984 resultados para Motor neurons
1. Influx of calcium via voltage-dependent calcium channels during the action potential lends to increases in cytosolic calcium that can initiate a number of physiological processes. One of these is the activation of potassium currents on the plasmalemma. These calcium-activated potassium currents contribute to action potential repolarization and are largely responsible for the phenomenon of spike frequency adaptation. This refers to the progressive slowing of the frequency of discharge of action potentials during sustained injection of depolarizing current. In some cell types, this adaptation is so marked that despite the presence of depolarizing current, only a single spike (or a few spikes) is initiated, Following cessation of current injection, slow deactivation of calcium-activated potassium currents is also responsible for the prolonged hyperpolarization that often follows, 2. A number of macroscopic calcium-activated potassium currents that can be separated on the basis of kinetic and pharmacological criteria have been described in mammalian neurons. At the single channel level, several types of calcium-activated potassium channels also have been characterized. While for some macroscopic currents the underlying:single channels have been unambiguously defined, for other currents the identity of the underlying channels is not clear. 3. In the present review we describe the properties of the known types of calcium-activated potassium currents in mammalian neurons and indicate the relationship between macroscopic currents and particular single channels.
In this study, we characterize the electrophysiological and morphological properties of spiny principal neurons in the rat lateral amygdala using whole cell recordings in acute brain slices. These neurons exhibited a range of firing properties in response to prolonged current injection. Responses varied from cells that showed full spike frequency adaptation, spiking three to five times, to those that showed no adaptation. The differences in firing patterns were largely explained by the amplitude of the afterhyperpolarization (AHP) that followed spike trains. Cells that showed full spike frequency adaptation had large amplitude slow AHPs, whereas cells that discharged tonically had slow AHPs of much smaller amplitude. During spike trains, all cells showed a similar broadening of their action potentials. Biocytin-filled neurons showed a range of pyramidal-like morphologies, differed in dendritic complexity, had spiny dendrites, and differed in the degree to which they clearly exhibited apical versus basal dendrites. Quantitative analysis revealed no association between cell morphology and firing properties. We conclude that the discharge properties of neurons in the lateral nucleus, in response to somatic current injections, are determined by the differential distribution of ionic conductances rather than through mechanisms that rely on cell morphology.
The current study was designed to confirm that female drivers sit closer to the steering wheel than do male drivers and to investigate whether this expected difference in sitting position is attributable to differences in the physical dimensions of men and women. Driver body dimensions and multiple measures of sitting distance from the steering wheel were collected from a sample of 150 men and 150 women. The results confirmed that on average, women sit closer to the steering wheel than men do and that this difference is accounted for by variations in body dimensions, especially height. This result suggests that driver height may provide a good surrogate for sitting distance from the steering wheel when investigating the role of driver position in real-world crash outcomes. The potential applications of this research include change to vehicle design that allows independent adjustment of the relative distance among the driver's seat, the steering wheel, and the floor pedals.
We used positron emission tomography (PET) with O-15-labelled water to record patterns of cerebral activation in six patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), studied when clinically off and after turning on as a result of dopaminergic stimulation. They were asked to imagine a Finger opposition movement performed with their right hand. externally paced at a rate of 1 Hz. Trials alternating between motor imagery and rest were measured. A pilot study of three age-matched controls was also performed. We chose the task as a robust method of activating the supplementary motor area (SMA), defects of which have been reported in PD. The PD patients showed normal de-rees of activation of the SMA (proper) when both off and on. Significant activation with imagining movement also occurred in the ipsilateral inferior parietal cortex (both off and when on) and ipsilateral premotor cortex (when off only). The patients showed significantly greater activation of the rostral anterior cingulate and significantly less activation of the left lingual gyrus and precuneus when performing the task on compared with their performance when off. PD patients when imagining movement and off showed less activation of several sites including the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) when compared to the controls performing the same task. No significant differences from controls were present when the patients imagined when on. Our results are consistent with other studies showing deficits of pre-SMA function in PD with preserved function of the SMA proper. In addition to the areas of reduced activation (anterior cingulate, DLPFC), there were also sites of activation (ipsilateral premotor and inferior parietal cortex) previously reported as locations of compensatory overactivity for PD patients performing similar tasks. Both failure of activation and compensatory changes a-re likely to contribute to the motor deficit in PD. (C) 2001 Movement Disorder Society.
