932 resultados para Microscope and microscopy
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Amostrou-se mensalmente, durante 2001, ácaros de Mabea fistulifera Mart. em dois fragmentos de mata, um urbano e outro rural. em cada local e coleta, foram coletadas 20 folhas de cada um de três exemplares de M. fistulifera. As folhas foram examinadas sob estereomicroscópio e todos os ácaros encontrados, montados em lâminas e identificados e contados sob microscópio com contraste de fase. A diversidade e a uniformidade de espécies foram analisadas através dos índices de Shannon-Wiener e Pielou, respectivamente. O índice de similaridade de Morisita-Horn foi utilizado para determinar o grau de semelhança entre as áreas. A diversidade máxima teórica e a constância também foram determinadas. O índice de correlação de Pearson foi utilizado para verificar possíveis relações entre a abundância de ácaros com a pluviosidade. No fragmento urbano foram coletados 6326 ácaros pertencentes a 31 espécies, e no rural, 2330 ácaros de 25 espécies. Nos dois fragmentos, a diversidade excedeu 50% da diversidade máxima teórica, entretanto, no rural verificou-se maior diversidade. Registrou-se também, grande abundância de fitófagos, que foi maior no urbano, provavelmente como resultado do estresse das plantas favorecendo o desenvolvimento dos fitófagos. Alguns predadores apresentaram grande abundância durante a floração de M. fistulifera, provavelmente por utilizarem o pólen como alimento. A maior abundância de Euseius citrifolius Denmark & Muma, na estação seca, pode estar correlacionada com a maior disponibilidade de pólen, e não com a menor pluviosidade do período.
Objectives. This study compared the durability of repair bond strength of a resin composite to a reinforced ceramic after three repair systems.Methods. Alumina-reinforced feldspathic ceramic blocks (Vitadur-alpha(R)) (N=30) were randomly divided into three groups according to the repair method: PR-Porcelain Repair Kit (Bisco) [etching with 9.5% hydrofluoric acid + silanization + adhesive]; CJ-CoJet Repair Kit (3M ESPE) [(chairside silica coating with 30 mu m SiO2 + silanization (ESPE(R)-Sil) + adhesive (Visio(TM)-Bond)]; CL-Clearfil Repair Kit [diamond surface roughening, etching with 40% H3PO4 + Clearfil Porcelain Bond Activator + Clearfil SE Bond)]. Resin composite was photo-polymerized on each conditioned ceramic block. Non-trimmed beam specimens were produced for the microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) tests. In order to study the hydrolytic durability of the repair methods, the beam specimens obtained from each block were randomly assigned to two conditions. Half of the specimens were tested either immediately after beam production (Dry) or after long-term water storage (37 degrees C, 150 days) followed by thermocyling (12,000 cycles, 5-55 degrees C) in a universal testing machine (1 mm/min). Failure types were analyzed under an optical microscope and SEM.Results. mu TBS results were significantly affected by the repair method (p=0.0001) and the aging conditions (p=0.0001) (two-way ANOVA, Tukey's test). In dry testing conditions, PR method showed significantly higher (p < 0.001) repair bond strength (19.8 +/- 3.8 MPa) than those of CJ and CL (12.4 +/- 4.7 and 9.9 +/- 2.9, respectively). After long-term water storage and thermocycling, CJ revealed significantly higher results (14.5 +/- 3.1 MPa) than those of PR (12.1 +/- 2.6 MPa) (p < 0.01) and CL (4.2 +/- 2.1 MPa) (p < 0.001). In all groups when tested in dry conditions, cohesive failure in the composite accompanied with adhesive failure at the interface (mixed failures), was frequently observed (76%, 80%, 65% for PR, CJ and CL, respectively). After aging conditions, while the specimens treated with PR and CJ presented primarily mixed failure types (52% and 87%, respectively), CL group presented mainly complete adhesive failures at the interface (70%).Significance. Hydrolytic stability of the repair method based on silica coating and silanization was superior to the other repair strategies for the ceramic tested. (C) 2009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar, um mês após a realização da enxertia hipocotiledonar, a