945 resultados para Motor function recovery
Objective: To establish concurrent validity, interrater and test-retest reliability of the Modified Elderly Mobility Scale (MEMS). Methods: Ninety elderly patients were scored on the MEMS. To establish concurrent validity, 75 patients MEMS scores were compared to Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores using Spearman's correlation. Videotaped patient performances were used to establish interrater and test-retest reliability using percentage absolute agreement and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). Results: The total MEMS score demonstrated a significant association with the motor (r = 0.725) and total FIM scores (r = 0.718). Absolute agreement for interrater reliability was greater than 93% for all test items, with 97 and 98% for the two new measures, respectively. Test-retest reliability demonstrated similar high levels of absolute agreement and had ICCs ranging from 0.870 to 1.0. Conclusions: The MEMS is a quick, valid and reliable test of motor function of elderly patients with a spread of functional levels.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common disorder of middle-aged and elderly people, in which there is degeneration of the extra-pyramidal motor system. In some patients, the disease is associated with a range of visual signs and symptoms, including defects in visual acuity, colour vision, the blink reflex, pupil reactivity, saccadic and smooth pursuit movements and visual evoked potentials. In addition, there may be psychophysical changes, disturbances of complex visual functions such as visuospatial orientation and facial recognition, and chronic visual hallucinations. Some of the treatments associated with PD may have adverse ocular reactions. If visual problems are present, they can have an important effect on overall motor function, and quality of life of patients can be improved by accurate diagnosis and correction of such defects. Moreover, visual testing is useful in separating PD from other movement disorders with visual symptoms, such as dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Although not central to PD, visual signs and symptoms can be an important though obscure aspect of the disease and should not be overlooked.
There is a growing interest for esophageal measurements which can provide important and reliable data when diagnosing the motor function of the sphincters and the esophageal body. Biocompatibility, sensing resolution and the comfort of the patient are key parameters for manometric sensing systems. A new sensing approach which could fulfill all these needs is presented in this paper consisting of an embedded polymer fiber sensor, based on multiplexed fiber Bragg gratings. A response to a radial pressure almost 6 times that of a comparable silica fiber based sensor is obtained.
There is a growing interest for esophageal measurements which can provide important and reliable data when diagnosing the motor function of the sphincters and the esophageal body. Biocompatibility, sensing resolution and the comfort of the patient are key parameters for manometric sensing systems. A new sensing approach which could fulfill all these needs is presented in this paper consisting of an embedded polymer fiber sensor, based on multiplexed fiber Bragg gratings. A response to a radial pressure almost 6 times that of a comparable silica fiber based sensor is obtained.
PURPOSE: To investigate neuropathological changes in the superior colliculus in chronic traumatic encephalopathy. METHODS: The densities of the tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles, neuropil threads, dot-like grains, astrocytic tangles, and neuritic plaques, together with abnormally enlarged neurons, typical neurons, vacuolation, and frequency of contacts with blood vessels, were studied across the superior colliculus from pia mater to the periaqueductal gray in eight chronic traumatic encephalopathy and six control cases. RESULTS: Tau-immunoreactive pathology was absent in the superior colliculus of controls but present in varying degrees in all chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases, significant densities of tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles, NT, or dot-like grains being present in three cases. No significant differences in overall density of the tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles, neuropil threads, dot-like grains, enlarged neurons, vacuoles, or contacts with blood vessels were observed in control and chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases, but chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases had significantly lower mean densities of neurons. The distribution of surviving neurons across the superior colliculus suggested greater neuronal loss in intermediate and lower laminae in chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Changes in density of the tau-immunoreactive pathology across the laminae were variable, but in six chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases, densities of tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles, neuropil threads, or dot-like grains were significantly greater in intermediate and lower laminae. Pathological changes were not correlated with the distribution of blood vessels. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest significant pathology affecting the superior colliculus in a proportion of chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases with a laminar distribution which could compromise motor function rather than sensory analysis.
Older adults may have trouble when performing activities of daily living due to decrease in physical strength and degradation of neuromotor and musculoskeletal function. Motor activation patterns during Lateral Step Down and Step Up from 4-inch and 8-inch step heights was assessed in younger (n=8, 24.4 years) and older adults (n=8, 58.9 years) using joint angle kinematics and electromyography of lower extremity muscles. Ground reaction forces were used to ascertain the loading, stabilization and unloading phases of the tasks. Older adults had an altered muscle activation sequence and significantly longer muscle bursts during loading for the tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, vastus medialis, bicep femoris, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles of the stationary leg. They also demonstrated a significantly larger swing time (579.1 ms vs. 444.8 ms) during the step down task for the moving leg. The novel data suggests presence of age-related differences in motor coordination during lateral stepping.
Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability among adults and motor relearning is essential in motor sequelae recovery. Therefore, various techniques have been proposed to achieve this end, among them Virtual Reality. The aim of the study was to evaluate electroencephalographic activity of stroke patients in motor learning of a virtual reality-based game. The study included 10 patients with chronic stroke, right-hande; 5 with left brain injury (LP), mean age 48.8 years (± 4.76) and 5 with injury to the right (RP), mean age 52 years (± 10.93). Participants were evaluated for electroencephalographic (EEG) activity and performance while performing 15 repetitions of darts game in XBOX Kinect and also through the NIHSS, MMSE, Fugl-Meyer and the modified Ashworth scale. Patients underwent a trainning with 45 repetitions of virtual darts game, 12 sessions in four weeks. After training, patients underwent reassessment of EEG activity and performance in virtual game of darts (retention). Data were analyzed using ANOVA for repeated measures. According to the results, there were differences between the groups (PD and PE) in frequencies Low Alpha (p = 0.0001), High Alpha (p = 0.0001) and Beta (p = 0.0001). There was an increase in alpha activation powers and a decrease in beta in the phase retention of RP group. In LP group was observed increased alpha activation potency, but without decrease in beta activation. Considering the asymmetry score, RP group increased brain activation in the left hemisphere with the practice in the frontal areas, however, LP group had increased activation of the right hemisphere in fronto-central areas, temporal and parietal. As for performance, it was observed a decrease in absolute error in the game for RP group between assessment and retention (p = 0.015), but this difference was not observed for LP group (p = 0.135). It follows then that the right brain injury patients benefited more from darts game training in the virtual environment with respect to the motor learning process, reducing neural effort in ipsilesionais areas and errors with the practice of the task. In contrast, patients with lesions in left hemisphere decrease neural effort in contralesionais areas important for motor learning and showed no performance improvements with practice of 12 sessions of virtual dart game. Thus, the RV can be used in rehabilitation of stroke patients upper limb, but the laterality of the injury should be considered in programming the motor learning protocol.
Background: stroke causes long-term impairments, limitation of activities and restriction in participation in daily life situations, especially for upper limb impairment (UL). Action Observation (AO) has been used for the rehabilitation of UL in these patients. It's a multisensory therapy which consists in observing a healthy subject performing a motor task, followed by physical practice. Objectives: assess whether the AO improves motor function of UL and dependence for activities of daily living (ADLs) of stroke patients or cause any adverse effects. Search methods: a search strategy was words and terms used for the identification of articles, in the following scientific basis Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; MEDLINE; PsycINFO; CINAHL and LILACS. In addition to manual search of the references of articles and search for theses and dissertations in Portal Capes and LILACS. The identification of the studies was conducted from October to December 2015, being the last search on December 3. Selection criteria: randomised controlled trials (RCT) involving adults with stroke who had deficits in upper limb function and used AO as an intervention. Data collection and analysis: the data extracted from the studies were used to analyze the risk of bias, the effect of the treatment and the quality of the body of evidence. Main results: 6 studies were included, totaling 270 patients. The primary outcome analyzed was the motor function of MS. Were combined in meta-analyzes studies comparing AO versus placebo or an active control, considering the immediate and long-term effect (n=241). Regarding the motor function of the arm (5 trials), the estimated effect for the therapy was not significant. However, when considering the hand function estimating the effect was favorable to the group that conducted the AO, in short (mean difference = 6.93, 95% CI 1.48 to 12.39; P = 0.01) and long-term (mean difference = 7.57; 95% CI 1.34 the 13.80; p = 0.02). Unable to perform the analysis for functional dependency. The studies showed a low or uncertain risk of bias, but the quality of evidence the body was considered low and very low quality. Authors’ conclusions: AO was effective in improving hand function of stroke patients. Despite the low quality evidence that the use of OA in clinical practice should not be discouraged. RCT new studies should be conducted with greater methodological rigor and larger samples, covering important outcomes such as functional dependence for ADLs.