1. Respiratory activity of the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles is normally co-ordinated with their other functions, such as for postural control of the trunk when the limbs move. The integration may occur by summation of two inputs at the respiratory motoneurons. The present study investigated whether postural activity of the diaphragm changed when respiratory drive increased with hypercapnoea. 2. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the diaphragm and other trunk muscles were made with intramuscular electrodes in 13 healthy volunteers. Under control conditions and while breathing through increased dead-space,subjects made rapid repetitive arm movements to disturb the stability of the spine for four periods each lasting 10 s, separated by 50 s. 3. End-tidal CO2, and ventilation increased for the first 60-120 s of the trial then reached a plateau. During rapid arm movement at the start of dead-space breathing, diaphragm EMG became tonic with superimposed modulation at the frequencies of respiration and arm movement. However, when the arm was moved after 60 s of hypercapnoea, the tonic diaphragm EMG during expiration and the phasic activity with arm movement were reduced or absent. Similar changes occurred for the expiratory muscle transversus abdominis, but not for the erector spinae. The mean amplitude of intra-abdominal pressure and the phasic changes with arm movement were reduced after 60 s of hypercapnoea. 4. The present data suggest that increased central respiratory drive may attenuate the postural commands reaching motoneurons. This attenuation can affect the key inspiratory and expiratory muscles and is likely to be co-ordinated at a pre-motoneuronal site.
The cholinergic system is thought to play an important role in hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. However, the mechanism of action of the cholinergic system in these actions in not well understood. Here we examined the effect of muscarinic receptor stimulation in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons using whole-cell recordings in acute brain slices coupled with high-speed imaging of intracellular calcium. Activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors by synaptic stimulation of cholinergic afferents or application of muscarinic agonist in CA1 pyramidal neurons evoked a focal rise in free calcium in the apical dendrite that propagated as a wave into the soma and invaded the nucleus. The calcium rise to a single action potential was reduced during muscarinic stimulation. Conversely, the calcium rise during trains of action potentials was enhanced during muscarinic stimulation. The enhancement of free intracellular calcium was most pronounced in the soma and nuclear regions. In many cases, the calcium rise was distinguished by a clear inflection in the rising phase of the calcium transient, indicative of a regenerative response. Both calcium waves and the amplification of action potential-induced calcium transients were blocked the emptying of intracellular calcium stores or by antagonism of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors with heparin or caffeine. Ryanodine receptors were not essential for the calcium waves or enhancement of calcium responses. Because rises in nuclear calcium are known to initiate the transcription of novel genes, we suggest that these actions of cholinergic stimulation may underlie its effects on learning and memory.
We previously showed that 16-day-old rats exposed to a relatively high dose of ethanol at 10-15 postnatal days of age have fewer neurons in the hilus region of the hippocampus compared with controls. Dentate gyrus granule cell numbers, however, showed no statistically significant changes attributable to the ethanol treatment. It is possible that some of the changes in brain morphology, brought about as a result of the exposure to ethanol during early life, may not be manifested until later in life. This question has been further addressed in an extension to our previous study. Wistar rats were exposed to a relatively high daily dose of ethanol on postnatal days 10-15 by placement in a chamber containing ethanol vapour, for 3 h/day. The blood ethanol concentration was found to be similar to430 mg/dl at the end of the period of exposure. Groups of ethanol-treated (ET), separation control (SC), and mother-reared control (MRC) rats were anaesthetised and killed either at 16 or 30 days of age by perfusion with phosphate-buffered 2.5% glutaraldehyde. The Cavalieri principle and the physical disector methods were used to estimate, respectively, the regional volumes and neuron cell