conexão entre os tecidos vasculares do enxerto e do porta-enxerto e diferenças anatômicas na formação da união da enxertia entre os sete porta-enxertos. Coletaram-se amostras da região de enxertia de duas mudas de cada combinação enxerto/porta-enxerto. As regiões da enxertia foram fixadas, desidratadas em série alcoólica, incluídas em parafina, emblocadas e seccionadas em micrótomo. As secções obtidas foram montadas em lâminas de vidro, desparafinizadas, coradas com safranina e novamente desidratadas, obtendo-se lâminas histológicas permanentes. Cerca de 800 secções foram observadas e analisadas sob microscópio óptico e fotomicrografadas. Não se verificou diferença anatômica na formação da união da enxertia entre os sete porta-enxertos, e um mês após a realização da enxertia, a conexão entre os tecidos vasculares do enxerto e do porta-enxerto era observável.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo descrever a morfologia do fruto, da semente e do desenvolvimento pós-seminal de oiti (Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch.). As sementes e os frutos foram avaliados quanto às dimensões e forma por meio de mensurações com paquímetro digital e observações realizadas em microscópio estereoscópico e microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Os frutos de oiti são drupáceos, elípticos, monospérmicos, carnosos, indeiscentes, com pedúnculos não articulados, epicarpo liso, glabro, de coloração amarela a alaranjada, mesocarpo carnoso, fibroso, coloração amarela a laranja e endocarpo membranáceo, de coloração branca a creme, medindo aproximadamente 6,19cm de comprimento, 3,3cm de largura, 39,5g de massa fresca e 17,3g de massa seca. As sementes são exalbuminosas, de forma elíptica, com tegumento liso, de coloração marrom, de cartáceo a coriáceo, com rafe visível longitudinalmente, micrópila inconspícua e hilo pouco aparente, com cotilédones crassos, elípticos e plano-convexos, de coloração creme a levemente rósea. O embrião é diminuto, reto, central, com eixo embrionário diferenciado em plúmula e eixo hipocótilo-radicular. O comprimento, largura e massa fresca e seca das sementes são cerca de 4,07, 2,18cm, 12,7 e 7,2g, respectivamente. A germinação é criptocotiledonar hipógea, com eófilos alterno-dísticos e lanosos, com estômatos paracíticos e duas glândulas na base do limbo ou, raramente no ápice, na face abaxial da folha.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, in vitro, o efeito da adição de 1 mg pentoxifilina por mL de amostras seminais diluídas em meio Kenney, e resfriadas a 5º C, de garanhões normospérmicos, sobre os seguintes parâmetros: taxas de motilidade total e motilidade progressiva, velocidade espermática ao longo da trajetória real, índice retilíneo, taxa de linearidade, velocidade progressiva, taxa de viabilidade e taxa de integridade da membrana plasmática. Foram avaliados 20 ejaculados de quatro garanhões, com o auxílio do Hamilton Thorn Research (Animal Version 12.0 L, EUA), em câmara de Makler. A taxa de viabilidade foi realizada por coloração de eosina e microscopia de contraste e a taxa de integridade de membrana, por coloração com fluorocromos, iodeto de propídio e diacetato de carboxifluoresceina e microscopia de fluorescência. As análises foram realizadas aos 30, 60, e 120 minutos de incubação a 37º C, após 12, 24 e 48 horas de resfriamento a 5ºC. A pentoxifilina incrementou significativamente, em relação ao grupo controle, os parâmetros espermáticos relacionados à motilidade dos espermatozóides e de integridade da membrana plasmática, durante todo o período de incubação, da seguinte forma: taxa de motilidade total em 8,2%; motilidade progressiva em 4,7%; velocidade real em 23,1 mm/s; taxa de espermatozóides com velocidade rápida em 7,4%; taxa de viabilidade em 4,7%; e integridade da membrana plasmática em 3,5 % do tratado. Quanto aos parâmetros índice de retilinidade e linearidade, não foi observada diferença significativa entre os grupos. Os resultados obtidos nas condições deste experimento indicam que a adição de pentoxifilina ao ejaculado resfriado de garanhões, até 48 horas após o resfriamento, pode ser benéfica à qualidade dos espermatozóides para uso na inseminação artificial.
