915 resultados para Motor function recovery


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Purpose: To assess the effects of oral glutamate intake on acute motor effects and chronic intake of ethanol in rodents. Methods: The acute effects of ethanol on motor function were studied in ICR mice by giving 2 or 6 g/kg of ethanol 2 h after distilled water or 2.5 g/kg glutamate per os. Thirty minutes after ethanol treatment, behavioral assays, including rotarod tests and foot print analysis were monitored. In chronic ethanol treatment, male Wistar rats were trained to consume ethanol-sucrose solution during a 2-h period daily, starting with 2 % ethanol/10 % sucrose and gradually increasing to 10 % ethanol/5 % sucrose solution over 56 days. After training session, the drug treatment phase was done for 10 days. The animals were force-fed 50 mg/kg/day topiramate or 2.5 g/kg/day glutamate 2 h before ethanol treatment sessions. Each day, ethanol intake, water intake, food intake and body weight were recorded. Results: Mice that received 2 or 6 g/kg of ethanol orally, showed a significant reduction in time on the rod in the rotarod test and a significant increase in both forelimb and hindlimb stride lengths when compared to control. Oral treatment with 2.5 g/kg of glutamate reversed the acute motor effects of ethanol. In chronic ethanol treatment, the intake of 10 % ethanol/5 % sucrose, accessible for 2 h, was significantly decreased in rats treated with either topiramate or glutamate. Conclusion: These results provide evidence that oral glutamate administration help to reduce the acute motor effects of ethanol in mice and ethanol intake in the chronic ethanol drinking rats.


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BACKGROUND: Parkinson's disease (PD) results from a loss of dopamine in the brain, leading to movement dysfunctions such as bradykinesia, postural instability, resting tremor and muscle rigidity. Furthermore, dopamine deficiency in PD has been shown to result in maladaptive plasticity of the primary motor cortex (M1). Progressive resistance training (PRT) is a popular intervention in PD that improves muscular strength and results in clinically significant improvements on the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). In separate studies, the application of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (a-tDCS) to the M1 has been shown to improve motor function in PD; however, the combined use of tDCS and PRT has not been investigated.

METHODS/DESIGN: We propose a 6-week, double-blind randomised controlled trial combining M1 tDCS and PRT of the lower body in participants (n = 42) with moderate PD (Hoehn and Yahr scale score 2-4). Supervised lower body PRT combined with functional balance tasks will be performed three times per week with concurrent a-tDCS delivered at 2 mA for 20 minutes (a-tDCS group) or with sham tDCS (sham group). Control participants will receive standard care (control group). Outcome measures will include functional strength, gait speed and variability, balance, neurophysiological function at rest and during movement execution, and the UPDRS motor subscale, measured at baseline, 3 weeks (during), 6 weeks (post), and 9 weeks (retention). Ethical approval has been granted by the Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee (project number 2015-014), and the trial has been registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12615001241527).

DISCUSSION: This will be the first randomised controlled trial to combine PRT and a-tDCS targeting balance and gait in people with PD. The study will elucidate the functional, clinical and neurophysiological outcomes of combined PRT and a-tDCS. It is hypothesised that combined PRT and a-tDCS will significantly improve lower limb strength, postural sway, gait speed and stride variability compared with PRT with sham tDCS. Further, we hypothesise that pre-frontal cortex activation during dual-task cognitive and gait/balance activities will be reduced, and that M1 excitability and inhibition will be augmented, following the combined PRT and a-tDCS intervention.


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As crianças que apresentam uma função motora significativamente abaixo da sua idad cronológica, com comprometimento motor, que interfere significativamente com as atividade da vida diária, o qual não esteja relacionado com uma condição médica, são diagnosticada com tendo “desordem coordenativa no desenvolvimento” (DCD) (APA, 1994). Pretendemos realizar um despiste de crianças com provável DCD e em risco de DCD nos jardin de infância do concelho de Santarém, analisar a prevalência de lateralidade, bem com analisar o padrão de equilíbrio nestas crianças. Foi empregue a banda 1 do teste MABC-2 (Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2) e método de análise de recorrência (RQA) (Riley, Balasubramaniam, & Turvey, 1999). A nossa amostra foi constituída por 239 crianças e apresentou uma percentagem de 8,4 crianças com provável DCD, mostrou que a maior incidência recaí nos rapazes, 65%. Est mesmo grupo, crianças com provável DCD, é o que apresenta maior número de sinistrómana com uma percentagem de 7,7% para os rapazes e de 28,6% nas raparigas. A criança com provável DCD, no somatório da pontuação da bateria de testes MABC-2 criança apresenta-se como provável DCD, no entanto quando foi avaliada apenas no teste d equilíbrio não manifestou problemas.