numerical densities in the hilus and granule cell regions of the dentate gyrus. The total numbers of neurons in the hilus region and granule cell layer were computed from these estimates. It was found that 16-day-old animals had 398,000-441,000 granule cells, irrespective of group. The numbers of granule cells increased such that by 30 days of age, rats had 487,000-525,500 granule cells. However, there were no significant differences between ethanol-treated rats and their age-matched controls in granule cell numbers. In contrast, ethanol-treated rats had slightly but significantly fewer neurons in the hilus region than did control animals at 16 days of age, but not at 30 days of age. Therefore, it appears that a short period of ethanol exposure during early life can have effects on neuron numbers of some hippocampal neurons, but not others. The effects on hilar neuron numbers, observed as a result of such short periods of ethanol treatment, appeared to be transitory. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
We investigated the recruitment behaviour of low threshold motor units in flexor digitorum superficialis by altering two biomechanical constraints: the load against which the muscle worked and the initial muscle length. The load was increased using isotonic (low load), loaded dynamic (intermediate load) and isometric (high load) contractions in two studies. The initial muscle position reflected resting muscle length in series A, and a longer length with digit III fully extended in series B. Intramuscular EMG was recorded from 48 single motor units in 10 experiments on five healthy subjects, 21 units in series A and,27 in series B, while subjects performed ramp up, hold and ramp down contractions. Increasing the load on the muscle decreased the force, displacement and firing rate of single motor units at recruitment at shorter muscle lengths (P < 0.001, dependent t-test). At longer muscle lengths this recruitment pattern was observed between loaded dynamic and isotonic contractions, but not between isometric and loaded dynamic contractions. Thus, the recruitment properties of single motor units in human flexor digitorum superficialis are sensitive to changes in both imposed external loads and the initial length of the muscle. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Using whole cell recordings from acute slices of the rat amygdala, we have examined the physiological properties of and synaptic connectivity to neurons in the lateral sector of the central amygdala (CeA). Based on their response to depolarizing current injections, CeA neurons could be divided into three types. Adapting neurons fired action potentials at the start of the current injections at high frequency and then showed complete spike-frequency adaptation with only six to seven action potentials evoked with suprathreshold current injections. Late-firing neurons fired action potentials with a prolonged delay at threshold but then discharged continuously with larger current injections. Repetitive firers discharged at the start of the current injection at threshold and then discharged continuously with larger current injections. All three cells showed prolonged afterhyperpolarizations (AHPs) that followed trains of action potentials. The AHP was longer lasting with a larger slow component in adapting neurons. The AHP in all cell types contained a fast component that was inhibited by the SK channel blocker UCL1848. The slow component, not blocked by UCL1848, was blocked by isoprenaline and was significantly larger in adapting neurons. Blockade of SK channels increased the discharge frequency in late firers and regular-spiking neurons but had no effect on adapting neurons. Blockade of the slow AHP with isoprenaline had no effect on any cell type. All cells received a mixed glutamatergic and GABAergic input from a medial pathway. Electrical stimulation of the lateral (LA) and basolateral (BLA)nuclei evoked a large monosynaptic glutamatergic response followed by a disynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potential. Activation of neurons in the LA and BLA by puffer application of glutamate evoked a small monosynaptic response in 13 of 55 CeA neurons. Local application of glutamate to the CeL evoked a GABAergic response in all cells. These results show that at least three types of neurons are present in the CeA that can be distinguished on their firing properties. The firing frequency of two of these cell types is determined by activation of SK channels. Cells receive a small input from the LA and BLA but may receive inputs that course through these nuclei en route to the CeA.