Mercury thin films prepared by electrochemical deposition on Pt-Ir alloy and after partial removing of mercury at different temperatures were studied by means of an interferometric surface mapping microscope and by X-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy. Mercury film samples having mercury partially removed by anodic stripping at a potential more positive than the corresponding peak in the voltammogram were also studied using the same techniques. For blank samples the surface topographic studies showed well defined grain boundaries. Mercury film samples when heated up to different temperatures showed as material is removed and that the surface roughness decreases as the temperature increases. For samples heated up to 800 degrees C the surface roughness is approximately the same that for the blank. A model for the interphase of volumetric mercury electrodeposited on a Pt-Ir alloy has been proposed using samples both electrochemically and thermally removed of their Hg coatings. The model includes a layered three-region structure, containing at least two Pt-Hg intermetallics: PtHg4 and PtHg2. A substrate modified region, iridium rich, has also been detected. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. S.A. All rights reserved.
Guazuma ulmifolia is as popular reforestation tree all over Latin America. It is characteristic of the initial stages of the secondary sucession and presents potential utility in the restoring of degraded areas. There is no information about fruit,seed and seedling morphology, which is of fundamental importance for identification, extraction, management and seed germination as well as for the characterization of post-seminal development and normal seedling pattern. To obtain such information, external fruit, and external and internal seed structures were studied considering shape, size, micropile and embryo localization; and tegumentar structures. All stages of this work were conduced in the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus of Jaboticabal city. The fruits were collected in a mixed plantation in Jaboticabal city, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For the bio metric study eight repetitions of ten fruits and eight repetitions of 100 seeds were utilized. For seed internal traits study, 50 seeds were drenched in a distiled water, cut, and observed with a scanning electron microscope and a stereomicroscope, For post-seminal study ten repetitions of seven seeds were scarificated chemically with sulphuric acid during 50 min, and placed to germinate ina culture medium, at 30 degrees C, and eight hours of photoperiod. We found elipsoid, woody, indehiscent, pentacarpelar fruits, with a mean lenght of 22.61 mm (diameter 24.88 mm) and 64.0 seeds per fruit. Seed shape varies, mean length is 3.07 mm (width of 2.36 mm). The seed is bitegumented, tegmic, with a continuous, axial and curved embryo. The germination is epigeal and the seedlings are fanerocotiledoneus. Drawings of all stages are included.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Guazuma ulmifolia is as popular reforestation tree all over Latin America. It is characteristic of the initial stages of the secondary sucession and presents potential utility in the restoring of degraded areas. There is no information about fruit, seed and seedling morphology, which is of fundamental importance for identification, extraction, management and seed germination as well as for the characterization of post-seminal development and normal seedling pattern. To obtain such information, external fruit, and external and internal seed structures were studied considenng shape, size, micropile and embryo localization, and tegumentar structures. All stages of this work were conduced in the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus of Jaboticabal city. The fruits were collected in a mixed plantation in Jaboticabal city, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For the biometric study eight repetitions of ten fruits and eight repetitions of 100 seeds were utilized. For seed internal traits study, 50 seeds were drenched in a distiled water, cut, and observed with a scanning electron microscope and a stereomicroscope. For post-seminal study ten repetitions of seven seeds were scarificated chemically with sulphuric acid during 50 min, and placed to germinate in a culture medium, at 30°C, and eight hours of photoperiod. We found elipsoid, woody, indehiscent, pentacarpelar fruits, with a mean lenght of 22.61 mm (diameter 24.88 mm) and 64.0 seeds per fruit. Seed shape varies, mean length is 3.07 mm (width of 2.36 mm).The seed is bitegumented, tegmic, with a continuous, axial and curved embryo. The germination is epigeal and the seedlings are fanerocotiledoneus. Drawings of all stages are included.