FMRFamide-like peptide (FLP) signalling systems are core to nematode neuromuscular function. Novel drug discovery efforts associated with nematode FLP/FLP receptor biology are advanced through the accumulation of basic biological data that can reveal subtle complexities within the neuropeptidergic system. This study reports the characterisation of FMRFamide-like peptide encoding gene-11 (flp-11) and FMRFamide-like peptide encoding gene-32 (flp-32), two distinct flp genes which encode the analogous peptide, AMRN(A/S)LVRFamide, in multiple nematode species - the only known example of this phenomenon within the FLPergic system of nematodes. Using bioinformatics, in situ hybridisation, immunocytochemistry and behavioural assays we show that: (i) flp-11 and -32 are distinct flp genes expressed individually or in tandem across multiple nematode species, where they encode a highly similar peptide; (ii) flp-11 does not appear to be the most widely expressed flp in Caenorhabditis elegans; (iii) in species expressing both flp-11 and flp-32, flp-11 displays a conserved, restricted expression pattern across nematode clades and lifestyles; (iv) in species expressing both flp-11 and flp-32, flp-32 expression is more widespread and less conserved than flp-11; (v) in species expressing only flp-11, the flp-11 expression profile is more similar to the flp-32 profile observed in species expressing both; and (vi) FLP-11 peptides inhibit motor function in multiple nematode species. The biological significance and evolutionary origin of flp-11 and -32 peptide duplication remains unclear despite attempts to identify a common ancestor; this may become clearer as the availability of genomic data improves. This work provides insight into the complexity of the neuropeptidergic system in nematodes, and begins to examine how nematodes may compensate for structural neuronal simplicity. From a parasite control standpoint this work underscores the importance of basic biological data, and has wider implications for the utility of C. elegans as a model for parasite neurobiology.
BARBOSA, André F. ; SOUZA, Bryan C. ; PEREIRA JUNIOR, Antônio ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.de, . Implementação de Classificador de Tarefas Mentais Baseado em EEG. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE REDES NEURAIS, 9., 2009, Ouro Preto, MG. Anais... Ouro Preto, MG, 2009
Propriedades Psicométricas da Figura Complexa de Rey numa Amostra de Adultos da População Portuguesa
A Figura Complexa de Rey-Osterrieth (FCR-O) é um teste de avaliação neuropsicológica realizado em três momentos, que avalia a habilidade visuoespacial, organização percetiva, aptidão visuoespacial construtiva, memória visual, atenção, planificação e função motora. Esta investigação tem como objetivo avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da FCR-O, numa amostra de adultos da população portuguesa. O protocolo de investigação incluiu uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos: Figura Complexa de Rey (FCR-O), Teste do Desenho do Relógio (TDR), Bateria de Avaliação Frontal (FAB), Rey 15 Item, Matrizes Progressivas de Raven (MPR) e a Escala de Auto-Avaliação da Ansiedade de Zung. A amostra deste estudo abrangeu 453 sujeitos, 192 homens e 261 mulheres, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 90 anos (M = 40,44; DP = 19,78). Os resultados principais deste estudo indicam que a FCR-O é influenciada por diversas variáveis, tais como a idade, sexo, escolaridade, profissão, residência e regiões, apresentando uma validade convergente adequada, com correlações positivas com o TDR, FAB e MPR. A título conclusivo, verificámos que a FCR-O tem caraterísticas psicométricas satisfatórias, especificamente da consistência interna, concordância entre juízes e estabilidade temporal, sugerindo a sua utilização em populações não clínicas. / The Rey–Osterrieth complex figure (ROCF) is a neuropsychological test which was conducted in three phases to assess visuospatial ability, perceptive organization, constructive visuospatial ability, visual memory, attention, planning and motor function. This investigations aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of ROCF, in an adult sample of the Portuguese population. The investigation protocol includes a battery of neuropsychological tests: Complex Figure of Rey, Clock Drawing Test, Frontal Assessment Battery, Rey Item 15, Raven Progressive Matrices and the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale. The sample of this study consisted of 453 subjects, 192 men and 261 women, aged between 18 and 90 years old (M = 40.44, SD = 19.78). The result of this study indicate that the ROCF is influenced by several variables, such as age, sex, education, profession, residence and regions. It also has adequate convergent validity, with positive correlations with TDR, FAB and MPR. In conclusion, we verified that the ROCF is a useful instrument to early detect some neuropsychological deficits. It revealed satisfactory psychometric characteristics, specifically in internal consistency, agreement between judges and temporal stability, suggesting its usage in no clinical populations.
Esta investigación pretende desarrollar y validar una escala para evaluar la carga del cuidador del niño con parálisis cerebral (PC) de niveles funcionales GMFCS (Gross Motor Function Classification System) IV y V.
