898 resultados para Mobile advertising marketing channel mix


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Abstract The academic environment has recently recognized the importance and benefits that an extensive research on the translation of advertising can have for translation studies. Despite the growing interest and increasing research activity in the field it is still difficult to speak about a theory of advertising translation in general. There is a need for further study encompassing different languages and both heterogeneous and homogenous cultures that will give the possibility to receive a more complete map of what the translation of advertising is and should be. Previous studies have been concentrated, for the most part, on Western European language pairs. This study is a research into perfume and cosmetics print advertisements translated from English into Russian where both visual and verbal elements are considered. Three broad translation approaches have been identified in what concerns the verbal message: Translated message, parallel translation, recreated adverts, and three approaches in dealing with the image: similar images, modified images, completely different images. The thesis shows that where Russian advertisements for perfume products tend to have a message, or create one, this is often lacking in the English copy. The article ends by suggesting that perfume advertisements favor the standardization approach when entering Russian market. The attempts to localize the advert have also been noticed although they are obviously less numerous in perfume adverts and are rather instances of adaptation - a mix between the localization and standardization approaches since they keep drawing on the same globally accepted universals about female beauty and concern for ‘woman’s identity’ (we focused our analysis on products designed for female consumers). This study, complementing previous studies, aims to be a contribution to the description of laws and strategies that guide the translation of advertising texts into Russian.


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This thesis deals with the development of the upcoming aeronautical mobile airport communications system (AeroMACS) system. We analyzed the performance of AeroMACS and we investigated potential solutions for enhancing its performance. Since the most critical results correspond to the channel scenario having less diversity1, we tackled this problem investigating potential solutions for increasing the diversity of the system and therefore improving its performance. We accounted different forms of diversity as space diversity and time diversity. More specifically, space (antenna and cooperative) diversity and time diversity are analyzed as countermeasures for the harsh fading conditions that are typical of airport environments. Among the analyzed techniques, two novel concepts are introduced, namely unequal diversity coding and flexible packet level codes. The proposed techniques have been analyzed on a novel airport channel model, derived from a measurement campaign at the airport of Munich (Germany). The introduced techniques largely improve the performance of the conventional AeroMACS link; representing thus appealing solutions for the long term evolution of the system.


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L’elaborato ha lo scopo di presentare le nuove opportunità di business offerte dal Web. Il rivoluzionario cambiamento che la pervasività della Rete e tutte le attività correlate stanno portando, ha posto le aziende davanti ad un diverso modo di relazionarsi con i propri consumatori, che sono sempre più informati, consapevoli ed esigenti, e con la concorrenza. La sfida da accettare per rimanere competitivi sul mercato è significativa e il mutamento in rapido sviluppo: gli aspetti che contraddistinguono questo nuovo paradigma digitale sono, infatti, velocità, mutevolezza, ma al tempo stesso misurabilità, ponderabilità, previsione. Grazie agli strumenti tecnologici a disposizione e alle dinamiche proprie dei diversi spazi web (siti, social network, blog, forum) è possibile tracciare più facilmente, rispetto al passato, l’impatto di iniziative, lanci di prodotto, promozioni e pubblicità, misurandone il ritorno sull’investimento, oltre che la percezione dell’utente finale. Un approccio datacentrico al marketing, attraverso analisi di monitoraggio della rete, permette quindi al brand investimenti più mirati e ponderati sulla base di stime e previsioni. Tra le più significative strategie di marketing digitale sono citate: social advertising, keyword advertising, digital PR, social media, email marketing e molte altre. Sono riportate anche due case history: una come ottimo esempio di co-creation in cui il brand ha coinvolto direttamente il pubblico nel processo di produzione del prodotto, affidando ai fan della Pagina Facebook ufficiale la scelta dei gusti degli yogurt da mettere in vendita. La seconda, caso internazionale di lead generation, ha permesso al brand di misurare la conversione dei visitatori del sito (previa compilazione di popin) in reali acquirenti, collegando i dati di traffico del sito a quelli delle vendite. Esempio di come online e offline comunichino strettamente.


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Tesi con lo scopo di analizzare il comportamento degli utenti in relazione all’Advertising Online e di costruire un modello che ne approssimi il funzionamento, identificando i fattori che ne influenzano l’efficacia.


