977 resultados para Muikku-Werner, Pirkko


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Magdeburg, Univ., Medizin. Fak., Diss., 2006


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2014


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As atividades antrópicas têm alterado profundamente os ambientes naturais e muitas vezes afetado a diversidade e distribuição dos anuros. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as seguintes questões: (1) qual a composição da anurofauna em uma região de pastagem com clima marcadamente sazonal no extremo noroeste paulista? (2) como adultos e girinos das espécies se distribuem temporal e espacialmente? (3) a riqueza de espécies está correlacionada com descritores da heterogeneidade dos hábitats de reprodução? Na área estudada foram registradas 20 espécies de anuros, distribuídas em 11 gêneros de quatro famílias: Leptodactylidae (9), Hylidae (8), Microhylidae (2) e Bufonidae (1). Destas, Chaunus schneideri (Werner, 1894), Physalaemus centralis Bokermann, 1962 e Physalaemus fuscomaculatus (Steindachner, 1864) foram registradas apenas por coleta de girinos, enquanto Dendropsophus minutus (Peters, 1872) e Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (Spix, 1824) ocorreram somente em corpos d'água próximos aos selecionados. As espécies registradas são conhecidas por sua ampla distribuição geográfica e por colonizarem áreas alteradas em outras localidades. Não houve correlação entre a riqueza de espécies e a complexidade estrutural dos corpos d'água. Entretanto, a maior riqueza de espécies foi registrada nos corpos d'água de longa duração. As poças temporárias de hidroperíodo instável foram colonizadas inicialmente por leptodactilídeos, enquanto que as poças permanentes ou temporárias estáveis foram colonizadas por hilídeos. A atividade de vocalização e de reprodução da maioria das espécies foi restrita ao período quente e chuvoso do ano, um padrão típico de ambientes tropicais sazonais. Cinco espécies [Chaunus schneideri, Dendropsophus nanus (Boulenger, 1889), Hypsiboas albopunctatus Spix, 1824, Leptodactylus podicipinus (Cope, 1862) e Pseudopaludicola aff. saltica (Cope, 1887)] vocalizaram durante a estação seca e chuvosa, mas apenas C. schneideri e H. albopunctatus se reproduziram durante o período seco. A fraca partilha espacial e temporal, registrada para adultos e girinos, não foi suficiente para explicar o isolamento reprodutivo entre as espécies. Outros fatores, como a partilha acústica e a segregação dos sítios de vocalização, podem ter maior importância para explicar a coexistência das espécies. A severidade climática (extensa e pronunciada estação seca, imprevisibilidade e inconstância das chuvas no início da estação chuvosa), juntamente com o elevado grau de conversão do hábitat natural em áreas de cultivo são, provavelmente, os fatores responsáveis pelo predomínio de espécies conhecidas por colonizar com sucesso áreas antrópicas em outras regiões do país.


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We study whether selection affects motivation. In our experiment subjects first answer a personality questionnaire. They then play a 3-person game. One of the three players decides between an outside option assigning him a positive amount, but leaving the two others empty-handed and allowing one of the other two players to distribute a pie. Treatments differ in the procedure by which distributive power is assigned: to a randomly determined or to a knowingly selected partner. Before making her decision the selecting player could consult the personality questionnaire of the other two players. Results show that knowingly selected players keep less for themselves than randomly selected ones and reward the selecting player more generously.


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For many drugs, finding the balance between efficacy and toxicity requires monitoring their concentrations in the patient's blood. Quantifying drug levels at the bedside or at home would have advantages in terms of therapeutic outcome and convenience, but current techniques require the setting of a diagnostic laboratory. We have developed semisynthetic bioluminescent sensors that permit precise measurements of drug concentrations in patient samples by spotting minimal volumes on paper and recording the signal using a simple point-and-shoot camera. Our sensors have a modular design consisting of a protein-based and a synthetic part and can be engineered to selectively recognize a wide range of drugs, including immunosuppressants, antiepileptics, anticancer agents and antiarrhythmics. This low-cost point-of-care method could make therapies safer, increase the convenience of doctors and patients and make therapeutic drug monitoring available in regions with poor infrastructure.


