 2010. Three major objectives have been addressed in the study: 1. Classifying existing pig production systems and exploring respective pathways for development 2. Quantifying the performance of pig breeding systemsto identify bottlenecks for production 3. Analyzing past and current buffalo utilization to determine the chances and opportunities of buffalo keeping in the future In order to classify the different pig production s ystems, a baseline survey (n=204, stratified cluster sampling) was carried out to gain data about livestock species, numbers, management practices, cultivated plant species and field sizes as well associo-economic characteristics. Sampling included two clusters at village level (altitude, ethnic affiliation), resulting in 13 clusters of which 13-17 farms were interviewed respectively. Categorical Principal Component Analysis (CatPCA) and a two-step clustering algorithm have been applied to identify determining farm characteristics and assort recorded households into classes of livestock production types. The variables keep_sow_yes/no, TLU_pig, TLU_buffalo, size_of_corn_fields, altitude_class, size_of_tea_plantationand size_of_rubber_fieldhave been found to be major determinants for the characterization of the recorded farms. All farms have extensive or semi-intensive livestock production, pigs and buffaloes are predominant livestock species while chicken and aquaculture are available but play subordinate roles for livelihoods. All pig raisers rely on a single local breed, which is known as Small Ear Pig (SMEP) in the region. Three major production systemshave been identified: Livestock-corn based LB; 41%), rubber based (RB; 39%) and pig based (PB;20%) systems. RB farms earn high income from rubber and fatten 1.9 ±1.80 pigs per household (HH), often using purchased pig feed at markets. PB farms own similar sized rubber plantations and raise 4.7 ±2.77 pigs per HH, with fodder mainly being cultivated and collected in theforest. LB farms grow corn, rice and tea and keep 4.6 ±3.32 pigs per HH, also fed with collected and cultivated fodder. Only 29% of all pigs were marketed (LB: 20%; RB: 42%; PB: 25%), average annual mortality was 4.0 ±4.52 pigs per farm (LB: 4.6 ±3.68; RB: 1.9 ±2.14; PB: 7.1 ±10.82). Pig feed mainly consists of banana pseudo stem, corn and rice hives and is prepared in batches about two to three times per week. Such fodder might be sufficient in energy content but lacks appropriate content of protein. Pigs therefore suffer from malnutrition, which becomes most critical in the time before harvest season around October. Farmers reported high occurrences of gastrointestinal parasites in carcasses and often pig stables were wet and filled with manure. Deficits in nutritional and hygienic management are major limits for development and should be the first issues addressed to improve productivity. SME pork was found to be known and referred by local customers in town and by richer lowland farmers. However, high prices and lacking availability of SME pork at local wet-markets were the reasons which limited purchase. If major management constraints are overcome, pig breeders (PB and LB farms) could increase the share of marketed pigs for town markets and provide fatteners to richer RB farmers. RB farmers are interested in fattening pigs for home consumption but do not show any motivation for commercial pig raising. To determine the productivity of input factors in pig production, eproductive performance, feed quality and quantity as well as weight development of pigs under current management were recorded. The data collection included a progeny history survey covering 184 sows and 437 farrows, bi-weekly weighing of 114 pigs during a 16-months time-span on 21 farms (10 LB and 11 PB) as well as the daily recording of feed quality and quantity given to a defined number of pigs on the same 21 farms. Feed samples of all recorded ingredients were analyzed for their respective nutrient content. Since no literature values on thedigestibility of banana pseudo stem – which is a major ingredient of traditional pig feed in NRNNR – were found, a cross-sectional digestibility trial with 2x4 pigs has been conducted on a station in the research area. With the aid of PRY Herd Life Model, all data have been utilized to determine thesystems’ current (Status Quo = SQ) output and the productivity of the input factor “feed” in terms of saleable life weight per kg DM feed intake and monetary value of output per kg DM feed intake.Two improvement scenarios were simulated, assuming 1) that farmers adopt a culling managementthat generates the highest output per unit input (Scenario 1; SC I) and 2) that through improved feeding, selected parameters of reproduction are improved by 30% (SC II). Daily weight gain averaged 55 ± 56 g per day between day 200 and 600. The average feed energy content of traditional feed mix was 14.92 MJ ME. Age at first farrowing averaged 14.5 ± 4.34 months, subsequent inter-farrowing interval was 11.4 ± 2.73 months. Littersize was 5.8 piglets and weaning age was 4.3 ± 0.99 months. 