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Il Digital Marketing si occupa di tutto quello che possiamo fare, grazie ad Internet, per far crescere il business aziendale. Le tecnologie informatiche negli ultimi anni stanno producendo degli effetti pervasivi sulle infrastrutture delle imprese, sui prodotti, sui mercati e sui consumatori, con una rilevanza tale all'interno di un periodo di tempo relativamente limitato che non è possibile riscontrare in nessuna epoca passata. Coinvolgono le relazioni tra imprese, i mercati dei consumatori, le relazioni tra gli stessi consumatori, le singole componenti del marketing mix (prodotto, prezzo, comunicazione, distribuzione) e le loro modalità di interazione e di gestione all'interno della strategia di marketing dell'impresa. L'evoluzione del mondo digitale ha portato imprese e consumatori a dover affrontare un cambiamento radicale del paradigma di marketing e comunicazione che vede la relazione e l'interazione al centro di uno scambio di messaggi bilaterali altamente personalizzati e costanti. Il marketing non è un processo lineare ma circolare, in cui ascolto e comprensione dei bisogni e delle forze che agiscono sui mercati, progettazione dei prodotti o servizi in grado di rispondere alle nuove opportunità individuate, si integrano e cambiano continuamente. Quando si parla di Internet e commercio non si pensa solo all'e-commerce, ovvero all'acquisto e al pagamento del prodotto su Internet. La Rete ha acquisito un'influenza basilare in tutte le fasi precedenti all'acquisto infatti sul Web si attuano attività di ricerca e raccolta di informazioni, selezione, comparazione e perfezionamento che precedono la decisione d'acquisto e che specialmente per i beni durevoli e dall'alto valore monetario rappresentano un momento cruciale del processo d'acquisto. Questo fenomeno ha condizionato uno scenario di mercato in cui si sono abbassate le barriere di accesso all'informazione, si sono ridotti i tempi di relazione tra le persone e tra le persone e l'azienda e in alcuni settori sono crollare le barriere all'ingresso permettendo, attraverso la creazione di attività online di raggiungere e instaurare una relazione diretta. Questo elaborato si propone come un'analisi del digital marketing. Suddiviso in sei capitoli vuole dare una soddisfacente panoramica di questo nuovo marketing.


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Negli ultimi anni si è imposto il concetto di Ubiquitous Computing, ovvero la possibilità di accedere al web e di usare applicazioni per divertimento o lavoro in qualsiasi momento e in qualsiasi luogo. Questo fenomeno sta cambiando notevolmente le abitudini delle persone e ciò è testimoniato anche dal fatto che il mercato mobile è in forte ascesa: da fine 2014 sono 45 milioni gli smartphone e 12 milioni i tablet in circolazione in Italia. Sembra quasi impossibile, dunque, rinunciare al mobile, soprattutto per le aziende: il nuovo modo di comunicare ha reso necessaria l’introduzione del Mobile Marketing e per raggiungere i propri clienti ora uno degli strumenti più efficaci e diretti sono le applicazioni. Esse si definiscono native se si pongono come traguardo un determinato smartphone e possono funzionare solo per quel sistema operativo. Infatti un’app costruita, per esempio, per Android non può funzionare su dispositivi Apple o Windows Phone a meno che non si ricorra al processo di porting. Ultimamente però è richiesto un numero sempre maggiore di app per piattaforma e i dispositivi presenti attualmente sul mercato presentano differenze tra le CPU, le interfacce (Application Programming Interface), i sistemi operativi, l’hardware, etc. Nasce quindi la necessità di creare applicazioni che possano funzionare su più sistemi operativi, ovvero le applicazioni platform-independent. Per facilitare e supportare questo genere di lavoro sono stati definiti nuovi ambienti di sviluppo tra i quali Sencha Touch e Apache Cordova. Il risultato finale dello sviluppo di un’app attraverso questi framework è proprio quello di ottenere un oggetto che possa essere eseguito su qualsiasi dispositivo. Naturalmente la resa non sarà la stessa di un’app nativa, la quale ha libero accesso a tutte le funzionalità del dispositivo (rubrica, messaggi, notifiche, geolocalizzazione, fotocamera, accelerometro, etc.), però con questa nuova app vi è la garanzia di un costo di sviluppo minore e di una richiesta considerevole sul mercato. L’obiettivo della tesi è quello di analizzare questo scenario attraverso un caso di studio proveniente da una realtà aziendale che presenta proprio la necessità di sviluppare un’applicazione per più piattaforme. Nella prima parte della tesi viene affrontata la tematica del mobile computing e quella del dualismo tra la programmazione nativa e le web app: verranno analizzate le caratteristiche delle due diverse tipologie cercando di capire quale delle due risulti essere la migliore. Nella seconda parte sarà data luce a uno dei più importanti framework per la costruzione di app multi-piattaforma: Sencha Touch. Ne verranno analizzate le caratteristiche, soffermandosi in particolare sul pattern MVC e si potrà vedere un confronto con altri framework. Nella terza parte si tratterà il caso di studio, un app mobile per Retail basata su Sencha Touch e Apache Cordova. Nella parte finale si troveranno alcune riflessioni e conclusioni sul mobile platform-independent e sui vantaggi e gli svantaggi dell’utilizzo di JavaScript per sviluppare app.