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As crianças que apresentam uma função motora significativamente abaixo da sua idad cronológica, com comprometimento motor, que interfere significativamente com as atividade da vida diária, o qual não esteja relacionado com uma condição médica, são diagnosticada com tendo “desordem coordenativa no desenvolvimento” (DCD) (APA, 1994). Pretendemos realizar um despiste de crianças com provável DCD e em risco de DCD nos jardin de infância do concelho de Santarém, analisar a prevalência de lateralidade, bem com analisar o padrão de equilíbrio nestas crianças. Foi empregue a banda 1 do teste MABC-2 (Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2) e método de análise de recorrência (RQA) (Riley, Balasubramaniam, & Turvey, 1999). A nossa amostra foi constituída por 239 crianças e apresentou uma percentagem de 8,4 crianças com provável DCD, mostrou que a maior incidência recaí nos rapazes, 65%. Est mesmo grupo, crianças com provável DCD, é o que apresenta maior número de sinistrómana com uma percentagem de 7,7% para os rapazes e de 28,6% nas raparigas. A criança com provável DCD, no somatório da pontuação da bateria de testes MABC-2 criança apresenta-se como provável DCD, no entanto quando foi avaliada apenas no teste d equilíbrio não manifestou problemas.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia


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Résumé : Le trouble de l’acquisition de la coordination (TAC), d’étiologie encore indéterminée, est une anomalie neurologique affectant environ 6% des enfants de l'âge scolaire. Le TAC se manifeste essentiellement par un déficit au niveau des exécutions motrices. Le présent travail de recherche comporte deux volets portant sur le TAC. Premièrement, une étude clinique sur 129 sujets âgés de 4 à 18 ans a permis de classifier les caractéristiques du TAC en sous-groupes cliniques. Trente-trois caractéristiques du TAC, les plus fréquemment rapportées dans la littérature, ont été recensées chez nos sujets. L'application d'évaluations statistiques a permis de faire ressortir trois classes essentielles. Le deuxième volet consistait à identifier les régions cérébrales impliquées dans une tâche motrice à l'aide de l'imagerie par la tomographie d'émission par positrons (TEP). Deux sujets avec TAC et deux sujets normaux ont été étudiés en deux séances d'imagerie TEP dont l'une au repos et l'autre en tapotant du pouce sur les doigts de la main gauche non-dominante. Les analyses du premier volet ont montré, entre autres, que le TAC touchait 3.17 garçons pour une fille, que tous les sujets étaient lents, que 47% des sujets étaient gauchers ou ambidextres alors que seulement 10% sont gauchers dans la population générale, que 26% avaient une dyspraxie verbale, et que 83% avaient été diagnostiqués anxieux. Les sujets ont été classés en trois sous-groupes: 1- maladroits et autres caractéristiques, sans problème de langage; 2- trouble de l’estime de soi et relation avec les pairs; 3- difficulté de langage. En imagerie, les structures cérébrales ont été classées selon leur captation du 18F-fluorodesoxyglucose (FDG) dans les hémisphères droit et gauche, avant et après l'activation, et en comparaison avec les sujets normaux. Trois types de structures cérébrales sont ressortis avec les statistiques: des structures activées, celles relativement non sollicitées et des structures désactivées. Il y avait plus de variations dans la captation du FDG chez les sujets avec TAC que chez les normaux. En conclusion, la caractérisation des sujets avec TAC par le diagnostic clinique et par l'imagerie peut procurer un plan de thérapie adéquat et ciblé étant donné que le TAC a un large spectre et pourrait coexister avec d'autres déficits cérébraux.


