841 resultados para Mobile Social Networks
In wireless sensor networks, the routing algorithms currently available assume that the sensor nodes are stationary. Therefore when mobility modulation is applied to the wireless sensor networks, most of the current routing algorithms suffer from performance degradation. The path breaks in mobile wireless networks are due to the movement of mobile nodes, node failure, channel fading and shadowing. It is desirable to deal with dynamic topology changes with optimal effort in terms of resource and channel utilization. As the nodes in wireless sensor medium make use of wireless broadcast to communicate, it is possible to make use of neighboring node information to recover from path failure. Cooperation among the neighboring nodes plays an important role in the context of routing among the mobile nodes. This paper proposes an enhancement to an existing protocol for accommodating node mobility through neighboring node information while keeping the utilization of resources to a minimum.
In wireless sensor networks, the routing algorithms currently available assume that the sensor nodes are stationary. Therefore when mobility modulation is applied to the wireless sensor networks, most of the current routing algorithms suffer from performance degradation. The path breaks in mobile wireless networks are due to the movement of mobile nodes, node failure, channel fading and shadowing. It is desirable to deal with dynamic topology changes with optimal effort in terms of resource and channel utilization. As the nodes in wireless sensor medium make use of wireless broadcast to communicate, it is possible to make use of neighboring node information to recover from path failure. Cooperation among the neighboring nodes plays an important role in the context of routing among the mobile nodes. This paper proposes an enhancement to an existing protocol for accommodating node mobility through neighboring node information while keeping the utilization of resources to a minimum.
Wireless sensor networks monitor their surrounding environment for the occurrence of some anticipated phenomenon. Most of the research related to sensor networks considers the static deployment of sensor nodes. Mobility of sensor node can be considered as an extra dimension of complexity, which poses interesting and challenging problems. Node mobility is a very important aspect in the design of effective routing algorithm for mobile wireless networks. In this work we intent to present the impact of different mobility models on the performance of the wireless sensor networks. Routing characteristics of various routing protocols for ad-hoc network were studied considering different mobility models. Performance metrics such as end-to-end delay, throughput and routing load were considered and their variations in the case of mobility models like Freeway, RPGM were studied. This work will be useful to figure out the characteristics of routing protocols depending on the mobility patterns of sensors
Tourism is an industry which is heavily dependent on marketing. Mouth to mouth communication has played a major role in shaping a number of destinations.This is particularly true in modern parlance.This is social networking phenomenon which is fast spreading over the internet .Many sites provide visitors a lot of freedom to express their views.Promotion of a destination depends lot on conversation and exchange of information over these social networks.This paper analyses the social networking sites their contribution to marketing tourism and hoapitality .The negetive impacts phenomena are also discussed
Social Networks on the World Wide Web - lecture by Dr. Jennifer Golbeck
What are fundamental entities in social networks and what information is contained in social graphs? We will discuss some selected concepts in social network analysis, such as one- and two mode networks, prestige and centrality, and cliques, clans and clubs. Readings: Web tool predicts election results and stock prices, J. Palmer, New Scientist, 07 February (2008) [Protected Access] Optional: Social Network Analysis, Methods and Applications, S. Wasserman and K. Faust (1994)
La publicidad en una empresa suele ser la parte más costosa para promover el producto y además suele ser de gran impacto y corta duración o de poco impacto pero con una duración mayor. La publicidad tradicional es de fácil monitoreo, pero predecible en algunos casos, ya que su divulgación está ligada a quién y cómo se dirijan los esfuerzos de las marcas por dar a entender su idea principal. La razón de un negocio es vender y perdurar en el tiempo por lo que es fundamental tener una manera efectiva de dar el mensaje, mostrar y recordar un producto. La experiencia de compra y la experiencia de uso son aspectos decisivos en el momento de volver a comprar, pero aún más importante, es la fidelidad del individuo ya que puede producir un gran impacto en los otros consumidores que tienen en cuenta las opiniones de los demás compradores. La publicidad nos da un gran campo de acción e innovación, el cual debemos explotar de manera inteligente y estratégica, siendo claros a la hora de transmitir el mensaje y generando un estrecho canal de comunicación en el que no existan barreras que dificulten la comprensión del mensaje a transmitir. Es acá donde las empresas se dan cuenta que es fundamental conocer cuáles son los aspectos favorables al difundir información, como en este caso sería la gente bien relacionada en el eje central de las redes sociales que van a acoger un producto y promoverlo ampliamente entre las personas de su círculo social. Por esta razón decidimos escoger las redes sociales como la mejor estrategia digital para el nuevo lanzamiento de cremas corporales de la marca Hinds.