Motor impairments of Parkinson`s disease (PD) appear only after the loss of more than 70% of the DAergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). An earlier phase of this disease can be modeled in rats that received a unilateral infusion of the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyrindine (MPTP) into the SNc. Though these animals do not present gross motor impairments, they rotate towards the lesioned side when challenged with DAergic drugs, like amphetamine and apomorphine. The present study aimed to test whether these effects occur because the drugs disrupt compensatory mechanisms that keep extracellular levels of dopamine in the striatum (DA(E)) unchanged. This hypothesis was tested by an in vivo microdialysis study in awake rats with two probes implanted in the right and left striatum. Undrugged rats did not present turning behaviour and their basal DA(E) did not differ between the lesioned and sham-lesioned sides. However, after apomorphine treatment, DA(E) decreased in both sides, but to a larger extent in the lesioned side at the time the animals started ipsiversive turning behaviour. After amphetamine challenge, DA(E) increased in both sides, becoming significantly higher in the non-lesioned side at the time the animals started ipsiversive turning behaviour. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that absence of gross motor impairments in this rat model of early phase PD depends on maintenance of extracellular DA by mechanisms that may be disrupted by events demanding its alteration to higher or lower levels. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Excitation of the mesocorticolimbic pathway, originating from dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), may be important for the development of exaggerated fear responding. Among the forebrain regions innervated by this pathway, the amygdala is an essential component of the neural circuitry of conditioned fear. The functional role of the dopaminergic pathway connecting the VIA to the basolateral amygdala (BLA) in fear and anxiety has received little attention. In vivo microdialysis was performed to measure dopamine levels in the BLA of Wistar rats that received the dopamine D(2) agonist quinpirole (1 mu g/0.2 mu l) into the VTA and were subjected to a fear conditioning test using a light as the conditioned stimulus (CS). The effects of intra-BLA injections of the D(1) antagonist SCH 23390 (1 and 2 mu g/0.2 mu l) and D(2) antagonist sulpiride (1 and 2 mu g/0.2 mu l) on fear-potentiated startle (FPS) to a light-CS were also assessed. Locomotor performance was evaluated by use of open-field and rotarod tests. Freezing and increased dopamine levels in the BLA in response to the CS were both inhibited by intra-VTA quinpirole. Whereas intra-BLA SCH 23390 did not affect FPS, intra-BLA sulpiride (2 mu g) inhibited FPS. Sulpiride`s ability to decrease FPS cannot be attributed to nonspecific effects because this drug did not affect motor performance. These findings indicate that the dopamine D(2) receptor pathway connecting the ventral tegmental area and the basolateral amygdala modulates fear and anxiety and may be a novel pharmacological target for the treatment of anxiety. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Some patients are no longer able to communicate effectively or even interact with the outside world in ways that most of us take for granted. In the most severe cases, tetraplegic or post-stroke patients are literally `locked in` their bodies, unable to exert any motor control after, for example, a spinal cord injury or a brainstem stroke, requiring alternative methods of communication and control. But we suggest that, in the near future, their brains may offer them a way out. Non-invasive electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCD can be characterized by the technique used to measure brain activity and by the way that different brain signals are translated into commands that control an effector (e.g., controlling a computer cursor for word processing and accessing the internet). This review focuses on the basic concepts of EEG-based BC!, the main advances in communication, motor control restoration and the down-regulation of cortical activity, and the mirror neuron system (MNS) in the context of BCI. The latter appears to be relevant for clinical applications in the coming years, particularly for severely limited patients. Hypothetically, MNS could provide a robust way to map neural activity to behavior, representing the high-level information about goals and intentions of these patients. Non-invasive EEG-based BCIs allow brain-derived communication in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and motor control restoration in patients after spinal cord injury and stroke. Epilepsy and attention deficit and hyperactive disorder patients were able to down-regulate their cortical activity. Given the rapid progression of EEG-based BCI research over the last few years and the swift ascent of computer processing speeds and signal analysis techniques, we suggest that emerging ideas (e.g., MNS in the context of BC!) related to clinical neuro-rehabilitation of severely limited patients will generate viable clinical applications in the near future.
In the present study, we analyzed how high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the primary motor hand area (M1-Hand) shapes anticipatory motor activity in frontal areas as indexed by the contingent negative variation (CNV). Eight right-handed volunteers received real or sham 5 Hz rTMS at an intensity of 90% resting motorthreshold (1500 stimuli per session). Real but not sham rTMS to left M1-Hand induced a site-specific increase in amplitude of the late component of the CNV at the electrode C3 overlaying the site of stimulation. The increase in pre-movement activity in the stimulated cortex may reflect an increase in facilitatory drive from connected motor areas, enhanced responsiveness of the stimulated cortex to these inputs or both. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Motor cortex stimulation oriented by functional cortical mapping is used mainly for treating otherwise intractable neurological disorders, however. its mechanism of action remains elusive. Herein, we present a new method for functional mapping of the rat motor cortex using non-invasive transdural electrical stimulation. This method allows a non-invasive mapping of the surface of the neocortex providing a differentiation of representative motor areas. This Study may facilitate further investigation about the mechanisms mediating the effects of electrical stimulation, possibly benefiting patients who do not respond to this neuromodulation therapy. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.