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Prolonged intermittent-sprint exercise (i.e., team sports) induce disturbances in skeletal muscle structure and function that are associated with reduced contractile function, a cascade of inflammatory responses, perceptual soreness, and a delayed return to optimal physical performance. In this context, recovery from exercise-induced fatigue is traditionally treated from a peripheral viewpoint, with the regeneration of muscle physiology and other peripheral factors the target of recovery strategies. The direction of this research narrative on post-exercise recovery differs to the increasing emphasis on the complex interaction between both central and peripheral factors regulating exercise intensity during exercise performance. Given the role of the central nervous system (CNS) in motor-unit recruitment during exercise, it too may have an integral role in post-exercise recovery. Indeed, this hypothesis is indirectly supported by an apparent disconnect in time-course changes in physiological and biochemical markers resultant from exercise and the ensuing recovery of exercise performance. Equally, improvements in perceptual recovery, even withstanding the physiological state of recovery, may interact with both feed-forward/feed-back mechanisms to influence subsequent efforts. Considering the research interest afforded to recovery methodologies designed to hasten the return of homeostasis within the muscle, the limited focus on contributors to post-exercise recovery from CNS origins is somewhat surprising. Based on this context, the current review aims to outline the potential contributions of the brain to performance recovery after strenuous exercise.


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Traffic incidents are key contributors to non-recurrent congestion, potentially generating significant delay. Factors that influence the duration of incidents are important to understand so that effective mitigation strategies can be implemented. To identify and quantify the effects of influential factors, a methodology for studying total incident duration based on historical data from an ‘integrated database’ is proposed. Incident duration models are developed using a selected freeway segment in the Southeast Queensland, Australia network. The models include incident detection and recovery time as components of incident duration. A hazard-based duration modelling approach is applied to model incident duration as a function of a variety of factors that influence traffic incident duration. Parametric accelerated failure time survival models are developed to capture heterogeneity as a function of explanatory variables, with both fixed and random parameters specifications. The analysis reveals that factors affecting incident duration include incident characteristics (severity, type, injury, medical requirements, etc.), infrastructure characteristics (roadway shoulder availability), time of day, and traffic characteristics. The results indicate that event type durations are uniquely different, thus requiring different responses to effectively clear them. Furthermore, the results highlight the presence of unobserved incident duration heterogeneity as captured by the random parameter models, suggesting that additional factors need to be considered in future modelling efforts.


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We investigated the effect of cold water immersion (CWI) on the recovery of muscle function and physiological responses following high-intensity resistance exercise. Using a randomized, cross-over design, 10 physically active men performed high-intensity resistance exercise, followed by one of two recovery interventions: 10 min of cold water immersion at 10°C, or 10 min active recovery (low-intensity cycling). After the recovery interventions, maximal muscle function was assessed after 2 h and 4 h by measuring jump height and isometric squat strength. Submaximal muscle function was assessed after 6 h by measuring the average load lifted during six sets of 10 squats at 80% 1RM. Intramuscular temperature (1 cm) was also recorded, and venous blood samples were analyzed for markers of metabolism, vasoconstriction and muscle damage. CWI did not enhance recovery of maximal muscle function. However, during the final three sets of the submaximal muscle function test, the participants lifted a greater load (p<0.05; 38%; Cohen’s d 1.3) following CWI compared with active recovery. During CWI, muscle temperature decreased 6°C below post-exercise values, and remained below pre-exercise values for another 35 min. Venous blood O2 saturation decreased below pre-exercise values for 1.5 h after CWI. Serum endothelin-1 concentration did not change after CWI, whereas it decreased after active recovery. Plasma myoglobin concentration was lower, whereas plasma interleukin-6 concentration was higher after CWI compared with active recovery. These results suggest that cold water immersion after resistance exercise allow athletes to complete more work during subsequent training sessions, which could enhance long-term training adaptations.