Curriculum Innovation Programme - Online Social Networks (UOSM2012) - Networks as Graphs
Real-time geoparsing of social media streams (e.g. Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Flickr, FourSquare) is providing a new 'virtual sensor' capability to end users such as emergency response agencies (e.g. Tsunami early warning centres, Civil protection authorities) and news agencies (e.g. Deutsche Welle, BBC News). Challenges in this area include scaling up natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval (IR) approaches to handle real-time traffic volumes, reducing false positives, creating real-time infographic displays useful for effective decision support and providing support for trust and credibility analysis using geosemantics. I will present in this seminar on-going work by the IT Innovation Centre over the last 4 years (TRIDEC and REVEAL FP7 projects) in building such systems, and highlights our research towards improving trustworthy and credible of crisis map displays and real-time analytics for trending topics and influential social networks during major news worthy events.
Abstract 1: Social Networks such as Twitter are often used for disseminating and collecting information during natural disasters. The potential for its use in Disaster Management has been acknowledged. However, more nuanced understanding of the communications that take place on social networks are required to more effectively integrate this information into the processes within disaster management. The type and value of information shared should be assessed, determining the benefits and issues, with credibility and reliability as known concerns. Mapping the tweets in relation to the modelled stages of a disaster can be a useful evaluation for determining the benefits/drawbacks of using data from social networks, such as Twitter, in disaster management.A thematic analysis of tweets’ content, language and tone during the UK Storms and Floods 2013/14 was conducted. Manual scripting was used to determine the official sequence of events, and classify the stages of the disaster into the phases of the Disaster Management Lifecycle, to produce a timeline. Twenty- five topics discussed on Twitter emerged, and three key types of tweets, based on the language and tone, were identified. The timeline represents the events of the disaster, according to the Met Office reports, classed into B. Faulkner’s Disaster Management Lifecycle framework. Context is provided when observing the analysed tweets against the timeline. This illustrates a potential basis and benefit for mapping tweets into the Disaster Management Lifecycle phases. Comparing the number of tweets submitted in each month with the timeline, suggests users tweet more as an event heightens and persists. Furthermore, users generally express greater emotion and urgency in their tweets.This paper concludes that the thematic analysis of content on social networks, such as Twitter, can be useful in gaining additional perspectives for disaster management. It demonstrates that mapping tweets into the phases of a Disaster Management Lifecycle model can have benefits in the recovery phase, not just in the response phase, to potentially improve future policies and activities. Abstract2: The current execution of privacy policies, as a mode of communicating information to users, is unsatisfactory. Social networking sites (SNS) exemplify this issue, attracting growing concerns regarding their use of personal data and its effect on user privacy. This demonstrates the need for more informative policies. However, SNS lack the incentives required to improve policies, which is exacerbated by the difficulties of creating a policy that is both concise and compliant. Standardization addresses many of these issues, providing benefits for users and SNS, although it is only possible if policies share attributes which can be standardized. This investigation used thematic analysis and cross- document structure theory, to assess the similarity of attributes between the privacy policies (as available in August 2014), of the six most frequently visited SNS globally. Using the Jaccard similarity coefficient, two types of attribute were measured; the clauses used by SNS and the coverage of forty recommendations made by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office. Analysis showed that whilst similarity in the clauses used was low, similarity in the recommendations covered was high, indicating that SNS use different clauses, but to convey similar information. The analysis also showed that low similarity in the clauses was largely due to differences in semantics, elaboration and functionality between SNS. Therefore, this paper proposes that the policies of SNS already share attributes, indicating the feasibility of standardization and five recommendations are made to begin facilitating this, based on the findings of the investigation.