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Basta un segnale Wi-Fi, Bluetooth o altro per inviare informazioni e contenuti automaticamente sui dispositivi mobili dei consumatori permettendo ai proprietari di attività commerciali di non essere troppo invasivi e petulanti ma nello stesso tempo informare i fruitori. Con più di sei miliardi di telefoni cellulari nelle mani dei consumatori di oggi e con i numeri in costante scalata, gli smartphone stanno diventando una necessità di base del secolo. Questo rende quasi ogni consumatore con un telefono potenzialmente sensibili a una campagna di marketing di prossimità. Il marketing di prossimità (proximity marketing) è una tecnica di marketing che opera su un’area geografica delimitata e precisa attraverso tecnologie di comunicazione di tipo visuale e mobile con lo scopo di promuovere la vendita di prodotti e servizi. La tesi propone un nuovo strumento rivolto al turismo trasformando gli itinerari in percorsi a premi, che sono interamente stabiliti dagli operatori.


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Target localization has a wide range of military and civilian applications in wireless mobile networks. Examples include battle-field surveillance, emergency 911 (E911), traffc alert, habitat monitoring, resource allocation, routing, and disaster mitigation. Basic localization techniques include time-of-arrival (TOA), direction-of-arrival (DOA) and received-signal strength (RSS) estimation. Techniques that are proposed based on TOA and DOA are very sensitive to the availability of Line-of-sight (LOS) which is the direct path between the transmitter and the receiver. If LOS is not available, TOA and DOA estimation errors create a large localization error. In order to reduce NLOS localization error, NLOS identifcation, mitigation, and localization techniques have been proposed. This research investigates NLOS identifcation for multiple antennas radio systems. The techniques proposed in the literature mainly use one antenna element to enable NLOS identifcation. When a single antenna is utilized, limited features of the wireless channel can be exploited to identify NLOS situations. However, in DOA-based wireless localization systems, multiple antenna elements are available. In addition, multiple antenna technology has been adopted in many widely used wireless systems such as wireless LAN 802.11n and WiMAX 802.16e which are good candidates for localization based services. In this work, the potential of spatial channel information for high performance NLOS identifcation is investigated. Considering narrowband multiple antenna wireless systems, two xvNLOS identifcation techniques are proposed. Here, the implementation of spatial correlation of channel coeffcients across antenna elements as a metric for NLOS identifcation is proposed. In order to obtain the spatial correlation, a new multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channel model based on rough surface theory is proposed. This model can be used to compute the spatial correlation between the antenna pair separated by any distance. In addition, a new NLOS identifcation technique that exploits the statistics of phase difference across two antenna elements is proposed. This technique assumes the phases received across two antenna elements are uncorrelated. This assumption is validated based on the well-known circular and elliptic scattering models. Next, it is proved that the channel Rician K-factor is a function of the phase difference variance. Exploiting Rician K-factor, techniques to identify NLOS scenarios are proposed. Considering wideband multiple antenna wireless systems which use MIMO-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signaling, space-time-frequency channel correlation is exploited to attain NLOS identifcation in time-varying, frequency-selective and spaceselective radio channels. Novel NLOS identi?cation measures based on space, time and frequency channel correlation are proposed and their performances are evaluated. These measures represent a better NLOS identifcation performance compared to those that only use space, time or frequency.


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Increasing demand for marketing accountability requires an efficient allocation of marketing expenditures. Managers who know the elasticity of their marketing instruments can allocate their budgets optimally. Meta-analyses offer a basis for deriving benchmark elasticities for advertising. Although they provide a variety of valuable insights, a major shortcoming of prior meta-analyses is that they report only generalized results as the disaggregated raw data are not made available. This problem is highly relevant because coding of empirical studies, at least to a certain extent, involves subjective judgment. For this reason, meta-studies would be more valuable if researchers and practitioners had access to disaggregated data allowing them to conduct further analyses of individual, e.g., product-level-specific, interests. We are the first to address this gap by providing (1) an advertising elasticity database (AED) and (2) empirical generalizations about advertising elasticities and their determinants. Our findings indicate that the average current-period advertising elasticity is 0.09, which is substantially smaller than the value 0f 0.12 that was recently reported by Sethuraman, Tellis, and Briesch (2011). Furthermore, our meta-analysis reveals a wide range of significant determinants of advertising elasticity. For example, we find that advertising elasticities are higher (i) for hedonic and experience goods than for other goods; (ii) for new than for established goods; (iii) when advertising is measured in gross rating points (GRP) instead of absolute terms; and (iv) when the lagged dependent or lagged advertising variable is omitted.