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According to the hypothesis of Traub, also known as the 'formula of Traub', postmortem values of glucose and lactate found in the cerebrospinal fluid or vitreous humor are considered indicators of antemortem blood glucose levels. However, because the lactate concentration increases in the vitreous and cerebrospinal fluid after death, some authors postulated that using the sum value to estimate antemortem blood glucose levels could lead to an overestimation of the cases of glucose metabolic disorders with fatal outcomes, such as diabetic ketoacidosis. The aim of our study, performed on 470 consecutive forensic cases, was to ascertain the advantages of the sum value to estimate antemortem blood glucose concentrations and, consequently, to rule out fatal diabetic ketoacidosis as the cause of death. Other biochemical parameters, such as blood 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, acetone, glycated haemoglobin and urine glucose levels, were also determined. In addition, postmortem native CT scan, autopsy, histology, neuropathology and toxicology were performed to confirm diabetic ketoacidosis as the cause of death. According to our results, the sum value does not add any further information for the estimation of antemortem blood glucose concentration. The vitreous glucose concentration appears to be the most reliable marker to estimate antemortem hyperglycaemia and, along with the determination of other biochemical markers (such as blood acetone and 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate, urine glucose and glycated haemoglobin), to confirm diabetic ketoacidosis as the cause of death.


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Semiotics is hardly known in German business literature and management practice, despite the fact that its methodological approaches to discourse analysis have already been broadly absorbed by management theory in France and the United States. The present contribution points out why the general echo of semiotic theory and its numerous applications to business administration has remained limited so far, especially when compared with its potential for describing and explaining management problems. It is important, then, to show what the object of semiotic research is, independent of any semiotic orientation or school. What tools have been developed so far, and which discourses in business administration were chosen to apply these tools? The problems limiting a broader use of semiotic instruments in business administration are explained in detail, and the research perspectives are illustrated. Die in der deutschsprachigen Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BWL) noch wenig bekannte Semiotik und die in ihrem Rahmen entwickelten methodologischen Ansätze zur Analyse von Diskursen haben insbesondere in Frankreich und in den USA schon eine weite Verbreitung gefunden. Das Echo, auf welches die Semiotik trifft, bleibt im Vergleich zum Beitrag, den sie hinsichtlich der Beschreibung und Erklärung betriebswirtschaftlicher Tatbestände leisten könnte, noch sehr beschränkt - und dies, obwohl ihre grundsätzliche wissenschaftliche Leistungsfähigkeit inzwischen an Hand zahlreicher Beispiele aus dem betriebswirtschaftlichen Bereich belegt werden konnte. Es ist deshalb wichtig und interessant zu zeigen, was der Forschungsgegenstand der Semiotik ist - und zwar unabhängig von den verschiedenen Schulen der Semiotik. Welche Instrumente hat sie entwickelt? Auf welche betriebswirtschaftlichen Diskurse sind diese Instrumente bereits angewandt worden? Zum Schluss werden die Probleme dargestellt, die einen breiteren Einsatz semiotischer Instrumente in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre behindern und dabei auch die verschiedenen Forschungsrichtungen erläutert.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) frequently manifests during childhood and adolescence. For providing and understanding a comprehensive picture of a patients' health status, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instruments are an essential complement to clinical symptoms and functional limitations. Currently, the IMPACT-III questionnaire is one of the most frequently used disease-specific HRQoL instrument among patients with IBD. However, there is a lack of studies examining the validation and reliability of this instrument. METHODS: 146 paediatric IBD patients from the multicenter Swiss IBD paediatric cohort study database were included in the study. Medical and laboratory data were extracted from the hospital records. HRQoL data were assessed by means of standardized questionnaires filled out by the patients in a face-to-face interview. RESULTS: The original six IMPACT-III domain scales could not be replicated in the current sample. A principal component analysis with the extraction of four factor scores revealed the most robust solution. The four factors indicated good internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha=.64-.86), good concurrent validity measured by correlations with the generic KIDSCREEN-27 scales and excellent discriminant validity for the dimension of physical functioning measured by HRQoL differences for active and inactive severity groups (p<.001, d=1.04). CONCLUSIONS: This study with Swiss children with IBD indicates good validity and reliability for the IMPACT-III questionnaire. However, our findings suggest a slightly different factor structure than originally proposed. The IMPACT-III questionnaire can be recommended for its use in clinical practice. The factor structure should be further examined in other samples.