BACKGROUND The severity of physical and mental impairments and oral problems, as well as socioeconomic factors, may have an impact on quality of life of children with cerebral palsy (CP). The aim of this research was to assess the impact of impairments and oral health conditions, adjusted by socioeconomic factors, on the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) of children with CP using their parents as proxies. METHODS Sixty children, between 6-14 years of age were selected. Their parents answered a children's OHRQoL instrument (5 domains) which combines the Parental-Caregivers Perception Questionnaire (P-CPQ) and Family Impact Scale (FIS). The severity of dental caries, type of CP, communication ability, gross motor function, seizures and socioeconomic conditions were assessed. RESULTS Considering the total score of the OHRQoL instrument, only the reduction of communication ability and dental caries severity had a negative impact on the OHRQoL (p < 0.05). Considering each domain of the instrument, the severity of the type of CP and its reduction of communication ability showed a negative impact on oral symptoms and functional limitations domains (p < 0.05). Seizures have a negative impact on oral symptoms domain (p = 0.006). The multivariate fitted model showed that the severity of dental caries, communication ability and low family income were negatively associated with the impact on OHRQoL (p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The severity of dental caries, communication ability, and family income are conditions strongly associated with a negative impact on OHRQoL of children with CP.
BARBOSA, André F. ; SOUZA, Bryan C. ; PEREIRA JUNIOR, Antônio ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.de, . Implementação de Classificador de Tarefas Mentais Baseado em EEG. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE REDES NEURAIS, 9., 2009, Ouro Preto, MG. Anais... Ouro Preto, MG, 2009
L'enfant ayant une déficience motrice cérébrale (DMC) légère présente des déficits posturaux qui limitent son intégration sociale. L'hippothérapie est une forme d'intervention utilisant le mouvement du cheval pour stimuler des réajustements posturaux. L’objectif de cette recherche était de quantifier l’effet de 10 semaines d’hippothérapie sur le contrôle postural et la motricité d'enfants ayant une DMC légère. Un devis pré-expérimental à mesures répétées où chaque enfant (n=13) est son propre contrôle a été utilisé. Les critères d’inclusion étaient: être âgés entre 4 et 16 ans et avoir une DMC légère. L’intervention d’une durée de 10 semaines consistait en une séance par semaine d’hippothérapie de 30 minutes, où l'enfant était placé dans différentes positions sur le cheval. La motricité globale, particulièrement la capacité à se tenir debout, marcher, courir et sauter a été mesurée par les dimensions D et E du Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-88) et la coordination, la vitesse, la force et l’équilibre par le Bruininks-Oseretski Test of Motor Proficiency-Short Form (BOT2-SF). La motricité fine a été évaluée par différentes tâches de précision, d’intégration et de dextérité manuelle (BOT2-SF). Les variables biomécaniques évaluant la stabilité posturale en position assise et debout ont été quantifiées par le déplacement du centre de pression (CdeP). Le déplacement des membres supérieurs a été enregistré lors de tâches unilatérales à l'aide d’un système d’analyse tridimensionnelle du mouvement (VICON). Treize sujets (âgés de 7,3 ± 2,7 ans) ont été évalués avant (mesure de base), après l’intervention et à 10 semaines post-intervention (mesure de suivi). La stabilité posturale de l’enfant sur le cheval a été évaluée à l’aide de modules inertiels multiaxiaux fixés sur le cheval et sur l’enfant (tête, tronc) à deux temps pendant l’intervention. À la suite de l’intervention, la motricité globale s’est améliorée significativement (GMFM-88 dimensions; p=0,005 et BOT2-SF total; p=0,006), et spécifiquement au niveau de la force des abdominaux et des membres supérieurs (p=0,012), de l’équilibre (p=0,025) et des activités de précision de la main (p=0,013). Les analyses du contrôle postural sur le cheval montrent une augmentation de la fréquence cumulée dans la direction médiolatérale (M/L) (p=0,033), et une diminution de l’amplitude de la fréquence cumulée en vertical (p=0,007). Ces résultats peuvent s’interpréter comme étant une augmentation de la rapidité d'adaptation dans la direction M/L doublée d'un amortissement du tronc diminué dans l’axe vertical. Le contrôle postural debout statique s'est amélioré (p=0,013) dans l'axe M/L attribuable aux enfants diplégiques de l'étude. Ces résultats se sont maintenus après la fin de l’intervention. Aucune amélioration du déplacement des membres supérieurs n'a été notée. Nos résultats permettent de suggérer l’utilisation de l'hippothérapie, par les professionnels de la réadaptation, comme complément à l'intervention traditionnelle.