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The current state of the practice in Blackspot Identification (BSI) utilizes safety performance functions based on total crash counts to identify transport system sites with potentially high crash risk. This paper postulates that total crash count variation over a transport network is a result of multiple distinct crash generating processes including geometric characteristics of the road, spatial features of the surrounding environment, and driver behaviour factors. However, these multiple sources are ignored in current modelling methodologies in both trying to explain or predict crash frequencies across sites. Instead, current practice employs models that imply that a single underlying crash generating process exists. The model mis-specification may lead to correlating crashes with the incorrect sources of contributing factors (e.g. concluding a crash is predominately caused by a geometric feature when it is a behavioural issue), which may ultimately lead to inefficient use of public funds and misidentification of true blackspots. This study aims to propose a latent class model consistent with a multiple crash process theory, and to investigate the influence this model has on correctly identifying crash blackspots. We first present the theoretical and corresponding methodological approach in which a Bayesian Latent Class (BLC) model is estimated assuming that crashes arise from two distinct risk generating processes including engineering and unobserved spatial factors. The Bayesian model is used to incorporate prior information about the contribution of each underlying process to the total crash count. The methodology is applied to the state-controlled roads in Queensland, Australia and the results are compared to an Empirical Bayesian Negative Binomial (EB-NB) model. A comparison of goodness of fit measures illustrates significantly improved performance of the proposed model compared to the NB model. The detection of blackspots was also improved when compared to the EB-NB model. In addition, modelling crashes as the result of two fundamentally separate underlying processes reveals more detailed information about unobserved crash causes.


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Drosophila melanogaster has served as an excellent model system for understanding the neuronal circuits and molecular mechanisms regulating complex behaviors. The Drosophila female reproductive circuits, in particular, are well studied and can be used as a tool to understand the role of novel genes in neuronal function in general and female reproduction in particular. In the present study, the role of Beadex, a transcription co-activator, in Drosophila female reproduction was assessed by generation of mutant and knock down studies. Null allele of Beadex was generated by transposase induced excision of P-element present within an intron of Beadex gene. The mutant showed highly compromised reproductive abilities as evaluated by reduced fecundity and fertility, abnormal oviposition and more importantly, the failure of sperm release from storage organs. However, no defect was found in the overall ovariole development. Tissue specific, targeted knock down of Beadex indicated that its function in neurons is important for efficient female reproduction, since its neuronal knock down led to compromised female reproductive abilities, similar to Beadex null females. Further, different neuronal class specific knock down studies revealed that Beadex function is required in motor neurons for normal fecundity and fertility of females. Thus, the present study attributes a novel and essential role for Beadex in female reproduction through neurons.


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Oxaliplatin, an effective cytotoxic treatment in combination with 5-fluorouracil for colorectal cancer, is associated with sensory, motor and autonomic neurotoxicity. Motor symptoms include hyperexcitability while autonomic effects include urinary retention, but the cause of these side-effects is unknown. We examined the effects on motor nerve function in the mouse hemidiaphragm and on the autonomic system in the vas deferens. In the mouse diaphragm, oxaliplatin (0.5 mM) induced multiple endplate potentials (EPPs) following a single stimulus, and was associated with an increase in spontaneous miniature EPP frequency. In the vas deferens, spontaneous excitatory junction potential frequency was increased after 30 min exposure to oxaliplatin; no changes in resting Ca(2+) concentration in nerve terminal varicosities were observed, and recovery after stimuli trains was unaffected.In both tissues, an oxaliplatin-induced increase in spontaneous activity was prevented by the voltage-gated Na(+) channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX). Carbamazepine (0.3 mM) also prevented multiple EPPs and the increase in spontaneous activity in both tissues. In diaphragm, beta-pompilidotoxin (100 microM), which slows Na(+) channel inactivation, induced multiple EPPs similar to oxaliplatin's effect. By contrast, blockers of K(+) channels (4-aminopyridine and apamin) did not replicate oxaliplatin-induced hyperexcitability in the diaphragm. The prevention of hyperexcitability by TTX blockade implies that oxaliplatin acts on nerve conduction rather than by effecting repolarisation. The similarity between beta-pompilidotoxin and oxaliplatin suggests that alteration of voltage-gated Na(+) channel kinetics is likely to underlie the acute neurotoxic actions of oxaliplatin.