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In 1995 the working group "Drug Monitoring" of the Swiss Society of Clinical Chemistry (SSCC) has already published a printed version of drug monographs, which are now newly compiled and presented in a standardised manner. The aim of these monographs is to give an overview on the most important informations that are necessary in order to request a drug analysis or is helpful to interpret the results. Therefore, the targeted audience are laboratory health professionals or the receivers of the reports. There is information provided on the indication for therapeutic drug monitoring, protein binding, metabolic pathways and enzymes involved, elimination half life time and elimination routes as well as information on therapeutic or toxic concentrations. Because preanalytical considerations are of particular importance for therapeutic drug monitoring, there is also information given at which time the determination of the drug concentration is reasonable and when steady-state concentrations are reached after changing the dose. Furthermore, the stability of the drug and its metabolite(s), respectively, after blood sampling is described. For readers with a specific interest, references to important publications are given. The number of the monographs will be continuously enlarged. The updated files are presented on the homepage of the SSCC (www.sscc.ch).


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The purpose of the study was to determine reference percentiles for the urinary (U) oxalate (Ox) and urate (Ura) to creatinine (Cr) concentration ratios in the second morning urine of healthy infants, children, and adolescents. The urinary oxalate and urate to creatinine ratios were determined in the spontaneously voided second morning urine sample. To test reproducibility, two urine samples were analyzed on 2 consecutive weeks in 63% of the subjects. Three hundred eighty-four healthy children (181 girls, 203 boys), aged 1 month to 17 years, from nurseries, kindergartens, and schools of Lausanne, Switzerland, were studied. The 5th and 95th percentiles were determined from the total number of urine samples (627) after confirmation that there was no order effect between repeated measurements and there were no significant sex differences. A nonlinear regression analysis in terms of age was used to smooth the calculated percentiles. In this manner, curves were obtained from which the reference values can be read at any given age. The 95th percentiles decreased with age: for UOx/Cr from 0.175 mg/mg (0.22 mol/mol) at 1 to 6 months to 0.048 mg/mg (0.06 mol/mol) from 7 years and beyond; and UUra/Cr from 2.378 mg/mg (1.6 mol/mol) at 1 to 6 months to 0.594 mg/mg (0.4 mol/mol) in adolescence. We provide 5th and 95th percentile curves for the UOx/Cr and UUra/Cr ratios determined from the second morning urine samples in a large cohort of healthy infants, children, and adolescents. Values were determined by standard analytical chemical techniques and were analyzed by powerful statistical methods. The calculated 95th percentile for the UOx/Cr values fell rather rapidly and reached normal adult values by the age of 7 years, whereas for UUra/Cr, the 95th percentile decreased slowly and stabilized in adolescence.


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Linear measurements and derived indices of trypanosomes from species of Fennoscandian birds were compared to those reported form Trypanosoma avium, T. everetti, T. ontarioensis and T. paddae. The trypanosomes encountered in the Fennoscandian birds were identified as T. avium from Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus and the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, T. everetti from the great tit Parus major and collared flycatcher F. albicollis and T. ontarioensis from the collared flycatcher; T. paddae was not seen.