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Since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed in 2002, it has become commonplace in the advertising industry to use creativity-award-show prizes instead of gross income figures to attract new customers. Therefore, achieving a top creativity ranking and winning creativity awards have become high priorities in the advertising industry. Agencies and marketers have always wondered what elements in the advertising creation process would lead to the winning of creativity awards. Although this debate has been dominated by pure speculation about the success of different routines, approaches and strategies in winning creativity awards, for the first time our study delivers an empirical insight into the key drivers of creativity award success. We investigate what strategies and which elements of an advertising campaign are truly likely to lead to winning the maximum number of creativity awards. Using a sample of 108 campaigns, we identify factors that influence campaign success at international advertising award shows. We identify innovativeness and the integration of multiple channels as the key drivers of creativity award success. In contrast to industry beliefs, meaningful or personally connecting approaches do not seem to generate a significant benefit in terms of winning creativity awards. Finally, our data suggest that the use of so-called “fake campaigns” to win more creativity awards does not prove to be effective.


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The Business and Information Technologies (BIT) project strives to reveal new insights into how modern IT impacts organizational structures and business practices using empirical methods. Due to its international scope, it allows for inter-country comparison of empirical results. Germany — represented by the European School of Management and Technologies (ESMT) and the Institute of Information Systems at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin — joined the BIT project in 2006. This report presents the result of the first survey conducted in Germany during November–December 2006. The key results are as follows: • The most widely adopted technologies and systems in Germany are websites, wireless hardware and software, groupware/productivity tools, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The biggest potential for growth exists for collaboration and portal tools, content management systems, business process modelling, and business intelligence applications. A number of technological solutions have not yet been adopted by many organizations but also bear some potential, in particular identity management solutions, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), biometrics, and third-party authentication and verification. • IT security remains on the top of the agenda for most enterprises: budget spending was increasing in the last 3 years. • The workplace and work requirements are changing. IT is used to monitor employees' performance in Germany, but less heavily compared to the United States (Karmarkar and Mangal, 2007).1 The demand for IT skills is increasing at all corporate levels. Executives are asking for more and better structured information and this, in turn, triggers the appearance of new decision-making tools and online technologies on the market. • The internal organization of companies in Germany is underway: organizations are becoming flatter, even though the trend is not as pronounced as in the United States (Karmarkar and Mangal, 2007), and the geographical scope of their operations is increasing. Modern IT plays an important role in enabling this development, e.g. telecommuting, teleconferencing, and other web-based collaboration formats are becoming increasingly popular in the corporate context. • The degree to which outsourcing is being pursued is quite limited with little change expected. IT services, payroll, and market research are the most widely outsourced business functions. This corresponds to the results from other countries. • Up to now, the adoption of e-business technologies has had a rather limited effect on marketing functions. Companies tend to extract synergies from traditional printed media and on-line advertising. • The adoption of e-business has not had a major impact on marketing capabilities and strategy yet. Traditional methods of customer segmentation are still dominating. The corporate identity of most organizations does not change significantly when going online. • Online sales channel are mainly viewed as a complement to the traditional distribution means. • Technology adoption has caused production and organizational costs to decrease. However, the costs of technology acquisition and maintenance as well as consultancy and internal communication costs have increased.