18% of piglets died before weaning. Simulating pig production at actualstatus, it has been show that monetary returns on inputs (ROI) is negative (1:0.67), but improved (1:1.2) when culling management was optimized so that highest output is gained per unit feed input. If in addition better feeding, controlled mating and better resale prices at fixed dates were simulated, ROI further increased to 1:2.45, 1:2.69, 1:2.7 and 1:3.15 for four respective grower groups. Those findings show the potential of pork production, if basic measures of improvement are applied. Futureexploration of the environment, including climate, market-season and culture is required before implementing the recommended measures to ensure a sustainable development of a more effective and resource conserving pork production in the future. The two studies have shown that the production of local SME pigs plays an important role in traditional farms in NRNNR but basic constraints are limiting their productivity. However, relatively easy approaches are sufficient for reaching a notable improvement. Also there is a demand for more SME pork on local markets and, if basic constraints have been overcome, pig farmers could turn into more commercial producers and provide pork to local markets. By that, environmentally safe meat can be offered to sensitive consumers while farmers increase their income and lower the risk of external shocks through a more diverse income generating strategy. Buffaloes have been found to be the second important livestock species on NRNNR farms. While they have been a core resource of mixed smallholderfarms in the past, the expansion of rubber tree plantations and agricultural mechanization are reasons for decreased swamp buffalo numbers today. The third study seeks to predict future utilization of buffaloes on different farm types in NRNNR by analyzing the dynamics of its buffalo population and land use changes over time and calculating labor which is required for keeping buffaloes in view of the traction power which can be utilized for field preparation. The use of buffaloes for field work and the recent development of the egional buffalo population were analyzed through interviews with 184 farmers in 2007/2008 and discussions with 62 buffalo keepers in 2009. While pig based farms (PB; n=37) have abandoned buffalo keeping, 11% of the rubber based farms (RB; n=71) and 100% of the livestock-corn based farms (LB; n=76) kept buffaloes in 2008. Herd size was 2.5 ±1.80 (n=84) buffaloes in early 2008 and 2.2 ±1.69 (n=62) in 2009. Field work on own land was the main reason forkeeping buffaloes (87.3%), but lending work buffaloes to neighbors (79.0%) was also important. Other purposes were transport of goods (16.1%), buffalo trade (11.3%) and meat consumption(6.4%). Buffalo care required 6.2 ±3.00 working hours daily, while annual working time of abuffalo was 294 ±216.6 hours. The area ploughed with buffaloes remained constant during the past 10 years despite an expansion of land cropped per farm. Further rapid replacement of buffaloes by tractors is expected in the near future. While the work economy is drastically improved by the use of tractors, buffaloes still can provide cheap work force and serve as buffer for economic shocks on poorer farms. Especially poor farms, which lack alternative assets that could quickly be liquidizedin times of urgent need for cash, should not abandon buffalo keeping. Livestock has been found to be a major part of small mixed farms in NRNNR. The general productivity was low in both analyzed species, buffaloes and pigs. Productivity of pigs can be improved through basic adjustments in feeding, reproductive and hygienic management, and with external support pig production could further be commercialized to provide pork and weaners to local markets and fattening farms. Buffalo production is relatively time intensive, and only will be of importance in the future to very poor farms and such farms that cultivate very small terraces on steep slopes. These should be encouraged to further keep buffaloes. With such measures, livestock production in NRNNR has good chances to stay competitive in the future.
Expansion of rubber tree plantations and agricultural mechanization caused a decline of swamp buffalo numbers in the Naban River National Nature Reserve (NRNNR), Yunnan Province, China. We analysed current use of buffaloes for field work and the recent development of the regional buffalo population, based on interviews with 184 farmers in 2007/2008 and discussions with 62 buffalo keepers in 2009. Three types of NRNNR farms were distinguished, differing mainly in altitude, area under rubber, and involvement in livestock husbandry. While pig based farms (PB; n=37) have abandoned buffalo keeping, 11% of the rubber based farms (RB; n=71) and 100% of the livestock-corn based farms (LB; n=76) kept buffaloes in 2008. Herd size was 2.5 +/-1.80 (n=84) buffaloes in early 2008 and 2.2 +/-1.69 (n=62) in 2009. Field work on own land was the main reason for keeping buffaloes (87.3 %), but lending work buffaloes to neighbours (79.0%) was also important. Other purposes were transport of goods (16.1%), buffalo trade (11.3%) and meat consumption (6.4%). Buffalo care required 6.2 +/-3.00 working hours daily, while annual working time of a buffalo was 294 +/-216.6 hours. The area ploughed with buffaloes remained constant during the past 10 years despite an expansion of land cropped per farm. Although further replacement of buffaloes by tractors occurs rapidly, buffaloes still provide cheap work force and buffer risks on poor NRNNR farms. Appropriate advice is needed for improved breeding management to increase the efficiency of buffalo husbandry and provide better opportunities for buffalo meat sale in the region.