La Ciencia Política siempre ha buscado profundizar en el fenómeno del poder y sus causas. Las teorías han cambiado conforme a las circunstancias sociales a lo largo de la historia; no obstante, en la actualidad las dinámicas de comunicación facilitadas por elementos tecnológicos han generado coyunturas sin antecedentes como la ocurrida en Colombia el 4 de febrero de 2008 “Un Millón de voces contra las FARC” La generalización en el uso de Internet y –sobre todo- las redes sociales ha producido un acelerado nivel de activismo debido a la facilidad de cooperación y coordinación que se deriva de estructuras en red. Es sano pensar en una reevaluación de la teoría tradicional del poder vertical y traer al campo teórico nuevos elementos que generen herramientas de análisis sobre comunicación, poder horizontal, activismo y oportunidades políticas. El nacimiento de lo que algunos llaman “sociedad informacional” es lo que permitirá describir el concepto de “noopolitik”. Las que otrora eran movilizaciones políticas costosas y exigentes en recursos de coordinación y tiempo han venido siendo reemplazadas por explosiones de activismo catalizadas por un sentimiento común que han sabido servirse de las ventajas tecnológicas para lograr sus objetivos. Bien habla de ello el caso de estudio de esta investigación al ser la movilización más grande registrada, con más de 12 millones de personas alrededor del mundo y con el uso protagónico de redes sociales. El valor de la información –y por supuesto su difusión-, es ahora uno de los principales asuntos de la Ciencia Política moderna.
La crisis que se desató en el mercado hipotecario en Estados Unidos en 2008 y que logró propagarse a lo largo de todo sistema financiero, dejó en evidencia el nivel de interconexión que actualmente existe entre las entidades del sector y sus relaciones con el sector productivo, dejando en evidencia la necesidad de identificar y caracterizar el riesgo sistémico inherente al sistema, para que de esta forma las entidades reguladoras busquen una estabilidad tanto individual, como del sistema en general. El presente documento muestra, a través de un modelo que combina el poder informativo de las redes y su adecuación a un modelo espacial auto regresivo (tipo panel), la importancia de incorporar al enfoque micro-prudencial (propuesto en Basilea II), una variable que capture el efecto de estar conectado con otras entidades, realizando así un análisis macro-prudencial (propuesto en Basilea III).
Los asistentes virtuales son herramientas inteligentes que ayudan a los usuarios a buscar información en un conglomerado de recursos web. El despliegue natural de los mismos se realiza en las propias páginas web, donde permiten resolver las dudas de los usuarios formuladas en lenguaje natural usando técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial. En este artículo presentamos las características más relevantes del asistente virtual Elvira y su integración en la página web de la Universidad de Granada. De forma paralela a la aparición de los asistentes virtuales, en la última década, los avances tecnológicos han hecho que el acceso a la información se produzca desde diferentes fuentes, trasladando la necesidad de la asistencia artificial a otros ámbitos. En este trabajo, detallamos la ampliación de los despliegues del asistente virtual Elvira sobre dispositivos móviles y redes sociales.
The following contribution pretends to cope with the demands of a globalised, post-modern environment through the design and implementation of an online international project where an SNS is used in order to join English as Second Language (ESL) students from different parts of the world. The design of the project appears around the implementation of the Bologna process in the Faculty of Education from the University of Girona where the basic prerequisite of all students to acquire English at the level B1 of the Common European Portfolio makes English a compulsory competence for communication among its higher education candidates in order to develop in the world. Together with the University of Girona, there is the International Educational and Resources Network (iEARN) which promotes the participation of schools around the world in online international projects