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This study assessed the impact of cigarette advertising on adolescent susceptibility to smoking in the Hempstead and Hitchcock Independent School Districts. A convenience sample of 217 youths, 10-19 years of age was recruited in the study. Students completed both a paper-and-pencil and a computer-aided questionnaire in April 1996. Adolescents were defined as susceptible to smoking if they could not definitely rule out the possibility of future smoking. For the analysis, an index was devised: a 5-point index of an individual's receptivity to cigarette advertising. The index is determined by the number of positive responses to five survey items (recognizing cigarette brand logos, recognizing cigarette advertisement's pictures, recognizing cigarette brand slogans, evaluating adolescent attitudes toward cigarette advertising, and the degree to which adolescents were exposed to cigarette advertisements). Using logistic regression, we assessed the independent importance of the index in predicting susceptibility to smoking and ever smoking after adjusting for sociodemographic variables, perceived school performance and family composition. Of students surveyed, 54.4% of students appeared to have started the smoking uptake process as measured by susceptibility to smoking. Camel was recognized by the majority of students (88%), followed by Marlboro (41.5%) and Newport (40.1%). The pattern for recognition of the cigarette advertisements was the same as the pattern of market for cigarette. Advertisement featuring the cartoon character Joe Camel was significantly more appealing to adolescents than were advertisements with human models, with animal models, and with text only (p $<$ 0.001). Text only advertisement was significantly less appealing than other types of advertisements. The cigarette advertisement with White models (Marlboro) had significantly higher appeal to White students than to African-American students (p $<$ 0.001). The cigarette advertisement featuring African-American models (Virginia Slims) was significantly more appealing to African-American students than other ethnic groups (p $<$ 0.001). Receptivity to cigarette advertising was to be an important concurrent predictor of past smoking experience and intention to smoke in the future. Adolescents who scored in the fourth quartile of the Index of Receptivity to Cigarette Advertising were 7.54 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.92-29.56) times as likely to be susceptible to smoking, and were 4.56 (95% CI = 1.55-13.38) times as likely to have tried smoking, as those who scored in the first quartile of the Index. The findings confirmed the hypothesis that cigarette advertising may be a strong current influence in encouraging adolescents to initiate the smoking uptake process than sociodemographic variables, perceived school performance and family composition. ^


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Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been attracting increasing attention for decades due to their broad civilian and military applications. Basically, a MANET or WSN is a network of nodes connected by wireless communication links. Due to the limited transmission range of the radio, many pairs of nodes in MANETs or WSNs may not be able to communicate directly, hence they need other intermediate nodes to forward packets for them. Routing in such types of networks is an important issue and it poses great challenges due to the dynamic nature of MANETs or WSNs. On the one hand, the open-air nature of wireless environments brings many difficulties when an efficient routing solution is required. The wireless channel is unreliable due to fading and interferences, which makes it impossible to maintain a quality path from a source node to a destination node. Additionally, node mobility aggravates network dynamics, which causes frequent topology changes and brings significant overheads for maintaining and recalculating paths. Furthermore, mobile devices and sensors are usually constrained by battery capacity, computing and communication resources, which impose limitations on the functionalities of routing protocols. On the other hand, the wireless medium possesses inherent unique characteristics, which can be exploited to enhance transmission reliability and routing performance. Opportunistic routing (OR) is one promising technique that takes advantage of the spatial diversity and broadcast nature of the wireless medium to improve packet forwarding reliability in multihop wireless communication. OR combats the unreliable wireless links by involving multiple neighboring nodes (forwarding candidates) to choose packet forwarders. In opportunistic routing, a source node does not require an end-to-end path to transmit packets. The packet forwarding decision is made hop-by-hop in a fully distributed fashion. Motivated by the deficiencies of existing opportunistic routing protocols in dynamic environments such as mobile ad-hoc networks or wireless sensor networks, this thesis proposes a novel context-aware adaptive opportunistic routing scheme. Our proposal selects packet forwarders by simultaneously exploiting multiple types of cross-layer context information of nodes and environments. Our approach significantly outperforms other routing protocols that rely solely on a single metric. The adaptivity feature of our proposal enables network nodes to adjust their behaviors at run-time according to network conditions. To accommodate the strict energy constraints in WSNs, this thesis integrates adaptive duty-cycling mechanism to opportunistic routing for wireless sensor nodes. Our approach dynamically adjusts the sleeping intervals of sensor nodes according to the monitored traffic load and the estimated energy consumption rate. Through the integration of duty cycling of sensor nodes and opportunistic routing, our protocol is able to provide a satisfactory balance between good routing performance and energy efficiency for WSNs.


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This research examines whether female consumers benefit from brand strategies that attempt to decrease their self-discrepancies by setting more realistic ideals (i.e., therapeutic advertising, such as Body Shop, Aerie, and Always). The results of our preliminary study reveal that therapeutic advertising leads to stronger self-conscious emotions than idealistic advertising. More specifically, it leads to stronger emotions of both pride and shame. However, the latter only holds true for female consumers low in self-liking and high difficulties in abandoning unattainable goals. Female consumers who like themselves and are able to abandon unattainable goals do not feel more ashamed when being exposed to therapeutic advertising compared to idealized advertising. These findings have implications for marketing managers and policy makers.