775 resultados para Mobile interfaces
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2015
The interfaces between the intrapsychic, interactional, and intergenerational domains are a new frontier. As a pilot, we exposed ourselves to a complex but controllable situation as viewed by people whose main interest is in one of the three interfaces; we also fully integrated the subjects in the team, to learn about their subjective perspectives and to provide them with an enriching experience. We started with a brief "triadification" sequence (i.e., moving from a "two plus one" to a "three together" family organization). Considering this sequence as representing at a micro level many larger family transitions, we proceeded with a microanalytic interview, a psychodynamic investigation, and a family interview. As expected, larger patterns of correspondences are emerging. Central questions under debate are: What are the most appropriate units at each level of description and what are their articulations between these levels? What is the status of "triadification"? Les interfaces entre les domaines intrapsychiques, interactionnels et intergénérationnels représentent une nouvelle frontiére. A titre exploratoire, nous nous sommes exposés à une situation complexe mais contrǒlable ainsi que le voient ceux dont I'intérět principal se porte sur l'une de ces trois interfaces. Nous avons aussi entièrement intégré les sujets dans l'équipe, de facon à comprendre leur perspective subjective et à leur offrir une expérience enrichissante. Nous avons commencé avec une brève séquence de "triadification," c'est-à-dire passer d'une organisation familiale "deux plus un" à Ltne organisation familiale "trois (add sentenc)ensemble." Considérant cette séquence comme representative à un niveau microscopique de transitions familiales bien plus larges, nous avons procedé à l'entretien microanalytique, à une enquěte psychodynamique et à un entretien familial. Comme prévu, de grands patterns de correspondances émergent. Les questions essentielles sur lesquelles portent le débat sont: quelles les unités les plus appropiées à chaque niveau de description et quelles sont les articulations entre ces niveaux? Quel est le statut de la "triadification"?
The Scottish National Party led Scottish Government has identified household poverty as a key focus for its anti-poverty strategy. The government’s ‘Solidarity Target’ seeks to both increase wealth and increase the share of total income gained by these three deciles. The ability to demonstrate the advantages of policy divergence within Scotland, relative to the other parts of the United Kingdom, is central to the Government’s aim of gaining support for increased powers for the devolved government. This paper seeks to provide evidence on one aspect of the government’s anti- poverty strategy; the degree to which Scotland differs from the rest of the UK over levels of entrenched poverty. The paper demonstrates that not only does Scotland have greater entrenched poverty but that the changes in mobility since the 1990s have impacted on Scotland to a lesser degree than the rest of the UK.
Els sistemes dʼatenció mèdica en situacions de pèrdues humanes massives necessiten classificar un número molt elevat de víctimes en un temps limitat i amb pocs recursos disponibles. Els mètodes clàssics es basen en una etiqueta de triatge de paper on el personal dʼemergències anota lʼestat del pacient juntament amb una quantitat reduïda dʼinformació. En aquest projecte descrivim lʼanàlisi, disseny i implementació dʼinterfícies gràfiques per dispositius mòbils pel protocol de triatge START, per ser utilitzades pels equips dʼemergència. Els components del projecte inclouen un dispositiu portàtil Nokia N810 amb connexió GPS, i IDBlue, un lector dʼetiquetes RFID per Bluetooth.
In this paper, we study how access pricing affects network competition when subscription demand is elastic and each network uses non-linear prices and can apply termination-based price discrimination. In the case of a fixed per minute termination charge, we find that a reduction of the termination charge below cost has two opposing effects: it softens competition but helps to internalize network externalities. The former reduces mobile penetration while the latter boosts it. We find that firms always prefer termination charge below cost for either motive while the regulator prefers termination below cost only when this boosts penetration. Next, we consider the retail benchmarking approach (Jeon and Hurkens, 2008) that determines termination charges as a function of retail prices and show that this approach allows the regulator to increase penetration without distorting call volumes.