Since the Thai economy experiences rapid growth, agricultural systems, i.e. crop-livestock systems, are changing rapidly. On account of these changes, buffalo and cattle production has to be re-examined in terms of performance characteristics and roles of livestock for farm households in order to initiate suitable development programmes. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the present characteristics of beef buffalo and beef cattle farms in Northeast Thailand. Using a semi-structured questionnaire, 121 randomly selected beef buffalo and beef cattle farms were interviewed in Nakhon Ratchasima province between October 2007 and May 2008. Both buffaloes and cattle were mostly integrated in mixed crop-livestock systems with medium to large farm sizes (7.9 ha), whereof less than half of the area was used for livestock. Family members were mainly responsible for the different activities of livestock farming and salaried labourers were only found on large-scale farms. The dominant roles of livestock were income generation to build up wealth or savings, the coverage of expected and unexpected expenses and earning of regular and additional income. Another important issue was the improvement of the social status, which increased with herd size. In order to improve farmers’ livelihoods and develop sustainable farming systems in Northeast Thailand the changing economic circumstances of cattle and especially buffalo production should receive more attention of researchers, governmental institutions and stakeholders.
In the big cities of Pakistan, peri-urban dairy production plays an important role for household income generation and the supply of milk and meat to the urban population. On the other hand, milk production in general, and peri-urban dairy production in particular, faces numerous problems that have been well known for decades. Peri-urban dairy producers have been especially neglected by politicians as well as non-government-organizations (NGOs). Against this background, a study in Pakistan’s third largest city, Faisalabad (Punjab Province), was carried out with the aims of gathering basic information, determining major constraints and identifying options for improvements of the peri-urban milk production systems. For data collection, 145 peri-urban households (HH) engaged in dairy production were interviewed face to face using a structured and pretested questionnaire with an interpreter. For analyses, HH were classified into three wealth groups according to their own perception. Thus, 38 HH were poor, 95 HH well off and 12 HH rich (26.2%, 65.5% and 8.3%, respectively). The richer the respondents perceived their HH, the more frequently they were actually in possession of high value HH assets like phones, bank accounts, motorbikes, tractors and cars. Although there was no difference between the wealth groups with respect to the number of HH members (about 10, range: 1 to 23), the educational level of the HH heads differed significantly: on average, heads of poor HH had followed education for 3 years, compared to 6 years for well off HH and 8 years for rich HH. About 40% of the poor and well off HH also had off-farm incomes, while the percentage was much higher - two thirds (67%) - for the rich HH. The majority of the HH were landless (62%); the rest (55 HH) possessed agricultural land from 0.1 to 10.1 ha (average 2.8 ha), where they were growing green fodder: maize, sorghum and pearl millet in summer; berseem, sugar cane and wheat were grown in winter. Dairy animals accounted for about 60% of the herds; the number of dairy animals per HH ranged from 2 to 50 buffaloes (Nili-Ravi breed) and from 0 to 20 cows (mostly crossbred, also Sahiwal). About 37% (n=54) of the HH did not keep cattle. About three quarters of the dairy animals were lactating. The majority of the people taking care of the animals were family workers; 17.3% were hired labourers (exclusively male), employed by 11 rich and 32 well off HH; none of the poor HH employed workers, but the percentages were 33.7% for the well off and 91.7% for the rich HH. The total number of workers increased significantly with increasing wealth (poor: 2.0; well off:2.5; rich: 3.4). Overall, 69 female labourers were recorded, making up 16.8% of employed workers and one fourth of the HH’s own labourers. Apparently, their only duty was to clean the animals´ living areas; only one of them was also watering and showering the animals. Poor HH relied more on female workers than the other two groups: 27.1% of the workers of poor HH were women, but only 14.8% and 6.8% of the labour force of well off and rich HH were female. Two thirds (70%) of the HH sold milk to dhodis (middlemen) and one third (35%) to neighbours; three HH (2%) did doorstep delivery and one HH (1%) had its own shop. The 91 HH keeping both species usually sold mixed milk (97%). Clients for mixed and pure buffalo milk were dhodis (78%, respectively 59%) and neighbours (28%, respectively 47%). The highest milk prices per liter (Pakistani Rupees, 100 PKR @ 0.8 Euro) were paid by alternative clients (44 PKR; 4 HH), followed by neighbours (40 PKR, 50 HH); dhodis paid lower prices (36 PKR, 99 HH). Prices for pure buffalo and mixed milk did not differ significantly. However, HH obtaining the maximum price from the respective clients for the respective type of milk got between 20% (mixed milk, alternative clients) and 68% (mixed milk, dhodi) more than HH fetching the minimum price. Some HH (19%) reported 7% higher prices for the current summer than the preceding winter. Amount of milk sold and distance from the HH to the city center did not influence milk prices. Respondents usually named problems that directly affected their income and that were directly and constantly visible to them, such as high costs, little space and fodder shortages. Other constraints that are only influencing their income indirectly, e.g. the relatively low genetic potential of their animals due to neglected breeding as well as the short- and long-term health problems correlated with imbalanced feeding and insufficient health care, were rarely named. The same accounts for problems accompanying improper dung management (storage, disposal, burning instead of recycling) for the environment and human health. Most of the named problems are linked to each other and should be addressed within the context of the entire system. Therefore, further research should focus on systematic investigations and improvement options, taking a holistic and interdisciplinary approach instead of only working in single fields. Concerted efforts of dairy farmers, researchers, NGOs and political decision makers are necessary to create an economic, ecological and social framework that allows dairy production to serve the entire society. For this, different improvement options should be tested in terms of their impact on environment and income of the farmers, as well as feasibility and sustainability in the peri-urban zones of Faisalabad.