The following parameters of the biological cycle of the Rhodnius neglectus were determined under a temperature of 28°C and relative humidity of the air varying between 52-94%: a) average period of incubation: 13.67 days; b) rate of the eggs eclosion: 86.18%; c) average period of growth of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th instar nymphs: 18.91, 15.19, 21.38, 21.34, 30.43 days, respectively; d) percentage of death in the instar nymphs: 13.82, 18.26, 9.95, 8.78, 15.06% respectively; e) percentage of changes per instar nymphs: 86.18, 81.74, 90.05, 91.22, 84.94% respectively. The morphometric study with the stereoscopic microscope and Leica image analyses system, using the Qwin software, of the five instar nymphs showed that in the five instar nymphs a gradual growth of the head, thorax and abdomen occurs. In all the instars the abdomen is the largest segment. In the four first instars the head is larger than the thorax. In the fifth instar the head and the thorax present equivalent sizes.
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of cement thickness on the bond strength of a fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) post system to the root dentin. Eighteen single-rooted human teeth were decoronated (length: 16 mm), the canals were prepared, and the specimens were randomly allocated to 2 groups (n = 9): group 1 (low cement thickness), in which size 3 FRC posts were cemented using adhesive plus resin cement; and group 2 (high cement thickness), in which size 1 FRC posts were cemented as in group 1. Specimens were sectioned, producing 5 samples (thickness: 1.5 mm). For cement thickness evaluation, photographs of the samples were taken using an optical microscope, and the images were analyzed. Each sample was tested in push-out, and data were statistically analyzed. Bond strengths of groups 1 and 2 did not show significant differences (P = .558), but the cement thicknesses for these groups were significantly different (P < .0001). The increase in cement thickness did not significantly affect the bond strength (r2 = 0.1389, P = .936). Increased cement thickness surrounding the FRC post did not impair the bond strength.
This paper describes the development of a mechatronic system for a predictive maintenance grounded on wear particle analysis. The reckoning of wear particles containing in lubricating industrial oils brings the image acquisition system into being. The ISO 4406:1999 standard is a guide to establish the counting and evaluation processes of particles. The system applied to the acquisition and analysis of the data consists of a digital camera, a monocular microscope and an oil filtering system. A computational program was developed with the application of Visual Microsoft C++ in a way to detain the oil sample image from the microscope slide to the computer screen. Quantitative analyses of the wear debris particles bulk are exploited applying a graphical interface that was developed to render the image processing of the sample test. The implemented system has a reachable cost thus it can be applied for schooling goals and for bolstering laboratories of minor industries and medium size companies.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of manual and rotary instrumentation techniques for removing root fillings after different storage times. Twenty-four canals from palatal roots of human maxillary molars were instrumented and filled with gutta-percha and zinc-oxide eugenol-based sealer (Endofill), and were stored in saline for 6 years. Non-aged control specimens were treated in the same manner and stored for 1 week. All canals were retreated using hand files or ProTaper Universal NiTi rotary system. Radiographs were taken to determine the amount of remaining material in the canals. The roots were vertically split, the halves were examined with a clinical microscope and the obtained images were digitized. The images were evaluated with AutoCAD software and the percentage of residual material was calculated. Data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between the manual and rotary techniques for filling material removal regardless the ageing effect on endodontic sealers. When only the age of the filling material was analyzed microscopically, non-aged fillings that remained on the middle third of the canals presented a higher percentage of material remaining (p<0.05) compared to the aged sealers and to the other thirds of the roots. The apical third showed a higher percentage of residual filling material in both radiographic and microscopic analysis when compared to the other root thirds. In conclusion, all canals presented residual filling material after endodontic retreatment procedures. Microscopic analysis was more effective than radiographs for detection of residual filling material.