We re-examine the literature on mobile termination in the presence of network externalities. Externalities arise when firms discriminate between on- and off-net calls or when subscription demand is elastic. This literature predicts that profit decreases and consumer surplus increases in termination charge in a neighborhood of termination cost. This creates a puzzle since in reality we see regulators worldwide pushing termination rates down while being opposed by network operators. We show that this puzzle is resolved when consumers' expectations are assumed passive but required to be fulfilled in equilibrium (as defined by Katz and Shapiro, AER 1985), instead of being rationally responsive to non-equilibrium prices, as assumed until now.
Specialisation in medicine requires multidisciplinary approaches, and hence coordination in collaborations of the different partners involved. These integrated approaches, sometimes called "disease management", fit particularly well to chronic diseases. Our institution introduced an integrated approach for taking care of the acute somatic hospitalisation of patients suffering from anorexia nervosa. Interfaces with the different partners were defined, specifying tasks, rights, and duties of each person, care givers or patients. This initiative allows now to identify any deviation occurring in the process of care or hole in the care system, so that it can be corrected and recurrence prevented. This model will be extended to other complex and multidisciplinary care processes and other services in our institution.
Generación dinámica de interfaces web basadas en ficheros descriptivos XML para el control de la parametrización compleja y ejecución de programas por línea de comandos. La necesidad surge con la aplicación mlcoalsim, utilizada por investigadores de la UAB, cuya parametrización requiere la edición manual de un fichero de texto la sintaxis del cual es complicada y pesada. Con la generación de interfaces web se pretende ayudar a los usuarios en la correcta parametrización y ejecución de aplicaciones como mlcoalsim.
While mobile technologies can provide great personalized services for mobile users, they also threaten their privacy. Such personalization-privacy paradox are particularly salient for context aware technology based mobile applications where user's behaviors, movement and habits can be associated with a consumer's personal identity. In this thesis, I studied the privacy issues in the mobile context, particularly focus on an adaptive privacy management system design for context-aware mobile devices, and explore the role of personalization and control over user's personal data. This allowed me to make multiple contributions, both theoretical and practical. In the theoretical world, I propose and prototype an adaptive Single-Sign On solution that use user's context information to protect user's private information for smartphone. To validate this solution, I first proved that user's context is a unique user identifier and context awareness technology can increase user's perceived ease of use of the system and service provider's authentication security. I then followed a design science research paradigm and implemented this solution into a mobile application called "Privacy Manager". I evaluated the utility by several focus group interviews, and overall the proposed solution fulfilled the expected function and users expressed their intentions to use this application. To better understand the personalization-privacy paradox, I built on the theoretical foundations of privacy calculus and technology acceptance model to conceptualize the theory of users' mobile privacy management. I also examined the role of personalization and control ability on my model and how these two elements interact with privacy calculus and mobile technology model. In the practical realm, this thesis contributes to the understanding of the tradeoff between the benefit of personalized services and user's privacy concerns it may cause. By pointing out new opportunities to rethink how user's context information can protect private data, it also suggests new elements for privacy related business models.
El presente TFC se centra en la creación de un sistema de información geográfica destinado a dispositivos móviles (Ipads, Smartphones ¿) y dedicado al senderismo, utilizando para ello varias aplicaciones de código abierto ofrecidas en la actualidad.
Aquí es reuneix la documentació tècnica actual per a fer-ne un anàlisi de facilitat d'ús des del punt de vista de l'usuari. Se centra en les funcionalitats, les tecnologies actuals i les interfícies. La metodologia emprada per a fer les anàlisis i arribar a les conclusions consta de tres fases: fer un recull de la tecnologia i les funcionalitats necessàries i analitzar-ne la facilitat d'ús; establir grups d'usuaris amb necessitats comunes o perfils d'usuari, i definir els paràmetres de facilitat d'ús que fem servir en els tests d'usuaris-dispositius i en els dissenys de tests.