Sustaining soil fertility is essential to the prosperity of many households in the mid-hills of Nepal, but there are concerns that the breakdown of the traditional linkages between forest, livestock, and cropping systems is adversely affecting fertility. This study used triangulated data from surveys of households, discussion groups, and key informants in 16 wards in eastern and western Nepal to determine the existing practices for soil fertility management, the extent of such practices, and the perception of the direction of changes in soil fertility. The two principal practices for maintaining soil fertility were the application of farmyard manure (FYM) and of chemical fertilizer (mainly urea and diammonium phosphate). Green manuring, in-situ manuring, slicing terrace risers, and burning plant residues are rarely practiced. FYM usage was variable with more generally applied to khet land (average 6053 kg fresh weight manure ha(-1)) than to bari land (average 4185 kg fresh weight manure ha-1) with manure from goats and poultry preferred above that from cows and buffaloes. Almost all households (98%) apply urea to khet land and 87% to bari land, with 45% applying diammonium phosphate to both types of land. Application rates and timings of applications varied considerably both within and between wards suggesting poor knowledge transfer between the research and farming communities. The benefits of chemical fertilizers in terms of ease of application and transportation in comparison with FYM, were perceived to outweigh the widely reported detrimental hardening of soil associated with their continued usage. Among key informants, FYM applied in conjunction with chemical fertilizer was the most popular amendment, with FYM alone preferred more than chemical fertilizer alone - probably because of the latter's long-term detrimental effects. Key informant and householder surveys differed in their perception of fertility changes in the last decade probably because of differences in age and site-specific knowledge. All key informants felt that fertility had declined but among households, only about 40% perceived a decline with the remainder about evenly divided between no change and an increase. Householders with small landholdings (< 0.5 ha) were more likely to perceive increasing soil fertility while those with larger landholdings (> 2 ha) were more likely to perceive declining fertility. Perceived changes in soil fertility were not related to food self-sufficiency. The reasons for the slow spread of new technologies within wards and the poor understanding of optimal use of chemical fertilizers in conjunction with improved quality FYM may repay further investigation in terms of sustaining soil fertility in this region.
In this study, we reported the first outbreak of the infection by Trypanosoma vivax in horses in southern Brazil, a non-endemic region where bovines have only recently been found infected by this trypanosome species. We evaluated 12 horses from a farm in southern Brazil, where four horses displayed pale mucous membranes, fever, weight loss, and swelling of abdomen, prepuce, or vulva. The diagnosis of T vivax was confirmed in four horses by morphological parameters of trypomastigotes in blood smears and species-specific PCR. All T vivax-infected animals showed anemia, and most showed increased levels of beta-1, beta-2, and gamma globulins. Horses were treated with diminazene aceturate, but cure was not achieved, and the disease relapsed after therapy. These findings demonstrated that Brazilian T vivax isolates, which were already reported infecting cattle, buffaloes, goats, and sheep, can be highly pathogenic for horses, causing severe disease and even death of the animals due to the recurrence of the infection.
Although Trypanosoma theileri and allied trypanosomes are the most widespread trypanosomes in bovids little is known about proteolytic enzymes in these species. We have characterized genes encoding for cathepsin L-like (CATL) cysteine proteases from isolates of cattle, water buffalo and deer that largely diverged from homologues of other trypanosome species. Analysis of 78 CATL catalytic domain sequences from 22 T. theileri trypanosomes disclosed 6 genotypes tightly clustered together into the T. theileri clade. The CATL genes in these trypanosomes are organized in tandem arrays of similar to 1.7 kb located in 2 chromosomal bands of 600-720 kb. A diagnostic PCR assay targeting CATL sequences detected T. theileri of all genotypes from cattle, buffaloes and cervids and also from tabanid vectors. Expression of T. theileri cysteine proteases was demonstrated by proteolytic activity in gelatin gels and hydrolysis of Z-Phe-Arg-AMC substrate. Results from this work agree with previous data using ribosomal and spliced leader genes demonstrating that CATL gene sequences are useful for diagnosis, population genotyping and evolutionary studies of T. theileri trypanosomes. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.